5'3 - 5'5 women Whats your goal?



  • gayatrik
    gayatrik Posts: 173
    I am 5.5 and I was picture perfect when I was 132lbs.... Now I am 158 and my goal weight is 140 for now but gradually wanna be between 130-135 lbs as that makes me look lean and healthy and not skinny like a patient :)
  • I am 5'3 currently weigh 128 age 24...id idealy like to be at 115. i know that might sound crazy but my doctor told me if your 5 foot start at 100 pounds for every inch after that add 5 pounds...so that would be 115. Seems impossible but im working towards it...
  • CarolinaGirlinVA
    CarolinaGirlinVA Posts: 1,508 Member
    I am between 5'3" and 5'4" (depending on who measures me) and I currently weigh 135. My goal weight is 120-125, but plan to adjust as I get closer. Two summers ago, due to a change in meds my weight went to 162. It was during a time I wasn't on MFP so it doesn't show in my total weight loss stats. It took a while to get from 162-145 and I stayed at 145 for another year or so. Now I am ready to move to the next stage!
  • kiwinik
    kiwinik Posts: 25 Member
    I'm 5ft 2in and am aiming for 135lbs. I can't afford to go much lower than this as I lose all my boobs and my face looks scrawny. In a perfect world I would like to be 125lbs but I just can't pull it off. Damn! Lol!
  • fronc
    fronc Posts: 41
    Hey there, this is a great thread - it's awesome to see such varied starting weights and goal weights cause we're all built so so differently! I started at around 150 and now sitting at 116-120 for the past couple months. Ideally would love to get to 112ish but if this is where I'm staying perhaps that's for a good reason!
  • I am 5'5'' and my goal is 160. Although, I do not want to be "skinny". Being 160 would make me slightly overwight still, but I no longer will be obese.
  • Hi there! Does anyone have any tips for me? I'm having such a hard time. I'm 221 down from 228.5. It's been a month. Lots of walking and healthy eating. Lots of water too. It's been 4 days now with no weight loss :-(
  • 5'5 and I only want to get to 140. Weight is spread fairly evenly, so if I make it to my dream weight then things should all be good. Can't believe how many calories are in extra virgin olive oil, 120 cal in a Tbsp. Gag. I went to Macaroni Grill checked out the menu ahead of time so knew what to purchase on the menu (Grill chicken Speidini, 310 cal.) a great choice, but then I had the olive oil and the bread. ( peasant bread 500 cal, for 1 loaf) ate only half the bread, but then you add all those calories up with the olive oil and I blew it. I had a lunch because I was starving, never go without food for so long that you wind up starving and then will make a bad choice. Okay am out opf the p[ity potty.
  • ladytinkerbell99
    ladytinkerbell99 Posts: 970 Member
    Around 100. I'm 5'5". My *secret* goal is about 80.

    I hope you're kidding.

    Its called low self esteem and an eating disorder.

    Not to worry, whoever wrote this post is probably gone by now and will not be back. Too bad, she could have gotten more help - with kind remarks and empathy!!!
    Also, I am wondering - why are you being so harsh?? This post was for WOMEN! Or did I read it wrong? I am new.
    Yes, I know people mean well and many will probably yell at me know.
    But when people need help - they need help....
    When someone is going to jump off a bridge - do you yell at them? Or do you offer them a kind word? A safe place to talk?

    Just my two cents.
    After these remarks - it makes me wonder what to open up about ..................


    Not to be rude.
  • ladytinkerbell99
    ladytinkerbell99 Posts: 970 Member
    Before anyone jumps - my comment was to HelloitisDan - when I asked why he is in a woman's forum.
    It cut it off.
    He was also very harsh and I was just compelled to say something.

  • Saviik
    Saviik Posts: 46 Member
    I'm 5'3 aiming for 150. My goal may change because I haven't been at 150 since forever.. Last time I was, I was still overweight. I've always been overweight, so I can't see myself slim. As I see my progress though I do believe 150ish is going to be my magic number.

    Really shooting to make my goal this summer though! :) I'd say just in time for bikini season buuuut even when I do meet my goal I highly doubt I'll have the courage to be in a bikini. I've always been pretty shy. I may not be ashamed of my body, but that doesn't mean I'm going to flaunt it either. Who knows :)

    Good luck on everyone else's goals!
  • yesy9
    yesy9 Posts: 1 Member
    I am 5'3" and used to weight 250lbs at my heaviest (about 2 years ago). I'm at 167 right now and my goal is 135lbs.
  • Noof91
    Noof91 Posts: 61 Member
    i am 5'4 n aim to somewhere between 125 - 130
  • ellebit
    ellebit Posts: 15
    i'm 5'4 and hoping for 140. :)
  • Giggles625
    Giggles625 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm new here so feel free to add me as a friend. I'm 5'4 and 1/2:) and my ultimate goal is 125. I have 50 pounds to lose.
  • foster59803
    foster59803 Posts: 439 Member
    5'5 current weight is 133... goal weight around 120-125. My main goal is to decrease body fat and get that number below 20%! Good luck to all the hard working ladies out there!
  • I'm 5'4" with a current weight of 145. Goal of 120-125. I have a small frame and when I was at that weight a few years ago I felt best.
  • charkendrick
    charkendrick Posts: 74 Member
    I'm 5'4. Like you I have a big bust and booty ;) I would love to get down to 145 lbs. The holidays really set me back and I'm currently around 165 lbs.
  • HalloweenGirl7
    HalloweenGirl7 Posts: 123 Member
    I am 5' 4.5" and I would be happy if I was around 135.
    I am not fixated on a # though.
    I currently weigh 199 (lost 6 lbs so far).
    Like most women who have answered I want to look good in my clothes and have a healthy BMI.
    I can't wait to see what kind of shape I have!
  • 5'4" with GW of 123, would be content with 127 (military guideline for my height). Long way to go yet.