Girls over 200 pounds...



  • Jaidee1979
    Jaidee1979 Posts: 61 Member
    Hello. I could use a buddy as well. At my heaviest I was 265 lbs. and currently I am 235 lbs. Anyone feel free to add me. I sure can use some motivation and support.
  • mrsmendoza2006
    mrsmendoza2006 Posts: 4 Member
    I started on 1/8/2012. I am 219 and hoping to get down to 140. I will post a pic soon. I have a three year old and I am tired of being tired. I am drinking a protein shake for breakfast, veggies for snack, protien shake for lunch and again veggies or fruit for snack. For dinner I have a chicken breast, veggies and maybe a small carb. I am hitting an average of 1300 calories and have begun my Biggest loser workout DVD. Wishing you all luck, please do the same for me.

  • Thanks for starting this thread!! I am friending all you sweet people! Way to go on all the successes!
  • FionaNiConnor
    FionaNiConnor Posts: 90 Member
    July 2011- I stepped on a scale for the first time in a very long time. I looked down (well, first I moved my boobs and belly out of the way) and saw a staggering number- 280lbs. After scrambling off the scale and trying very hard to not cry, I decided "Okay, chubbo. That's it. No more of this fat girl crap." A very dear friend of mine had been tweeting her MFP-based successes so I decided to hop into her ever-shrinking footsteps and joined up.

    Five months later, I'm down 18lbs to 262lbs. This is still much heavier than I want to be, but I am making changes and seeing results. I have 62lbs to go until I reach my goal weight of 200lbs; when I get there I will reassess my goals and make any changes needed.

    I just joined a gym and I'm working with their in-house trainer on a plan that will slim me down and trim me up. I never thought I'd be a "gym rat," but I'm in there most nights during the week and making a difference in my life!

    Good luck, folks.
  • I'm over 300, lost over 45 lbs over the course of the past year. ... Feel Free to add me.
  • cchardt
    cchardt Posts: 21 Member
    I started at 270 and I am down to 235. I lost weight several years back but gave up and did not care. Since my dads passing about a year ago with heart problems I decided to make a change and be here for my family. I have a goal weight of 145 but we will see. I just want to be healthy!! You can add me and we will make this journey together!!
  • jcwilson1977
    jcwilson1977 Posts: 3 Member
    We are definitely out here, I started at 272 and am now down to 260. Long way to go but its wonderful to have the support!
  • JulieJordanScott
    JulieJordanScott Posts: 11 Member
    Wow there is safety in this room to admit my weight.

    My highest weight this summer was 267 pounds.

    When I started with MFP I was at 249.

    Now I am ecstatic to be 241.

    My first goals are all based on my different pre-pregnancy weights.

    194 Baby #1
    202 Baby #2
    221 Baby #3
    236 Baby #4

    I can't believe I have almost made my Baby #4 weight. That is SOOOO motivating!

    Now, to get below Baby #1 weight, under 200.

    Watch for my Add requests. I need y'all and perhaps you need me, too.
  • Talieowl
    Talieowl Posts: 46 Member
    I'm in this boat, and hired a personal trainer in December to help keep me accountable and to help me be more efficient when working out--and for motivation. It's hard to tell her when I haven't been working out or eating right, so it's easier to just do it, right? Happy to find a group of others in the same situation. Now let's help each other change--no excuses! It's all about taking time, making yourself a priority, and planning time to work out, time to cook healthy, and time to eat well.
  • apesid
    apesid Posts: 135 Member
    I'm 5'6 and sitting at about 239 right now. I could use ALL the help and motivation I can get from people in similar situations. :)
  • I am currently at 229 lbs. Feel free to add me anyone!
  • LemonsAndCoffee
    LemonsAndCoffee Posts: 313 Member
    Hi all! I started at 225 (my highest weight except for when I was pregnant). I finally got to the point where I was ready to do something about my weight. For years I just thought if I ignored the problem it would just go away. Well, obviously that doesn't work. I'm in my second week here on MFP and I'm down 4 lbs. I'm also doing 30 day shred and on day 4. I would really love to have some friends on here for support so feel free to add me! :smile:

  • floridagirl7264
    floridagirl7264 Posts: 318 Member
    I started MFP at the end of December at 228. I've lost five pounds. YAY! Please feel free to add me. I love making new friends.
  • VeronicaAlamri
    VeronicaAlamri Posts: 7 Member
    I started at 230 and I'm 180 now. Good luck to you. Add me if you'd like.
  • I am just starting on MFP today! I have just weighed myself and am 280 pounds!! My highest ever!! I was always around 230-240. Even after my first baby I kept the weight off but after my second I just couldn't stop eating :( Maybe I took the craving thing a little too far!?! This is my cry for help and motivation...I have a wonderful fiancee here at home but he is in the same boat lol So I am looking for motivation elsewhere so I can help myself and my other half. Please add me to your friends list!! :)
  • Sandrea1981
    Sandrea1981 Posts: 20 Member
    I am 222. Before mfp I was 250. My goal is to lose another 42 pounds to get to 180. It will be hard, but we can all do it together. Lets be friends.
  • lme0627
    lme0627 Posts: 46 Member
    I am in the 200+ club too. I got serious in November about getting healthy and taking back ME. I started seeing a barartic doctor (NOT for surgery, just M.D.) and this has been a great great help. He is the one that suggested using MFP. Love it. I started at 256- my highest weight ever. I way more now than when I did during my pregnancy in 2008.

    But you know- I bet this time next year we will not be in the 200 club! :happy:

    Anyone need any buddies, please send a friend request. I need all the support I can get, and MFP seems to be a very positive support system.

  • SuzMcH
    SuzMcH Posts: 343 Member
    I stepped on a scale for the first time in a very long time. I looked down (well, first I moved my boobs and belly out of the way)

    this made me laugh out loud. Me too !! x
  • I started out at 278 and now down to 236. I plan on losing this weight no matter how long it takes.

    Anyone feel free to add me!!! I could use some motivating buddies and ready to help motivate!
  • Lioness102
    Lioness102 Posts: 59 Member
    Will send u a request. Im @ 260… the heaviest in my life! My siblings did gastric bypass but I'm trying to stay natural. Its hard but I know it can be done. My goal is 180 (Hopefully by summer) and I'm tired of making excuses. I'm looking into detoxify. And shakes to add to my daily workout (hopefully 5-6 days a week). I'm starting. Back on Slimquick drinks & eating under 1900 calories. Feel free to add. From DMV area.