30 Day Shred ... (:



  • you know there are 42 freakin bicycle crunches on level one???? geez I hate those. this is my 2nd time thru the shred. I can't always do it every day...sometimes I work overtime and it's just too late to exercise after 16 hrs of work. I actually think level 2 is easier than level one...don't give up ladies...it's worth it. I also add about 30 minutes of my elliptical to my shred time.
  • alphabettie
    alphabettie Posts: 43 Member
    ... I dunno about Level 2 being easier. I feel like I sweat WAY MORE a lot faster in that level, especially during the first circuit with the tricep moves.

    I have about 5 days or so to get to level 2, I just finished L1D5. Hopefully I'll finish the entire DVD and not quit during L2 this time!
  • burntpie
    burntpie Posts: 19 Member
    I just started day one of level two! I felt really good on the last day of level one, can see a difference in my legs already (my target area! long midriff and short legs means thankfully my tummy avoids the most of the weight but my legs... they're short and stubby and ugh) Seeing tone and feeling more energetic, I'm really happy so far.

    The level two has so much 'planking' based stuff it's a bit ridiculous though, would be nice if it was mixed up a bit more. Did a mix of beginners style and advanced style... until the end when I was exhausted and just did 'me' style which is simply trying to keep moving until the end. Hopefully the next ten days brings just as much change for me.
  • blondetwin22001
    blondetwin22001 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm sure this question has been asked before, but how do you all count your 30 Day Shred as your daily exercise on here? I'm not sure how much to count as cardio and how much to count as strength. I'm currently on Level 1 Day 6 and it's getting easier for me and I'm not quite so sore as in the beginning. I'm getting to where I can recite exactly what Jillian is going to say next. :smile:

    Good luck everyone with their weight loss and exercise plan! I love this website!!
  • Kagard11
    Kagard11 Posts: 396 Member
    I had been using circuit training, general, but it was overestimating my calories. Iuse a HRM now and I burn about 100 cals less than MFP!
  • CountryGal83
    CountryGal83 Posts: 640 Member
    Can I just say that Level 2 is KILLER! At least for me. I just finished day 7 and I still can't do it all w/o stopping! And I HATE PLANK POSITION! HAHAHAHA
  • therighttrack
    therighttrack Posts: 96 Member
    I just started the 30DS today! I made it through, but wow I hate pushups, and ya that bicycle thing is WAY harder when you have to go that slow at it! I have been reading all the posts that you ladies have been putting on, and I don't know if I am Excited, or Scared now!!! LOL. I will definitely try my best tho. Thanks for all your input, its nice to know that there are others that feel the same as I do.
    Keep up the great work, you can do it!
  • ihavethree
    ihavethree Posts: 10 Member
    Hi...I just finished day 3 of level 2 and it kicks my butt. I am wishing I could go back to jumping jacks and butt kicks :)
    I'm only down 2 pounds since starting both 30DS and MFP but I feel amazing and my body is definitely toning up. Honestly it's only 20 minutes and this feels way better than eating junk and then regretting it. I try to go on my elliptical for 15-30 minutes but don't freak out if I don't add it in. I am chasing toddler twins around all day so that's gotta count for something!!
  • PippaJo_
    PippaJo_ Posts: 233 Member
    you know there are 42 freakin bicycle crunches on level one????

    Really? Hm. I think I counted up to 37 once....it's hard to get an accurate count, since their pace varies a bit, I think - and you can't look at the TV the whole time.
    I actually think level 2 is easier than level one...

    I came here to say the same thing! Here I was all afraid of it, and I'm like.....why isn't this making me sweat, why isn't this raising my heart rate?

    The first circuit was SO easy. Walkout pushups? A breeze. Honestly, if you can whip out 17 pushups at a time in L1, even on your knees - a single pushup with a walkout, even on your toes, was so easy it was boring me. There's plenty of 'rest' time with the walking out and back and standing up.

