

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Tuesday to All,

    Today marks my one week back on the wagon and it's been pretty successful, down #4....sure would love to keep up that pace but most likely won't. Drinking the water this time around is sooooo much easier, specially since I know it washes out all the bad stuff:wink:

    Chiclet, so sorry you are experiencing so much stress with the care of your Mom. The one thing I learned from when I was working with my Mom before she passed in Oct 2010 was that Mom's can be very stubborn and they will only do what they want. I agree with everyone else that you need to find some "Me time"....getting on MFP and reading some of the topics for inspiration might help too...in the meantime HUGS to you:flowerforyou:

    There used to be a time when I loved my job (as my DIL's keep reminding me) now is NOT that time:noway: My boss just filed for Chapter 11 yesterday, and the lawyer sent us a 37 pg document with a ton of paper work that he needs in the next 15 days...just the thought that I have to read those 37 pages overwhelms me. :ohwell: Yesterday I was able to get the check book balanced and today I need to start working on sales tax reports....which I hate doing:grumble:

    #1 Son and DIL's home in Vegas is facing forclosure, and since hubby & I co-signed when they bought it...we are in that paper mess too.....with hubby having no job since last March and me not getting paychecks since last June...we don't have anything to bail them out:huh: what a mess!

    #2 DIL is pregnant with grandchild #3 and has been very sick:sick: and we haven't seen them since Christmas, we are hoping to get together with them this weekend. #2 Son is back at school so she hasn't seen too much of him since last Friday, they lead really busy lives.

    #3 Son & DIL are working on getting letter's together to send to family & friends, they are going to Rowanda in June with their church to work with orphans, they will be gone for 2 weeks, and they seem to be doing the best of the three:happy:

    Well I'd best get to the papers that are calling me. Pedometer in place and water on hand I will succeed at this....once again....one day at a time:drinker:

  • JoMFrasca
    JoMFrasca Posts: 61 Member
    1. There are comments about making your meals public. How does that work?


    It's a setting that you choose. Look under the Food tab to the subtab called Settings, click on Change Food Diary and there is a place to check where you can choose to share your food diary. You can share it with Friends only, which is what I do, or make it Public so anyone can see it. I hope that helps.

  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good morning - this is my TUesday post!

    One thing I want to tell all the newcomers (welcome if I haven't already welcomed you) is that we are up in the 440+ of messages on this thread. When it gets to 500 it is full, so any messages you post will go into the wild blue yonder. So look for the January Part II board. I was lost the first time that happened.

    Chiclet - I do hope the new insurance works out for you to get some respite. Does the whole month have to be taken at one time or could you get 2 two weeks, but perhaps a month might be better if it would make a good change for your mum.

    A nice day here at the moment, +1 but it is supposed to drop rapidly during the day to about -7 by the end of the afternoon and a lot colder overnight.

    I am teaching this afternoon, but know that one or two students won't be coming this week - driving kids who are going back to university and medical appointments.

    Tomorrow - back to aquafit so I'm looking forward to that.
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    Cindyw7, the Isagenix diet was Barbie, not me. I don't know.

    I am prediabetic and eat a very low carb diet. I found a book on amazon.com for low carb, slow cooker dishes for diabetics. 200 Low Carb Slow Cooker Recipes. It makes the food nice and squishy. I eat lots of soft food too. When I was 40, I cracked both upper and lower molars on one side of my mouth. Turns out my back teeth didn't quite fit together properly, and no one had ever noticed. I was living overseas at the time. Not the best dentists in the world. The denist ground ground down the tops on all my molars, on both sides, so I wouldn't crack more teeth chewing. The result is that I have to chew about twice as long as most people, so I like soft food. I like to make a big, slow cooker pot full of a mixture of soft, low carb veggies every day, and I can snack on it. I have one dish I call my gumbo ratatouille. It has okra, tomatoes, onions, celery, mushrooms, zuccinni, summer squash, and leeks as a base. You have to use only the softer, white parts of the leeks. I add whatever leftovers I have from the previous night's meal (that will be chicken, cauliflower and broccoli today) after it's cooked and leave the whole thing on a keep warm setting. Sometimes I mix in very, very small amounts of high protein grains, such as quinoa or barley, just for texture. You can take the juice from this, blend it in a skillet with oil and milled flax seeds, and make a gravy.

