40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • tikanique
    tikanique Posts: 54 Member
    down 2 more pounds. am very pleased with my level of focus. i figure 10 more lbs down and then i'll be ready to start running, so by end of februaryish.
  • Harlin12
    Harlin12 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi to all and Glad to be here, 44yrs old, soon to be 45. I started trying to reduce my "foot print" on the earth about 6yrs ago. Managed to drop from 260lb to 190lb. Got my blood pressure and cholesterol in check, now I bounce between 210lb and 200lb and I'm tired of it. I am 5'11" and am shooting for a healthy 180LB.

    Currently working a back shift (5pm to 7am) 6 to 7 days a week, with time to work out in the middle of it so I have no excuses. doing 30min of cardio followed by about an hour of strength training day 1 - 3, day 4 is 30min cardio followed by p90X Yoga (only made it 23min into it yesterday) then starting over with sunday as a rest day (GOLF). Use a HR monitor so my calorie burn should be semi accurate, also going to add avg HR at the bottom of all work outs. Will be on this shift for at least 2 more months.

    My only delimma has been deciding wether to eat back exercise calories? Have been hitting 1500 a day, feel fine and am starting to shed weight but decided today to try to split the difference and eat 1/2 back. I need to regain muscle mass that I have lost over the last few years with my yo-yo dieting and weight loss.

    Sorry I was so long winded, Any constructive help and motivation is welcomed and I will be sure to post nxt friday.
  • denice0414
    denice0414 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi Everyone, I missed posting last week. I had a stomach bug for a couple days that slowed me down but all is good now. I did however stop the 30DS and going to have to restart this week. I have been at the gym everyday for cardio and feel I have really pushed myself this week. It feels great. Added some circuit training as well. Now wanting to start my strength training.
    Looks like everyone has made such great progress as I am still catching up on the posts. Congratulations to everyone !!! Denice :)
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    Nice thing about having an elliptical at the house. Got bored and went in and burned 800 calories just for the heck of it! :)
  • bexdc
    bexdc Posts: 202 Member

    bexdc - why do I recognize you from somewhere? Were you on here before? Great workout week btw. :flowerforyou:

    I left MFP for awhile, but now I'm back!

    I thought so. I am sure you were one of my friends. :laugh:
    Glad you're back!

    Thanks! Yes, I didn't delete my MFP account but I left it dormant. When I came back, I only had one MFP friend left, so I've had to start over with a new batch of folks.
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    I'm not trying to lose weight at this point, in fact, the plan for the past month was to maintain or even increase a bit. But according to my Omron HBF-514 scale that I've been using for over a year now, I weighed in this morning at 165lbs with 17% Body Fat (on a 6'2" 41yo male with a small frame, 34" inseam and 72" wingspan). That's my lowest weight since my late teens early twenties. I feel like I am eating more than enough, my energy levels are good (considering my sleep lately), my workouts are good...but I keep on losing weight. I guess long as energy levels and workouts continue to be good, I just won't worry about it, and keep on doing what I am doing and see what happens.
  • speednut
    I am 50. Been on MFB for 1 year now and lost 82+ lbs. so far. Shooting for 100 by April 29th. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Jipples
    Jipples Posts: 663 Member
    I want in!
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    This is just amazing how many new people there are. Welcome aboard. Soccer training has begun and I am soooo excited and sore...lol Signed up for two 5k's also. Have a great sunday!!
  • irjeffb
    irjeffb Posts: 274 Member
    This might be the first time I've ever felt sad to be "only" 37.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    I'm not trying to lose weight at this point, in fact, the plan for the past month was to maintain or even increase a bit. But according to my Omron HBF-514 scale that I've been using for over a year now, I weighed in this morning at 165lbs with 17% Body Fat (on a 6'2" 41yo male with a small frame, 34" inseam and 72" wingspan). That's my lowest weight since my late teens early twenties. I feel like I am eating more than enough, my energy levels are good (considering my sleep lately), my workouts are good...but I keep on losing weight. I guess long as energy levels and workouts continue to be good, I just won't worry about it, and keep on doing what I am doing and see what happens.

    Hmmmmm, you iz making my 44 year-old, 6'3" husband a *teeny* bit jealous, lol!!

    I'm working on reducing my body fat %. Period.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hi all,

    I am 43 and on the path to reclaiming my "fighting weight" after a 3 year ordeal with cancer. My last surgery was in 2010 and I think I was scared on some level to get back in shape...part of finding that "new normal" they talk about, I guess.

