Posting Before & After Pics... Husband is NOT supportive



  • noexcuses84
    noexcuses84 Posts: 100 Member
    He is your husband not your owner! Do what YOU need to do, if posting pics will help your journey then post it. (Cut your head out if you want)
    EXACTLY!!! tell him to get over it, sounds like he's jealous to me. my hubby is nothing but supportive and encouraging and the fact that he's refusing to allow u to put pics up is down right controlling. thats my 2 cents. :)
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    i dont know what to say other than, your an adult, and you shouldnt need permission to post your pic. my husband doesnt care what i do, because hes not my father, hes my husband, and he trusts that im smart enough not to do anything dumb, stupid, or dangerous. maybe he should lighten up a bit. ID POST THEM!

    Adults take into consideration their spouse's genuine wishes.
  • noexcuses84
    noexcuses84 Posts: 100 Member
    He is your husband not your owner! Do what YOU need to do, if posting pics will help your journey then post it. (Cut your head out if you want)

    Amen sister!

    Girl, if it's going to help you on your journey, do it. It's your journey, not his.
    thats such crap!

    Women who post stuff like this are most likely either:
    A) Single
    B) Divorced
    C) Going to be divorced eventually.

    I was one of those 'do what you want who cares about what your husband says' type girls for too long. Guess what? I didn't get married until I was over 30...and I saw all those like minded gals I hung out with go through nasty divorces because they were "empowered" women. (Including my mother, after 25 years of marriage my father just couldn't take her "single minded" mentality anymore.) OP never said her husband stated she absolutely COULDN'T post pics, she said he DOESN'T WANT her to. There is a difference between being a "slave", or a "doormat", and just having the common courtesy to compromise with your spouse. The most empowered woman is the one who is considerate to her mate instead of being so busy deciding "he doesn't own her" that she won't even take the time to work things out on issues that they don't see eye to eye on. Compromise also makes for a long, happy marriage. I really dislike the almost constant disrespect for men I see on these message boards. Way too many posts by women bashing their spouses and talking poorly about them. It's pretty awful. When a wife becomes their husband's biggest fan, I can almost guarantee that even a not so great relationship will become a much better one.

    ETA: This post isn't directed to you, OP, but to the posters who replied to you that you shouldn't care what your husband thinks, and to do what you wish.

  • Khunter2244
    In all honesty, respecting his wishes is something that's good to do. However, you need to take those pictures for your own satisfaction. If posting them on the internet is what bothers him, ask him to help take the pictures so you can put them up on the bathroom mirror or in a file so you can see for yourself the great work you've done! I've always been extremely self conscious with posting pictures on the internet and I keep picture of myself when I was biggest and when I was the skinniest in my life for motivation!
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    He is your husband not your owner! Do what YOU need to do, if posting pics will help your journey then post it. (Cut your head out if you want)
    EXACTLY!!! tell him to get over it, sounds like he's jealous to me. my hubby is nothing but supportive and encouraging and the fact that he's refusing to allow u to put pics up is down right controlling. thats my 2 cents. :)

    Yeah!! Who cares if your husband is jealous!! That doesn't matter! Showing people on the internet is way more important than jealousy in your marriage. Husbands, pffftttt whop cares what they think anyway.

    Wait what? xD
  • goodhealth2012
    My husband does NOT want me posting any body pics :( NONE whatsoever.

    I took "before" bikini pics back in the summer. We were dating then, not even married. Even then he complained about the pics and begged me not to post them, so I took them down after a few days. I've since lost a few lbs and inches and was thinking about taking updates, but he absolutely refuses to take them for me... !!??!!

    I told him "everyone's doing it"... LOL. He hates the idea of me "sharing" myself on the internet. I told him it's for a good reason but he won't budge. The only thing I could do is go behind his back :(

    I am a bit upset about this. What would YOU do? Any opinions, advice, suggestions?
    What an insecure little troll....
    Oh well, you married him, so maybe you should just take all your pics wearing a burka.
    Really I don't know where to start with this. First of all as a muslim I find this a bit of a cheap shot. The burka is not something that SOME muslim wear to please their husbands, they do it for God and for their wanting to please Him.

    In regards to the original question,
    I think you should respect your husbands wishes. He is your husband and has a right to tell you not to put pictures online that he feels uncomfortable with. If you want to see them maybe print them out for yourself and put them side by side so you can see the difference or show them to your close friends for feedback but posting these kinds of pictures online can sometimes have consequences that we can't foresee. It is not a major part of your weight loss and not necessary. Sometimes we have to compromise in marriage and ask the question... "is it worth it". Is it worth upsetting your husband if you go behind his back? Is it really even worth fighting for? We have battles in our marriage and sometimes we have wars! Settle on the battles sometimes and your more likely to win the wars! Good luck in you journey.
    BTW I have seen some people that have only head shots to show their progress and you can still see a remarkable difference!
  • rebeccawalker1982
    rebeccawalker1982 Posts: 117 Member
    My husband does NOT want me posting any body pics :( NONE whatsoever.

