Any atheists/pagans/wiccans out there? :)



  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I often wonder how anyone could not believe in god... maybe not necessarily a Christian god, or a god specific to any religion even, but something greater than us. I really believe there's more to this life and this existence than the big bang theory or mere evolution, though I'm sure it's possible those things have their place throughout history. Some things, actually, a lot of things, are just too perfectly made, too perfectly placed, too perfectly perfect to not have been specifically designed by some higher power. For the record, I'm not Christian or any religion actually, I just have my own beliefs and my own morals to live by. If you ever actually take the time to study the universe and all the workings within it that have become known to us over the centuries, it is spectacular and amazing just how intricate and complex things are. The odds of our planet being formed the way it is, with as much water as it has, and to be the perfect distance from the sun to sustain life... slim. Very slim. Not to mention things like... the way flowers smell, the beauty of a sunrise or sunset, the way we can see the stars shining like diamonds through our atmosphere, and the joys of love between two human beings. How "lucky" are we to have such wonderful gifts? :)
  • plushkitten
    plushkitten Posts: 547 Member
    My studies in astronomy, physics, and math have led me to believe in this.....

    [[ "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed."

    --Einstein ]]

    Mystic ****t, all the time and everywhere.

  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    I often wonder how anyone could not believe in god... maybe not necessarily a Christian god, or a god specific to any religion even, but something greater than us. I really believe there's more to this life and this existence than the big bang theory or mere evolution, though I'm sure it's possible those things have their place throughout history. Some things, actually, a lot of things, are just too perfectly made, too perfectly placed, too perfectly perfect to not have been specifically designed by some higher power. For the record, I'm not Christian or any religion actually, I just have my own beliefs and my own morals to live by. If you ever actually take the time to study the universe and all the workings within it that have become known to us over the centuries, it is spectacular and amazing just how intricate and complex things are. The odds of our planet being formed the way it is, with as much water as it has, and to be the perfect distance from the sun to sustain life... slim. Very slim. Not to mention things like... the way flowers smell, the beauty of a sunrise or sunset, the way we can see the stars shining like diamonds through our atmosphere, and the joys of love between two human beings. How "lucky" are we to have such wonderful gifts? :)

    I agree with this, though I would actually classify myself as a Christian, nicely stated. :)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Straight up Atheist. Science rules.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    I often wonder how anyone could not believe in god... maybe not necessarily a Christian god, or a god specific to any religion even, but something greater than us. I really believe there's more to this life and this existence than the big bang theory or mere evolution, though I'm sure it's possible those things have their place throughout history. Some things, actually, a lot of things, are just too perfectly made, too perfectly placed, too perfectly perfect to not have been specifically designed by some higher power. For the record, I'm not Christian or any religion actually, I just have my own beliefs and my own morals to live by. If you ever actually take the time to study the universe and all the workings within it that have become known to us over the centuries, it is spectacular and amazing just how intricate and complex things are. The odds of our planet being formed the way it is, with as much water as it has, and to be the perfect distance from the sun to sustain life... slim. Very slim. Not to mention things like... the way flowers smell, the beauty of a sunrise or sunset, the way we can see the stars shining like diamonds through our atmosphere, and the joys of love between two human beings. How "lucky" are we to have such wonderful gifts? :)
    Because things are they way they are does not me there is some sort of higher being. The world could have turned out very differently given a change in factors. That flower could not exist because the entire planet could have been submerged under water. We think it is "perfect". That is our perception of our reality. I fully believe we have adapted to our environment and look for something else to give that credit to.

    The argument from design is weak in logic. Hume has some excellent responses to this train of thought.
  • babylemonade
    babylemonade Posts: 250 Member
    Humanist :)
  • perplexingsimplicity
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I often wonder how anyone could not believe in god... maybe not necessarily a Christian god, or a god specific to any religion even, but something greater than us. I really believe there's more to this life and this existence than the big bang theory or mere evolution, though I'm sure it's possible those things have their place throughout history. Some things, actually, a lot of things, are just too perfectly made, too perfectly placed, too perfectly perfect to not have been specifically designed by some higher power. For the record, I'm not Christian or any religion actually, I just have my own beliefs and my own morals to live by. If you ever actually take the time to study the universe and all the workings within it that have become known to us over the centuries, it is spectacular and amazing just how intricate and complex things are. The odds of our planet being formed the way it is, with as much water as it has, and to be the perfect distance from the sun to sustain life... slim. Very slim. Not to mention things like... the way flowers smell, the beauty of a sunrise or sunset, the way we can see the stars shining like diamonds through our atmosphere, and the joys of love between two human beings. How "lucky" are we to have such wonderful gifts? :)

    The world could have turned out very differently given a change in factors.

