

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    ZaZa - sounds like such fun with all 3 boys around!!! We missed you - welcome back. Sounds like you're sticking with the exercising! Way to go. I think that's the key to not only losing, but maintaining!!!!! I had an early morning visit from my younger boy this morning - and he came complete with mother's day flowers (he and his g/f were away over the weekend) and the dump trailer which i was REALLY needing! Lots of trash during a renovation. Anyway - i always love seeing him.

    Barb - i love your Pepper and Mai Li stories! I have a little one - Hercky (Hercules) - the mini doxie - who REALLY turns into a hot dog if we walk in the warm weather. Which means just about anytime the sun is out! One time i really thought he was going to have heat stroke and it was only around 75 degrees! I carried him the last quarter mile and put him right in the horse water trough the minute we got to it! Needless to say, he stays home now when it gets hot!

    Barbiecat - it's a good thing Jake is such a great guy or we might just have to hurt him - losing that much more weight than you - the NERVE!!!!!!!!!:grumble: :angry: And to add insult to injury, men can always eat MORE than we can!!!!!!! That was always a problem for me during the times in my life when i did have a man around - thinking i should be eating the same amount as them!!!!!!!!!! NOT!

    TeenTchr - congrats on having formals to pick from that you fit into!!!!!!!! It's the best feeling isn't it? I've got most of my "little" jeans packed away right now so i can't try them on - i'm actually looking forward to it when the time comes to move back home and unpack!

    Today i'm meeting with the design student who's helping me pick colors, then the insulation inspection - which of course - worries me.......i'll be glad when it's done. Then after work more wood stripping - i'm down to just varnished wood now as opposed to the painted - which, although messier, is a little easier!

    Have a great day today!!!!!!!! drink lots of water and don't forget to walk/jog/run/move!!!!!!!:heart: elli
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    I love this group. I love reading the blogs and getting to know each of you. I feel like I have a lot of catching up to do. You guys already know each other so well. I feel like I just fit right in. I guess the age thing. anyway, I am really doing well so far. I am down 24 pounds and I weigh in tomorrow. My daughter has just finished her last semester of college and her student teaching. She is job hunting. We have gone walking together the past 2 mornings and plan to continue for the summer. Today was very hot though. We had to cut it a little short. I am very proud of her. She is married, a mother of 3 and has been going to school and working for the past 8 or so years. We are going shopping for her dress for graduation in a while as soon as I pick up my other granddaughter from pre school. I plan swim later and do the gym thing tonight with my hubby. I know I will get my water in cause it is so hot. Anyway I love this group and hope to read more and blog more myself. Keep up the good work ladies. :wink:
  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Good Morning everyone:flowerforyou:

    So another Mother's Day behind us. The day was a challenging one for me. Memories of past mother's day tugged at my heartstrings but they also sustained and comforted me. My DH made it a special one and I feel so very blessed:love: I am also getting some of my strenght back after being sick so I intend on dusting off my running shoes and getting back into exercise mode. I am even more dedicated now:happy:

    Congratulations all of you that are getting good results in the weight loss department and staying motivated:flowerforyou: Don't we just love seeing those numbers go down on the scale and feeling stronger and leaner:bigsmile:

    I spent some of my Saturday packing up my clothing that don't fit anymore. I also discovered hidden in closets and dressers some things that I hadn't worn for a long time or not even at all. They fit me wonderfully now and I am so happy about that. I plan on donating lots of bags of clothing so it is a win-win situation for I know that there will be individuals who can really use them especially in this economy. Growing up in a large family really taught me the value of what you have. We didn't know anything but "second-hand clothing" and to this day I still don't mind it either:happy: It is also very theraputic to get rid of the stuff that doesn't fit me anymore. I cannot hold on to the past but move forward to the bright healthier future.

    Sending everyone lots of hugs and warmest wishes:flowerforyou:

  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444

    Glad you're feeling better Marie - Good job on cleaning out the 'too big' closet. Isn't it great to have smaller clothes waiting for us!!

    Hope everyone has a great day.

    Today I will:
    Eat healthy
    STOP at 8 p.m. - duct tape comes to mind:laugh:
    drink all my water
    exercise 30 minutes

  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Hello ladies

    I have been sooooo busy. I have not logged in food in days. :noway: However, I'm doing good with my calories. I have been doing it so long I know NOW what not to eat.

    I have been actually to busy to go to the gym. Family needed me. So hopefully I can get back on track tomorrow with my exercise.

