Any atheists/pagans/wiccans out there? :)



  • lurkette
    lurkette Posts: 25 Member
    People out there *would* report this thread, wouldn't they? Alright, well I'm glad we're "allowed" to talk about stuff here that isn't about weightloss. That's progress. I grew up Jewish but that never made any sense to me. The old religion did entice me because of its balancing appeal. I'm not talking about that "grrl power" teen witch crap, I mean the OLD ways where witches loved the Triple God as much as they did the Triple Goddess. They drank boar blood and used crow feet to cure feaver. They were the wild, unappologetic children, warriors of the Mother and Father. They built alters and left sacrifice for spirits, spent weeks, years brewing oils, making candles and incense, and had faith that would make a Rabbi balk. Now it's all about buying tarot decks and ordering manufactured oils from capricornslair, then using supermarket lighters to build fires (which all mean nothing to the spirits, you put 0% effort into it) And the neo-wiccans with their teen witch spellbooks from the occult section of borders, who wear all black like those girls from the craft and secret circle, and they're all like, "Cernunnos who?" Posers. The green path is about accepting every side of the world, the gods and yourself. Light-dark, male-female, benevolence-apathy, etc. Opposites are always twins, one in the same but on a different angle. If you pick and choose which parts of the religion you want to follow, you're no better than the closed-minded crossbearers who burned us and everything around them. I no longer practice for reasons that are my own, identifying now more as a Zetetic.... which is actually pretty funny.
  • AtticusFinch
    AtticusFinch Posts: 1,263 Member
    aganostic here

    Aga-nostic - People who don't believe or disbelieve in trendy ovens right ?
  • Fred77
    Fred77 Posts: 132 Member
    I'm an Athiest.
  • Biggipooh
    Biggipooh Posts: 350
    I am an atheist. Lived in germany my whole life, over there people have to pay church tax, if they want to be a member of a church. It comes right out of your paycheck. That already pissed me off. One reason, to leave church, when I started to work. But religion or god never ment anything for me, not even, when I was a child or teenager. So everything came together. I was just surprised, to see so many religious people here, when I moved to the US, and so many churches. My american husbands family is religious and his aunt was kind of mad, when she found out, that I am an atheist. Other then that, everyone seems to be OK with it or at least tolerate me. But it had influence in the past. For example, my children are not baptised. I didn't want to get married in a church, my husband did though (lol, we didn't). It was complicated at times. In Germany a friend of mine aked me to become a godmother of her child. Since I wasn't in church, I wasn't allowed to do that and the list goes on.....:wink:
  • RJSuperMan
    RJSuperMan Posts: 52 Member
    Atheist here.
  • yoey102477
    Lots of us here. I love the Pastafarians. They "R" cool. My son in law is Wiccan. The definition of pagan is anyone who is neither Jewish, Christian or Muslim. Count me in. I believe We Are Stardust, We Are Golden.
  • cmaguire305
    cmaguire305 Posts: 34 Member
    Catholic atheist here. But I could totally get into Pastafarianism. That Flying Spaghetti Monster really knows how to run an afterlife! But really, I'm ok if you want to believe in something, just don't make me try to believe in it. This goes for religious nuts and PETA members too!
  • YouAreTheShit
    YouAreTheShit Posts: 510 Member
    I am an atheist. I have been for as long as I can remember. The only person I know that it really bothers is my dad. Most of my family members are christian so we just dont really talk about it because I dont want to upset them for no reason. I believe in being kind and good, not because of eternal damnation but because it's just the right thing to do and it makes me happy.
    On another note, the Westboro Baptist Church has protested many of my friends and class mates parents' funerals. Its so terrible, I'm an army brat from KS so I have seen it first hand. If that is what God wants how can it possibly be good? I know not all Christian people are like that but it breaks my heart to see such evil people claim to be doing Gods work.

    The Westboro Baptist Church people are evil.

    That is not the God represented in my Bible.
  • Jferg69
    Jferg69 Posts: 241 Member
    I think Buddhism is the way to go.... I've never seen a Buddhist with a gun
  • VictoriaSnape
    VictoriaSnape Posts: 58 Member
    I'm not religious.
    I don't believe in any God or any higher power or karma or supernatural mystical energy etc..
    What i do believe in are people. I believe in faith, strenght, love, passion, happiness, courage, sympathy,...

    I don't have a problem with other people being religious. What i hate is when people are saying that someone's religion isn't real, or their God doesn't exist and are forcing other people to accept their own beliefs. I dont agree with any of the religions because there are always some rules about what you should believe in if you are a true believer. I think that as long as you are a good person inside, then it doesnt matter. Everyone has it's own preferences and it applies to all aspects of life, no matter if it's the color of skin, clothes you wear, money, love, beauty,..

