Myfitnesspal vs Weight Watchers



  • nymphis
    nymphis Posts: 59 Member
    I was with WW last year, but it was costing me nearly £20/mo, so I decided to ditch it and pay my gym membership instead. It did work for me, however MFP has, like others said, a fantastic community, much more supportive than WW one (speaking from my experience only).

    I like the iPhone app for MFP as well, which allows me to scan food.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I guess we will have to agree to disagree on the finer points of WW over a consistent healthy nutritional plan (I'm not saying you can't do this through WW, but why pay a company for it?), and a clear easy to use food diary such as MFP makes this easier, the iPhone app is why I have switched to this site.

    I could continue to pick apart your comments and contradictory reponses but frankly I don't feel the need.

    My knowledge of nutrician and exercise has taken my own body down to low % bodyfat and six+ pack territory, without the need for any type of extreme regime.

    Over Xmas I didn't bother logging food or do any exercise for three weeks and I lost weight (not my goal actually) as it is now second nature for me to eat healthily and in moderation.

    When so many comments have highlighted weight gain straight after leaving WW then something isn't working.

    I wish everyone on here and WW the very best as getting down to your respective weight goals is brilliant not just for looks but for self esteem and many many other postitives.

    No matter what diet you're doing, if you stop doing it you're going to see a change. I maintained my WW weight loss for two years after stopping the program. Every person is different and every person is going to have a different experience. Some people can eat more than others and see larger losses (even people of the same gender, height, age and weight). There's so much more to weight loss than a simple calculation of calories in/calories out. If the strict idea that 3,500 calories = 1 pound gain or loss then it would hold true for EVERYONE. And it doesn't. One person could eat 3,500 extra calories and maintain while another might gain 3 pounds. And the opposite -- one might have that deficit and lose 3 pounds while another maintains.

    There was nothing contradictory about my statements about the program. It's a simple eat healthy, eat less and move more program no different than MFP. You're just counting differently.

    I totally understand why someone would choose MFP over WW (it's free, for one). But bashing the program that you still, even after having it specifically explained to you, don't understand (or at least are pretending not to understand, but I think you just don't want to admit you're wrong) is obnoxious.

    You've never been to a WW meeting. You've pulled one statement off the website and twisted it to mean something it doesn't say and then based your opinion of the entire program off your made up interpretation.

    You must be a really fun person to be friends with. Seriously.
  • nml2011
    nml2011 Posts: 156 Member
    You've never been to a WW meeting. You've pulled one statement off the website and twisted it to mean something it doesn't say and then based your opinion of the entire program off your made up interpretation.

    You must be a really fun person to be friends with. Seriously.

    You know this how?

    Hahahahaaa brilliant... and you call me obnoxious!
  • harpnnag
    harpnnag Posts: 14 Member
    I only get 1200 calories too and when I don't exercise it is difficult for me to keep to the 1200 and be satisfied. Have to choose wisely, lots of fruits\veggies with high fiber content and fish or shrimp done simply on these days is a good way to get a good dose of filling protein without high calorie count. No room for extras on those days!
  • harpnnag
    harpnnag Posts: 14 Member
    I am doing both ww and mfp. I lost 18lbs with ww last year and gained almost all of it back once the ww plus program started. I like how ww gave us weekly points to take from does mfp do something like that as well? I'm only allowed 1200 cal a day and I always go over on the days I don't work out. I'm not sure if I'm doing it right. I'm always starving.

    I too get 1200 cals. It is very difficult to stay within that number and be satisfied on days with no exercise. Try choosing fruits and veg with high fiber content and fish or seafood prepared simply to give you a good dose of filling protein with fairly low cal counts. There is no room for extras on those days! Good motivation I guess.
  • ChrisMarie1416452
    I love both weight watchers and myfitnesspal. I don't follow both religiously but I do get great things out of both and feel that I benefit from both. I love the logging for when I burn calories or lose weight and the encouragement I get, as well as the great support I get from the weight watchers meetings I goto. Either way what ever works for you stick with and enjoy it, taking it one day at a time. :heart:
  • dontwantausername1
    dontwantausername1 Posts: 120 Member
    I'm on day two and in love. I've been eating 1000 calories and doing good. I love the projector that says "if everyday were like this you'd weight..." I'll lose 12 pounds in 5 weeks! Weight Watchers Points Plus Online was terrible. I tried it once I saw some of the Jennifer Hudson commercials. I did it for like 3 months (NEVER once went over my points) and gained 2 pounds. Plus, the database barely had anything in it. So unlike the MFP database. Also, I ate whatever fruit I wanted on WW. Now, since on MFP, I've seen that I can't just have 4 apples a day! No wonder why I gained weight... On WW, I was led to believe I could eat whatever I wanted as long as it within points. I ate pizza, ice cream, pasta, etc. ALL WITHIN MY POINTS. It doesn't work. The "if it's to good to be true, it probably is" applies to WW. But, with MFP, I have to have my food intake match the amount of calories, carbs, fat, etc., instead of just having 1 thing to match it with: points. I don't know how Jennifer lost so much weight; she must have exercised for like 6 hours a day. And the people here are so nice!!!

