Worst Date Ever



  • tamerkins2
    I met up with a guy for a first date at a coffee shop. We spent a couple hours playing board games and having great conversation. I really enjoyed the time.

    Two days later, I got an email from him that said: You seem really nice, but I don't think this will work out because you are a Green Bay Packer fan. Take care.

    I thought it was pretty odd, but quickly moved on with life.

    About 2 months later, I saw him at the grocery store. He was holding hands with another guy!

    Packer fan?! Sounds like a good reason not to be with you!! Sorry, I'm from MN so I have strong feelings towards Packer fans :) LOL!! But seriously, pretty funny you saw him with a guy a few months later.

    To everyone else - sorry, but your stories are entertaining!! I don't really have a good one. I only went on a few dates before I started dating my husband when I was 16!
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    I let my sister talk me into going on to a date....ok, she guilted me into it....with some random guy from the internets. She and her friend had decided to set up a profile on a dating site because they decided I'm ready to date. They said they were going to "screen" the guys for me. Apparently they were screening to make sure the guys were nut jobs! The same day she activated my profile this guy said he wanted to go out with me that night! She called me, I asked if she was F-ing crazy! What kind of desperate, pathetic, yucktard would want to go out before even having had a conversation? She told me I'm too picky and blah blah blah blah blah...so I went. He picked me up at her house, he was shorter than me (I'm 5'4") and looked creepy. I, right in front of him, wrote down his license plate number and gave it to my sister and told her "You might need this in case they find my body in a ditch." I get in the car and he asked where I want to go....um, dude, you didn't have that figured out first?! So then he said I told him I like to go bowling. I did? Thanks sis for emailing him all day pretending to be me. So I told him that sounds fine. He asked where the nearest bowling lanes were, when I told him he got huffy and said "UGH! I just drove from over there! *sigh*" (EXCUSE ME?!) We decided to do dinner around the corner first. All the way there, he complained about how awful his ex wife was. Once we arrived to the restaurant he yelled at the waiter....TWICE! I decided it was time to go to the bathroom and fake diarehha (I so spelled that wrong). I took my phone in the bathroom, called my sis, held my breath so my face would turn read and my eyes would water, then came out holding my stomach. Funny how he came out of the mens room whos wall backed right up the the womens room at the exact same time, then went over to yell at the bus boy for cleaning off the table when he hadn't even paid the bill yet. WHO GOES TO THE BATHROOM AND LEAVES THE TABLE COMPLETELY EMPTY WITHOUT PAYING THE BILL FIRST?!!!!!! I told him I needed to go home because my stomach hurt. The next morning, at 5:30 am I got a text from him saying "If I would have known you were pregnant I would have taken you to Kroger for free food. You didn't have to pretend to like me." In my defense, I didn't pretend. It was pretty obvious, but thanks for the fat joke dude.

    The next guy I met on that same site I went out with one time. He stared at my stomach the entire time and asked repeatedly how much weight I want to lose....Oh, did I mention when he picked me up and I came around the corner, as soon as he saw me he hung his head and started walking the other direction?

    I have several more that I won't include. I have no idea why I just don't give a dang about dating right now. Weird, right?
  • beskimoosh
    beskimoosh Posts: 375 Member
    I went on a first date with a guy, he said we'd go bowling and for dinner, which I thought was sweet, because I haven't been bowling since I was about 14 (I was 21 at the time). That's not quite what happened. He took me to a model railway museum and made me look around, then took me bowling and got out his own special bowling ball and shoes (I don't know about in the US, but in the UK, that's not normal). He then took me for fish and chips.

    Oh, then on the way out of the chippy, told me about how his first time had been with a hooker. In depth. And showed me a picture of her that he'd saved from her "profile".

    Strangely enough, I was not that into him after all of that!
  • danibabs
    danibabs Posts: 298 Member
    I got fixed up by a (then) friend with a guy who told me he loved me before the date was over. I was like, "Ummm, I love you too??" and got out of the car. It was the first and last date! Ewwwww. :noway:

    Was his name Ted Mosby?
  • Mist1981
    Mist1981 Posts: 145
    My bad date was actually just a few weeks ago. Went out with a guy that I was already kinda on the fence about because there was not a lot of physical attraction but he was very intriguing, and we had great conversation so I decided to give it a shot.

