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Your other half



  • Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? He does the laundry and helps clean all the time.

    Cook for you? He and his grill have a very special relationship - I reap the benefits!

    Go food shopping? I make the list and then we head out together.

    Give you massages when you ask? Yes - as long as I don't ask too much....

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? Yes - mostly when I am in PJs with no make up....:blushing:

    Buy his/her own clothes? He buys them - but only after asking if I like them lol

    Notice the dust? Not usually but when he does he helps clean it up.

    Take the children off so you have some free time? No kids - just a cat - which he feeds and cleans the litter :)

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? Mostly me - but if I give him directions it gets done

    Open his/her post? He is in charge of his own mail - sometimes it forms a pile in the office but he opens the important stuff.

    Do any paperwork ever? Yes he does.
  • Blodnie
    Blodnie Posts: 66
    Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? Ha! Never on his own. Only if asked.

    Cook for you? BBQ's -- other than that, eggs are about as much as he can deal with.

    Go food shopping? Yes, with me.. we always grocery shop together.

    Give you massages when you ask? Yes.. especially my feet. A little of heaven!

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? Yes.. all the time, bless his heart. Poor things needs better glasses.

    Buy his/her own clothes?! Nope.. thankfully he lets me do it. My conscience would get to me if I let him go out in the kinds of things he'd buy on his own.

    Notice the dust? I think yes, but he doesn't say anything about it. We dust when there's company coming. :-)

    Take the children off so you have some free time? No kids.. except 4-footed ones.

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? Mostly left to me. He's a "let's wait and see what happens" kind of guy. Drives me insane. Planning is everything.

    Open his/her post? Yes.. even gets the mail out of the mailbox fairly often.

    Do any paperwork ever? nope..
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? If I ask, he will, and if I'm having a rough night he'll help out with dishes or picking up without having to ask.

    Cook for you? He does the grilling and makes a mean pot of alfredo. Other than that, I prefer to cook.

    Go food shopping? Heck no. I doubt the guy even knows what kind of milk we buy. However, he has social anxiety issues (can't handle crowds) and I have control issues (need to have exactly the right thing, I hate not knowing the contents of my own fridge) so it works out that I handle that.

    Give you massages when you ask? The more I take off, the longer the massage lasts ;)

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? Showers me with compliments constantly. Pretty awesome.

    Buy his/her own clothes?! No, he still rocks his high school band shirts at home and I take care of everything else.

    Notice the dust? Nope.

    Take the children off so you have some free time? Every now and then, but usually he's so overwhelmed (we have a 4 year old gril and a 2 year old girl) when I get home that those few hours by myself weren't worth it haha.

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? Me. See Control issues above. He does get a say in it though. Occasionally. If he's been good.

    Open his/her post? Sometimes?

    Do any paperwork ever? He's starting to get better about it, but I have to nag :(

    He's kinda awesome and we work together almost perfectly. If only I could get him to stop leaving dirty socks under the coffee table...hehehe.
  • gtfcnat
    gtfcnat Posts: 199
    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? Ish - I would say I do more, but he does do some

    Cook for you? Yes, if I've been at work (do 12hr shifts)

    Go food shopping? Yes, with me

    Give you massages when you ask? Erm, nope

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? Not really :/

    Buy his/her own clothes?! Yes

    Notice the dust? Haha No

    Take the children off so you have some free time? N/A

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? When prompted yes

    Open his/her post? Yes

    Do any paperwork ever? Yeah, he's more organised than me when it comes to paperwork
  • Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? No

    Cook for you? No

    Go food shopping? When we first got married never, but in the last years he will pick things up that he wants and once in a while something that I want.

    Give you massages when you ask? He used to ask for massages all the time but never really gave any. Now neither of us ask

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? No

    Buy his/her own clothes?! His work provides uniforms and they also have a linen service that cleans them. That leaves church clothes and I buy those or his family gives him shirts as presents

    Notice the dust? yes

    Take the children off so you have some free time? Our children are grown now but when they were younger, No

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? I do that

    Open his/her post? not sure

    Do any paperwork ever? In the beginning no, but now yes
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home?: Well, he works full-time, and I'm a full-time student. I'm only doing online classes right now, so naturally, I take more responsibility at home. I clean, do dishes, do laundry, etc. He, however, cleans our vehicles, fixes anything that breaks, does ALL of the yard work, etc. To me, that's a fair trade-off. :P

    Cook for you?: Yes, but not often. Simply because I'm home more and I LOVE cooking. But when he does cook, it's phenomenal. :D

    Go food shopping? He works at a grocery store, so he picks up things on his way home, if I ask/we run out of something. I prefer to go grocery shopping, though, so I can pick out what I want, use my coupons, etc. Plus, I'm weird--I LIKE to go grocery shopping, haha.

