11 Year old needs help



  • jjatk33
    jjatk33 Posts: 7 Member
    I think getting kids moving is the most important aspect, look at WII fit, or Xbox Kinect's Just dance is a great way to get kids to move at home. (Exercising while not really thinking about it.) Look to your local gym, Zumbatomic is a kids/youth Zumba class that a gym my offer in your area.
    Getting kids to eat fruits and vegetables is always about setting the right example. If you only eat fruits and veggies then your kids are likely to follow, if there is not junk food in the house its impossible for kids to eat it. Make sure that your daughter understands that French Fries are NOT vegetables. Talk to her about what food is explain what protein, carbohydrates and fats are and how we use them to make energy. I have found that when you explain the process of food to kids they really get excited to choose things that gives them more energy than less.
    And finally prepubescent girls physiologically will add some weight before going though puberty, and last a few years after while the body adjust to the hormone changes always focus on positive body images, healthy food choices and exercise and never look at "weight scale"
  • cryspetstalerson
    See if anywhere around you offers Zumbatomic (Zumba for kids ages 4-12) or if you and her can take a regular Zumba class together. Zumba is so much fun and my little one loves watching me dance. It will be good for her not just physically but mentally. I started feeling better about myself after starting Zumba which made me want to workout more and eat healthy!
  • cryspetstalerson
    I think getting kids moving is the most important aspect, look at WII fit, or Xbox Kinect's Just dance is a great way to get kids to move at home. (Exercising while not really thinking about it.) Look to your local gym, Zumbatomic is a kids/youth Zumba class that a gym my offer in your area.
    Getting kids to eat fruits and vegetables is always about setting the right example. If you only eat fruits and veggies then your kids are likely to follow, if there is not junk food in the house its impossible for kids to eat it. Make sure that your daughter understands that French Fries are NOT vegetables. Talk to her about what food is explain what protein, carbohydrates and fats are and how we use them to make energy. I have found that when you explain the process of food to kids they really get excited to choose things that gives them more energy than less.

    Lol I wrote my response at the same time!! sorry.
  • tinkermommc
    tinkermommc Posts: 562 Member
    Smaller portions, larger portions of salad. And at our house, 1 'athletic sport' is a must at all times. Through school or just at the rec center but something to keep that body moving. Swimming, dance, soccer...Anything ;-)
  • jjatk33
    jjatk33 Posts: 7 Member
    great minds think a like
  • rougette66
    rougette66 Posts: 210 Member
    deff don't let on that you know she is having a problem, my mom did and it screwed me up big time! I think that doing things as a family is a great idea. bike rides, walks, dance classes, swimming, if you have a Wii, or an Xbox Kinect that would be good, they have a lot of moving games, you don't have to get the exercise ones bc even the normal games give you quite a workout. Also limit the amount of junk food in the house. Like i said try to have it as a family thing. My brother was skinny as a stick and i was round like no other and my mom always made me eat weird healthy stuff and not him bc "he didn't need it" and personally as a chubby 9 year old it hurts.. so yeah family activities, and try having at least 1 family meal together, to just talk and hangout. i hope this helps!!! good luck!!!xooxox
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Take her to a dietician.

    Honestly, you are the parent. If the options for food were not snacks then she won't eat them. My kids are close to the same age, they work out with me. They do my videos, run. Tony Horton has a series just for kids. What kid turns down a bike ride or a trip to the park? I view my example for my kids as what will lead them to a path of healthy eating. I have one that is a total vegetarian, it's his choice, we don't eat vegetarian but I always have the option for him available so that he can make his own healthy food choices. Instead of cookie, we pack applesauce and fruit in lunches. Instead of juice, we have water. It's all about what's available to them IMO.

    Sounds to me like she just needs some help in education, there are websites that teach kids too if she likes being on the right channel. Also use fitness as a reward - if she does X she gets to do X. My kids and I play Just Dance often, we also have Wii Active and Wii Fit.
  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    How about you and her start walking together? Could be great bonding time and you could phrase it that YOU need a walking partner.