    There are lots of slow cooker dishes that will make meat soft.

    To cook meat really soft quickly I brown it in a skillet with Canola oil, let it cook partially, and then take it out of the pan and shred it or slice it into thin strips. Then I stir fry it a little on medium heat till it's fully cooked but still soft. You can add chopped onions and chopped mushrooms, chopped green onions, or very thin slices of leeks (the white parts) as you stir. Leeks are good for making lots of goo. So is precooked barley, but obly a tiny bit of barley. When you finish, take the food out of the skillet asap, so it won't dry out from the heat of the pan, put it in a covered bowl, add a couple of tablespoons of chicken, beef, or vegetable stock to the pan, stir on low heat, and you have a sauce.

    Usually, the trick to keeping from feeling hungry is to keep you blood sugar as constant as possible. I follow The Insulin Resistance Diet book plan, which is to eat no more than 30 net carbs (that's carbs minus fiber) in any two hour period and to always eat protein at the same time - at least half as many grams of protein as you eat carbs. But I really do need to eat every 2-3 hours, and it's important to eat before I get hungry.

    Finally, I love Glucerna diabetic shakes, which you can buy at most any big grocery or drug store chain store. They're designed to keep diabetics blood sugar level, and they do that well. I often chug one down if I need to run out to run an errand or walk the dogs and realize it's been 2-3 hours since I last ate,

    I didn't make my food diary public, because it mostly looks like a grocery list of ingredients that would make no sense unless you knew what I was doing with the ingredients, and it has seven meals a day on it.

    I started a group for diabetics and prediabetics here. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/529-diabetics-and-prediabetics
    We'd love to have you join us
  • lovetolaugh544
    Thank you, Barbi for this group! :flowerforyou:

    I'm over 60 and need the support of the "senior" folks here. I've only begun to read the posts and hope to find user friendly exercises for the over 50 group. I feel more fortunate than most as I can jog, but only short distances, resistance bands are pretty cool, but after awhile even they get a bit boring. Jumping jacks and push-ups are out of the question!

    My niece is also trying to lose weight. She was my buddy here for about a week before she puttered out! Another childhood friend my age also did the same. Granted, it takes time to log your personal food and get settled in to the routine here, but I believe it's worth it. I began my journey here last summer. Things were going well until we had out-of-state guests and I just kinda let the willpower slide. Same for the holidays. But, I'm determined to get back to my original weight before I quit smoking almost 3 years ago.

    I have not posted a true picture of myself. Instead... just for fun I've posted a close-up of the "Fairy Godmother" doll my daughter gave me several years ago.

    Here's to a great and successful weight-loss year for everyone! :drinker:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member

    2, Is there a way to have your weight loss logo/bar show up when you post on this site without it showing up on other places when you are on line?

    Yes, there is, and I tried to look at the options but since my ticker is already set up, and this computer is being slow, I gave up. Anyway, mine only shows on this site so I am sure that it is listed as an option when setting it up. Let me know if you need more help and I will investigate further.

    Also, on the topic of reaching 500 posts, when that happens: if you happen to be post 501, it will just be kind of weird, and if I remember correctly, you will just wonder where your post went. But everyone should see a small line in the last post that says something like "this topic is continued here." If you click on it, it will magically transport you to part 2. Enjoy the trip, and I will see you on the other side!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hi Ladies

    Regarding the question of logging in advance - I usually do this unless I'm going to be eating out for some reason (restaurants or other folks houses). Personally, I find that logging the day before means that I know exactly what I've got to do ... and I do it. Simple as that.

    You know, the way I am these days - willpower and way of eating - I often wonder how I ever ended up morbidly obese. Clearly I have found my determination in my fifties!

    Have a good and healthfilled day my friends.
    Amanda x
  • magnolia1962
    2, Is there a way to have your weight loss logo/bar show up when you post on this site without it showing up on other places when you are on line?

    What? Does that happen? I honestly don't want that showing up anywhere but here on this site. How do I check? YIKES!!!
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Magnolia1962 - no it won't show up other places on line. It's just a default signature here on MFP.