    I took "before" bikini pics back in the summer. We were dating then, not even married. Even then he complained about the pics and begged me not to post them, so I took them down after a few days. I've since lost a few lbs and inches and was thinking about taking updates, but he absolutely refuses to take them for me... !!??!!

    I told him "everyone's doing it"... LOL. He hates the idea of me "sharing" myself on the internet. I told him it's for a good reason but he won't budge. The only thing I could do is go behind his back :(

    I am a bit upset about this. What would YOU do? Any opinions, advice, suggestions?

    I would use the timer setting on your cam and take them yourself or get a friend to take them for you(female friend or he might be even more mad) and just post them. Yes I know this could cause probelms but just cut your face out or whatever. He should be proud to show you off and to let you share your story of how you got to where you are at. It can help others to see how you have done what you have done. I just started and took pics of myself because I dont even like my husband to look at your booty when I am smokin hot (LOL) I will let him tak ethe after pics and they will be posted....stay tunded for be awhile.
  • goodhealth2012
    He is your husband not your owner! Do what YOU need to do, if posting pics will help your journey then post it. (Cut your head out if you want)

    Amen sister!

    Girl, if it's going to help you on your journey, do it. It's your journey, not his.

    Women who post stuff like this are most likely either:
    A) Single
    B) Divorced
    C) Going to be divorced eventually.

    I was one of those 'do what you want who cares about what your husband says' type girls for too long. Guess what? I didn't get married until I was over 30...and I saw all those like minded gals I hung out with go through nasty divorces because they were "empowered" women. (Including my mother, after 25 years of marriage my father just couldn't take her "single minded" mentality anymore.) OP never said her husband stated she absolutely COULDN'T post pics, she said he DOESN'T WANT her to. There is a difference between being a "slave", or a "doormat", and just having the common courtesy to compromise with your spouse. The most empowered woman is the one who is considerate to her mate instead of being so busy deciding "he doesn't own her" that she won't even take the time to work things out on issues that they don't see eye to eye on. Compromise also makes for a long, happy marriage. I really dislike the almost constant disrespect for men I see on these message boards. Way too many posts by women bashing their spouses and talking poorly about them. It's pretty awful. When a wife becomes their husband's biggest fan, I can almost guarantee that even a not so great relationship will become a much better one.

    ETA: This post isn't directed to you, OP, but to the posters who replied to you that you shouldn't care what your husband thinks, and to do what you wish.

    AMEN SISTER!!!!! I'm so happy when I hear women standing up for their right to love, RESPECT and OBEY their husbands!!! As a muslim (an aussie convert of 8 years) when I speak up about this people just assume its cause i'm from some backward country that worships their husbands and put up with daily beatings in the name of religion!!!
    Yay for all the women who want to please their husbands!
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    He is your husband not your owner! Do what YOU need to do, if posting pics will help your journey then post it. (Cut your head out if you want)

    Amen sister!

    Girl, if it's going to help you on your journey, do it. It's your journey, not his.

    Women who post stuff like this are most likely either:
    A) Single
    B) Divorced
    C) Going to be divorced eventually.

    I was one of those 'do what you want who cares about what your husband says' type girls for too long. Guess what? I didn't get married until I was over 30...and I saw all those like minded gals I hung out with go through nasty divorces because they were "empowered" women. (Including my mother, after 25 years of marriage my father just couldn't take her "single minded" mentality anymore.) OP never said her husband stated she absolutely COULDN'T post pics, she said he DOESN'T WANT her to. There is a difference between being a "slave", or a "doormat", and just having the common courtesy to compromise with your spouse. The most empowered woman is the one who is considerate to her mate instead of being so busy deciding "he doesn't own her" that she won't even take the time to work things out on issues that they don't see eye to eye on. Compromise also makes for a long, happy marriage. I really dislike the almost constant disrespect for men I see on these message boards. Way too many posts by women bashing their spouses and talking poorly about them. It's pretty awful. When a wife becomes their husband's biggest fan, I can almost guarantee that even a not so great relationship will become a much better one.

    ETA: This post isn't directed to you, OP, but to the posters who replied to you that you shouldn't care what your husband thinks, and to do what you wish.

