Fall of the Great Food Pyramid



  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    This is the food pyramid I adhere to. I want nothing to do with the USDA's food pyramid that is catering to the likes of the grain industry and mostly Monsanto.

    Why does that graphic say "Effortless Weight Loss" on it?

    because when following the primal blueprint (where this image is from) it really is easy to lose weight...i'm down 6 lbs in 3 weeks where as i lost ZERO pounds in all of 2011 by following a different grain-focused diet. it really is easy! marksdailyapple.com

    I dunno, it would take a lot of effort for someone to keep me away from grains. I have bread and and oatmeal every day, as well as dairy.

    But I guess to each their own.

    When I was a young *kitten*, I used to try to convince vegetarians and vegans they were wrong. But now that I'm a grownup *kitten* I don't bother :)
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    sure it is

    Here's some good information on the topic, though I've seen it elsewhere.


    ADDING THIS: I'm not saying automatically go vegan. I practice veganism, my family doesn't. I also drink coffee, which I don't consider good for me, but I still drink it. And I have too much sugar in my coffee, but I still drink it. If I went back to having dairy, I'd definitely watch the amounts, knowing it wasn't good for me.
    That's what's called confirmation bias................you can't pick a vegetarian/vegan source and call that reliable scientific information.......lol.

    I love how online people are always like "Oh hang on I found this thing written by someone who shares my theory, allow me to present it to you as fact
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    I prefer Paula+Deens+Food+Pyramid.jpg
    I think I prefer that one as well. It looks far tastier.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    When you find YOUR sweet spot following the pyramid above you will have effortless weight loss.

    I found my sweet spot a couple years ago. I've never cut out anything, except cheese and simple carbs when I first started out, because I was misguided.

    How long hve you been searching for YOUR sweet spot?
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    BTW - this anti grain diet is pretty damned stupid.
    I dont think the food pyramid was built with the grain industry in mind.

    That is about the dumbest thing Ive ever heard.

    And even if you find your "sweet spot" for carb consumption weight loss will not be "effortless" ...how long has it been since you followed this "foolproof" method?
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 9,994 Member
    This is the food pyramid I adhere to. I want nothing to do with the USDA's food pyramid that is catering to the likes of the grain industry and mostly Monsanto.


    Why does that graphic say "Effortless Weight Loss" on it?

    When you find YOUR sweet spot following the pyramid above you will have effortless weight loss.

    Because it's a satiating diet and people eat less, and has nothing to do with eating primally....any diet that is higher in protein and where the consumption of lots of veg is taking place does the same job...
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    I really hate that stupid chart. Please tell me hoe 100g of carbohydrates is the same for a 300 lb. person and a 130 lb. person. So one person should have it be ~30% of their diet, and the other should have it be ~15%? I have nothing against Paleo/Primal, but only to the extent that you're eating fresh and natural foods. If carbohydrates are the devil, then just say you're doing a low carb diet, because to me a diet made of natural and whole foods starts and ends with that point.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    BTW - this anti grain diet is pretty damned stupid.
    I dont think the food pyramid was built with the grain industry in mind.

    That is about the dumbest thing Ive ever heard.

    And even if you find your stupid "sweet spot" for carb consumption weight loss will not be "effortless" you daft woman...how long has it been since you followed this "foolproof" method?

    That is your opinion and you are entitled to it, however I and many others here have had unwavering success with this plan and similar plans like it.

    The weight loss is effortless, meaning you just eat and the weight and fat falls right off your body.

    I lost 100 pounds before on a very similar plan and gained weight back after years of maintaining that weight loss due to a near fatal car accident in which I had no control over what I was being fed at the time and the amount of steroids that were pumped into me along with being immobile.

    So, I am healed and back on and the weight is coming off once again, effortlessly. Meaning I barely have to exercise. I am not having to deal with saggy, baggy skin or the like. I eat fat, protein and carbs from green leafy veggies and the weight comes off.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I really hate that stupid chart. I've seen that before. Please tell me hoe 100g of carbohydrates is the same for a 300 lb. person and a 150 lb. person. I have nothing against Paleo/Primal, but only to the extent that you're eating fresh and natural foods. Not to the fact that "herpaderp carbohydrates are the devil."

