
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Well hello everyone. I managed to get up and work for 5 hours, and don't have any aches from the bicycle mayhem of yesterday, other than the abrasion on my left elbow and arm.

    Swiss...I have figured out that I simply need to wrap my entire body in a couple of layers of foam rubber and that will solve all my problems.:laugh: Might look kinda funny going down the road.!!:laugh:

    I only got about 4 hours of sleep, so can anyone spell N-A-P :laugh: :yawn: Then I am going to a bar b que where the only "riding" I will be doing is on a lawn chair with a gin and tonic(diet of course) in my hand.:drinker:

    My PLAN for today was to try and do some of the housework that has accumulated due to my spending most of my spare time walking. As I am fond of telling a friend of mine who is obsessive about housecleaning, "When you are laying in bed preparing to meet your maker, I am reasonably certain that NO ONE will sigh and state they wished they had spent more cleaning house!":laugh:

    Now if only I could teach those doggies of mine to clean house!!:laugh: There is one thing they ARE good at-getting in my way if I try to do anything!! And there is another--cleaning the kitchen floor!:noway:

    A neiighbor who had to relocate to an assisted living facility due to her husbands health use to dote on Mai Li and my dearly departed first Shih tzu-Dreyfus, so when she observed their penchant for kitchen floor cleaning, she nicknamed them. Dreyfus was "Hoover" and Mai Li was Eureka." :laugh: (For the benefit of any members outside the US, the humor of this may elude you if you are not up on your common US vacuum cleaner brands)

    Well, I didn't quite make my goal for Memorial Day, but I came close enough that I don't feel to badly about it, but I may need to adjust my 4th of July goal...will have to decide later.

    I need to end my post for now as I have to go and get ready for the afternoon's activities.

  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :frown: So sorry to hear about your bike accident. When I read about it earlier I thought about our plans to ride to the cemetery today on our bikes, but we did and it was very good. It's great to counteract some extra calories with some extra exercises to burn those extra calories!!:happy:
  • committed
    committed Posts: 54 Member
    Anne Happy Birthday!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Yesterday was my son's birthday and I had a birthday lunch for him. Bar B Q and all the trimmings along with a "Chocolate Thunder Cake". I didn't make anything low calorie, but did manage to limit myself to one meal only yesterday, very small portions and lots of water:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    I meant to send the rest of the cake home with my son and his family, but realized after he had gone that it was in the refrigerator. I have church friends that love chocolate so I took them some of the cake. I should have taken all of it to them ---why do I torture myself:ohwell: :ohwell:

    My time off Thurs and Friday did not work as I had planned. The e-mails started flying at 7:00 a.m. Thursday with people needing information and Friday wasn't much better so my boss told me to swap my Personal Days that I submitted for work from home days:happy: :happy: . Saturday I worked in the garden from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. I plan on being off tomorrow and can only hope all is calm on the work front so I can have a true day off. We previously had so much rain that I had to re-plant practically everything except the onions, lettuce, radishes, carrots and a few tomatoes. I had to re-till the entire garden due to the crust on everything. I now have everything planted except for the rest of the tomato plants which we have about 100+ growing which my husband started from seeds and planting the purple hull pea patch. I have a separate garden with about 8 /9 long rows of these to plant. I'm also planting a herb garden this year - I managed to get the ground tilled for this - hope to plant tomorrow. Tilling up for planting what has been "yard" for years is a little tough, but the tiller didn't get me down - just worked on me a little:bigsmile: :bigsmile: Burning those calories:bigsmile: Also with the heat I consumed a lot of water:drinker: :drinker: We have a nice shade tree close to the garden - so I keep a chair and my water there so I don't have "heat stroke"

    Today has been very successful - haven't been in the cake:bigsmile: It's rained almost all of today so no grilling today probably cook some burgers inside - plenty of left overs.

    Hope everyone has had a good day!

