Posting Before & After Pics... Husband is NOT supportive



  • Jenniferlynn212
    Jenniferlynn212 Posts: 110 Member
    Just dont post them....pick your battles :-)
  • nursy911
    I guess I would first find out what his objections he insecure or is he concerned for your safety? If it's safety----you can compromise by only shooting pics from neck down.....If it is because he is insecure....well that is HIS issue and not yours.... (IMO). I guess if he is being "possessive"....well I wouldn't be able to stand for that....but if it is out of true concern....well---we could work on a compromise ;-).
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    My husband does NOT want me posting any body pics :( NONE whatsoever.

    I took "before" bikini pics back in the summer. We were dating then, not even married. Even then he complained about the pics and begged me not to post them, so I took them down after a few days. I've since lost a few lbs and inches and was thinking about taking updates, but he absolutely refuses to take them for me... !!??!!

    I told him "everyone's doing it"... LOL. He hates the idea of me "sharing" myself on the internet. I told him it's for a good reason but he won't budge. The only thing I could do is go behind his back :(

    I am a bit upset about this. What would YOU do? Any opinions, advice, suggestions?

    Take photos that are not swimwear, just normal clothes. Normal clothes' photos can still show weightloss, no probs.

    It can't be to do with your face as that is your face in your profile piccie isn't it?

    This - post photos with clothes on - it will show your progress.

    While some of thes posters are correct, he doesn't own you, you need to decide whose opinion matters most - the man you love, or a bunch of strangers on the internet.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    You should obey your husband's wishes. I suggest you make him a sammich and think about what you've done.

  • stef827
    stef827 Posts: 215 Member
    I say, just don't do it. Keep yourself a photo album of your progress - you don't really need to show the world your pictures just to motivate yourself. If you want the public recognition, do like the previous poster said and find a more creative way to share it.

    Really. If it's that important to him, respect him. No, he definitely doesn't "own" you, but marriage is about mutual respect, love, partnership... if he's asked you not to do something, especially something as unimportant as this, and you go do it behind his back knowing it will hurt him when he finds out, how will that help you in your weight loss journey OR your marriage?

    May I suggest instead that you find a way you can work together to support your journey and give you motivation? Maybe you could do your progress photos together for a private album, for example... wink, wink...

    Totally agree, great response :)
  • Seesaa
    Seesaa Posts: 451
    My two cents is this is obviously important to you, and not silly or ridiculous. You worked for it and want to show your loss proudly. It seems a little over-paranoid of him to not want you "sharing" yourself, it's YOUR body.

    i like that reply.

    it isn't about showing off so people can hit on you, this is a support site not a dating site. You should be able to post your before and afters freely and be proud to do so.
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    He is your husband not your owner! Do what YOU need to do, if posting pics will help your journey then post it. (Cut your head out if you want)

    Amen sister!

    Girl, if it's going to help you on your journey, do it. It's your journey, not his.

    Women who post stuff like this are most likely either:
    A) Single
    B) Divorced
    C) Going to be divorced eventually.

    I was one of those 'do what you want who cares about what your husband says' type girls for too long. Guess what? I didn't get married until I was over 30...and I saw all those like minded gals I hung out with go through nasty divorces because they were "empowered" women. (Including my mother, after 25 years of marriage my father just couldn't take her "single minded" mentality anymore.) OP never said her husband stated she absolutely COULDN'T post pics, she said he DOESN'T WANT her to. There is a difference between being a "slave", or a "doormat", and just having the common courtesy to compromise with your spouse. The most empowered woman is the one who is considerate to her mate instead of being so busy deciding "he doesn't own her" that she won't even take the time to work things out on issues that they don't see eye to eye on. Compromise also makes for a long, happy marriage. I really dislike the almost constant disrespect for men I see on these message boards. Way too many posts by women bashing their spouses and talking poorly about them. It's pretty awful. When a wife becomes their husband's biggest fan, I can almost guarantee that even a not so great relationship will become a much better one.