    No where does it say carbs are the devil..................... You are eating plenty of carbs via vegetables and fruits.

    That is why it is mentioned that you have to find "YOUR own sweetspot, meaning everyone is different depending on age, sex, height, weight, activity level, etc...........that is just common sense.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    This is the food pyramid I adhere to. I want nothing to do with the USDA's food pyramid that is catering to the likes of the grain industry and mostly Monsanto.


    Why does that graphic say "Effortless Weight Loss" on it?

    When you find YOUR sweet spot following the pyramid above you will have effortless weight loss.

    Because it's a satiating diet and people eat less, and has nothing to do with eating primally....any diet that is higher in protein and where the consumption of lots of veg is taking place does the same job...

    I was using that as an example. Don't turn this into something else. We all know that there are similar eating plans.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    BTW - this anti grain diet is pretty damned stupid.
    I dont think the food pyramid was built with the grain industry in mind.

    That is about the dumbest thing Ive ever heard.

    And even if you find your stupid "sweet spot" for carb consumption weight loss will not be "effortless" you daft woman...how long has it been since you followed this "foolproof" method?

    That is your opinion and you are entitled to it, however I and many others here have had unwavering success with this plan and similar plans like it.

    The weight loss is effortless, meaning you just eat and the weight and fat falls right off your body.

    I lost 100 pounds before on a very similar plan and gained weight back after years of maintaining that weight loss due to a near fatal car accident in which I had no control over what I was being fed at the time and the amount of steroids that were pumped into me along with being immobile.

    So, I am healed and back on and the weight is coming off once again, effortlessly. Meaning I barely have to exercise. I am not having to deal with saggy, baggy skin or the like. I eat fat, protein and carbs from green leafy veggies and the weight comes off.
    The lack of carbs isnt the magic, you cannot possibly assume such a thing can you?

    A balanced diet is pretty much the only logical thing I can possibly agree to, anything else is just ridiculous theories.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I have several sweet spots.

    What are we talking about?
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    BTW - this anti grain diet is pretty damned stupid.
    I dont think the food pyramid was built with the grain industry in mind.

    That is about the dumbest thing Ive ever heard.

    And even if you find your stupid "sweet spot" for carb consumption weight loss will not be "effortless" you daft woman...how long has it been since you followed this "foolproof" method?

    That is your opinion and you are entitled to it, however I and many others here have had unwavering success with this plan and similar plans like it.

    The weight loss is effortless, meaning you just eat and the weight and fat falls right off your body.

    I lost 100 pounds before on a very similar plan and gained weight back after years of maintaining that weight loss due to a near fatal car accident in which I had no control over what I was being fed at the time and the amount of steroids that were pumped into me along with being immobile.

    So, I am healed and back on and the weight is coming off once again, effortlessly. Meaning I barely have to exercise. I am not having to deal with saggy, baggy skin or the like. I eat fat, protein and carbs from green leafy veggies and the weight comes off.

    This just means you're eating healthily and less than your TDEE. If that type of eating works for you then so be it, but saying that it's effortless is pretty pointless because clearly it took an effort to change your eating habits to this type of diet. I just find that kind of language belittling to the struggle so many people actually put into losing weight.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    I like you, Karin.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    BTW - this anti grain diet is pretty damned stupid.
    I dont think the food pyramid was built with the grain industry in mind.

    That is about the dumbest thing Ive ever heard.

    And even if you find your stupid "sweet spot" for carb consumption weight loss will not be "effortless" you daft woman...how long has it been since you followed this "foolproof" method?

    That is your opinion and you are entitled to it, however I and many others here have had unwavering success with this plan and similar plans like it.

    The weight loss is effortless, meaning you just eat and the weight and fat falls right off your body.

    I lost 100 pounds before on a very similar plan and gained weight back after years of maintaining that weight loss due to a near fatal car accident in which I had no control over what I was being fed at the time and the amount of steroids that were pumped into me along with being immobile.