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Hello all,
    Happy Memorial Day to you.
    Happy Birthday to you Anne. Hope you had a nice day. How was that cake?
    The kids came over to celebrate mine today cause the grandkids have baseball practice tomorrow. Hubby will probably take me out tomorrow night so it will be quiet. My daughter made a cake and I tasted but did not eat a piece. The grandkids and kids got to swim cause rain stopped about 2pm. Water was cold though.
    I go out with my girlfriends on Thursday night to celebrate. We always use our birthdays as an excuse to have girls night out. That is when I will have the brownie cake and will have to be really good. Am allowing myself one small piece. I hope you all had a good day.
    Talk to you tomorrow.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Vicki...I truly admire your willpower. I don't think that I could just "taste" cake.

    :flowerforyou: Nancy, question for you. You seem to know a lot about plants. I planted some strawberry seeds. They came with a very pretty pot. They haven't come up yet. The herbs that I planted have but not the strawberries. Do they take longer or did I do something wrong?

    :flowerforyou: Barb, if those dogs will actually mop the floor please send them my way.

    Actually, I am waiting for my 19 year old daughter to move back home. She will be doing this next month. She is so good at cleaning floors.:smile: I was also going to have her clean my refrigerator and I mentioned this to my husband. Well, guess what !!! HE cleaned it. Wouldn't you know that just when I am complaining the he never helps me he goes and does this. I love him.:heart:
  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Hi everyone

    Advance warning this is an long post because I seemed to have missed so much on what is going on with you all and I wanted to respond as best I could:bigsmile:

    I hope all everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day.

    I had a wonderful weekend getaway but it is always nice to get home and get back into routine:bigsmile: . Unfortunately the hotel where we were staying did not have a fitness centre so I had to rely on getting lots of walking in. We did some sight seeing, farmer markets shopping, met friends for dinner and basically chilled out with some together time. I also did a bit of clothes shopping since I had given away a lot of my older ‘bigger’ clothing. It sure seems different buying clothing in a smaller size. I am so conditioned to automatically reaching for the XL sizes that I have to reprogram my brain I guess. Nevertheless it is a wonderful feeling. I didn’t even realize that they made such cute underwear:blushing: Today I got lots of laundry done, outside work, went for a long overdue massage, 55 minutes of BLBootcamp DVD and an hour long walk:tongue: I have to get that scale moving in the right direction again!

    :smile: Swissmiss—Good job on the food challenge for CaféMom and I totally understand how you feel about being at work when some us are at home getting stuff done. I use to feel like that too when I worked but since I am no longer employed I am really enjoying being home. The only thing I miss about being in the workforce is some of the individuals I worked with and of course a paycheck.

    :smile: Debbie I always enjoy reading your upbeat posts and how you are doing. Keep up the great work. Although you sound so busy with all your family I don’t know how you have time for yourself. I am glad you are making the time to make yourself a priority. You deserve it.

    :smile: Anne—Wishing you a happy birthday. You are such a inspiration to everyone on here. Your wise advice and thoughtful demeanor continues to amaze me. Thank you for always being so positive and providing the group with insightful information and support. I sure got a good chuckle about not being the “minutes” but the “seconds”. That is so true. Blessings to you on this special day and always.

    :smile: Barbie—I love reading about your travels in your RV and how you stay focused on your journey in a healthy manner. Just goes to show you what one can accomplish when they have the right mindset. The new outfit you purchased on your shopping trip sounds really lovely and I just bet you look fantastic in it. Good for you getting something nice for yourself. It sure boosts our confidence and self-esteem when we feel better about ourselves.

    :smile: Zaza—I hope that your back is continuing to improve. Good for you continuing with your exercising. It really is a struggle sometime isn’t it? Just take it easy and don’t aggravate it anymore.

    :smile: suezzzque—Congratulations on dropping 3 more pounds:bigsmile: . How wonderful of you to help your MIL with the decorating. I sure don’t have that kind of relationship with mine so I envy you. I bet it turned out terrific.

    :smile: Barb—I really enjoyed reading about making Margarita’s. I could almost taste one. Good for you being so inventive. I too am not much of a drinker but a good Margarita sure hits the spot sometime. I hope you are doing ok after your bike incident. I remember having a bike accident quite a few years ago so when I decided to try biking again a couple of years ago I purchased a “Cruiser” bike. You know the kind with the wider tires, fenders and a comfortable deluxe seat. My son laughs at my bike but I don’t care because I feel safer on it. Hope you get back on that bike soon, just be careful.