    So we go to Mi Cocina with I LOVE! I had mentioned earlier that their margaritas (mambo taxis) are dangerously strong. So we sit down and the waiter immediately comes over, I order water with a lemon, and he tells the waiter she would also like a mambo taxi. At first I was like that was weird, but I had mentioned them so I rolled with it. He then told the waiter that we were ready to order. I was sitting there trying to rush to find something to order because we had JUST sat down. Next thing I know the man orders for me, and something I would never eat. Well, I am not very confrontational so I just kinda rolled with it. They brought the food he ate his and I didn't touch mine, he asked if I wasn't hungry, and I just said I am hungry but I hate what was ordered for me. We then went to see Girl With a Dragon Tattoo, and I was so uncomfortable with him during some of the sexual scenes. Was just weird. Not to mention he had mexican food burps all night. We finally get back to my car, and he leans in to kiss me. That is when I told him I am sorry but this date was horrible. I think he is a nice guy but was very offended when everything was ordered for me, and that I didn't want to go out with him again, etc.
  • JujiBean
    JujiBean Posts: 187
    I got set up on a blind date by a well-meaning roommate. She said he was tall, dark and handsome. Successfull....on and on.

    Grudgingly I went.

    He wasn't any of those things. He was extremely short, ugly and drove a beat up old Chevy. (The kind with a hole in the floor boards.)

    He lead the conversation off by saying that he was phychic. He told me to pick a number between 1 and 10. If he guessed the number correctly, I'd have sex with him...like right now.

    Of course I refused. Finally, after a lot of badgering (and me trying to figure out how to get out of this date) I gave him a number (no sex attached!)

    The number was "4." He proudly opened the glove box and pulled out a piece of paper with the number 4 on it. Again, he tried pushing for sex. (Ugh, I'd known him for maybe 7 minutes.)

    It didn't take me long to figure out that he had 9 other slips of paper hidden around the interior of the car, each with different numbers on them.


    It gets worse, my roommate was pissed off at me for "ruining" the only date he'd had in a long time. She moved out in a huff.
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    I wouldn't even call it a date... but I agreed to meet this guy from the internet about a year ago... He apparently didn't have a car so wanted to take the train to come meet me which I was NOT ok with... For 1, unless I know someone I don't want to be alone in a car with then, and for 2, its 12 hrs later from when the morning train comes in, and when the night train goes out and I did not want to spend 12 hrs with a stranger... So I was visiting my friend in the town where he lived anyways so I agreed to stop by and see him there while I was in town. I went to his college campus so again I was thinking I could avoid the whole being in a car with a stranger thing.... I brought my friend I was visiting to meet him with me... I know, super lame on my part, but it was my first time meeting a guy from the internet I was nervous ok. lol. We chatted for a little bit but his English really wasn't great, so it put a damper on conversation... Then when we go to leave he said he doesn't live on campus and needs a ride back to his house... my friend was with me, so ok fine, Then he invites us in, and we go in just to be polite, the place was a disaster! moldy dishes everywhere, used clothes slung all over the place... then he shows us the bedroom and says that's where the magic happens and asked if we were up for a little roll in the hay since we were there anyways... We got out of there pretty quick... soooo glad I didn't let him come visit me!
  • monocot
    monocot Posts: 475 Member
    I met this Guy, he was 12 years older then me(I had just turned 19), meet him online and meet him at a bar with my gay friend, so i wouldn't have to be alone with a complete stranger. My date bought my Friend All the drinks he could drink and I had to buy my own, At one point when my friend had walked away, he's like You'll be like a tiger in bed won't you and ran his finger nails down my arm and growled at me.Then after sending my friend home in a cab, he insisted on walking me home, where he kept trying to grab my *kitten*. He asked for a kiss and I told him no so he asked for a hug and I said I guess and he tried to kiss me. Then told me When he does get me into bed he hopes I got pregnant cause he was getting older and really wanted to have kids,
    Awkward, He messaged me a ton after that but I was way to creeped out to speak to him again
  • AubriaJordan
    I have way too many awful dates to pick just one but they've given me some great stories to entertain my friends with.

    I too have way too many funny/bad dating stories that my friends are always entertained by. They now ask me when my next date is and cant wait to hear the stories... just when I think Ive dated every type of guy out there another one pops up out of no where....
  • xMedullaOblongatax
    I went out with this guy a few times. He was signicfantly older and had a daughter. We were out to dinner and his daughter came with us. His daughter informed me that he had been married 3 times, and had 2 other kids. Not to mention a grandchild on the way. That would have been FINE but he had lied to me about the number of times he was married. Also told me that his daughter was the only one. He backtracked of course and was like um um...the first two really didn't count they were only married for a year or so. Not an hour later on the way back from the place..we told me he was looking for wife #4 and a step momma for his daughter. I told him...I just separated from my hubsand please don't push.

    OH it gets more strange...two weeks later...

    The girl's mother came into town for a visit. She stayed in the bedroom with the girl..I got it..Well he invited me over for dinner and said that it wouldn't be to strange. SO I went over for dinner. He told her that she may be looking at wife #4. Also he expected his daughter and her mother to wait on him hand and foot. He didn't even want to get up and get a drink of water. His house was a wreck, and had way to much stuff. So at that point I told myself that it wasn't going to get better, I excused myself and asked him to talk to me outside. I told him it is over. He texted me and emailed me several times but I never went out with him again.

