40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • cwojo
    cwojo Posts: 156 Member
    I would love to be a part of the 40+ club. I am 47 years old and have struggled with my weight my entire life. I am a classic yo yo dieter. Five years ago was the last time I had lost a lot of weight and then had to deal with our daughter's death which caused me to stop caring for quite a while and used food as comfort. I decided one year ago it was time to get back into shape and stay that way so my picture of course shows my before and now picture. I am about 15 lbs from where I would like to be and I know with support of others my age I will achieve this. I am looking forwarding to hearing everyone's stories and hopefully make some new friends.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member

    Crewel, I totally forgot to tell you about the program I am doing. The book is New Rules of Lifting for Women by Lou Schuler. You can read more from people doing this program on JPfitness.com He recommends that women put down the "Barbie" weights as he call them and lift heavy to gain strength, become lean and speed metabolism. It has various stages, I am on stage one that lasts about 6 wks. So far I am working out at home with the equipment I have but eventually I might need to move into the gym... Check it out! I got the book from my local library.

    Have a wonderful day!!! :flowerforyou:

    Alf, I am starting that program in March or April when my boot camp class ends. You'll have to let me know how it's going so I know what to prepare for. I'm getting all nervous and excited to start.

    Great!!!! Nothing to be nervous about, it is great!!!! At least what I've done so far. :laugh: I know pull ups will be hard for me but I am determined to do at least one good one this year. LOL :laugh: :tongue:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I would love to be a part of the 40+ club. I am 47 years old and have struggled with my weight my entire life. I am a classic yo yo dieter. Five years ago was the last time I had lost a lot of weight and then had to deal with our daughter's death which caused me to stop caring for quite a while and used food as comfort. I decided one year ago it was time to get back into shape and stay that way so my picture of course shows my before and now picture. I am about 15 lbs from where I would like to be and I know with support of others my age I will achieve this. I am looking forwarding to hearing everyone's stories and hopefully make some new friends.

    Glad you are joining us!!!! I am sorry to hear about the loss of your daughter. :flowerforyou: It is great that you decided to take care of yourself. Congrats on the weight loss!!! :drinker: :drinker: Let us know how we can help out! Welcome! :flowerforyou:
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    <<<<----Me in the 2XU Men's Graduated Performance Compression Tights that were delivered today. Used flash to show reflective logos. Fortunately, black tights are hard to photograph well :D I think I'll be wearing running shorts over them...

    Moderate Paced Run Today: 2.5 miles in 23m23s. Plan called for a 9:30 to 10:00 pace, but obviously I went a little quicker :D

    102 Push Ups Today (24+26+26+26)
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    *cwojo: My condolences :( Good for you on taking back control of your life and making healthy choices! You can make your goal and stay there!

    *Kat5343: Welcome almost cool kid :D

    *beckina: grats on your success so far! Keep it up!

    *callme0424: You'll be callmesexy in no time ;)

    *alf: glad the new lifting program is working out for you :)

    *aabby13: good luck on the half! I'm currently training for a 10K, then after that I'll be thinking about a half as well.

    *tladame: sounds like fun...not! :D

    *tigerblue: grats on maintaining! Maintaining is harder in many ways than the losing. Key for me is to keep on making new fitness goals to reach that are not related to weight. Sounds like you are on the right path :)

    *Robin: Welcome back from PR :)

    *Madroch: hope ya heal up quick!

    *Poeticmoe: good job on the workout! But don't neglect rest days, they are important too.

    *ngoethe: In the grand scheme of things, one day won't derail you, unless you let it. You can do it!

    *carymi30: grats on kicking the smoking & soda habit! That is a huge deal.

    *slyder: Is that you in the avatar or just inspiration?

    Well, time for me to head out for work. I'll try to post more later :)
  • ConnieGlemby
    ConnieGlemby Posts: 6 Member
    I am not sure if I joined this one already, but I would like to be part of this. I am 49, and would like some support. I know that as we get older it is harder to lose weight. It has been 2 days away from sugary desserts and white flour. I am detoxing so bad. It is all foggy. I have a head ache and I want to cry. LOL.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Wow, once again I log in to find lots of new people !!! It is as though this is a completely new group. Welcome to everyone.:flowerforyou:

    Alf, I have to agree about the "Barbie" weights. We need to get serious about building fat-burning muscles. So many women are afraid of becoming muscle bound. It just isn't possible for a woman to do unless she is also taking male hormones. Come on, ladies....not only will you be burning more calories but the way your arms look will make a believer of you.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG I so love my oatmeal breakfast!!!!! LOL :laugh: How is everyone doing? What are your goals for today? For me, lift, DONE, log in my foods, Done partially, still need to find 170 calories to eat:laugh: I log in my foods before I eat them so I can plan better and see where I am lacking or going over. :wink: Zumba tonight. :drinker:

    Hello Ms. Swiss, yep, it is a totally different and bigger group this time...great to meet so many other 40+ who are taking care of themselves!!! Hope they all stay with us and post regularly.

