ever been told you werent good looking?



  • PeaceLoveVeggies
    PeaceLoveVeggies Posts: 682 Member
    I heard it A LOT when I was a kid, mostly when I was around 11 and 12 years old. It stopped for a while, then when I hit 19 yrs old, it started all over again. I still hear that I'm ugly as *kitten* from time to time.

    People have even told me to go kill myself or jump off a bridge because the world would be better off without my ugliness plaguing it.

    Go figure.
  • shreyaj
    shreyaj Posts: 196
    I've been told I wasn't good looking since we all had to watch that horrible video about the chances in our body. Purberty is a horrible thing. I'm still getting the "ugly girl" looks from people.

    I was hanging out with one of my chick friends and her sister and realized I'M THE UGLY FRIEND! Same thing happened when I was a little younger and with my cousins. I was the ugly duckling of the group :( Guys say I'm "hot" just to see how far I would go. I just laugh and tell them "yeah I'm more like luke warm"

    I'm sad now all over again

    Ugh, people are such freaking jerks, like the other's said NOT ugly you are beautiful! Only time someone called me ugly wasn't to my face there was this guy that was mutual friend's with a lot of my friend's they were at a bar one night (I wasn't there) when one of them found out I was roommates with one the girl's he went off on this ridiculous tangent about how I was ugly, loud, and obnoxious, thankfully I have awesome friend's who didn't take his crap, but it really hurt my feelings! I never did anything to this kid and it was hurtful I must admit, but I learned to shrug it off because he's just a worthless hater!
  • cjpg
    cjpg Posts: 433 Member
    my journey has never been about attention. it's always been about health.

    but i would think it's naive to believe someone could go through their lives without being told they weren't good looking, by 'someone's' perspective out there.
  • lr8812
    lr8812 Posts: 111
    Once... when I was around 13. It was gym class, I was sweating... my hair was a mess. I was chubby and short then... so that day, I didn't look the best. A kid was like, you know you're ugly? Ew. Look at you! I took it hard at first, but you learn to laugh it off eventually. Looking back, it's quite funny! I couldn't care less what people have to say about me. I look good in my own right and will live confident. Plus I'm in the best shape of my life!
  • DevanEve
    DevanEve Posts: 130
    I've never been told I'm ugly flat out but there have been some comments...

    My sister once told my boyfriend at the time, "Wow. You should've seen Devan back in the day, she was beautiful when she was thin and would dress up." That kinda hurt so I asked, "What does that mean?" Then she replied with, "Oh you know what I mean. Back then when you really cared about your appearance."

    That hurt ... pretty bad. I think the reason it hurt so bad was because my sister said it. It's just comments like that, that I receive from other family members also.
  • abigailm83
    I've been told I wasn't good looking since we all had to watch that horrible video about the chances in our body. Purberty is a horrible thing. I'm still getting the "ugly girl" looks from people.

    I was hanging out with one of my chick friends and her sister and realized I'M THE UGLY FRIEND!

    There's no way you are the "ugly friend", you're beautiful.

    I second this :)
  • megmo_7
    megmo_7 Posts: 98 Member
    I get told this all the time! I used to be attractive and tiny but due to an injury and medical issues i packed on the weight. People laugh at me and moo at me and tell me to stop eating fast food. I havent eaten fast food since I was 14. People are ignorrant and rude and do not realize the pain people are going through. I think the biggest kicker for me was a very serious relationship I was in (5 years), he told me he want to have a friends with benefits on the side until I was hot again. Now that my meds are being reduced I am slowly losing the weight.
  • xXHeatherRaeXx
    xXHeatherRaeXx Posts: 175 Member
    Sounds to me like your "friend" has a thing for you, she just went about it in a very rude, immature, and hurtful way. You're a really nice looking guy, so don't let what she said get to you because comments like that can demolish a person's self-esteem (been there/done that). I'd definitely weed out negative people like her from my life if I were you. :smile:
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    oh gosh yes. When I was in junior high and high school (in the 80s!) I was extremely awkward and funny looking. You can see my hair! I had an orange afro and huge glasses and I was a huge nerd. it was bad. The boys I knew all made fun of me for how I looked. They had names and even songs. And with fairly regular frequency, random boys on the street would make loud comments. Sometimes they made barking noises at me.

