Girls... Is muscle a turn off?



  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    I like a fit look. Lean but not too skinny and I like a little muscle, nothing too intense. An hour at the gym is one thing, anything too much more and its getting into a territory I am not into. Its great to look good, but not to be all a person is about. Thats why I can understand while men may look or fantasize about models, but actually want be with a girl with more meat on her.
  • BellydanceBliss
    Id like to add that I like strength which doesn't necessarily mean ripped muscle ya know? Dont over do it guys...
  • thea0101
    thea0101 Posts: 54 Member
    I like lean, fit bodies compared to huge, bulky muscles. I don't wanna date Johnny Bravo.
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    yup yup. Lean muscle is super sexy -- heavy body builders look like someone attached a pump to them to inflate them. Not cute.

    Personality? who cares about personality?

    jk! (a bit) :tongue:

    No. You aren't really kidding ;) And that's ok.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I like big, solid, tall, muscular guys. Good thing, because my husband is 6'1", and 250 pounds of solid muscle, as he's a power lifter. I don't care for the "roid" look though, body builders don't do it for me.
  • DizzyLinds
    DizzyLinds Posts: 856 Member
    Rugby player size or even a David Beckham look for me!

    I'm a big fan of Bradley Cooper. I don't like it when guys have bits sticking out here and there. Guys who look like they care for themselves, but will also enjoy dinner out, popcorn in the cinema and a bottle of red and then.
  • Freya7777
    To me it depends on the dude! I personally like someone who cares about their appearance, but they dont have to be some huge buff guy, although I admire that because I know they worked for it. I do however like a man who looks like a 'man', no skinny metro guys for me thanks :)
  • kb455
    kb455 Posts: 679 Member
    I'm one of those girls who doesn't like washboard abs on a guy. I'm not sure why. I like a guy who has some meat on his stomach.

    This build to me, is perfect and I don't think he's got ripped abs but I love his body.

  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member

    I get frustrated by the classification of BODYBUILDER look being only the huge steroid-user trend. People don't understand. ALL OF THOSE GUYS are bodybuilding.

    Check this Dwayne Johnson "The Rock"...

    The Rock is perfect. Bodybuilding, like Mr. Olympia contests are not attractive to me. At all.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I assume most girls do not like a guy like this:

    But Id definately argue girls like guys like this:

    I guess I cant speak for all women, but I know thats what my girl likes

    That first one looks like the muscles are going to pop off into fully grown men, like in Gremlins. EEEEWWWW!!!

    And, no, the second one isn't attractive to me, either. Not gross, but not my thing. I can see how OTHER women would find that attractive, but I just don't.

    One thing I don't like (and, again, if we were talking about a man I actually know and have feelings for, this would be different) is the hips on men with a lot of muscles. That indentation creeps me out. But I do like strong shoulders and arms.

    How would you even fit clothes on that!?!?!?

    That's why he's wearing a sling shot.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member


    I think that sums it up :tongue:
  • mochalovies
    mochalovies Posts: 192 Member
    No. You aren't really kidding ;) And that's ok.

    haha shhhh!
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,190 Member
    I love the muscle definition on both of these wrestlers!


  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
  • hellokathy
    hellokathy Posts: 540 Member
    Most people don't believe me when I say this but I'm really not a fan of six packs. Or a lot of muscle definition in general. I prefer if the skin looks smooth rather than rippled.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...The Rock. Thank you stayxtrue for the morning visual. That will get me through the day :laugh:
  • Freya7777
    David Wolfman Williams. Google him. Ohhhh ya!
  • ericamichelle2
    ericamichelle2 Posts: 2 Member
    Muscles are nice, but not when its taken too far. Of course, men that are in good shape are attractive, but Im not into bodybuilders. I want a nice, cozy guy! I dont want to feel like I am cuddling with a rock. :)
  • Dkittery
    This is just my opinion... It is a huge turn off for me! The reason being though is most of the guys I have ever met that do have a lot of muscle and really in shape were complete @ss***** and very cocky. It is not that I not "used to seeing" a built dude, I have not met one that wasn't cocky about it.

    I agree!!!!! You can have the best looking body but if you think your "all that", it's a total turn of!!! I like a man that works hard to stay in shape (naturally) and is down to earth. Could care less about the 6 pack abs, I'm more of a shoulder, back and arm person myself. Being Lean is better.