    Wish all the best.

  • dricotta1
    dricotta1 Posts: 63 Member
    Afternoon to all,
    Yes, doesn't it feel good to fit into smaller clothes! I really had fun shopping for summer clothes for my trip. I actually like looking at myself in the mirror these days! It's been a long time since I felt like giving myself an "atta girl" as I tried on clothes. Yeah for us!!!

    Marie, I'm also glad you're felling better and dusting off your running shoes. Yes, we have to keep moving forward. It's the only way to go:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Out to get some garden work done. Be well, be happy, be strong. A couple water toasts to everyone:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Diane
  • starene
    starene Posts: 9
    My goal for the month of May is just to get started. Today is my first day and I hope I will be able to stick with it. I need my "hand held' the whole way lol.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello Everybody!

    I managed to wear Pepper out so while he is sleeping it off, I will use my laptop--much easier without a "lap dog":laugh:

    Will try to catch up on responding to posts.

    :flowerforyou: Committed/Nancy--I think it was you who said you have a Gazelle. I have one too, but it needs to be relocated to the living room so I can use it, and it is SURROUNDED by STUFF in my spare bedroom, so there is a project for a rainy day. How often do you use yours?

    When I was looking for the post that mentioned the Gazelle, I discovered an "oops" in one of my own posts. Ironically it was a post to comment on the errors in a PRIOR post.

    "...Speaking of laughter, I must have been delirious with joy when I started my post==spelled "HELLO" in a unique way. I have a good excuse--I wasn't using my pc, so I didn't have the google toolbar spellchecker. I also noticed I used Sunday, when it should have been "Sundae"--oh well,, as busy as my friend is with her husband and Chile, she wouldn' t be likely to have a free "Sunday,"anyway!! "

    My friend is NOT into Mexican food, it was her CHILD she was busy with, not her "chile.":laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Elli--I am glad you got your doorknob installed. It reminded me of something that happened to me after I moved into my condo. I came home for lunch and doggie walking on a workday, and when I got ready to leave, the doorknob latch would not retract into the door so so I could close the door. :grumble: It was firmly stuck in the outward position. I couldn't leave the door open and go back to work, so first I tried what all expert household repair persons do--I swore at it!!:mad:

    That didn't produce satisfactory results, so I I tried the next step for all expert house repair persons, I tried beating on the latch with a hammer!!!:angry:

    Still no luck, so finally, I took the doorknob off, took the latch mechanism out of the door, and used my deadbolt to lock the door. I managed to get back to work for the day and later had a locksmith come out and fix things right.:smile:

    :flowerforyou: Weedie--Welcome Back!! It sounds like you have your hands full. Taking care of YOU is very important, especially now when you have another family member who has health concerns. I hope your husband is able to recover from or successfully endure whatever the condition or the treatments throw at him. You are part of the group even if all you do is read our posts and comment occasionally. I don't think I could do 3 jobs at once --AND--take care of another's health concerns. Good Luck!!

    While writing this I am watching the noon news, and they had a story about the Volumetrics diet plan, which advocates staying full by eating certain foods to fill up on so you eat fewer calories overall. During the story they mentioned you burn 24% more calories by drinking water than by not!!''

    If THAT won't get you running for your water bottle, nothing will!!

    Also, another story, from Glamour magazine. regarding those who get enough sleep being less likely to be overweight. Apparently, those who are sleep deprived don't produce enough leptin, (I think it is an amino acid) which is the compound that tells you when your full. They mentioned people who got 5 hours or less of sleep were more likely to gain 30 or more pounds. Those who got 7 or more hours f sleep were less like to be overweight. Supposedly, those in the study lost up to 12 lbs. over time just by getting more sleep!! :yawn: See ya later, I feel a yawn coming on!!:yawn:

    Seriously, I need to go get my walking in, so more later.

  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Barb your water and sleeping remarks are too funny. I automatically grabbed my bottle of water and hopped into bed. :laugh: :laugh: as soon as I read it.

    Hope all is well with everyone

    :heart: Kathy


    After reading some post. I had a cute story about my mom.