    Give you massages when you ask?: Yep!

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome?: All the time. :)

    Buy his/her own clothes?: Nope. I joke around that he wouldn't even own any clothing if no one else bought it for him, haha. He has a TON Of clothes, because everyone (me, my parents, his parents) all buy him clothes for his birthday/Christmas/just because. He doesn't ask for it, but he appreciates it. :P

    Notice the dust?: Apparently not...if he would, maybe his Xbox and other electronics wouldn't accumulate so much of it?

    Take the children off so you have some free time?: We don't have kids.

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you?: He prefers to leave it up to me, but he has been known to arrange some pretty awesome stuff. For example: I've been wanting to go to St. Augustine with him for 2 years, now, and he is now taking me there for Valentine's Day! He only waited so long to take me so he could plan it out with his vacation time and money, etc.

    Open his/her post?: Of course. I would never dream of opening someone else's mail, unless they specifically asked me to, just as I would be REALLY upset if someone opens my mail!

    Do any paperwork ever?: Not sure what this means, really. We don't have any paperwork to do?
  • shadow997
    shadow997 Posts: 31 Member
    Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? yes but she does most of it work 2 job

    Cook for you? ha ha no way i cook almost all meals and left over for the nights im working

    Go food shopping? all of it i hat to do it, but will go if im the one make a special meal

    Give you massages when you ask? never ask

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome?when i dress up

    Buy his/her own clothes?!yes but i do pick out some very nice outfits for hoildays ( and she doesnt return them )
    Notice the dust?

    Take the children off so you have some free time? never had any free time what is that haha

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? she does plans things

    Open his/her post?mail/ phone is all hers

    Do any paperwork ever? most of the banking
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home?
    Just about.

    Cook for you?
    Occasionally he makes me something special. Hes not the best cook so I don't really let him :laugh:

    Go food shopping?
    We do so together once a week.

    Give you massages when you ask?

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome?
    All the time.

    Buy his/her own clothes?!

    Notice the dust?

    Take the children off so you have some free time?
    If we had them, he probably would.

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you?
    Mostly left to me.

    Open his/her post?
    I assume that means mail, yes he does.

    Do any paperwork ever?
    If there is any to be done, yes.
  • comet_wow
    comet_wow Posts: 180 Member
    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? Yes, we both work so share the housework.

    Cook for you? Never, he's a terrible cook so I do all the cooking and he does all the ironing...think I have the better deal tbh :)

    Go food shopping? yep, he's there to carry it although I'm the one with the shopping list

    Give you massages when you ask? Every time

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? Yes

    Buy his/her own clothes?! Never, he can't even remember his shoe size

    Notice the dust? occassionally but would never make a fuss

    Take the children off so you have some free time? He loves doing this

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? All me

    Open his/her post? Yes, I would never dream of opening his private mail

    Do any paperwork ever? Yep
  • b757
    b757 Posts: 61 Member
    Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? mmm...if I am in the action of cleaning. If most of it is already done, no.

    Cook for you? sometimes, he makes salads usually

    Go food shopping? for our big holiday dinners and for his own lunches, and if he is running to the store he will.

    Give you massages when you ask? yes but not for a long period of time but that' s better than not at all.

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? all the time

    Buy his/her own clothes?! Yes. I only buy him clothes for gifts, usually.

    Notice the dust? Not a chance. Wait- I think he dusted once. So he's noticed in the past 10 years at least once. Good deal.

    Take the children off so you have some free time? Yes.

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? Usually that is left to me.

    Open his/her post? Huh?

    Do any paperwork ever? Very, very rarely. Even when it is something solely for him.

    He is a great guy and I absolutely love him. He helps out when I ask.
  • TriciaZ944
    TriciaZ944 Posts: 317 Member
    Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? In my opinion no, in his yes

    Cook for you? Yes we share this

    Go food shopping? We go together

    Give you massages when you ask? Not really... Sometimes.