    ETA: This post isn't directed to you, OP, but to the posters who replied to you that you shouldn't care what your husband thinks, and to do what you wish.
  • Marie3391
    Marie3391 Posts: 202 Member
    My boyfriend is the same. He got so angry when I wanted to send my online trainer progress pictures... I would say just chop your head off as has been mentioned or wear more clothing, such as shorts and a tank top, or something similar.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    He is your husband not your owner! Do what YOU need to do, if posting pics will help your journey then post it. (Cut your head out if you want)

    Amen sister!

    Girl, if it's going to help you on your journey, do it. It's your journey, not his.

    Women who post stuff like this are most likely either:
    A) Single
    B) Divorced
    C) Going to be divorced eventually.

    I was one of those 'do what you want who cares about what your husband says' type girls for too long. Guess what? I didn't get married until I was over 30...and I saw all those like minded gals I hung out with go through nasty divorces because they were "empowered" women. (Including my mother, after 25 years of marriage my father just couldn't take her "single minded" mentality anymore.) OP never said her husband stated she absolutely COULDN'T post pics, she said he DOESN'T WANT her to. There is a difference between being a "slave", or a "doormat", and just having the common courtesy to compromise with your spouse. The most empowered woman is the one who is considerate to her mate instead of being so busy deciding "he doesn't own her" that she won't even take the time to work things out on issues that they don't see eye to eye on. Compromise also makes for a long, happy marriage. I really dislike the almost constant disrespect for men I see on these message boards. Way too many posts by women bashing their spouses and talking poorly about them. It's pretty awful. When a wife becomes their husband's biggest fan, I can almost guarantee that even a not so great relationship will become a much better one.

    Bingo! :)
  • sweet110
    sweet110 Posts: 332 Member
    Marriage/partnerships are funny things. Yes, you should be free...its your body...yada yada. But pick your battles sweetie! Maybe he's being irrational/unreasonable. But one of these days (if you haven't already) you're going to want him to yield on something irrational. And if its not a huge deal to'll feel better that he did it, right?

    If its mainly to, as you say, chart your progress, take a picture and share it with yourself. Heck, you can print it out and share it with friends offline.

    Now. If this *were* a huge deal (it doesn't seem like this is, but one day, something else will come up that is), then you owe it to your marriage to talk it over with him. See his concerns. Talk it through. Come up with something that you think is fair but that he is less uncomfortable with--or just get him to be okay with being uncomfortable. Because its important to you. Folks saying 'just do it. screw him. its your right.' Okay...but you don't settle relationship disagreements by saying 'your concerns are stupid, so I ignored them.'
  • SergeantSunshine_reused

    Women who post stuff like this are most likely either:
    A) Single
    B) Divorced
    C) Going to be divorced eventually.

    I was one of those 'do what you want who cares about what your husband says' type girls for too long. Guess what? I didn't get married until I was over 30...and I saw all those like minded gals I hung out with go through nasty divorces because they were "empowered" women. (Including my mother, after 25 years of marriage my father just couldn't take her "single minded" mentality anymore.) OP never said her husband stated she absolutely COULDN'T post pics, she said he DOESN'T WANT her to. There is a difference between being a "slave", or a "doormat", and just having the common courtesy to compromise with your spouse. The most empowered woman is the one who is considerate to her mate instead of being so busy deciding "he doesn't own her" that she won't even take the time to work things out on issues that they don't see eye to eye on. Compromise also makes for a long, happy marriage. I really dislike the almost constant disrespect for men I see on these message boards. Way too many posts by women bashing their spouses and talking poorly about them. It's pretty awful. When a wife becomes their husband's biggest fan, I can almost guarantee that even a not so great relationship will become a much better one.

    Bingo! :)

    Couldn't agree more!
  • chooklady
    chooklady Posts: 47 Member
    To be honest my husband would be most put out if I did that . We have been married 30 years . Perhaps it is a bit old fashioned to take this stance but there is no need to post yourself really. Of course you are more sexy when you have done good diet and fitness. You can also measure thighs and waist lost cms . These are objective things people can cheer you on about and compete with.
  • The_Saint
    The_Saint Posts: 358 Member
    Marriage/partnerships are funny things. Yes, you should be free...its your body...yada yada. But pick your battles sweetie! Maybe he's being irrational/unreasonable. But one of these days (if you haven't already) you're going to want him to yield on something irrational. And if its not a huge deal to'll feel better that he did it, right?