    None of that has happened in a LONG time, but I will never forget. not ever.
  • ACEgirl1
    ACEgirl1 Posts: 133 Member
    At the wedding reception for my first marriage, a woman came up to my new MIL and said, "Oh, have you met Shelby? (Shelby is my sister) She's the pretty one!"

    I can laugh now, but at the time, it really hurt. :explode:
  • Lizerra
    Lizerra Posts: 22
    I have been told I am ugly because I have red hair and freckles! I just looked at this person in amazement. I had no idea the color of your hair actually makes you ugly in other peoples eyes. I have been self conscious about being a redhead ever since.
  • ericalynn104
    ericalynn104 Posts: 382 Member
    Yes.. And it was recently too!

    In high school I was dating a guy (who is now my fiance) but I was dumb enough to break up with him because I liked this other guy. Guy #2 flirted a lot but nothing ever happened. When he started to date my best friend, I realized what I had given up when I broke up with guy #1. We talked it out and got back together and have been together for 4 years.

    Just a few weeks ago guy #2 texted me and said "I was shallow.. I didn't really give you a chance because something prettier came along." Ouch. Sure, I know I wasn't the prettiest girl in high school but was that really necessary? It definitely helped me realize that I'm so glad that I didn't end up with him. My fiance has thought I was beautiful since day one and that hasn't ever changed. When I started to lose weight he was so encouraging, he was so proud of me, and he reminded me that he thought I was beautiful anyways. And that hasn't changed. He always encourages me and it is the life that I picture with HIM that keeps me going.

    Some people just aren't worth the time. Just sayin'.
  • ChristineMarie89
    ChristineMarie89 Posts: 1,142 Member
    always have been the ugly one >.> when i was a kid i was too skinny and then i got older and everyone called me ugly n fat n manly (i was 130lbs probably not fat but back then i believed it) to this day im still the fat one and always get compared to my cousin i hate how my family always says well shes so pretty and soo cute i guess u couldnt wear that :/
  • NomNomCupcakes
    NomNomCupcakes Posts: 135 Member
    I remember when I was in college there was a guy who I met online. He seemed nice enough. Wanted to hang out with me etc etc super fast. As soon as I added him on Facebook though, he said I looked good in some pictures...but not in others. An obvious stab at my weight issues :\ that really irked me...lol
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    Debra - that is nasty and absolutely horrible. Your husband's aunt has ISSUES. it' not you. and I wish your husband would stand up for you when she does that.
    Yes...since I was a little girl. I had a horrible time at school from all the kids and then I would come home and hear it from my mom. Now that i'm married I still hear it from my husband every now and then when he is upset:( I guess thats why I always take photos from a distance and the main reason why i'm trying to lose weight and get in shape. Every holiday at his family's house is my worst holiday. His aunt will catch me getting a plate of food and she will scream in her "degrading voice", "WOW! If anyone wants any food they had better get it now...Debra is in the kitchen". Or she will bring desert and say, " You better hide this from Debra r there won't be none left". My least favorite is..."Matthew Debra must be saving all the food in the house for herself because you are way too skinny".
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    hahaha! oh yes.
    I have been told I am ugly because I have red hair and freckles! I just looked at this person in amazement. I had no idea the color of your hair actually makes you ugly in other peoples eyes. I have been self conscious about being a redhead ever since.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    Once... when I was around 13. It was gym class, I was sweating... my hair was a mess. I was chubby and short then... so that day, I didn't look the best. A kid was like, you know you're ugly? Ew. Look at you! I took it hard at first, but you learn to laugh it off eventually. Looking back, it's quite funny! I couldn't care less what people have to say about me. I look good in my own right and will live confident. Plus I'm in the best shape of my life!

    ^^ this
  • iamkylie
    iamkylie Posts: 43 Member
    I've only heard it from myself. If I see myself in the mirror, its usually what I say.
    I have issues I need to sort out lol.
  • xXHeatherRaeXx
    xXHeatherRaeXx Posts: 175 Member
    Sometimes they made barking noises at me.

    I got that, too, by some guy that used to ride the bus with me in school. As soon as I got on, he would start and everybody would laugh. I was mortified and completely devastated.
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    Kylie - you are absolutely beautiful. don't be cruel to yourself. I'm sure you would NEVER say those things to anyone else. You deserve the same.
    I've only heard it from myself. If I see myself in the mirror, its usually what I say.
    I have issues I need to sort out lol.