    Sunday I left my new purse and wallet I received from my son and his wife at my moms. My mom called me yesterday and asked me if I gave her a new purse & wallet. I said no, that was a gift I got from Rose & Chris. I just forgot it. She started laughing. My dad got on the phone and said she had already put all her things in it. The funny part is she constantly declares she does not like to carry a purse. Go figure. I guess I'll have to get her one. :flowerforyou:
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    So nice to catch up and read what you've all been up to.
    I didn't get nearly as much done as I weanted to today. I'm moving along faster now since I got called to work tomorrow and Thurs substitute teaching.
    That's it for now. Have to make a bite of dinner. My son is out so I dn't have to get carried away.
    Have a good night.
  • committed
    committed Posts: 54 Member

    Since we don't have any kids at home I have my Gazelle in the family room, my husband isn't too crazy about it :grumble: but he will just have to tolerate it. :laugh: I tell him it's on my side of the room so it isn't bothering anything. :bigsmile: He's being very supportive even if he doesn't like to see it. He actually uses it occasionally. I always re-arrange the furniture at Christmas to allow room for the Christmas tree so when I took the Christmas tree down I bought my Gazelle and it is now occupying the space. I try to use it 15 min. in the morning and 15 min. at night although of late with all of the long hours at work I haven't felt like using it, but I would probably feel better if I did. I know if I put it in one of the bedrooms I probably wouldn't use it at all you know out of sight out of mind. With it in the family room, I can use it and time myself with the clock on the cable box and watch tv at the same time.:bigsmile:

    Today I had to work from home, my alternator went out on my car :grumble: and the car rental place didn't have a car available until 2:00 so I had a less stressful day than normal :happy: especially since corp took the Blackberry Server down for emergency maintenance and for some reason my internet connection kept dropping my server access so I had limited e-mails today. :bigsmile: It was a nice break for a change. Back to the office tomorrow :sad: so I'm glad I got a lot of my month end reports done today. I'm the Controller for 3 plants in 3 different states with additional responsibilities for all of the plants in the company and I tend to be a "stress eater" so today was wonderful. I've kept my calorie intake in line today and I have 700 calories left for dinner so I'm thrilled. :happy: I don't plan on weighing in until the 31st although it is tempting to see if I'm making progress.

    My daughters have struggled with their weight over the years and they told me this weekend how much weight they have lost so I've got to get with it. :bigsmile: For the first time in 8 years I weigh more than they do. :embarassed: This is motivation for me to lose although I'm 5'8 and they're 5'4 so they should weigh less. At least we're all moving in the right direction. If everything works out they are planning on coming home the last week in June - we haven't seem them since before Christmas so I'm excited.

    Well I need to get up and fix dinner. My husband is wanting Tempura fried vegetables so I need to get on it. I also need to figure out how much I can have. The vegetables are pretty much calorie free but I need to figure out the calories in the batter and frying in the Canola Oil. I use the Fat Free Hidden Valley Dressing to dip them in so that's not too bad. Since I have 700 calories left I should be able to have a few without over indulging. It will be a great change from boiled, broiled or grilled.:smile:

    I better get on it.

    Good Luck to everyone and don't forget to drink the water!:drinker: :drinker:

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Barb..I have also heard that we need at least seven hours of sleep and if we don't get it then we run the risk of gaining weight. Now I understand my problem...I have been getting about four hours of sleep a night.

    I worked out on the elliptical machine today. Add that to the 4 1/2 miles that I walked at work I think that I did pretty good.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I finally have the motorhome to myself. Jake has gone to see “Star Trek” with his daughter so I finally got out my yoga mat and DVD and did the yoga I’ve been promising myself since we left home over a week ago.

    This is Jake’s first venture to the movies since he changed the way he eats. He took two carefully weighed snack bags of unsalted nuts and two bottles of water.

    :flowerforyou: Barb
    many years ago when I got a cat from the animal shelter I had to fill out a questionnaire that included the question “how much do you think it will cost to care for this animal for a year?” Fortunately someone helped me answer the question because all I thought about was food and regular vaccinations and nothing about all the surprise medical stuff that you were talking about. Pepper and Mai Li give you so much in return for the money you spend on them.

    :flowerforyou: Zaza---good to hear from you again and glad that your absence was about good things.

    :flowerforyou: Elli
    how great that you have some help with choosing colors----it seems so simple to pick out colors that you like but there are so many shades and combinations. Good luck on the insulation inspection.

    :flowerforyou: Starene----welcome to the group. You’ll get a lot of support and good ideas here.

    Jake is home and the dogs are going crazy so I gotta go. I’ll try to post again later.