    That's kind of my point. :)

    The worst things about the world we live in are things we've brought upon ourselves, and at the same time, some of the best things in this world are things we've created for ourselves. Just a slightly different lineup of variables and we could be living in a very bad place with none of the comforts or luxuries we have now. Keep in mind this is just my opinion based on my knowledge and experiences. I don't and won't try to sit here saying I know these things to be true or factual, because I certainly don't. It's just my belief that there must have been a higher power to put all these things in place, or at least have taken part in it somehow. Not like "poof" there it is, but maybe even something as far-fetched as this plane of existence being the conscious mind of a greater being. Yeah I'm weird I guess...
  • LittleMissDoll
    (deleting my post to avoid arguments)
  • hagamivida
    Atheist gay vegetarian here, anyone, feel free to add.
  • lilivierre
    Im Pagan here :)
  • gatecityradio
    Agnostic here.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I often wonder how anyone could not believe in god... maybe not necessarily a Christian god, or a god specific to any religion even, but something greater than us. I really believe there's more to this life and this existence than the big bang theory or mere evolution, though I'm sure it's possible those things have their place throughout history. Some things, actually, a lot of things, are just too perfectly made, too perfectly placed, too perfectly perfect to not have been specifically designed by some higher power. For the record, I'm not Christian or any religion actually, I just have my own beliefs and my own morals to live by. If you ever actually take the time to study the universe and all the workings within it that have become known to us over the centuries, it is spectacular and amazing just how intricate and complex things are. The odds of our planet being formed the way it is, with as much water as it has, and to be the perfect distance from the sun to sustain life... slim. Very slim. Not to mention things like... the way flowers smell, the beauty of a sunrise or sunset, the way we can see the stars shining like diamonds through our atmosphere, and the joys of love between two human beings. How "lucky" are we to have such wonderful gifts? :)

    (please note, this is just my opinion, i was raised catholic, my family is catholic. and i am not bashing anyones beleifs)
    the main problem with this is all the horrible things in the world, there is so much suffering, and so many awful things happening every day. If there was an amazing being dedicated to making things wonderful, then these things would be. Everything is chance, and there is only us to control what happens, good things and bad things happen because of people. individuals. not a god.

    I actually agree with you. From my point of view, I don't think "god" participates in our lives as much (if at all) as some people believe. I don't look at god as any kind of person, really. I mostly just ponder what could be, what might be, etc. lol. I don't think god has to be this almighty, all knowing deity as some people think. I come from the perspective that yes, maybe god is flawed. I guess I shouldn't call it god then, but another name then would be the creator? Reason for existence? Meaning of life? Whatever it is, I know deep down it is greater than myself and I do believe some day I'll come to understand all the things I question now. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only changed. That always made me think of god.
  • amiles21693
    I am an atheist. I have been for as long as I can remember. The only person I know that it really bothers is my dad. Most of my family members are christian so we just dont really talk about it because I dont want to upset them for no reason. I believe in being kind and good, not because of eternal damnation but because it's just the right thing to do and it makes me happy.
    On another note, the Westboro Baptist Church has protested many of my friends and class mates parents' funerals. Its so terrible, I'm an army brat from KS so I have seen it first hand. If that is what God wants how can it possibly be good? I know not all Christian people are like that but it breaks my heart to see such evil people claim to be doing Gods work.
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    I am an Atheist.
  • MLAnniRoc
    I'm inclined to acknowledge Nature, which can be "spiritually" divine to an extent. =)
    Former Wiccan turned Non-Religious.
  • 15in8
    15in8 Posts: 141 Member
    This entire thread is dreadfully amusing.
  • committomittxoxo
    committomittxoxo Posts: 339 Member
    Yea bump for when I'm bored later
  • blissfuldrake
    blissfuldrake Posts: 128 Member
    I rather like being called a heathen. It sounds dirty! :laugh:

    LOL ... it actually means "people of the heathers". And pagan is from paganus, which means country dweller

    And so, the country dwellers, the peasants got their hands dirty this circular logic? :huh:
  • MarinaPacheco
    MarinaPacheco Posts: 95 Member
This discussion has been closed.