Time to Tackle P90X - and You Can, Too..! Starting Monday 3/



  • larthur
    larthur Posts: 37 Member
    Eriny.... you totally ROCK!!!

    aprilvet, thanks for your help and advice. I think I can order greek yogurt through the health food co-op i'm in but we just ordered so it'll be another month, oh well. My concern with adding more peanut butter, or nuts is the fat grams. If I do that I always go over the 20% in fat. I have lost inches, although I haven't messured, my clothes are getting looser. But dang it, I want to be that 112 I was before my last baby LOL
  • mosse33
    mosse33 Posts: 69 Member
    hi all
    just done arms and shoulders plus arx och on week 2 phase 1 and enjoying it
    just wondered if any of u have a protein bar recipe i have searched on here but no luck
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Eriny.... you totally ROCK!!!

    aprilvet, thanks for your help and advice. I think I can order greek yogurt through the health food co-op i'm in but we just ordered so it'll be another month, oh well. My concern with adding more peanut butter, or nuts is the fat grams. If I do that I always go over the 20% in fat. I have lost inches, although I haven't messured, my clothes are getting looser. But dang it, I want to be that 112 I was before my last baby LOL

    Ahh, that number on the scale!!!:grumble: All I can say is I don't know where my weight will end up, but I'm well on my way to the best body of my life!!! For me, I was 30# overweight when I got pregnant with both kids, so I'm looking so much better!!!:drinker: I'm almost at my college weight, and I might actually get to high school weight! But in the long run, I'm in the best shape of my life and only getting better!!! All at 42!!!!:bigsmile:
  • larthur
    larthur Posts: 37 Member
    Eriny.... you totally ROCK!!!

    aprilvet, thanks for your help and advice. I think I can order greek yogurt through the health food co-op i'm in but we just ordered so it'll be another month, oh well. My concern with adding more peanut butter, or nuts is the fat grams. If I do that I always go over the 20% in fat. I have lost inches, although I haven't messured, my clothes are getting looser. But dang it, I want to be that 112 I was before my last baby LOL

    Ahh, that number on the scale!!!:grumble: All I can say is I don't know where my weight will end up, but I'm well on my way to the best body of my life!!! For me, I was 30# overweight when I got pregnant with both kids, so I'm looking so much better!!!:drinker: I'm almost at my college weight, and I might actually get to high school weight! But in the long run, I'm in the best shape of my life and only getting better!!! All at 42!!!!:bigsmile:

    I know your right. Being in good health really doesn't have much to do with what that stupid scale says :smile: I've run 2 marathons and several half marathons in the last 18 months and now that i'm doing P90X I know i'm in pretty dang good shape inspite of the extra 10-15 pounds that I hate :ohwell: The truth is, when i'm done with this program (are you ever done?? I know i'll just keep doing it over and over) if I am toned and have some definition I will be happy regardelss of wether the scale moves to much.

  • mosse33
    mosse33 Posts: 69 Member
    hi all
    ive just checked and my whey protein doesnt have Creatine in it
    do i need it or am i fine without it
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Week 10, day 5- L & B. Whipped my butt!!! Everything seems really hard this week, but I'm working hard. My calorie burns are the same of higher, and I'm seeing great changes on the scale and in my body. Just wish I felt stronger at this point in the journey.:grumble:

    Bring it!!:happy:
  • larthur
    larthur Posts: 37 Member
    I did L&B too, it was tuff this morning. I don't know if I am just tired from a crazy week at our house or what. I haven't had time to do much other exercise other than the P90X a few runs here and there. I'm hoping to go lap swimming tomorrow but my brother in law is getting married soooo who knows??? None of my numbers on my reps went up and I really pushed it.
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158

    This thread seems to be dying, and we are just a few weeks away from completing P90X. Let's keep going and cross the finish line. I have been making great progress - and the six pack is starting to form.
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    Did Chest, Shoulder, Tri's and Plyo X today, cause I did not have much time on Monday and Tuesday - so I did rowing on those 2 days instead. I can certainly vouch that P90X has improved my overall fitness greatly, and I did two 30 minute pieces on my rowing machine and achieved distances that I haven't achieved for over 5 years, so not bad for a 43 year old guy.

    This program really works.
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Nooooooo!!! It's not dying! It's been a busy weekend- pushed play plus added cardio to account for the extra food!:noway: The start of week 11 feels STRONG!!! Whipped out more push-ups than ever- more than the girl in the gang! Working on my pull-ups- pushing the chair way out; I hope to be able to do ONE unassisted pull-up by the end! Was in a bit of a funk yesterday, so missed everything. Cranked out plyo today- getting better every time! Also 45 min on treadmill and 30 minutes with my trainer.

    Getting the diet back under control, but it has been wonderful having P90X to keep me going during a time that in the past has pushed me into a back-slide and derailed my efforts at my ideal body!!

    :heart: P90X:heart:
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Ok P90X crew, I have been out of the loop for several days, but I HAVE RETURNED..!! Obviously I have a lot to catch up on, so I'll get to some of it this evening and the rest tomorrow. I see some questions out there, so please accept my apologies, and I'll get to them most likely tomorrow evening.

    With that, I hope everyone had an enjoyable Memorial Day holiday (and paused to remember those servicemen and women who have passed on defending our freedoms). Feels great to be back everyone, and I KNOW since we're almost to the end of this first P90X round that everyone's feeling and looking great! Recently, I have had to buy 32" waist shorts and 34" waist chinos for the office, so I am liking what's happening to me FOR SURE!
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY SIXTY-SIX - Back & Biceps, Ab Ripper X

    Again, the first shot at a strength workout with the dumbbells instead of the bands. Talk about feelin' IT! Yeouch! As expected, most of the weight values came down. Strange how much different the moves feel with weight, but when you look at it, it makes sense. A band increases its resistance with increased tension; a dumbbell weighs what it weighs regardless. Nemesis today were all the pull-up moves; using no chair for support until the last rep makes a HUGE difference, and the decrease in rep numbers show it. Still, it's not disappointing because I'm knocking out "real" pull-ups now, so the more I can manage, the happier I am.