    I am a complete health nut, avid juicer and yoga student. I also love to run and lift weights 2-3 times a week.

    Goals?? My first goal is to get back to 139, which is what I weighed at the time of my diagnosis in 2008. Phase 2-drop to 130 lbs, then increase calories and the intensity of my lifting. I'm a lifelong gym rat, my muscles are there, I just have to "chisel" a few layers away to find them.

    Good luck to us all,

    Inveniam viam aut faciam ("I will find a way or make one")

    Marissa, you are an inspiration!! Love your enthusiasm. You will reach your goals in no time!! :flowerforyou:
  • noexcuses118
    "Inveniam viam aut faciam ("I will find a way or make one")"

    Can I steal this quote - LOVE IT!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hi to all and Glad to be here, 44yrs old, soon to be 45. I started trying to reduce my "foot print" on the earth about 6yrs ago. Managed to drop from 260lb to 190lb. Got my blood pressure and cholesterol in check, now I bounce between 210lb and 200lb and I'm tired of it. I am 5'11" and am shooting for a healthy 180LB.

    Currently working a back shift (5pm to 7am) 6 to 7 days a week, with time to work out in the middle of it so I have no excuses. doing 30min of cardio followed by about an hour of strength training day 1 - 3, day 4 is 30min cardio followed by p90X Yoga (only made it 23min into it yesterday) then starting over with sunday as a rest day (GOLF). Use a HR monitor so my calorie burn should be semi accurate, also going to add avg HR at the bottom of all work outs. Will be on this shift for at least 2 more months.

    My only delimma has been deciding wether to eat back exercise calories? Have been hitting 1500 a day, feel fine and am starting to shed weight but decided today to try to split the difference and eat 1/2 back. I need to regain muscle mass that I have lost over the last few years with my yo-yo dieting and weight loss.

    Sorry I was so long winded, Any constructive help and motivation is welcomed and I will be sure to post nxt friday.

    Harlin, first of all, congrats on the weightloss!!! You are doing great, keep it up and dont give up!!! As you said, no excuses!!! I am assuming when you lift you are lifting heavy. You might want to change your workout every 4 wks or so...cardio, variety works as much as possible and interval trng is great once or twice a week!!! I would recommend you eat all your exercise calories. I cannot imagine a man your size eating 1500 cals, I eat more than that. LOL If your goal is to lose weight and increase muscle you definitely need to eat more and definitely more lean protein. I would like for the guys to shine in some light here, Chris (hewhois), Dr Mike, Madroch, Umpire!!!!!

    Everyone is doing great!! Keep it up!!! If time permits, while reporting your goals etc, please provide some encouragement, motivation, help to those who need it.

    Have a wonderful Sunday!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Bjfavara
    Bjfavara Posts: 22 Member
    I seem to be the oldest kid at 57 going on 16, just not my body. I'd love to join this group as I think we have physical limitations that just come with age but there's got to be some good suggestions as how to overcome them that I'm not aware of. I've got a long way to go but I have already lost 6+ lbs. since Jan. 8 of 2012. I have started a new, healthy lifestyle as they say now and hope I can keep it up with a little help from my friends and family. Thank you for starting this group. :flowerforyou:
  • RenCara
    RenCara Posts: 300 Member
    Hi, Everyone!
    So, I planned to go for a run before heading to my first Bikram (Hot Yoga) class.. Time got away with me, so I planned to run after the class. I had no idea what I was in for! 90 minutes doing yoga in a room heated to 105 degrees... it was intense! I have never sweated so much. I came out of there feeling exhuasted but great. LOVED THAT WORKOUT!!!!! At this point, I do not plan to run today.
    Have a great Sunday.
  • mkcressotti
    mkcressotti Posts: 5 Member
    I am 48 years old an need to loose weight. I clean and healthy do Curves times a week and have already lost 15 pounds need encouragement to keep with it.
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    3.5 mile Long Steady Run: 34m36s, a 9m52s per mile pace (1st mile @10m22s, 2nd mile @10m24s, 3rd mile @9m44s, last half mile @4m6s). Felt good, so picked up the pace at the end.
  • lauraklipow
    45 y/o and started a new job recently which does not allow me to get to the gym anymore. Need to lose the 20 lbs I put on before finding this job (unemployment depression !). Started watching my food intake and exercising again but it's soooo hard to hit the treadmill at 4 am!
  • iamahealthychick
    iamahealthychick Posts: 207 Member
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