    Quick in and out everyone. Hubby's surgery went well and he's laying on the couch being waited on hand and foot. Usually it's the opposite - he's unemployed right now (looking, but so far nothing) and so has taken over and become a truly amazing house-husband. Does the cooking & lions share of the cleaning, runs errands. We grocery shop together (he'd buy too many impulse items otherwise) but truly he does the majority of the housework.

    So, I have a confession: I wouldn't mind having the income of his finding a new job, but we're making it on my salary and I'm absolutely loving having him at home. How selfish is that?

    Did the Walk Away the Pounds 5 mile walk again today and think doing it two days back to back was a little much. Resolved: next time I do two days in a row, I'll do 5 miles the first day, 3 miles the second.

    How often do you guys do significant workouts? I've been doing 3-4 days a week and stepping up the intensity and duration rather than more days. Motivation wise, I'm not sure I could actually do more days. There are some days work just kicks my rear.

    Happy Tuesday, all!
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Evening, Ladies!

    WOW! Can't go away for a day here! I did read the posts but it is almost dinner time so I won't reply right now.

    Made it through our visit with old friends and stayed under my calories. That is a major accomplishment for me. SOoooooo often, I end up nibbling things I do not plan to and then it goes downhill from there. Got some good exercise in...a VERY fast walk with 2 of my friends for an hour, so that was good too!

    Better go make my salad before I am too hungry!
    Take care, Dear Ladies! :heart: Kackie
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hope everyone enjoyed there day.trying to get use to being home alone.Hubby started a new job after being unemployed for 3 years.I`m praying this works out so we can get a new place and out of my friend`s basement.This economy has really done a number to many people.
    I love reading the posts,tho it takes awhile.I`m always amazed at what I can learn or a new website or recipe.
    Barbie,i`m so grateful you started this thread and are so good to update each month.
    Everyone have a good evening.We can make 2012 a year to remember.
  • jeannetteyvonne
    jeannetteyvonne Posts: 1 Member
    My first week and I"m already discouraged...........in a weightloss challenge with 14 women -- all are under 40 so definitely
    a challenge........I need to lose 20 - 25 lbs.......first week I was weighed in AM, then after one great week our group met
    in PM and I got weighed PM so added a lb..........frustrating but hoping to lose a couple for next Monday!! KEEP GOING>
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Ladies:

    Hope you are all well.

    Mary - Thank for the birthday list. Sounds like you had a very busy time lately, has everyone recovered?

    Virginia - Glad that hubby is okay :flowerforyou:

    Sally - I am on day 2 of the 17 day diet, so I am glad to see someone doing well :smile:

    Michele - I am with you, I cannot eat in the evening without gaining weight :noway:

    Barbie - Glad that your "babies" are back home with you and I bet they are too :laugh:

    Laura - Sounds like you are going through a very rough time. I am sending you hugs ((())) :flowerforyou:

    genealace - So good of you to think of when we have to post on Part II :smile:

    Jane - I have my fingers crossed for your hubby to like his new job. You have had a rough time of it lately and you need a break, so let's hope this is it and that 2012 will be your year :happy:

    Well, not too much else is new. Only 74 days until our cruise, so I have to get cracking on my weight loss for sure :noway:

    So, I will go for now and talk to you all again later. Take care of yourselves.

    Love, Cathy xx
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    good evening ladies....i have had a couple of good food days....i am using a method called OLIVA's method(i read about it here on the boards),,..i have up my daily calories and mostly do not eat my exercise calories back....will let you all know if it works...tomorrow is going to difficult, its my bday(56 WOW!!!):blushing: anyways my sister invited my to lunch and my sons for dinner, ...i logged the foods i am planning on eating and the wine...i havent add bfast yet, but i think i will be over a bit, since i wont be working out ...i will be seeing a red number for sure...:explode:

    @cathys01....i agree with you as well...i love reading all the post and having them all together...

    @mary ...my with you LOVE peanut butter..thanks for the bday list,,.i would have cried too.... i hope the family is better
    @kckramp...yay for you on getting your exercise in

    @deb_m....debbie welcome and congrats on your weight loss...i started a weight training program 2years ago and i only wish i had done it sooner...good luck
    @exermon/michele...i DONT know how you do it girls scout COOKIES in the house...if it would be me there in my mouth...