    Also, while it's on my mind, I don't know about anyone else, but ARX still kicks my hiney every single time I do that workout... Sheesh. I do notice now that I can keep pace with the group for the first five moves, so improvements continue to be made.

    Yoga X is next... Gotta love it.
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235

    Oh yeah... Yoga is a beautiful thing. An intense, painful, challenging, difficult, yet relaxing thing, but a beautiful thing nonetheless. This was a really good yoga day for me. Royal Dancer... I was ON it. Yoga Belly 7... I was ON it. Corpse Pose at the end... I was REALLY on that... haha. Seriously, I felt good throughout the entire workout, and my legs weren't feeling quite as worn out as they have in the past, so I was better able to manage my balance in the lunges. The challenge is still in the Warrior III Pose and such. For some reason, the single leg stance really gets the back of my leg and hip to burning. I think I may have to break down and pick up a yoga block after all and see if that helps (and stop trying to be a hero).

    Legs & Back is on-deck... Ah, the burn of a Balance Lunge... lol.
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    I have now lost 20 lbs even since March 16. Almost at the finish line. Will post my 90 day pics.

    P90X Rocks!!!!
  • mosse33
    mosse33 Posts: 69 Member
    I have now lost 20 lbs even since March 16. Almost at the finish line. Will post my 90 day pics.

    P90X Rocks!!!!

    how many cals do u eat a day
    and when did u start seeing the changers in your body
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Beginning of week 12- chest, shoulders, tris, ARX, 2 mile run. P90X continuesw to kick my @**, but I get better and better:bigsmile: ! I managed one one-arm push-up per arm from my toes!:drinker: Then I did another 14 from my knees. Still can't do a clap push-up from my toes- almost fell on my face, just like the first time.:grumble: :noway:

    Plyo tomorrow- home stretch before I'm a P90X graduate!!!:flowerforyou:

    I hope everyone is bringing it!!!
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Good morning everyone. :bigsmile:

    Well, I have been battling the "Upper Respiratory and Sinus Infection from Hell" for the last week, and it's put me out of working out for that whole time and more. There was just no way I could do workouts as miserable as I felt. :sick: This morning is the first morning in a week that I haven't dealt with a runny nose, coughing, or a raw throat - too much information perhaps, but it is what it is.

    So, looking back on my performance, I'm going to restart at the last two weeks of the program and re-do all that work. So, Monday I'll start with a workout week from Phase I, following week a Phase II workout week, then that recovery week, and I'll call that the end of my first round.

    The interesting thing is I can really feel where I haven't been able to workout while I've been sick. It's not that my whole body's gone soft or anything, but my energy level has really gone down, and I don't feel anywhere near as good as I did when I was P90X-ing regularly.

    Right now, I'm on the laptop in the workout room, I have Kenpo X in the DVD player, and we're gonna see how this body responds to a workout now that I'm well on the mend. I want to thank those of you who are still hanging around and posting; I know you guys thought I fell off the face of the earth, but I'm still here. Also, I am very impressed and excited to see you all still working so hard, and we're almost to our 90 days. You should all be very proud of what you're about to accomplish, and if you haven't yet, start putting some thought to what you're going to do on day 91. We don't want to lose all the gains that we've worked so hard together to get. This is one excellent crew of hard-charging workout animals!!!

    So, with that, Tony Horton is waiting on me, so let's see how ready this machine of mine is to get put back to work. I'll pick up my daily workout posting on Monday, and later today, I'll go back through the last several posts to answer questions and continue conversations. Again, thanks a million for still being here everyone. Missed you guys terribly, and I'm ready to get back on the horse.... Talk with you soon..:bigsmile:
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235

    Well, this was the first workout following my week-long sickness, and I'd say this was the toughest Kenpo X has ever been for me. I had to stop completely about halfway through because I got to coughing so badly. It's not the "I'm still sick" cough; it's more the "my body's trying to get rid of the junk" cough. Also, as I tried to ramp up my intensity in places, breathing got progressively more difficult, so I couldn't go as full-out as I prefer to in this workout. While I feel well, my respiratory tract isn't quite back to normal yet.

    We'll have to see, but I think after some good rest today and tomorrow, I should be ready to pick it back up this coming Monday; that's the plan, at least. Tough though this was today, it felt great to be back in the saddle working out.
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    As you can tell by my tag name - RowerC2 - I have a Concept 2 Rowing machine at home. I purchased it in 1998 as a wat to train for Dragon Boat Racing (paddling rather than rowing - however, the Concept 2 machine is excellent for Cardio).

    Long story short, I only broke 7,400 meters over 30 minutes 3 times, once in 1998, and twice in 2002, with my best distance in 2002.

    I took a break from rowing with the start of P90X in March 16, but I tried rowing a couple of times, and noticed that I could row easier and faster. Well, I thought I would try for my record, and I am pleased to advise that this morning I rowed 7,457 meters for my all time distance record - and this is without hardly doing any cardio - just P90X.

    P90X works!!!
  • larthur
    larthur Posts: 37 Member
    I am sooooo excited! Last week was a recovery week for me, today started week 9. I feel great, I am starting to see a lot of changes in my muscle tone, stomach is flatter! I love AbRX!! And I lost 3 more pounds whooohooo!