Why are you fat???



  • Cause im lazy disgusting muppet. Simple......:(
  • I ate too much and did not exercise!
  • I've always been a bit of a lard *kitten*, I guess I have always eaten too much! ;-P
  • I worked as a phone operator on the 10th floor of a building where the elevators didn't work and the breaks were short or skipped, fridges were broken, food and bags were stolen, and the only chow available was vending machine or greasy cafeteria. After that, I got hooked on video games and lasagna. Fml.

    Your work places needs a make over love! Get them sorted! x
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    I was always on the higher end of the "healthy" BMI, but I began gaining weight when I stopped horseback riding/went to college. It's so strange going from never having to think about how much you are eating when you are burning it off without trying. Now I have to try... and I didn't realize it until too late haha.
  • missbethea
    missbethea Posts: 280 Member
    I've just... always been fat.

    In the third grade I weighed over 100 pounds.

    By the end of middle school I weighed 150 pounds.

    When I left high school, I weighed close to 250.

    .... So ti's just how I've always been! LOL.
  • I emotionally eat. Back in 2001, tragic things happened that year and I found comfort in food. I fattened up and despite all of my exercise I never went back to being lean. I continued eating and being fat. I'm finally decided to lose weight and be a healthier me :)
  • DeeJayTJ
    DeeJayTJ Posts: 355 Member
    i have hypothyroidism... which is obviously a thyroid disorder.

    but i learned that its absolutely no excuse... i was 210 for a couple of years, im down to 157 right now and have maintained that weight for almost a year.
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    Too much cake and pizza! I am/was an emotional eater, food to celebrate, food to commiserate. A very active ex who could eat like a horse and loved sweets didn't help either. My weight slowly crept up and up over the last couple of years and I made half assed attempts to exercise or diet. I've never been thin or fit (bar school and playing lots of netball) :cry:
  • I don't think it matter who posts it or where they post it. people need advice and want friends to help. So please don't bash people for it.
  • beebabe
    beebabe Posts: 67
    I am fat because its the thing to do. Someones birthday? Hey! Lets go out to eat! The fair is in town? Oh! They have great fried food. Christmas? Lets have Christmas dinner at so&so's house because she is cooking (fill in meal). Bowling? Hey they have great pizza and lots of beer there. Haven't seen a friend in forever? Hey! Meet me at (fill in restaraunt). Toddler wants a cookie? Finish your food first.

    Our world revolves around meals and food and the comfort they bring.
  • kagenw
    kagenw Posts: 260 Member
    I got fat because I developed poor eating habits from as early as my mid teens. My family (everyone else is fairly fit) never emphasized portion control and daily exercise (not sports). My interests also led me to countless hours sitting in front of a TV or a computer monitor playing video games and mindlessly munching on junk food.
    There wasn't any single decision that led to me being obese, just a lot of little bad ones. Oh, and Little Caesers Hot-and-Ready Pizzas really killed me too (but I still love them).
  • jconnon
    jconnon Posts: 427 Member
    I ate too much and did not exercise!

    Tatyana said it best.

    I have a bunch of excuses but no good ones.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
    I was into drugs in highschool, after quitting those I continued to eat the way I used to while on them, which didn't work out very well. Stopped working out, got super lazy and here I am.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I am fat because I made bad choices. I was on some medicines and I wasn't willing to adjust my lifestyle and choices. I am the reason I am fat.
  • Jarnard
    Jarnard Posts: 497 Member
    I was always on the chubby side my whole life. When I lost weight the first time.. I was able to keep it off, but when I got out of a relationship and I went through a phase of eating and drinking a lot...and then I got into another relationship and started going out on dates and all that good stuff, which didn't help.. but now I've disciplined myself to enjoy food but not over do it.
  • Netzie
    Netzie Posts: 107 Member
    It came on me slowly. I have a sedentary job and I sit all day but metabolizism does slow with age and on my last doctor visit my thyroid was functioning on the low side. The real problem is as things changed with my body or activity I did not alter my eating habits. I provide food for 9 people and to keep the budget low I have to buy less exspensive food and saidly the least expensive foods can be more fatty and saltly. I always have bought good food but with the amount of mouths to feed meals like hamburger helper and other pasta meals and meals with rice do go a long way for less $$$$. So there is less of the good for you food on the plate if at all.

    I would say lack of consistancy and inability to alter to fit my needs is why i am fat. And as I get fatter i get lazier.

    It is changing now I am tired of being fat and they can just have smaller more healthy options along with me.
  • I am fat because when I got engaged to my husband we ate out a lot (almost every meal) and then shortly after we got married (which was only 2 months time after being engaged) we got pregnant. During my pregnancy with my first son, we ate out almost all the time because my husband had 3 hours of commute every day and I worked also so we where both pooped after work. So after I had my oldest son I never worked out and carried about 30bl. into my next pregnancy. At the end of that pregnancy I continued eating what ever I want and never worked out. My youngest is 2 now and I am just now pulling myself into motivation drive with the goal to loose the remaining weight I have accumulated.

    Good luck to you, and every one else on here! Hope every one else reaches their goals too!
  • fgeith05
    fgeith05 Posts: 3 Member
    i graduated high school, was lazy then got married and had 2 kids and continued to be lazy but for the sake of my kids im trying to become an active healthy person so they learn good habits.
  • 2012Kristin
    2012Kristin Posts: 222 Member
    I moved back to a town where all my friends want to do is go out to eat and drink. I partook until I realized how horrible I started to look. There was probably a bit of depression in there too.
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