    AMEN SISTER!!!!! I'm so happy when I hear women standing up for their right to love, RESPECT and OBEY their husbands!!! As a muslim (an aussie convert of 8 years) when I speak up about this people just assume its cause i'm from some backward country that worships their husbands and put up with daily beatings in the name of religion!!!
    Yay for all the women who want to please their husbands!

    As you said, it is not for just certain countries, or a certain religion, as a lot of people think. :happy: I'm Christian and I try my best to love, respect and obey my husband as well. There seem to be a lot more Christian women that are going back to what our Bible says we should do as wives: be respectful of our husbands. We even have conferences about it here in the U.S. (The Love and Respect authors do some of them) and they draw a lot of couples. I think no matter what religion or country we are from, our marriages and families will last longer and be happier if we start treating our spouses better and stop buying into all this disrespect for men that the media and society preach. It's so nice to meet a like minded lady! Your husband must be a very happy guy! :flowerforyou:
  • heatherlh83
    heatherlh83 Posts: 76 Member
    Respecting your husband should be a lot more important than showing off your bikini body to strangers on the internet. Priorities, dear.
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    This is why I only have woman friends on here, that way I don't feel guilty about posting picks, also that way I don't have strange guys oggaling my pics

    if nothing else you can do what I do, talk with your hubby, about it A LOT! and see if at different times of the day you get a different reaction to it, some times my husband will get kinda crazy "I don't want you to have a facebook" I leave the issue alone and then ask him later "hunny do you really care if I have a facebook" then he goes "no I don't care" I will laugh and ask why He said what he did before, then He will laugh and say "cause I'm an *kitten*", lol then we both laugh, my point is talk with him as to why you want to do this, then give it time and talk with him again about it, maybe he has some insecurity issues that need to come to light, and its good if it does cause then he wont suffer alone with it (that kind of thing can destroy a maregge) find a way you can put his mind at ease, also some times if you have a jealous hubby letting him see he has some control over a situation will put him at ease more and he will be more laid back.

    but also I would say examine your self and make sure you aren't wanting to post pics to get hit on to boost your ego cause that is just like cheating on your spouse, but if you want to post pics of the same bikini you wear at the beach to get the full effect of the lose and you don't have any other motives then I don't see a prob as long as hubby is ok, after all some country's would call wearing short sleeves slutty and in other countrys woman don't wear shirts and wear only loin cloth short thingy s, so its all about the social norm

    personally I find Bikinis way to reviling but I am a prude lol, a full length baithing suit is not to bad, also my hubby would say hell no if I wanted to put half naked pic of my self for guys to lust after, for one cuz he would not like other guys looking with disrespectful intentions towards his wife and 2 he would be worried about stockers, lol but if you want my pure opinion I think it is wrong to show of any tummy, clevege, lower and upper back, but once again I am a prude lol

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  • JennBunny73
    JennBunny73 Posts: 292 Member
    I guess my husband is kind of the same way..he wouldn't want me posting bikini photos, but he would be okay in clothes...main reason is because he would be afraid of me getting a stalker or some strange thing...Maybe you could explain to him (I know there are a few guys on here) but mostly women and they are all posting their pictures as well to show progress. Tell him you are not going to post them anywhere else..and I agree to keep your face out of it, because he probably fears them getting into the wrong hands. And maybe instead do like a sports bra and shorts or something that isn't as revealing so it causes him less worry. No matter what, congratulations for what you have accomplished!
  • Shausil82
    Shausil82 Posts: 218 Member
    I just want to say that I feel extremely attacked for expressing my opinion to the OP. I wasn't trying to disrespect marriage, but, if it would help her in her journey to take before and after pics, then she should. There is also a choice of keeping her profile private so only her friends see the pictures. It's her choice to keep the pics private or public. Am I married? No. I don't exactly believe in romantic love. I have no interest in it. I apologize if it sounded like I had no respect toward marriage. My only point was that if she wants to take the pics, she should. It's her choice if she wants to post them online.

    So before you go and attack someone in a public forum, you might want to rethink that and send a private message. This is why many new people like me don't want to post in forums. People are so rude.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    I read through all 4 pages on here and it sounded like a bunch of bitter, single never-kept-a-man women. Okay that was rude of me. But still. I may be young and inexperienced or blind or whatever you want to do to attack me. But after witnessing marriage first hand (my mother and step-father, my aunts, anyone else in my family that has been with the same person for longer than 4 months) respecting your partners wishes NO MATTER IF IT'S YOUR HUSBAND OR WIFE is more important than posting pictures of yourself on the internet. Sure you can post them here, and then 2 hours later their everywhere. You could end up on Failblog, some creepy stalker's website, or who knows where else.

