Negative Reinforcement (Don't Read If You Cant Take It)



  • kristelpoole
    kristelpoole Posts: 440 Member
    I think it's important to remember that we can be fat at any size, too. I'm not obese and never have been, but when i realized I was overweight (and by how much), I started crying in the mirror and called myself fat. Not to belittle myself, but to just stop pretending that what I was doing to myself was okay. And that's when everything changed. Love your post!

    I'm not fat fat anymore, now I'm just kinda fat. Soon I'll be "okay" and then "good" and then "fit and hot". :)

    Good luck to all of you. xo
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    I realized I was fat when I got on my WiiFit and it told me I was overweight! The my little Mii expanded!

    I am FAT! And so is my Mii!

    I find it a bit inspiring to tell myself "keep going fatty" when I'm doing my 30DS. I don't want to be fat anymore, but there is no hiding from the truth.

    I'm doing it for my Mii. Or for me. We will shrink together. ;)
    Oh wow, I've just realised that I haven't got on my WiiFit since I joined the gym last February, so the next time I use it I'll see my fat little round Mii shrink before my eyes! :bigsmile:
  • Jferg69
    Jferg69 Posts: 241 Member
    Ok. I disagree (there has to be one, lol)

    (Here comes the geek) We are not fat. Fat is the substance that causes us to be Overweight or Obese,

    I have never heard any medical expert call me fat,,,, obese yes, fat never,

    Fat is the substance that we are trying to get rid of to not be overweight,

    Adipose tissue is more of a "geeked" term. And technically you dont get "rid" of it, you use the solidified energy stored in those cells and shrink them.

    I'm rather less adiposaic than I was in September. :-P

    Hahaha, I like this
  • Jferg69
    Jferg69 Posts: 241 Member
    Ok. I disagree (there has to be one, lol)

    (Here comes the geek) We are not fat. Fat is the substance that causes us to be Overweight or Obese,

    I have never heard any medical expert call me fat,,,, obese yes, fat never,

    Fat is the substance that we are trying to get rid of to not be overweight,

    Geek no.2 here. Its not negative reinforcement either, unless you have someone shouting "Fat Fat Fat!" at you in the canteen until you choose the salad option :tongue: Now there's an idea...! :laugh:

    I do understand what you mean though. Facing up to what you are right now, and loving yourself regardless is the best thing to start a weight loss journey with :smile:

    unless you have someone shouting "Fat Fat Fat!" at you in the canteen until you choose the salad option. Ilike this idea, lol
  • rjmwx81
    rjmwx81 Posts: 259 Member
    So in my experience on the forums and with friends lists there seems to be a general idea that us fat people tend to get offended when we are called fat.

    I learned something a while ago.

    I use to get offended when people called me fat, you know it hurt deeply *right here* points to heart -. Then I came to a realization; I was and still am fat.

    Guess what ? I am not big boned, I am not husky, fluffy, overweight, obese, metabolically challenged, horizontally challenged, chubby, chunky, corpulent, generously proportioned, hefty, gravitationally challenged, oversized, stout, stocky or Plus Sized... I am FAT ... Capital F, A ,T - FAT

    While some of the above are more or less entertainment but many of the above are used to disguise, to desensitize and to avoid the big F word.

    When I accepted that word, I did something about it. No I am not done, I am still fat, but at least now I don't have some misguided sense of delusion that the world made me obese, no I made me FAT.

    So, what are you going to do about it ? Are you fat ?

    You callin' me fat? Punk! lol...just kidding. You're totally right.

    When people have drinking/drug/gambling problems, it's said that the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. Admitting you're overweight, and putting it in negative terms, is the start of the process of self-improvement.

    So, "Hi, I'm rjmwx81, and I'm fat."
  • i love this..from one fatty to another :)
  • Lanna74
    Lanna74 Posts: 203 Member
    Well articulated, Xayekim, and congrats on the 100 pound weight loss!
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    Ok. I disagree (there has to be one, lol)

    (Here comes the geek) We are not fat. Fat is the substance that causes us to be Overweight or Obese,

    I have never heard any medical expert call me fat,,,, obese yes, fat never,

    Fat is the substance that we are trying to get rid of to not be overweight,

    Adipose tissue is more of a "geeked" term. And technically you dont get "rid" of it, you use the solidified energy stored in those cells and shrink them.

    i was going to say this, but you beat me to it.. lol.
  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    Couldn't really care less. It is just a word. I am happy with me whether others call me fat or not. I am more concermed abuot my health than listening to negative reinforcement about my size.
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    no matter what my weight is im always gonna be a fatboy!
  • I'm fat,clinically obese,overweight,whatever you wanna call it.
    However I am a nice person, I can change my weight, but changing my personality will only come with some hefty drugs from the doctor!
    I usually find people only *****/backstab/be nasty when something lacks in their life.. I love this site,its full of friendly fab members who are all in the same boat.

    I also believe in Karma and treat others as you wish to be treated yourself.

    Happy dieting guys x
  • my ex husband calls me Jabba the hut: a fat, ugly alien.... inspired huh?
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    <<<< fat and working on becoming fit!
  • sschmidt928
    sschmidt928 Posts: 39 Member
    I kind of love you guys... And for the first time ever I'm saying it too - I AM FAT! Being fat doesn't make me any less awesome. It just means there's something I need to work on. And I've been doing it every day for the last two months, and I'm gonna KEEP doing it every day for the rest of my life. Cause it feels SO MUCH BETTER to accept how and who I am knowing I'm doing something for my own health.
    That was cleansing. I think I'll do it every day.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I can call myself fat. No one else can.
  • tinalatina
    tinalatina Posts: 499 Member
    Well said....Sometimes the truth hurts but it helps us realize what we need to do to be healthy again. I used to be im just chubby! Same concept!! One step closer to the goal!!!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I can call myself fat. No one else can.

  • I am fat but gorgeous! LOL I am working on the fat part :) A good friend of mine called me fat once, he says to me "you are fat, and it's not like it is a secret, everyone knows you are fat, just because you are pretty doesn't mask the fact that you are fat" there was some's to all the fatties out there making a change, it is day by day but you can do it!
  • candykay0605
    candykay0605 Posts: 1,019 Member
    fat person here also !!!!
  • I can call myself fat. No one else can.

    ^^^ this I love it!