    For all i care you could worship Satan and i wouldn't give a s**t.
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    I think there might be a higher power, but I'm also a big believer in science. I don't follow any religion because I think they're all cults, especially the ones who just want your money. When I was 10 I was in a catholic education class and we had a chart the was given to us that depicted how close you were to God and your chances of going to heaven. God was a circle, and Catholics were in a larger circle around God (being closest), other christians were further out, then Judaism, Muslim, and various eastern religions. I remember thinking at age 10, that it was stupid to say that some guy in China is going to hell because he's never heard of Catholicism. What happened to "love thy neighbor" and all that? If you were a good person your whole life, never hurt anybody and did everything you were supposed to do, you can't go to heaven because you didn't buy a ticket? I pretty much gave up there, if there is a God he doesn't single people out like that.

    If I had to agree with anything it would probably be Buddhism because it's about being the best person you can be, and I think that's something everyone should aim for.
  • willnorton
    willnorton Posts: 995 Member
    wow...... I am a firm believer in God and Jesus.....Jesus died on the cross for me and the forgiveness of all sins... so...I pray all of you guys who dont have what I have be able to drop to your knees and see the light..

    God still loves everyone of you and there is nothing you can do about that..... there are just a few rules you got to go by..very few...only about 10 (commandments)..they are pretty easy to follow...

    long story but I am a walking miracle..spared from a certain death in ...God bless you all...
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    Also curious, was anyone raised to be Christian/Satanist/Wiccan/Pastatfarian whatever and is no longer? How did your family react?

    For me, I was raised to basically believe whatever I wanted. As I got older I understood from my mother to mean "anything except" insert list. lol if I told her I was WIccan she'd call a priest. Which is interesting, because she claims to hate Christians

    When I was 13 my friends and I were researching Wicca and my parents found out and had an intervention with me. They told me I was not Harry Potter and if I wanted to do religious research I could research Catholicism (into which I was baptized) because if I was not Catholic I would join a cult and die.

    Not even joking. :laugh:

    Needless to say it was never brought up again. I've been vegetarian for 2 years and haven't told them that either. :laugh:
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    I'm an atheist. Have never found any reason to believe in anything. I believe in science...but not Scientology. That's some scary stuff.

    I was raised by a Baptist mother and my Step-dad was Presbyterian. I didn't know this until I was a teen, when I told them I was an atheist. To them, I am pretty much going to hell.
    I have no problem with religion in general, but I do have a problem with people who look at me like I am disgusting or evil when they find out about me. It takes pretty much a direct question to even find out that I am an atheist (as I don't bring it up like many people do their religion), so after five years of knowing me, people will just up an suddenly think I am sick in the head. So all of a sudden I am now significantly less adjusted than I was before? Please. Thankfully, I know plenty of religious people who are just as open-minded as I am. My best friend is very religious Christian, but loves me to death. She says she doesn't judge because that is god's job. So we get along famously.

    My boyfriend is agnostic. He says that he can find no proof that god does/does not exist, but he holds out hope for his mother, who is the sweetest most giving woman there is. She is a faithful Christian.

    One question, for atheists. Do you raise children, and how does this work out for you? One thing I am worried about is having a kid and facing some of the horrible things I have heard other atheist families have faced. People can be VERY cruel. :(

    My kids were raised to be anything they wanted. As they got older they have attended various churches with friends. One is an atheist and one leans more toward agnostic. When they hit puberty I also told them they could be lesbians if they wanted and we wouldn't care. I've told them they can marry or not and that they weren't required to produce children to make us happy. Their lives are about figuring out what makes them each happy with absolutely no expectations from us. The only thing we do expect is that they treat others well, don't become criminals and get an education so they are independent.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Atheist here. My parents raised me and my siblings to find what we believed for ourselves, and didn't talk about religion at all. My mother grew up Southern Baptist but is now an atheist, and my father grew up Jehovah's Witness but is nonpracticing. My brother is atheist, while my sister is agnostic.
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    wow...... I am a firm believer in God and Jesus.....Jesus died on the cross for me and the forgiveness of all sins... so...I pray all of you guys who dont have what I have be able to drop to your knees and see the light..

    God still loves everyone of you and there is nothing you can do about that..... there are just a few rules you got to go by..very few...only about 10 (commandments).they are pretty easy to follow...

    long story but I am a walking miracle..spared from a certain death in ...God bless you all...
    And there are those pious statements that annoy me. As an atheist I don't go into a theistic thread, state I am an atheist and that they all need to read a book other than the bible, wake up and realize there is no God.
    Respect my views and I'll respect yours.
  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    aganostic here

    Aga-nostic - People who don't believe or disbelieve in trendy ovens right ?


    I was an aganostic until I had a road to Damascus moment in a new home, then I became agaphilic. Hard to observe my new faith since moving to Brisbane, which is strictly barbcuic.
  • KazeKaiyouHime
    I was atheist, then agnostic but now I'm leaning toward pagan/spiritual. I thought I could get away from believing things i was taught as a child, guess not. :) I haven't had much time to look into it as much as I would like to but I will.

    I don't have a problem with other religions. I have a problem when they claim their religion is the best or the only true one or they want to force their religion on me and convert me.
  • willnorton
    willnorton Posts: 995 Member
    God bless you 0 1 00 10 01 00
  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    God bless you 0 1 00 10 01 00

    What do the numbers mean? Looks like Englands last innings against Pakistan?
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