Guys who find curvy girls more attractive...



  • juliesummers
    juliesummers Posts: 738 Member
    Based just on this forum (with the exception of a few "different strokes for different folks" comments), I would be alone forever. Not all of us were "blessed" with large breasts and an extreme waist to hip ratio (because, let's face it, when guys say they want a "curvy" girl they're really saying they want an hourglass shape - not simply one with more fat on it).

    I will never be busty and traditionally curvy, so I personally prefer to be lean with a flat stomach, toned arms and a perky round (cellulite-free) booty. All of my boyfriends have loved my body (even/especially when I'm thinner), and I've been boyfriendless only for a total of three months since I turned fourteen eight years ago.

    I guess my point is that it hurts a bit to see how much emphasis the guys here put on having boobs/a body type that is not obtainable for some of us, but I am glad (for my sake) that my guy friends almost all seem to prefer slim, fit girls so that we get a chance too :P
  • Joga717
    Joga717 Posts: 2 Member
    Guys love curves. They idle is a women who eats crap like us guys but looks good in the end. Possible, nope, but we are sick that way.
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    Hm... I'm 130 pounds at 5'4", a definite hourglass (pretty much all boobs and thighs, tiny waist). I've lost around 10 pounds in the last year and some of my softness as well... my legs are firming up from toning and I'm gaining muscle. If anything, my boyfriend has been more attracted to how I've been better taking care of my body, but I think most of that is my confidence. Still, I'll always be curvy, was even when I weighed 110 five years ago. I think there are just as many guys who find curvy girls attractive as do those who tend more toward slender ones.

    But, you know, my "type" changes every time I date someone new. None of my past boyfriends look anything alike. *shrug*

    Sorry if this was rambley.

    Sounds like you have my body type!
  • slimmingdownsteph
    slimmingdownsteph Posts: 201 Member
    this happened to me yesterday!
    my boyfriend told me that he doesn't want me to be really thin and toned...
    it blew my mind because HE'S thin and toned lol.

    he told me that women have different anatomy for a reason XD.
  • chubbybunnee
    chubbybunnee Posts: 197 Member
    My husband loves all the weight Im losing. Unfortunately, I had a breast reduction and he admitted to me he misses them very much which makes me feel bad. I did it for myself and I am happy with my new chest, but it saddens me that he wants me to look like the "a barbie" being super skinny with a huge rack. I couldn't exercise with those things! I was wearing 3 bras every time I wanted to go for a jog! And push ups are you kidding me? My boobs would hit the floor before I started bending my elbows! Lol. I would rather be healthy with boobs that don't hit me in the face every time I try to exercise! I still think of myself as curvy because I have wide hips and still full on top, I just need to lose about 10% more body fat before Im satisied with my body as a whole. But I can't help but think, If I lose anymore boobage, is he gonna walk? Some guys are just attracted to that and he was and now that Im losing it, I guess Im not as attractive to him anymore :sad:
  • While the physical aspects of a women are not my highest priority, if I have to talk only about the physical.... I guess I'm not the typical guy. I prefer women that are thinner with smaller breasts. Quite honestly to me I like long, shapely legs and and small rear end also. However, I also prefer women that are darker skinned (thin Polynesian) with black hair. However my long time wife whom I love with all my heart is a 5' 7' 135lb fair skinned blonde with a B cup and prior to meeting her I was never, ever interested in blondes. Go figure.
  • My wife too is considering a breast reduction. Me being me I keep telling her I love her just the way she is, in reality I'd prefer she get the breast reduction...
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I like them breathing and with a pulse... unless I'm feeling frisky that day then anything is game! :wink:

    How YOU doin'...

    (lame, I know...but I do have a pulse :)
  • secostley
    secostley Posts: 409 Member
    Not surprised that there are a ton of responses to this question! Here's my two cents:

    The body type of women who tend to attract my eye could best be categorized as "thick." Examples of this body type would be Rachel True (prior to her weight loss) and Jill Scott. A size 10 -14 with curves usually will turn my head much quicker that a size 6. That's not always the case, there are exceptions.

    I prefer curves over slender...
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    My boyfriend's definitely said "ew, ick" when seeing a super bony actress.
  • lilyflor
    lilyflor Posts: 123 Member
    I think that guys really like anything with a skirt lol
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I think that guys really like anything with a skirt lol

    I draw the line at men wearing skirts though. I guy has to have standards
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Curves are what's all about. A girl without curves is just a man.

    Hm...ok I'll pass that along to my gorgeous, statuesque coworker (5'11, super thin, flat chested) who is getting ready to marry a wonderful man (who happens to be about 5'6 :) in a couple months... in case she doesn't realize she's a man. COME ON.
  • slrose
    slrose Posts: 164 Member
    different strokes for different folks ;)
  • mugsisme
    mugsisme Posts: 127 Member
    This has actually been a very sore topic in my house. I have lost a lot of weight, and it seems a lot of it has gone from my boobs. My hubby is not happy about that. He has complained a lot to me about it, and says I am "too skinny". Until one morning when he walked into the bathroom when I was getting dressed. He saw me in a hot pink bra and thong ... and commented on how good I looked. (I almost fainted!)

    I feel sexier now that I am thinner. When I was heavier I was embarrassed about my body. My only sore point is that I need a tummy tuck to get rid of the flab (skin?) that having 7 babies causes.

    I think guys like to see sexy. Get some cool stuff, like a corset or a garter belt, and I bet your BF will change his mind.
  • Terasome
    Terasome Posts: 3,808 Member
    bump so I can read this later :smile:
  • feduh86
    feduh86 Posts: 790 Member
    Guys, what EXACTLY is the kind of preferred body type?



    Aweeee! =)
  • rutkowsm
    rutkowsm Posts: 43 Member
    I think the definition of curvy tends to be as subjective as the definition of beauty. I have friends who are overweight and in relationships with men who adore them. And I have friends who are underweight with small breasts and hips and also have partners who love them. There is no standard definition of what is or can be attractive. If there was I think life would be far less interesting, but that's just me.

    On a slightly different note: I had an epiphany related to this issue a few days ago, so I just thought I'd share. (Small tangent to follow.) I've been overweight a lot of my life, and for a long time I equated fat with being ugly (for myself, not for everyone else). As I've started losing weight (and I'm only at the beginning of my weight loss) I've realized that I previously only allowed myself to be attracted to people who I felt I wouldn't look extremely fat (and therefore ugly) standing next to (I still find these people to to legitimately attractive; I just denied the variety of what I found to be attractive). I cannot believe my confidence was so low as to deny my attraction to certain people for fear that they would immediately dismiss me as fat and ugly. I realize how messed up this is NOW. And I can't believe I did that to myself. Fat is equivalent to fat; fat is not equivalent to ugly.
  • I think that there is a limit to how skinny a woman should get. Eventually, many can get to the point where they are rails with no boobs, no real curvature to their bodies, and you can see it in their faces. While these women can still be very beautiful, in many cases they're more beautiful with a little extra weight on them, more curvature, and a fuller face. I had a girlfriend (an ex now) who was petite but she wasn't skinny and she had curves. With some guys, I'm sure thin-as-a-rail is their thing, but I doubt that that view is in the majority. Women of this type would include Katy Perry (fit but with plenty of curves), Carla Gugino, and Jennifer Connelly (in the days of "The Rocketeer").
  • CruzZ8
    CruzZ8 Posts: 71
    I noticed you said that his opinion maid you sort of rethink your weightloss goal...ultimately all guys will always be different because they are different people, but try to stay true to what YOU want when it comes to your weightloss goal because that's what's going to make you truly happy.