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? Yes

    Buy his/her own clothes?! Yes

    Notice the dust? Not at all

    Take the children off so you have some free time? No kids yet

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? Depends on what it is

    Open his/her post? Yes he is better than I am on this

    Do any paperwork ever? Yes
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? He does yardwork and takes out the trash, i an the primary chef/laundry/dusting person. I hate mowing, so i don't mind :)

    Cook for you? He HATES cooking, but he will grill if i ask him to (he swears he's not any good, but i love it!)

    Go food shopping? We go together

    Give you massages when you ask? And when i dont :)

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? Every day

    Buy his/her own clothes?! When i get annoyed and tell him he's wearing holey socks because that's all he has, he gets a new package, but not before that. LOL

    Notice the dust? He notices. Doesn't dust it, but he sees it.

    Take the children off so you have some free time? We don't have kids but he will wlak the dogs when i'm up to my eyeballs in other things.

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? His idea of arranging is "shove it under the couch/bed so we can't see it."

    Open his/her post? Yep

    Do any paperwork ever? When he has to :)
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    I don't have an other half- but when I did, he wasn't a supporter, he was an anchor dragging me down. He not only refused to help with housework/child care even when I was working more hours than he did, he turned out to be a manipulative, selfish, passive-aggressive and eventually abusive jerk too.

  • He's kinda awesome and we work together almost perfectly. If only I could get him to stop leaving dirty socks under the coffee table...hehehe.

    Haha! That's the ONE thing I wish my husband would remember to do. Ah well. Small price to pay for being married to the most amazing man ever.
  • jacquelyn_erika
    jacquelyn_erika Posts: 524 Member
    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? Yes. My favorite is when he does the dishes :)

    Cook for you? Every night! He's the cook, not me.

    Go food shopping? Yes.

    Give you massages when you ask? Yes. Sometimes I get lucky and don't even have to ask.

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? Yes.

    Buy his/her own clothes?! Yes, but I like to pick stuff out for him, too.

    Notice the dust? Yes.

    Take the children off so you have some free time? N/A.

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? I usually do the arranging, depends on what it is though.

    Open his/her post? Yes.

    Do any paperwork ever? No, I like to do it!
  • i do all the cooking and shopping.....its for the best :bigsmile:
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? Not really, jerk!

    Cook for you? Every day :) That makes up for #1.

    Go food shopping? If I make him! haha

    Give you massages when you ask? Of course!

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? Sometimes... but I know he means it when he does :)

    Buy his/her own clothes?! Eh... not really, sometimes.

    Notice the dust? Sometimes, but he cleans it, no complaining.

    Take the children off so you have some free time? No kids, but he takes care of the pets after work.

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? I like to arrange stuff, I don't ask him to.

    Open his/her post? If he wants to.. I usually get it before he gets home and read it... but if he wanted to I'd let him... either way neither of us care much.

    Do any paperwork ever? I like to do all the CB and stuff, I ask to.
  • He did none of it oh I'm sorry he would notice the dust and complain that I'm a slob!
    That is why I'm filing for divorce!!!
    Can't wait to be RID of him!!!!!!!!!!
  • KitTheRoadie
    KitTheRoadie Posts: 641 Member
    Just looking for a gauge really!

    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? No

    Cook for you? Occasionally

    Go food shopping? No

    Give you massages when you ask? Would do if I asked

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? All the time

    Buy his/her own clothes?! Constantly

    Notice the dust? Not really

    Take the children off so you have some free time? Always

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? 50/50

    Open his/her post? Nope

    Do any paperwork ever? Nope
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Does your other half:

    Do an equal share of the housework when he/she is home? Nope. I clean her room, she doesnt clean mine

    Cook for you? Rarely. But I enjoy cooking

    Go food shopping? Not really

    Give you massages when you ask? I dont really like back/foot massages..... so no

    Tell you you are beautiful/handsome? sure

    Buy his/her own clothes?! yes

    Notice the dust? yes, I almost never notice dust

    Take the children off so you have some free time? no kids

    Arrange anything or is it all left to you? arranges everything

    Open his/her post? yes

    Do any paperwork ever? rarely