    I read a few funny ones on here, but WOW. That just... that gives me the chills! D:
  • ZombieChaser
    ZombieChaser Posts: 1,555 Member
    Back in college, I went on a first date with a guy I met through an online dating site...(eep!)...this was after my serious relationship ended, and I was looking to get back out there and take things slow.

    We met at a busy coffee shop (for my own protection lol) and we got along okay, and then we went out to dinner. He was a bit awkward, I could tell he didn't have a lot of dating experience. Afterwards we got back in the car, and he was driving me home when he asked me if i wanted to ...umm taste it... I politley declined, joking that it may cause an accident (i know, haha, omfg get me outta here kinda joking). We arrive to my place, he walks me to the door and starts singing "love is in the air!". Ok, I lose it! There were tears (his, not mine), confessions of virginity (again, his not mine) and a door slam (mine, in his face).

    That set me back another few months before I started dating people again...sheesh!
  • bmkx0
    bmkx0 Posts: 308
    I got set up on a blind date by a well-meaning roommate. She said he was tall, dark and handsome. Successfull....on and on.

    Grudgingly I went.

    He wasn't any of those things. He was extremely short, ugly and drove a beat up old Chevy. (The kind with a hole in the floor boards.)

    He lead the conversation off by saying that he was phychic. He told me to pick a number between 1 and 10. If he guessed the number correctly, I'd have sex with him...like right now.

    Of course I refused. Finally, after a lot of badgering (and me trying to figure out how to get out of this date) I gave him a number (no sex attached!)

    The number was "4." He proudly opened the glove box and pulled out a piece of paper with the number 4 on it. Again, he tried pushing for sex. (Ugh, I'd known him for maybe 7 minutes.)

    It didn't take me long to figure out that he had 9 other slips of paper hidden around the interior of the car, each with different numbers on them.


    It gets worse, my roommate was pissed off at me for "ruining" the only date he'd had in a long time. She moved out in a huff.

    what date is your roommate referring to? because it sounds like he just wanted to have sex. gross!
  • stang_girl88
    stang_girl88 Posts: 234 Member
    My date stories are pretty boring, but a friend of mine's father had a hilarious story to tell us. His dad went on a date and took the lady to a Sea World type of place. He said they were chatting and she looked up......with her mouth open. Yup, a seagull crapped in her mouth. How emabrassing would that be?! He never saw her again lol (she didnt call him)
  • xMedullaOblongatax
    OMG, I feel so bad for you all and want to give you all hugs! OMG at these crazy dates! D;
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I met up with a guy for a first date at a coffee shop. We spent a couple hours playing board games and having great conversation. I really enjoyed the time.

    Two days later, I got an email from him that said: You seem really nice, but I don't think this will work out because you are a Green Bay Packer fan. Take care.

    I thought it was pretty odd, but quickly moved on with life.

    About 2 months later, I saw him at the grocery store. He was holding hands with another guy!

    Who's the Packer fan NOW?!
  • tamerkins2
    I got fixed up by a (then) friend with a guy who told me he loved me before the date was over. I was like, "Ummm, I love you too??" and got out of the car. It was the first and last date! Ewwwww. :noway:

    Was his name Ted Mosby?

    HAHAHAHAHA!! Love that show!
  • serenity216
    serenity216 Posts: 512 Member
    I had a date once where the guy spent much of the time talking about his small bladder. Really??!!!
  • MrsSpinks
    MrsSpinks Posts: 274 Member
    I got fixed up by a (then) friend with a guy who told me he loved me before the date was over. I was like, "Ummm, I love you too??" and got out of the car. It was the first and last date! Ewwwww. :noway:

    Was his name Ted Mosby?

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Unfortunately I've met a few Ted's!!!
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Years ago I went on a date with this "high power" lawyer. I showed up first, and opened a bar tab so I could order a drink, because, you know, it's weird just sitting in a nice hotel bar, not ordering. He scolded me when he arrived because I "wasn't supposed to pay for anything." During the date he flirted with our waitress, and talked more about his cars than anything else. He actually told me he'd have to buy me a TV for my apartment (I didn't have one) so that he could watch sports at my place (on a FIRST date). And it just got worse from there, thankfully it was only drinks. When I emailed to tell him thank you, he emailed me back calling me a freak and saying there was something wrong with me. Apparently I wasn't impressed enough by his Astin Martin.
  • GlenWalterGal
    GlenWalterGal Posts: 85 Member
    I once went on a date with the "coupon king"...lol. He had all these 2 for one coupons for restaurants, movies etc but when the bill came, he told me: "I'm so lucky I have a coupon so my meal is free"...??? and he let me pay for my own meal. I have nothing against coupons, I actually use a lot of them, but does it not make sense that he should have applied the coupon to the whole ticket and then we would both have beneficiated from the deal....The whole evening was spent "free for him, but not for me" and he was dead surprised when I would not date him again....