    I will say that the V-arm-raises are kind of tough. And the pendulum squats are tough, only because I can't quite get them coordinated yet - I'm worrying so much about my form, because I'll murder my knees if I don't watch out. Everything else - ought to be not that bad. I did phone it in just a titch today, because I got so little sleep last night, but I shouldn't have a problem working up to everything in this level.

    What is bothering me, though, is that it seems that Jillian's counting and pace are off more in this level. She'll say 'four more' then do two, or something. And it's hard to keep on pace, because the camera jumps around, and the two girls do not work at the same pace.

    In fact, does Natalie bother anyone else? She irritates me SO much, because a) she's got lousy form, and b) she cheats! I'd much rather have Jillian show the advanced technique, then watch Anita the whole time, advancing as I'm able. It's clear that Anita, at least, is also a trainer, because she's got great form.

    (I need new shoes, though - the plank-jacks make my feet slide around in my shoes! Highly annoying.)
  • kimberlilynn
    kimberlilynn Posts: 56 Member
    L1D8 here. Feeling strong, yet somewhat afraid of the looming L2 HAHA. Keep up all the great work fellow shredders!!
  • Normalg
    Normalg Posts: 125 Member
    I'm on day 23 consecutively and its awesome. Tough but day 5 my Love handles had gone down some and day 22 i could feel my hip bones lol that's pretty impressive at 195 pounds
  • xionai
    xionai Posts: 4
    About to do W2D1 .. yikes! Although I've gone through some of it before, I took a few month break. Kinda intimidated :)
  • LorahJo
    LorahJo Posts: 151 Member
    Bump for all u guys x soooo much motivationally comments. we can do it shredders day 1 or day 29 lets kick jillians butt xxx
  • veniceit
    veniceit Posts: 112 Member
    I just kicked her *kitten*!!!! Day 7 of level 2 felt great today, not like this weekend.

  • stufie
    stufie Posts: 142 Member
    Today was L1D1.....argghhhhh I hurt
  • megmay2591
    megmay2591 Posts: 621 Member
    I've missed some days...but right now I am on L2D6 so I've done it 16 total days. I am gonna work hard to not skip anymore days, unless my body NEEDS a break. The one thing I hate about level two is all of the exercises done in plank position....

    I can't wait to see my end results. I took a picture on my 10 day mark, and there is a slight difference. I've decided I am going to wait till I finish the shred to take pictures again. We can all do this!
  • I am on L1D2 but I am not hurting anymore than usual. I have been taking beginner´s ballet classes twice a week since May last year. One thing you learn with ballet is to ache -- it always hurts the next day. But its so worth it! I love the music and it really makes me relax, sleep better and more patient with husband and my toddler.
    When I started dancing in may, I was weighing 148lbs (I am 5ft4). I started avoiding bad foods and only eating sweets and junk on weekends. I couldn´t very well diet because I was breastfeeding and that made me SO hungry. But I stopped breastfeeding my girl in October and that made my apetite easier to handle since. By the end of November I was weighing 132lbs.... but can´t seem to be able to lose any weight since! It´s like my body is comfortable with this weight...
    So I am hoping this 30 DS along with counting calories here may be the answer to my prayers. I was hoping to get back to what I used to weigh before, 122lbs. I was never very skinny -- I am Brazilian and I have that latin big butted type -- but before baby I did weight lifting 3 times a week and I was toned.
    Good luck everyone and thanks for the motivation
  • d3mon4ngel
    d3mon4ngel Posts: 242 Member
    I've just bought this online after reading how you guys are raving about it on here :)

    I have a question though... is this something I should try after getting into shape somewhat, or can I just jump straight in when it arrives?

    I'm worried about doing some damage to myself as my current activity level is pretty low, though it is getting better than it was.
  • ihavethree
    ihavethree Posts: 10 Member
    I am on Level 2 Day 7 and I just jumped right into level one and did the modified moves until I felt comfortable with them at around day 4. Just start it and you will not regret it. I feel so great already and it's been two weeks of 30DS and eating clean. Good luck!

  • (I think pretending to punch her is helping)

    This helps me too!
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