    Big hugs:love::love:
  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    hi and good evening to everyone will i am so happy to say that i finish all my food and exercise posting today this is the week i have promise myself that i would come on and blog 3 to 4 times a day for about 15 minutes today i had watermelon i have a prolbem with eating a lot of wrong foods at night and just eating b ad after four but i am really proud of myself this was a good day.. i now i didn't eat some good foods but it was how much that i eat that it was good ... and i have been reading post about keeping busy and tonight when i wanted to eat i keep myself busy ok everyone have a blessed eveing peace from my family to all of yours i would like to say a belated happy mom grand mom aunt sister friend day this past sunday.. love debbie
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Just got through watching The Biggest Loser season finale. Their success stories make me feel motivated to press on. I felt myself beginning to slip back into depression, so I really needed a shot in the arm in the motivation department. Hubby hates to watch it but found something else to do, so I could enjoy it. It has been gray and bleak here for almost a week. I think I need some fresh air and sunshine!

    I have been staying within my calories this past week but am WAY behind on my activity due to neck problems. So in the meantime I am having to be even more vigilant because I don't have any exercise calories to play with when planning menus. I'm missing those chocolate muffins in the afternoons.

    The only time I am totally pain free is when I take Alieve or am applying heat. I hate to take lots of medicine, so I have been spending LOTS of time sitting with my hot pad pressed against my neck. I am sleeping better at night, and hurting less and in fewer places so I am hopeful this thing can be resolved with a few more therapeutic massages. My masseuse continues to find places I didn't know were sore....

    On an up note I am wearing jeans I haven't fit into in about a year. My goal is to be swimming in my winter clothes and have to go buy all new ones when cold weather hits.
  • committed
    committed Posts: 54 Member
    I haven't watched the Biggest Loser this season until tonight and to see these three lose so much weight is definitely an inspiration and is motivation to persevere.

    I made the tempura vegetables that my husband wanted and stayed within my limits. Of course I made too many but our four legged children; Bosco, Susie and Stymie loved the leftovers especially the squash and broccoli. :bigsmile: I believe our dogs will eat anything and of course they are always hungry - I guess they have my habits at least my old ones I'm trying to break.:laugh: :laugh:

    The pups as my husband calls the three have really helped me not eat as much - anytime I start to eat anything they sit around me and wait for their bite so after I give each of them one or two bites I've pretty much cut my calories in half.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Once I meet my goal - I guess I will need to fix them a steak since they are helping me reduce my calories on a regular basis!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I'm the Controller for 3 plants in 3 different states with additional responsibilities for all of the plants in the company and I tend to be a "stress eater" so today was wonderful.


    After reading what you do for a living, maybe there is a double meaning in your login name. I assumed "Committed" to health and weight loss, but maybe with the responsibilities you have, it sometimes is "Committed" as in, this place could drive me to a padded cell!!! :laugh: (Legal disclaimer:This remark is NOT a slam at anyone with mental health issues--it is simply another way to say that work will drive you crazy!!:drinker: :drinker: )

    I don't have the management responsibilities that you do, but unfortunately, my writing skills extend to serious business-related material, so I get to listen to people ramble on in meetings and then write the minutes so that they sound like they knew what they were talking about--you know, fiction writting !!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Thanks for the info about your Gazelle. The only "people" in my house besides me are of the canine variety, and the biggest problem I foresee, once I get it set up again, is that Pepper is liable to be sent sailing across the room iby one of the foot platforms if he doesn't learn to stay away from it when it is in use.:laugh:

    Hope you have a good day once you return to your office.

    I will catch up on other posts tomorrow...

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I have a silly question. If someone adds you as a friend, do you have to make a request of them to be a friend, or are you automatically listed as their friend if they request you?

  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    I have a silly question. If someone adds you as a friend, do you have to make a request of them to be a friend, or are you automatically listed as their friend if they request you?


    If they request you I do believe all you have to do is except.:bigsmile:

  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    I also found the Biggest loser so motivational. I was so impressed with how much Helen, Tara, Mike & JERRY. I was so happy for Jerry. He was so happy wasn't he?

    Sue, I can understand your bouts with depression. I struggle with it so much in my life. I just have to tell myself that I will get through it and almost pretend that everything is fine. If I don't I will fall into my trap of feeling sorry for myself and never leave the house. Some times I get so bad my husband will say to me, "Kathy, you can't live in a bubble" and that just keeps me focused on the positive.

    Chin up. :flowerforyou: We can do it.

    :heart: Kathy