    I LOVE this suggestion!
  • abbigail_r
    abbigail_r Posts: 283 Member
    if she likes theater and not cheerleading support her and as far as what she eats, you bring the food in the house, she can either eat what there or not eat at all.
    ^what this guy says!
  • abbigail_r
    abbigail_r Posts: 283 Member
    if she likes theater and not cheerleading support her and as far as what she eats, you bring the food in the house, she can either eat what there or not eat at all.
  • madameduffay
    madameduffay Posts: 166 Member
    I was going to suggest dance classes too. If she likes to entertain, you could ask her about joining as part of her "theatre" training.
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    Get her interested in something. Does she have an interest in animals? Take her to the local shelter and see if she can (with you) volunteer to walk &/or feed the animals.

    See if she's interested in joining Girl Scouts.

    What does she do? If watch TV and play on the computer, you need to be the Mom and limit that time.

    You cannot make her like something, but you can spark an interest in her that could go a long way to helping her future.

    Edit: Take her horseback riding? Take her rollerskating? Take her iceskating? (YOU do something WITH her)
  • lisabstrong
    lisabstrong Posts: 165 Member
    As you are the mother, and likely you control the grocery shopping. Quit bringing crap into the house. The funny thing that when healthy choices are present... they will eventally eat it. Don't make a big deal about it. Just leave the apples on the counter. eventually they will get hungry enough to eat it. Kids don't starve themselves.
  • CharityEaton
    The Book Deceptively Delicious by Jerry Seinfeld's wife has great tips on adding all kinds of pureed vegetables into your food. It is a very good cookbook with so many ideas.

    My daughter is 9 and a bit on the chunky side...nothing major and she will most likely outgrow it but I still worry because she too eats like crap! We have the rule that everyone has to take one bite of everything on their plate....or it will be there for the next meal and it won't get warmed up...it will come right out of the fridge the second time.

    It also helps us to have a "dessert" on the table so that if they eat a decent amount for dinner they are rewarded. Dessert is usually fresh fruit with some honey drizzled over it......they love it and it is still better than any other dessert.
  • wildkatt7
    wildkatt7 Posts: 163 Member
    figure out ways within her interest without pushing weight loss. she has to love herself no matter what, or she could end up going the other way... also make small changes slowly... do not overhaul everything, otherwise it may backfire.... I only do things i enjoy and if I don't like it I don't do it or eat it... and it works...
  • Awake_Alive
    Awake_Alive Posts: 261 Member
    My son HATES veggies and is pissed because that's all that's in the house now. Meh, too bad!

    I did find something that works for him in that dept though...juicing! I can hide all kinds of veggies (spinach, kale, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers) behind a bit of orange and pineapple juice. He loves it, and has no idea that he's getting all the vitamins and minerals from veggies!
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I have an extremely picky 4 year old and have been talking with other moms with similar issues (especially texture problems) - one of them recommended a book that has really been helping - it's called 'What's eating your child' - I just found it on Amazon.com for under $6 with free shipping. From reading the reviews, it's supposed to have some good nutritional info as well as strategies to deal with picky eaters and such. I'm hoping it helps. She seems to have found it very helpful so far.
  • JulesofWinsto
    My mom: Eat your beans
    Me age 12: I hate beans
    Mom: well you can either eat it for dinner now or for break fast tomorrow
    beans for dinner it is.

    Practice some discipline. Also for her activity level, have you join a sport, rock climbing, karate, dance, larp, quiddicth anything.

    This was my life too, and it worked for me! :smile:
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    I don't have a lot of advice... my daughter is 38 - but when she was 11-13 she was a chubby bunny. She was bigger than me -- tried to borrow my clothes and they didn't fit her. Back then, we didn't worry about obesity too much and I really didn't do anything special. Then she turned 14, shot up 4 or 5 inches, and suddenly she had a 19 inch waist! It was a transformation. She stayed very slim for several years -- until after she had a baby,.

    So, I would say don't make a big deal of her weight, feed her healthy food and maybe encourage her to walk with you or do some other activity. But don't stress her into an eating disorder -- she might surprise you in a few years!
  • amykathleen2005
    amykathleen2005 Posts: 79 Member
    It is possible that she is going to grow into her weight when she has a growth spurt.