Guys who find curvy girls more attractive...



  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    My fiancé's not into the rail thin, 12 year old boy figure ( no offence to anyone who's got that body - you lucky, lucky girl) but he's not into crazy curves either. He doesn't want to see bones, but doesn't want rolls either - which is fair. We've had a few conversations about how he'd react if I ever became over weight, and it's simple - he'd leave. Can't really blame him I mean, you need to be sexually attracted to your partner. Me on the other hand, I'm into the skinny body type on women, so I'm working my butt off to obtain that.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    I think that guys really like anything with a skirt lol

    I know that you are kidding, but there really is such a thing as "too big" and "too skinny". The extreme's are not attractive to most guys. That is all.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I've always known that men prefer curves. It's just that I ended up with way more curves than necessary! LOL! :laugh:
  • frugalmomsrock
    Thankfully, my husband likes curvy. I'm not seeing much of a decline in curvature. In fact, I am curvier now that I'm getting in shape. I had gotten so fat I was shaped like a big cheese puff-my curves were lost. I don't see my boobs ever getting smaller than a C cup (when I was at my lightest adult weight of 133, I was still a 34 C while sporting size 4 jeans and x-small shirts). Good thing. He's a boob man. They aren't 44 DD anymore... but still adequate. And I finally have definable hips and a waist now! :)
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    well, my boyfriend sort of dropped a bomb on me today, it made me have to reevaluate what I believed men considered attractive. I always figured guys were with me because of my personality or something, but my boyfriend very plainly said he likes curvy, soft-looking girls, and gave the out-of-nowhere example of Thora Birch in Ghost World. It's funny, because her body type in that movie is my body type. I figured guys like girls skinnier than that. But Jordan said she got less hot once she lost a bunch of weight. !? Same with Christina Ricci? I mean it's not like he finds skinny women unattractive (for instance Scarlett Johansson) I guess he just likes them all cleavagey. And he said that's 'the norm'. (disclaimer, my boyfriend is of the cool nerd variety.)

    I assumed guys wanted girls to have flat stomachs, to be toned, slender, with B cups. It just seems weird to LIKE it when girls are chubbier. First of all, this sort of weakened my resolve to lose weight (the fantasy of me weighing 125 pounds and him being like "YOU LOOK SO BEAUTIFUL I LOVE YOU" sort of died) but also makes me wonder if I've read guys wrong all along.

    So has anything like this happened to you, too?

    Guys, what EXACTLY is the kind of preferred body type? What features do you tend to like and dislike?

    I think there is a common misconception with women that men like bean-pole / Victoria Secret type models. I'm sure some do but most of the men I know prefer a certain degree of "curves" some more than others but definitely prefer curves. Personally I love women that are professional dancers or some kind of athlete with bigger firm legs and a roundish butt.

    Either way, do what makes you happy. When it comes to changing one's appearance you have to do it for you and nobody else.
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    What do we mean by curvy? I definitely have curves and am an hourglass shape (measurements 34C-26-36), but I also wear a UK size 8/10 (US size 4/6) so am probably what a lot of people would say is on the small side. My boyfriend does love my curves though.

    I think it's reductive to say all men want curvier women. Some men like lean, athletic types, some men like women who are heavier etc. I don't necessarily find huge muscles attractive (good on you, guys, for real, it's just not a personal preference), but I know a lot of women that do.
  • melissammundy
    My husband loves my curves lol but then again that is our entire culture, basically. They love women with tiny waist & big butts lol.
  • NilbyClark
    My husband actually finds really skinny girls unattractive, which is great for me cause my weight goes up and down like a roller coaster lol. If you're a size 6 or less he's not interested. He likes 8 and up (usually prefers like a 12ish), big breasts, curves, that sort of thing. He always loves the Lane Bryant models vs. the Victoria's Secret girls lol. I always thought it was strange cause I thought all men wanted a super fit skinny girl, but I stand corrected.
  • Canonoch
    Canonoch Posts: 120
    I love curvy girls!
  • swiftfox82
    yeah i often have gotten the comment that if I lose my big butt and boobs I wouldn't be as attractive I and supose I will have to believe that as well. Girls for some reason think the harder to get to weight has to be the prettest weight and when we see rail thin girls we get thinking that is what I need to be to be desireable. We just don't understand what guys really want I guess.
  • candykay0605
    candykay0605 Posts: 1,019 Member
    dont matter how much i lose im always goning to have a big Butt and big hips so I will remain "curvey" no matter what I do! But I want to be a toned curvey and not a jellowy curvey!!!
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    Im not a guy, but i am bi..
    And i think girls should be very skinny..
    But with massive tits and a massive bum..
    So they are still very curvy. ITs just like womanly curves instead of fat rolls lol.
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    Me too he sooooo sweet!:flowerforyou:
    I just really, really liked this response :drinker:
    I feel so shallow . . . I find curves very, very, sexy. But I think it's just how a lot of us (guys) are and a lot of it has to do with biology and brain sex. Curves mean fertility, etc, which at the end of the day is what drives us all to find a mate if we want kids or not. It's always lurking in the background.

    I would say he's with you because of a mix of how you look and who you are. Afterall, I bet he saw you before he talked to you. It doesn't make you any less valuable inside. You're, well, you're just attractive weight loss or no weight loss.

    Loose what weight you feel you have to if you like for you, feel good. Please feel good about yourself.
    I'm on here becaue I don't think curves are sexy on a guy, namely me. I want more confidence and energy.
  • nikki1anna
    my husband told me not to lose too much weight because "if you get too skinny, I might break you in bed."

  • spiritseries
    What defines a person is what's inside not what they look on the outside, having said that obviously there's that natural attraction that we call chemistry. The important thing here is that most people are here to lose some weight and live a healthy lifestyle which translates to being a happy person who loves themselves.
  • gameovergt
    curvy girls really get me going! something about the shape that screams attractive
  • carlie_carl
    My ideal woman would be curvey, I personally dont find slim that attractive, but its the same with girls, most girls dont like me cos Im more muscular than the average guy, its all down to personal prefferance and than obviously if your talking relationship wise, personallity
  • Serenavictoria
    Serenavictoria Posts: 37 Member
    I love curvy girls. I want to be curvy, I don't want to be stick thin. I looked my best at a size 9, 140lbs. I want to be healthy, not stick thin. I love hour glass figures the most. I want to look like a woman, not a teenager.

    But I have to be healthy first. Also, my curves are just all stomach. I'm a circle with a double chin! Haha.
  • raiderrodney
    raiderrodney Posts: 617 Member
    Hollywood and the modeling industry are two of the biggest reasons a LOT of women feel this way and it's sad. Look at Angelina Jolie...she has looked horrid the past several movies she is so skinny! I very much prefer healthy curvy women over toothpicks. And truthfully...I think most guys do.
  • swiftfox82
    i just realized something! we are not trying to lose are butts and guts for guys at all! we are trying to be smaller for those girls that look at us and think omg she is fat! We want to be accepted by other girls because we want them to envy us instead of judging us! I don't know if this is true for everyone but that seems to be the case. I'm a 34 dd and a size eight paint. I think other girls think size weight is to big for my height of 5ft 1inch but I shouldn't care what other girls think of my jean size. My shoulders and hands and feet are way petite though girls get really jealous of that for some reason. I think as a girl we should do are best to put aside our jealousness and think about what guys think of our curves instead...cause it's almost impossible to get another girls total approval cause there is always that jealous thing going on.... i'm I on track?