    I've combined some of the things from the Special K diet with MFP. For breakfast I have Special K. I have the amount that Special K recommends to have. For my snacks, I have special k chips. On the special k plan, they say to have chips with grapes. So, I've started doing that. For lunch and dinner I have Lean Cuisine. It's a good idea because it's real food and you're not depriving yourself.
  • siwelh
    siwelh Posts: 50 Member
    I'm doing both right now. I came to MFP because I work out a lot and I don't feel ww works as well for those who have less to loose and are really working out (I burn about 3000 cal per week). I was already eating a lot of whole foods and avoiding processed foods etc, so mfp seems to really be working out better for me. I just cancelled my ww etools b/c this is SO much better.
  • Sharisunshine
    Sharisunshine Posts: 41 Member
    I did really good with WW with their OLD program, but after they switched to the Points Plus, I got sick and tired of "free" fruit and couldn't eat another piece. haha I am having better luck with MFP, so far. Good luck!
  • PrairieRoseNE
    PrairieRoseNE Posts: 265 Member
    Weight Watchers is all about Points. This does NOT teach you how to really eat healthy foods unless you are committed to learning more than WW teaches. I have met SO many people on Weight Watchers who have no clue as to how or what to eat, and no idea how to do anything without WW. It really has become a crutch for some of them - they can't go off the program. Maybe they're not doing it right, but when I hear over and over again, "I can't eat lunch - I'm saving up my points today so I can have cheesecake at dinner," well, let's just say I am LESS than impressed with that program.

    I agree - I think MFP does a way better job at giving us the tools to learn how to eat healthy and be accountable for everything we consume - not just lose weight.
  • kammy92
    kammy92 Posts: 408 Member
    My WW online expires tomorrow and I won't be renewing it..............
  • ladyphoto
    ladyphoto Posts: 192 Member
    I've done both- honestly, I like MFP better because 1.) it's free 2.) you don't need conversion charts into points, etc- which to me- makes this a lifestyle change instead of a program.
  • choccyqueen83
    choccyqueen83 Posts: 27 Member
    I am currently tracking both and find it really interesting looking t the break down of foods groups. I know for certain I'm eating too many carbs and need to work on my diet to reduce them. I find when I'm on we I just look at points and sometimes eat rubbish even it's within my points. Ek
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    i do MFP, my friend does WW and both work as far as weight loss goes if you stick to it.
    we have compared before and there are a lot of foods on here that are not in WW database so MFP can be easier to track, as its easy to find cals of unknown food items but on WW you have to enter cals/fat/protein/carb etc to calculate the points.
    my friend chose WW as the weekly meetings and being weighed in help motivate her, but this does nothing for me, i would rather use the money to pay for a gym membership.
    one thing she has mentioned is that once you reach goal weight you are entitled to 5 free weigh ins per year, so less than once every 2 months - a lot can go wrong in 2 months so if you rely on the meetings in order to maintain you would have to continue to pay forever, while MFP is free and the support system is always here.
  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member
    I will give props to WW for teaching me how to eat healthier however I'm more confident with MFP because I can see the numbers, I know I'm eating what my body needs and I can see the deficit of calories/exercise. I know I lose each week instead of crossing my fingers because I stayed within points. I love the help I get on MFP with advice and motivation.
  • dontwantausername1
    dontwantausername1 Posts: 120 Member
    I am currently tracking both and find it really interesting looking t the break down of foods groups. I know for certain I'm eating too many carbs and need to work on my diet to reduce them. I find when I'm on we I just look at points and sometimes eat rubbish even it's within my points. Ek

    That's why I gained two pounds on Weight Watchers. I ate rubbish as well even though I never went over my points.
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    I double-tracked for the majority of 2011. I found that I got the best advice and the most resources with MFP so I cancelled WW and am sticking with MFP.
  • nml2011
    nml2011 Posts: 156 Member
    I've already expressed my thoughts on the whole eat what you want when you want as long as you are under on points as total madness!

    Secondly the whole fruit equals zero points thing is completely ridiculous too;

    Most modern fruits have been bred to have higher sugar (fructose) than previously;

    Excess fructose is also fattening, despite the fact it doesn’t cause a blood sugar spike because it isn’t processed like other carbs, however once the liver fills with fructose the rest is stored as fat, which doesn’t take much more than a daily cupful of berries.
  • editress
    editress Posts: 25 Member
    I have done WW and just quite in November because MFP is free and I can save the money.

    That being said there is a lot of misconception on this thread about WW letting you eat anything as long as you are within your points…NOT TRUE. They are in to promoting Whole Foods. That is what the power foods are.

    Maybe it is because some people did it online or have not been to a meeting but one thing they stress is the 7 good daily guidelines. 8 glasses of water, at least 2 t oil, 2 dairy, protein, whole grains, at least 5 fruit and veggies and limit sugar. Once you have have counted the 7 healthy guide lines in a day there is not much room for junk food. That is what you extra point or workout points are for. If you are not following the 7 healthy guideline then you are not doing the WW program. So the people who said they were eating junk all day, stayed with in their points and gained did not read program. Also fruit is not free, it is 0 point. There is a difference . You must take responsibility and use in moderation.

    I think WW is fantastic for people who don't know haw to eat health. I have come away with some amazing tools from that program and would recommend it to anyone
  • sarahdatace
    I am a lifetime member at weight watchers. It does work of course, but so does my fitness pal... basically they are both calorie counting. I have taken the time to look at what I would consume points wise on a given day at weight watchers and compare it to my calorie intake on my fitness pal using the old momentum program (not the points plus program in which fruits and veg are free). The my fitness pal app allows for more food, maybe a couple hundred calories more a day, but if you consider the 35 extra points you get a week to use at weight watchers then I think it is about the same. Plus, my fitness pal is so much easier and FREE to use. I am currently just trying to lose a little bit of weight 10 pounds for a trip to bahamas in Feb. In three weeks I have lost 5 pds with mfp. So, I guess we will see how it goes, but so far so good :)