    So, I am healed and back on and the weight is coming off once again, effortlessly. Meaning I barely have to exercise. I am not having to deal with saggy, baggy skin or the like. I eat fat, protein and carbs from green leafy veggies and the weight comes off.

    This just means you're eating healthily and less than your TDEE. If that type of eating works for you then so be it, but saying that it's effortless is pretty pointless because clearly it took an effort to change your eating habits to this type of diet. I just find that kind of language belittling to the struggle so many people actually put into losing weight.
    yea pretty much. I mean good for you if you want to believe some silly diet theory worked...I guess.
    But dont tell me its effortless. Youre following a chart, first of all. Thats effort.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Jack LaLanne nailed it 60 years ago.
    Watch this -

    Jack was WAY AHEAD of his time.
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    That guy with the spear needs to do a little manscaping, I'm thinking he took the whole living in the bush thing a little too literally.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    BTW - this anti grain diet is pretty damned stupid.
    I dont think the food pyramid was built with the grain industry in mind.

    That is about the dumbest thing Ive ever heard.

    And even if you find your stupid "sweet spot" for carb consumption weight loss will not be "effortless" you daft woman...how long has it been since you followed this "foolproof" method?

    That is your opinion and you are entitled to it, however I and many others here have had unwavering success with this plan and similar plans like it.

    The weight loss is effortless, meaning you just eat and the weight and fat falls right off your body.

    I lost 100 pounds before on a very similar plan and gained weight back after years of maintaining that weight loss due to a near fatal car accident in which I had no control over what I was being fed at the time and the amount of steroids that were pumped into me along with being immobile.

    So, I am healed and back on and the weight is coming off once again, effortlessly. Meaning I barely have to exercise. I am not having to deal with saggy, baggy skin or the like. I eat fat, protein and carbs from green leafy veggies and the weight comes off.

    This just means you're eating healthily and less than your TDEE. If that type of eating works for you then so be it, but saying that it's effortless is pretty pointless because clearly it took an effort to change your eating habits to this type of diet. I just find that kind of language belittling to the struggle so many people actually put into losing weight.

    It is quoted from the website when I copied the image. I am just saying I can attest to it being true. The sensitivity level on the internet is unbelievable. People actually take offense to a picture posted from another site??????

    Weight loss shouldn't be a struggle. If it is, then that person needs to find something else that will work better for them. Weightloss should be pretty effortless.

    Losing is the easy part............it is life throwing curve balls at you and being able to maintain the loss after you have achieved said loss that is the hard part. I went through hell from 2008-2011 healing myself and in the process gained so much weight that I was disgusting to look at in the mirror.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    BTW - this anti grain diet is pretty damned stupid.
    I dont think the food pyramid was built with the grain industry in mind.

    That is about the dumbest thing Ive ever heard.

    And even if you find your stupid "sweet spot" for carb consumption weight loss will not be "effortless" you daft woman...how long has it been since you followed this "foolproof" method?

    That is your opinion and you are entitled to it, however I and many others here have had unwavering success with this plan and similar plans like it.

    The weight loss is effortless, meaning you just eat and the weight and fat falls right off your body.

    I lost 100 pounds before on a very similar plan and gained weight back after years of maintaining that weight loss due to a near fatal car accident in which I had no control over what I was being fed at the time and the amount of steroids that were pumped into me along with being immobile.

    So, I am healed and back on and the weight is coming off once again, effortlessly. Meaning I barely have to exercise. I am not having to deal with saggy, baggy skin or the like. I eat fat, protein and carbs from green leafy veggies and the weight comes off.
    The lack of carbs isnt the magic, you cannot possibly assume such a thing can you?

    A balanced diet is pretty much the only logical thing I can possibly agree to, anything else is just ridiculous theories.

    That is where you are wrong..............

    If I added grain carbs back in at the level of calories I currently eat, I would steadily gain weight. I have already had that happen. There are many, many people to attest to what I am saying.