    @ahealthiersuz...thanks for the apple cider vinegar tip...will try it

    @barbiecat..im sure the pets are happy, as well as you all

    @laura80111....sorry about all you are going through now..

    @lovetolaugh54...welcome...there is lots of support here...good luck

    @vypeters....so glad your hubby surgery went well ...as for exercise i workout 6days a week, cardio 6x week and 2x week of weights, sometimes once a week i will get a yoga class in(need to do more yoga)

    @kackie...great willpower....and good job on the walk

    @janemartin02...gald to hear about your husband new job...hope this year is a good one..

    @jeannetteyvon...please dont be discouraged....lossing weight is a slow process...baby steps....

    @cathys01....how much fun to be going on a cruise...YAY!!!

    have a lovely night all:flowerforyou:
  • kleinbuenstorf
    Just wanted to wish everybody a good evening !!
    After reading ALL the post I'm thankful for my wonderful Mom and my loving husband and girls!!
    I'm looking sooooo forward to my trip in May to Germany to see my Mom and family and I will give them all a special "Hug"
    I feel blessed and I will keep everyone in my thoughts and prayers!!
    Have a great night,
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOMORROW, PAM!!!!!!! I HOPE IT IS A WONDERFUL DAY:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • topaz2986
    topaz2986 Posts: 92 Member
    Evening Ladies!

    I've joined Planet Fitness today. I am having the worst time trying to get any exercising done at home...too many distractions and interruptions. I drive right past PF on the way home from work. I have new sneaks...I'm ready to go. No distractions there I hope!
    After I work out...I'll go home and tend to everyone else's issues:happy:

    Jane...congrats on hubby's new job. I hope he enjoys it and life becomes good for you.

    Healthiersuz....I use apple cider vinegar for allergies as well. It's wonderful for getting rid of a sneezing attack!

    Vypeters...Glad hubby's surgery went well.

    Barbie....How nice to have your family back together! Whenever I'm w/o my pup, I feel like the family isn't whole. Hubby lets me talk to her on the phone when I'm at work.

    Chiclet....Have you talked to your mother's drs? Maybe they can offer advice about some available programs that may not cost anything. They may have some inside info. Lots of prayers n thoughts coming your way for strength and peace for you.:flowerforyou:

    Laura....Wasn't life good when we loved our jobs? We've had lots of changes where I work as well. I'd love to have some stability again and not have to worry every day about more cuts.

    Welcome to the new girls!

    Have a great Wednesday! It's time to put some workout clothes in my bag n get ready for day 1 at the gym. And my cell phone will be left in the car.:drinker:

  • 20Renee12
    Hello ....
    I'm New Here, Joined The first Week Of January / 2012
    I HAve About 40LBS. To Lose .... I NEED THE SUPPORT!!! :heart:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,390 Member
    barbie - I'm with you, I don't log my exercise until I actually do it. But not really for the same reason as you since I don't have exercise calories added back in. To me, sometimes life just gets in the way and I have to forgo the exercise.

    I wouldn't say that cookies in my house are in my mouth. Because they're not. They're on my hips....lol

    Cindy - I read with real interest how you need sauces, etc for your food. I have a good friend who had cancer and now is in the same position (I think it was esophageal cancer). I would like to have her and her hubby over for dinner one night, so I'm going to be asking you about what foods are OK. How does fish do for you? I'm thinking of having lobster tails. They can be dipped in butter or not, I'd prefer not but she can use the butter. Would that work for you? How do cooked carrots or corn work for you? What about potatoes?

    Did 45 minutes of the Denise Austin Boot Camp DVD today. Tomorrow we have a Newcomer general meeting, so I'll do a bosu DVD at home.

    Welcome lovetolaugh. Love your name!
    vypeters - I usually work out about 7 days a week, cardio about 3 days, weights about 2 days, then 1 day of yoga (I really need more) and on the other day I mix it up with either pilates or balance games on the Wii or training games on the Wii. I view that day as a sort-of day off from regular exercise.

    jeanette - as I'm sure you know, you really need to weigh in approximately the same time every day. Our weight fluctuates so much during the day. I know that from am to pm I can gain as much as 5lbs.

    Happy birthday Pam!!!! And many more

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • lovediets
    lovediets Posts: 375 Member
    Hi, How do I "join"? I love that there is a special place for us!