    :smile: Elli—Your renovations sound like they are going well. I am anxious to hear how it all turns out. Please remember to take some quality time for yourself. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in what we are involved in we forget to schedule some “me” time. I know that the last time we did renovations and even though I am a very patient person that I was feeling the pressure and losing my patience.

    :smile: Vicki—I sure hope that you had a great time at your daughter’s graduation. What a wonderful celebration. Wishing you a wonderful birthday. Good for you on having a plan when you get together with your friends.

    Hope everyone else is doing great and taking time for yourself. Remember you are worth it:bigsmile:

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    :frown: So sorry to hear about your bike accident. When I read about it earlier I thought about our plans to ride to the cemetery today on our bikes, but we did and it was very good. It's great to counteract some extra calories with some extra exercises to burn those extra calories!!:happy:


    When I read your post I had to smile. I know you went to the cemetary for a solemn purpose, but your choice of words had me thinking how close I came to "riding to the cemetary" on a bike yesterday!!

    I am glad you had a safe, uneventful ride.

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Marie, I totally know what you mean about the cute underwear. Since we are all women here I will confess that due to my last surgery, which was last Monday, I no longer am wearing Depends.:laugh: I couldn't wait to get back into my regular undies.:happy:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,128 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Anne---Happy Birthday to you

    I hope you had a fabulous day that was entertaining and loving and healthy.

    You deserve the very best.:bigsmile:

    Big hugs to you:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Happy Birthday to Anne and Vicki! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Barb, I'm sorry you had the bike accident, but glad it wasn't worse. I've been tempted to give bike riding a try, but I think I would end up the same way. Not only do I lack stamina, but my balance isn't great and, if I picked up speed, I'd probably wipe out. Thanks for bringing awarenss to the helmet issue!!

    Even tho it's early, I should keep moving. Need to get my car in for service and so on.
    Have a great day everyone.

    P.S. Elli, I said a little prayer yesterday for your son. My husband and I walked to town for the Memorial Day parade. Was a lovely day.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,128 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Good Morning, Vicki,

    Happy Birthday to you :bigsmile:

    I wish you a great day and the beginning of a year filled with healthy eating and exercise. You've come a long way toward your goal. This will be the year you reach it and stay there.

    Big hugs :heart:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Thank you so much Barbie. I really enjoy this site and talking to you ladies each day. It really keeps me motivated.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy birthday to all the birthday girls:flowerforyou:

    Barb, I have thought about taking my daughter's bike out for a spin but she has a lock on it and can't remember the combination. This may be a good thing. I am not very coordinated.

    By 7:45 this morning I had already walked one mile, had a good breakfast of one half a grapefruit, Special K, and fat free milk. I am hoping to continue the rest of the day like this. I did so bad over the weekend that I defiantly need to make up for it.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Marie and ZaZa thank you so much for the birthday wishes. Looks like it may rain today, but I wil still manage to have a good day.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Thank you also swissmiss
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Hi again-
    I feel like i"m starting the day and week off right. I brought my car to the dealer and walked 40 minutes while they changed the oil, etc. :happy: Of course, now I''m starved.:grumble:
    So, I'll sign off to go make a healthy snack.
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    One more thing - has anyone heard from Esther aka grammymax? I hope she's OK.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I don't remember seeing anything from Esther in a while. Is someone here on her friends list? They could contact her.
  • traska
    traska Posts: 18
    Boy, am I glad to find this. I have lost 31 pounds in 30 day due to an illness but have gain 15 back and that is depressing. I am walking nearly every day, when weather permits. I have an ab machine and do the exercises every other day. I am 54 and have been having a difficult time dropping the pounds but will push on. My goal is 35 more pounds and to drink more water daily .

    Thank you for this thread.:flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi Traska...you really had me worried..31 pounds in 30 days!!! This prove the point that we must lose gradually. Unfortunately, because of your illness you learned the hard way. I also found that after the age of 50 the pounds do not want to move. It isn't impossible, just harder. You are right to drink more water. This has been helping me. I also upped my protein by using whey protein powder. Good luck. You will make it.
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