What gets on your nerves the most about the boards?



  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    Sensitive people need to evacuate the internet.

    Hahahahahaha so very true :)
  • fuzz_pawz
    fuzz_pawz Posts: 106
    these threads allow overweight nonactive people to say they were on a fitness site and did something...

    So let them? they're only cheating themselves if that is truly why they are here.

    If a topic bothers one, then I don't see the point of one being active in the conversation...I mean, really, if you're just going to sit here and piss and moan about how much you hate these threads...perhaps you really don't want to get out there and make yourself a better person...inside or out.

    Sorry- that sounds like I'm getting angry...that wasn't the intention.

    Hahaha, here ya go..here is what gets on my nerves on these board....people that enter the topic just to ***** about it's subject line...TA DA!!!! :-)
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    When things are posted in the wrong message board. :devil:

    Oh, and I say, nomnomnomnom...It's kinda a toddler mama thing. :laugh:

    I say it when I feed my cat xD
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Do you feel better now? :flowerforyou:
  • fuzz_pawz
    fuzz_pawz Posts: 106
    Well, I'll have you know the 5-letter B word IS actually used in medical terms of breeding dogs...so I disapprove of your sensorship MFP :P
  • SONIA820
    SONIA820 Posts: 208 Member
    I was just so excited to find this site and finally air out my actual feelings about my body and my choices and feel empowered to change this....For me, it's not really a food issue, it's an ignore it and hope no one notices it...I am trying as everyone is HARD to get this under control. I don't want to hide anymore, so to see some of these posts and the sarcasm and negativity whether intentional or not, is just disheartening....I am a tough girl, and a big girl (otherwise I wouldn't be here, haha!) so I can take it, but it makes me question what I want to put out there for others to critique.
  • akninsas
    akninsas Posts: 49 Member
    The biggest thing that gets on my nerves is the negative comments. I dont understand why people feel the need to be so mean when this site is here to help and motivate.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    these threads allow overweight nonactive people to say they were on a fitness site and did something...

    So let them? they're only cheating themselves if that is truly why they are here.

    If a topic bothers one, then I don't see the point of one being active in the conversation...I mean, really, if you're just going to sit here and piss and moan about how much you hate these threads...perhaps you really don't want to get out there and make yourself a better person...inside or out.

    Sorry- that sounds like I'm getting angry...that wasn't the intention.

    Hahaha, here ya go..here is what gets on my nerves on these board....people that enter the topic just to ***** about it's subject line...TA DA!!!! :-)

    good for you,,,now you can say you did something
  • SimplyShanRunning
    SimplyShanRunning Posts: 885 Member
  • Priincess_Natalie
    Priincess_Natalie Posts: 367 Member
    Body Shamming. You don't see people talking crap about heavy or obese people but I've been seeing it a lot lately directed at thin girls.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    My biggest beef is when mods delete my posts and dont tell me why!

    Another thing that kills me are the amount of "im eating 1200 calories and I cant lift a pencil! Why?!"
  • fuzz_pawz
    fuzz_pawz Posts: 106

    good for you,,,now you can say you did something

    Darn tootin' I did! :P And now, I'm off to work off the 400 extra calories I consumed for no good reason today....boredom, oh how i hate you!
  • tlsegar
    tlsegar Posts: 185 Member
    When people say "just sayin'..." For some reason that really irritates me. I am also annoyed with the unnecessary rude comments that people post. It's one thing to have an opinion. It's another to act like an a**hole.
  • ericapage
    ericapage Posts: 108 Member
    There are a few things that annoy me. One of them being both new / old posters who are too lazy to use the search feature. Every week it's the same questions.

    No kidding... I'm fairly new to MFP and I wanted to know how to log 30 Day Shred. I did a search and there was page after page after page. I wasn't about to go through all of them so I just said screw it and logged it as low impact aerobics.
  • SONIA820
    SONIA820 Posts: 208 Member
    When people say "just sayin'..." For some reason that really irritates me. I am also annoyed with the unnecessary rude comments that people post. It's one thing to have an opinion. It's another to act like an a**hole.

    I can understand that....It's like they are preemptively defensive....
  • fuzz_pawz
    fuzz_pawz Posts: 106
    When people say "just sayin'..." For some reason that really irritates me. I am also annoyed with the unnecessary rude comments that people post. It's one thing to have an opinion. It's another to act like an a**hole.

    I wasn't being rude or acting like an orifice associated with the gluteus maximas, I was just stating my opinion, JUST SAYIN' :P (hee hee, just kidding)

    Besides, I do remember seeing a comment about "sensitive people should evacuate the internet"...I quite like that...plain, simple, to the point
  • ericapage
    ericapage Posts: 108 Member
    I haven't posted a ton but so far everyone has been nice and incredible supportive. I don't really ever disagree with people's posts. I may in my head but just move on. They will eventually learn what they're doing doesn't work... :wink:
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    Moderators, they can lock, delete,edit, and do sooo much more on threads than I can. Grrrrrrr shakes fist
  • tlsegar
    tlsegar Posts: 185 Member
    When people say "just sayin'..." For some reason that really irritates me. I am also annoyed with the unnecessary rude comments that people post. It's one thing to have an opinion. It's another to act like an a**hole.

    I wasn't being rude or acting like an orifice associated with the gluteus maximas, I was just stating my opinion, JUST SAYIN' :P (hee hee, just kidding)

    Besides, I do remember seeing a comment about "sensitive people should evacuate the internet"...I quite like that...plain, simple, to the point

    Is it really being sensitive if someone takes offense to something that is offensive?
  • tlsegar
    tlsegar Posts: 185 Member
    When people say "just sayin'..." For some reason that really irritates me. I am also annoyed with the unnecessary rude comments that people post. It's one thing to have an opinion. It's another to act like an a**hole.

    Omigosh, I HATE that saying in any scenario. Especially when someone says it in person. Generally, it's just a tag at the end of a rude comment.