    And for those of you saying "you go to beach don't you? same thing" it's not the same thing.

    Talk it over with him. Find out a point where you both agree and go from there. Understand why he doesn't want you posting them instead of just guessing. Relationships are about communication. Trust me I had to find that out the hard way.

    MFP is not worth the drama at home. Once you turn off your computer, we won't be there anymore and you'll have to live with whatever decision you make.
  • Shausil82
    Shausil82 Posts: 218 Member
    I read through all 4 pages on here and it sounded like a bunch of bitter, single never-kept-a-man women. Okay that was rude of me. But still. I may be young and inexperienced or blind or whatever you want to do to attack me. But after witnessing marriage first hand (my mother and step-father, my aunts, anyone else in my family that has been with the same person for longer than 4 months) respecting your partners wishes NO MATTER IF IT'S YOUR HUSBAND OR WIFE is more important than posting pictures of yourself on the internet. Sure you can post them here, and then 2 hours later their everywhere. You could end up on Failblog, some creepy stalker's website, or who knows where else.

    And for those of you saying "you go to beach don't you? same thing" it's not the same thing.

    Talk it over with him. Find out a point where you both agree and go from there. Understand why he doesn't want you posting them instead of just guessing. Relationships are about communication. Trust me I had to find that out the hard way.

    MFP is not worth the drama at home. Once you turn off your computer, we won't be there anymore and you'll have to live with whatever decision you make.

    I apologized. I don't want any kind of drama on here because I NEED this site to help me in my weight loss journey. I just want people to stop attacking me.
  • jennilovesryan
    the internet is a great relationship killer. it looks all fuzzy and innocent and then it bites you with vampire teeth. beware!!
  • erxkeel
    erxkeel Posts: 553 Member
    Someone has issues. Just sayin
  • ghettosmurf999
    ghettosmurf999 Posts: 33 Member
    Do what you have to do - I'm a great believer in before, during and after photo's (taking the putting them online bit out of it) It's great for your own personal satisfaction of seeing how far you've come.
  • Addicted2Fitness
    My husband does NOT want me posting any body pics :( NONE whatsoever.

    I took "before" bikini pics back in the summer. We were dating then, not even married. Even then he complained about the pics and begged me not to post them, so I took them down after a few days. I've since lost a few lbs and inches and was thinking about taking updates, but he absolutely refuses to take them for me... !!??!!

    I told him "everyone's doing it"... LOL. He hates the idea of me "sharing" myself on the internet. I told him it's for a good reason but he won't budge. The only thing I could do is go behind his back :(

    I am a bit upset about this. What would YOU do? Any opinions, advice, suggestions?

    Take photos that are not swimwear, just normal clothes. Normal clothes' photos can still show weightloss, no probs.

    It can't be to do with your face as that is your face in your profile piccie isn't it?

    Yes, that's my face. He's "ok" with face pics, sort of. He's just very private and doesn't want guys looking, I guess?? Normal clothes pics aren't really going to show anything at all. I didn't lose a lot of weight... it's mainly for me to see if I'm leaning out and at what rate... basically, to motivate me to keep going. Cause sometimes it seems like the fat just wants to cling to me. If I post myself in clothes that don't cling skin tight or something I won't be able to see any difference... the whole idea is to see the fat disappear, you know?

    From my experience, husbands are very protective of their wives. Its not that he is being mean or tell you what to do, he is showing that he cares. There are a lot of creeps. I know you want to show your results for others inspirations but see if he will come to a compromise. If not, its not worth fighting or arguing about since its not that serious. My opinion.
  • Addicted2Fitness
    I read through all 4 pages on here and it sounded like a bunch of bitter, single never-kept-a-man women. Okay that was rude of me. But still. I may be young and inexperienced or blind or whatever you want to do to attack me. But after witnessing marriage first hand (my mother and step-father, my aunts, anyone else in my family that has been with the same person for longer than 4 months) respecting your partners wishes NO MATTER IF IT'S YOUR HUSBAND OR WIFE is more important than posting pictures of yourself on the internet. Sure you can post them here, and then 2 hours later their everywhere. You could end up on Failblog, some creepy stalker's website, or who knows where else.

    And for those of you saying "you go to beach don't you? same thing" it's not the same thing.

    Talk it over with him. Find out a point where you both agree and go from there. Understand why he doesn't want you posting them instead of just guessing. Relationships are about communication. Trust me I had to find that out the hard way.

    MFP is not worth the drama at home. Once you turn off your computer, we won't be there anymore and you'll have to live with whatever decision you make.

    You couldn't of said it better....I agree