water intake - relating to coffee, liquids, salt, etc



  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Duct Tape-Priceless!
    Silence is golden, duck tape is silver!
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Yes, exactly. My comment is mainly for those who are counting soda, juices (high in sugars), or caffiene drinks as water. Not to get all technical....I am certainly aware of the whole process.

    Yes watch out, if you're technical make sure you dot every i or someone will catch it and bad talk you for 5 pages.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    Yes, exactly. My comment is mainly for those who are counting soda, juices (high in sugars), or caffiene drinks as water. Not to get all technical....I am certainly aware of the whole process.
    i dunno, i dont know of anyone that counts 8 cans of soda as their water intake for the day.
    actually thats a lie... my father in law does because back in the 80s when he was going to his specialist dr (some weird disease that doesnt have a name) the dr told him to drink plenty of water and my FiL said no. he doesnt like water and wont drink it... dr asked what he liked to drink, and he said diet soda. dr said that would be fine.. so now he drinks at least a 12 pack a day.. no water, one cup of fat free milk a day to mix with his instant breakfast powder and chocolate syrup.. and thats it. well...sometimes he adds chocolate syrup to his coke. and lately hes been on a mango-pineapple smoothie from mcdonalds kick.. sometimes 3 a day. and slurpees. 44 oz most days.
    did i mention hes diabetic >.>
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    satiety -- interesting topic, I've heard of the idea and there's many pills that help you 'not feel hungry' but I wasn't sure exactly what science it came from. Thank you for the info!
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    you understand that fluids are made of water, right?
    (excluding my beloved vodka, which I need a shot of right now)

    when is says "Daily WATER intake" It means just that. Water. Not fluids. It 's pretty basic!
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I think I'm just going to drink bong water, log it and be done with this.
  • No, any fluids and most all food contains water. With that said, if you eat watermelon or lettuce for instance, are you going to log a portion of this under "water" or under your food intake? Just saying....I understand your thought process, however I think the idea is to get plenty of water to drink and to each their own.

    Why would it matter if you logged it or not? You are still getting the water content if you decide to log it or not.
    No one is arguing that water is good vs. bad. I think it just comes down to personal preference of how you like to log it.
  • traceymonroe
    traceymonroe Posts: 15 Member
    LOL...thank you for making this point. I just cannot believe that it's almost 11 pm & I am still up reading this stuff...I need to stay off this community site b/c it only upsets me to see so many unaware. Of coarse, this is what this is for is to help one another. We have to be open minded & also listen to our bodies:)
  • RodrickF
    RodrickF Posts: 11 Member
    I think I'm just going to drink bong water, log it and be done with this.

    If you can without puking it up, it would probably help to hydrate you as well provide some level of satiety. Then again, you might get the munchies!
  • LOL...thank you for making this point. I just cannot believe that it's almost 11 pm & I am still up reading this stuff...I need to stay off this community site b/c it only upsets me to see so many unaware. Of coarse, this is what this is for is to help one another. We have to be open minded & also listen to our bodies:)

    Its addicting huh? xD

    I agree with you 100% there. Listen to your body. If you are thirsty, drink up baby! Hydration is what is important, not how you decide to log it IMO :D
  • I only log water as water, I pretty much only drink skim milk other then that unless i'm out. When I'm out I either have something like sprite (stuff with out caffine) or tea and I try not to drink to much tea because I'm allergic to caffine. I watch my chocolate intake too because that also has caffine in it.
  • paulcer
    paulcer Posts: 167 Member
    Never felt the need to log water. I think the whole gallon of water per day thing is a little crazy and can put you in a situation where your body is flushing water to balance the salts and other minerals. Do what works for you.
  • Pure water is best for weight loss because it can absorb more excess sugar in the bloodstream and uric acid along with other minerals. The excess sugar turns to fat, or if your diabetic raises your blood sugar and your A1C count. Uric acid build up causes gout. The other minerals can be other stuff your body is trying to get rid of; or stuff your body needs-like the minerals in your vitamin pills.
  • RodrickF
    RodrickF Posts: 11 Member
    satiety -- interesting topic, I've heard of the idea and there's many pills that help you 'not feel hungry' but I wasn't sure exactly what science it came from. Thank you for the info!

    It's really working well for me so far. I just had my second week weigh-in and I lost 9.5 pounds so far. Not a hint of exercise yet... saving that for my trump in the second month! I would have to say that the seven to eight cups of green tea every day has to be helping, I do drink at least 32 ounces of pure water every day too, but that remains a fraction of my fluid intake. Anyway, I'm pretty lazy with logging any of it compared to calorie intake, because I really consider that MFP only added it as a friendly reminder.

    p.s. I drink no softdrinks of any kind... sweetened or sugar free. All of that crap will kill you.
  • antonio823
    antonio823 Posts: 298 Member
    I log only pure water as water. Anything else I drink (coffee, flavored water, tea, or milk) I log as a part of the appropriate meal or snack where I consumed it and subtract the calories.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Yeah don't forget if you get up and eat lots of foods filled with vitamins and minerals, if you water yourself the whole day then you're watering the good stuff out too.

    Don't over water your plants either. They get moldy :(
  • traceymonroe
    traceymonroe Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you...it's refreshing to read that someone else understands the entire reason for counting water & not "other fluids" as "water." This has been an interesting topic to say the least. Guess you just never know what is going to spark a long conversation. LOL. It's been very engaging to say the least.
  • RodrickF
    RodrickF Posts: 11 Member
    I log only pure water as water. Anything else I drink (coffee, flavored water, tea, or milk) I log as a part of the appropriate meal or snack where I consumed it and subtract the calories.

    That's a good point. I would say that anything with calories has to be logged in as a food. I log smoothies as food having separated the components in a recipe prior. Other than that, besides water, I really only drink black coffee and unsweetened tea. No point in logging them in as meals, so sometimes I log it in as water to make sure I'm taking in as much fluids as possible.
  • traceymonroe
    traceymonroe Posts: 15 Member
    Yes...and don't take too many vitamins you don't need either. That's what we call expensive urine! :drinker:
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    i only log water - pure water, no tea, crystal light, etc - as water.