    Chris, you look awesome!!!!! :drinker:

    Connie, hang in there, dont give up!!!!! Have you taken all the temptations out of your house? If cravings are really bad drink some water, go for a walk, pop a sugarless gum in or eat some fruit. :flowerforyou: Yes, it is harder to lose the weight as we get older but it is possible.

    Have a great day!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Fit4Kateri
    Fit4Kateri Posts: 81 Member
    Today was plyo day in Bootcamp. I knocked out almost 100 burpees this morning! I am sure I will feel it tomorrow morning. Right now I'm just feeling hunger pains every 2 hours. I'm already on my mid-morning snack of cottage cheese (gotta get my protein in after that workout). Yesterday I finished week 6 day 1 of my C25k program and felt pretty good about it. My eating yesterday was a sodium overload. We had a low calorie cajun grilled shrimp recipe my partner found to cook. He really was trying hard to help me find lower calorie options, just didn't realize how much sodium was in the cajun seasoning. The scale and body confirmed this morning it was way too much sodium. Today I'm going to try to keep it really low.

    I hope you all have a wonderful day! Keep on moving :flowerforyou:
  • frida001
    frida001 Posts: 437 Member
    Goal for the day: Stay out of the teacher's lounge!!!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Frida, love your goal for today! :laugh: :laugh: I am in the same boat...there is a huge cake, cookie and banana bread in the kitchen at work since yesterday. Ridiculous!!!!! :noway: Not touching!!!!! Oh God help me...:laugh:

    Madroch, take care of yourself...that sounds like an awesome workout!

    Fit4Kateri, 100 burpees, wow!!!!!!!!!!!!:drinker: I also monitor my sodium intake. How much protein are you eating? I find it hard to eat the 30% of the total calories. :noway:

    Keep up the good work everyone!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    Any more ideas for strength training at home? I have resistance bands (with handles), small weights from 3to 10 lbs., several Jillian Michaels dvd's, and the book "Body for Life".

    Any suggestions are welcome, all!
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    Any onle else getting really erratic periods? mine have come back again only 2 days after they finished.. got bad cramps but no water retention this time. . actually pound lighter than I was this morning.. dunno how thats happened.. hoping its gone off again by tomorrow... wondered if anyone else had periods re-start again a few days after ending and if its part of the peri-menopause?
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    Any more ideas for strength training at home? I have resistance bands (with handles), small weights from 3to 10 lbs., several Jillian Michaels dvd's, and the book "Body for Life".

    Any suggestions are welcome, all!

    Would you consider a pull up bar-- I hate pull ups-- but they deliver for the back...
    Oh, yeah--I've got one of those, too! Forget to use it.

    When I started this journey, my goal was to be able to do one full pull-up. Last time I tried (it's been awile) I could do about 3! Need to get back to using it. Any suggestions for a workout? I have the arm loops, too.
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    Any onle else getting really erratic periods? mine have come back again only 2 days after they finished.. got bad cramps but no water retention this time. . actually pound lighter than I was this morning.. dunno how thats happened.. hoping its gone off again by tomorrow... wondered if anyone else had periods re-start again a few days after ending and if its part of the peri-menopause?

    What a bummer!!
  • beaner1st
    beaner1st Posts: 229 Member
    I think I am cool. Well at least I am 40+ so would like to join in. I am 42. I lost over 30 pounds since April and am on maintenance. When I look at the amount of calories younger people can eat I do get frustrated. Being old, short and little I have to exercise to eat.
  • Fit4Kateri
    Fit4Kateri Posts: 81 Member

    Fit4Kateri, 100 burpees, wow!!!!!!!!!!!!:drinker: I also monitor my sodium intake. How much protein are you eating? I find it hard to eat the 30% of the total calories. :noway:

    Keep up the good work everyone!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Alf, I'm not too horrible at getting my protein in. So far this month I've had only 2 days with less than 100g, and several at or above the 120. My hardest days seem to be my non workout days. Smoothie King has a smoothie with 45 grams of protein that tastes pretty good (Gladiator). I'll pick up one of those after a workout. I actually like plain cottage cheese so I have snack packs of that at work and at home. Another fav of mine is a chicken, sausage and shrimp gumbo. Without the rice it is 395 calories. I'll make a big batch on the weekend and freeze small portions in freezer bags. It lasts a few weeks so I can defrost some for dinner and have some for lunch the next day. It's loaded with meat so it 43g of protein to 16g of carbs. I need to revise the recipe to use less sodium. And of course there are always protein bars to snack on, just have to watch the sugar on those.
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    42 and my goal is to pretty much get back to the weigh I was at last year, and maintain it. I'm the poster child for junk food abuse, and I'd like to stray from that.
  • Im 48. friday will be my second week. lost 4 lbs so far. Looking to loose about 25. loving this app!:laugh:
  • wasro
    wasro Posts: 39 Member
    Would love to join as well. I have let myself go over the Christmas period and want to get back to feeling fit and healthy.
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    Had a great workout with Jillian today. Did L3 of the 30DS. I usually split that up between race walking days and really enjoy it. Tomorrow, I think I'll break out Ripped in 30! I am totally looking forward to it.
  • momtozmc
    momtozmc Posts: 418 Member
    Wow! Didn't realize how much action is on here... I "joined" 40+ last month... but haven't been keeping track!!! But now I will!

    I had to add back some weight to my ticker. I was okay during December - didn't gain any weight - but also ran about 109 miles in the month of December. But we've had birthday parties each weekend in January, my mom and dad's bday and then my sister in laws 50th! And busy weekday schedule - still running my youngest around for school and wrestling... soooooo less time to run.

    I'm trying to get my mojo back and get rid of the last 20-25 pounds...

    But I'll be coming back here and checking in!!!!

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: momtozmc, yep, only takes a few partys to mess things up. But, you are now on track and the weight that you gained will not stay. Keep at it...those last 20-25 pounds will be gone also.

    :flowerforyou: parys1, I love Jillian. She has workouts in some of the health magazines. They are quite "doable". I only wish that I could look like her.:laugh:

    Congrats to all who have been losing weight.
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,445 Member
    Welcome all you newbies!! This is an awesome group with load of knowledge and uplifting support. Futbol started yesterday. I a very excited. I promised to train with my son and it is going to be an awesome winter!!! The weather here is cold and windy. I haven't done any outdoor workout in a few days. Hope we can train a bit before the next snow fall!!

    Has Anyone heard from Sing?? I have not read all the post.

    Lets have an awesome year.

    Hugs....KIm Don't forget to take a few deep breaths today!
  • I will be 40 in almost two months!!
    can I still join??
  • I am 48 and would love to join you guys! I am definitely a COOL KID!
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    Hi 45 years old and have lost 45 lbs. since joining 3.5 months ago. My goals this year find my abs, pack on muscle where fat use to be, go outside without a shirt on. And finally make the Under Armour mannequin in sporting good store look pathetic. lol

    SW-270 lbs.
    CW-225 lbs.
    GW-Goal weight- who cares now, I'm having too much fun or wherever I land with body weight is fine just as long as I'm fit.
  • ckimho
    ckimho Posts: 3
    Hi, I'm 44 and this year's goal include :
    - losing 15 lbs including the tummy pouch.
    - I'm okay with gaining some of the lbs back in lean muscle.
    - I have to find a balance between my love of tasty foods and the need to eat less calories especially fatty and empty ones.

    A bit of of wisdom that finally got through my thick head was that " there's no time like the present to go after what you really want in life and that there are no valid reasons not to try." I looked at the calendar and was startled that 20+ years had gone by, imagine that!
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    40 - Maintaining a loss of 105-110lbs for the last year and a half.

    SW - 333
    Best Weight - 219
    Current Weight 225
    Goal Weight - My goals have switched from weight to performance.

    C25k - Complete
    Insanity - Complete (Twice)
    P90X - Complete
    Multi-Program Hybrid - Complete
    P90X2 - Current

    Other Goals:
    8/10k Run
    Half Marathon
    Do a "Muscle UP"
    Complete the "300 Workout" as designed and under prescribed time of 20 minutes
    Redo all the programs I completed and beat the reps/weights of all the participants on the screen in each workout
  • tlp148
    tlp148 Posts: 67 Member
    45, busy single mom. I'm working on getting a good grip on my calories and food first and have already made a small dent in the goal loss. Looking forward to the posts and support from an over 40 group. Fitness challenges take on new meaning when you are over 40.