    If its mainly to, as you say, chart your progress, take a picture and share it with yourself. Heck, you can print it out and share it with friends offline.

    Now. If this *were* a huge deal (it doesn't seem like this is, but one day, something else will come up that is), then you owe it to your marriage to talk it over with him. See his concerns. Talk it through. Come up with something that you think is fair but that he is less uncomfortable with--or just get him to be okay with being uncomfortable. Because its important to you. Folks saying 'just do it. screw him. its your right.' Okay...but you don't settle relationship disagreements by saying 'your concerns are stupid, so I ignored them.'

    Sage wisdom here...
  • WenniL
    WenniL Posts: 14
    Is your face in the pics? He may just be concerned about you and people taking your pics for their own strange reasons (weirdos out there). On my pics I took my face off and my boyfriend seemed ok with it. I have heard of people not liking their significant other doing that though, although I completely agree with you that posting them is a great way to get motivation and support!

    I agree...leave your face out of the pictures. Although your face is in other pics that you've posted here. Or as someone else has posted...take pictures in regurlar clothes. But in my opinion, regular clothes can show the change, but prob not as significantly as a swimsuit. Maybe try some more form fitting work out clothes??? I really don't see a problem with the before and after pictures. If nothing else, see if he will take the pics for you just to keep for yourself...they can be a great source of motovation. Where you were, where you can physically see the changes in yourself, and that (for me anyway) would be a great motovational tool to keep me going.
  • Phoenix24601
    Phoenix24601 Posts: 620 Member
    He is your husband not your owner! Do what YOU need to do, if posting pics will help your journey then post it. (Cut your head out if you want)

    Amen sister!

    Girl, if it's going to help you on your journey, do it. It's your journey, not his.

    Women who post stuff like this are most likely either:
    A) Single
    B) Divorced
    C) Going to be divorced eventually.

    I was one of those 'do what you want who cares about what your husband says' type girls for too long. Guess what? I didn't get married until I was over 30...and I saw all those like minded gals I hung out with go through nasty divorces because they were "empowered" women. (Including my mother, after 25 years of marriage my father just couldn't take her "single minded" mentality anymore.) OP never said her husband stated she absolutely COULDN'T post pics, she said he DOESN'T WANT her to. There is a difference between being a "slave", or a "doormat", and just having the common courtesy to compromise with your spouse. The most empowered woman is the one who is considerate to her mate instead of being so busy deciding "he doesn't own her" that she won't even take the time to work things out on issues that they don't see eye to eye on. Compromise also makes for a long, happy marriage. I really dislike the almost constant disrespect for men I see on these message boards. Way too many posts by women bashing their spouses and talking poorly about them. It's pretty awful. When a wife becomes their husband's biggest fan, I can almost guarantee that even a not so great relationship will become a much better one.

    ETA: This post isn't directed to you, OP, but to the posters who replied to you that you shouldn't care what your husband thinks, and to do what you wish.

  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    You should obey your husband's wishes. I suggest you make him a sammich and think about what you've done.


  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    i dont know what to say other than, your an adult, and you shouldnt need permission to post your pic. my husband doesnt care what i do, because hes not my father, hes my husband, and he trusts that im smart enough not to do anything dumb, stupid, or dangerous. maybe he should lighten up a bit. ID POST THEM!
  • secrets_out
    secrets_out Posts: 770 Member
    Your husband should mean more to you than a bunch of ppl in the interweb....women when did it become so cool to treat our husbands like a puddle of mud? I am my husbands biggest fan and he is mine! You should feel proud that he loves you so much he wants to protect you from all the crazies...
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    It's not like he's saying you can't have them at all, he just asked you not to post them. If they are just for you, then compromise and say you'll keep them private.
  • kiwianjel
    kiwianjel Posts: 80 Member
    Why dont you ask him if he would take before and afters just for the two of you to see .. you could keep yourself a kind of journey album ... i can understand his reservations once pictures are posted they are on the net there is no going back .... also is this worth losing his trust? your relationship is way more important than pictures posted on this website. (IMO)