Worst negative comment about your weight?



  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    I think we all need hugs. {{{huggles}}} We will make all those wretched people eat their words!

    I agree! These comments are breaking my heart. Why are people so mean? Hugs for all!

    Me too. Reading this thread is making me so sad. How come people are so mean? I want to hug all of you. ((((())))))
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    "when are you due?" of course. Several times...

    I think the worst was when my daughter was about 10 months old and her spanish speaking grandparents were visiting. They Appearently didn't realize I'd taken several years of Spanish in college. They are talking to my daughter and saying how much she likes to eat...then grandpa says basically what translates to you will be fat like your mother.

    I think the drop dead stare made them realize I knew a little Spanish. ;)
  • josykay
    josykay Posts: 1 Member
    Yes, I've enjoyed that same compliment. It's great when people go out of their way to be jerks!
  • noexcuses84
    noexcuses84 Posts: 100 Member
    Sumo wrestler
    Cow ( dad liked to use this one)

    Even if you lose weight you'll still be ugly so why bother ( ex husband, all kids in school from grades 5-12)

    No one will ever want to date you if you're fat (dad)

    How does it feel to be so fat and know that no man will ever **** you ( co worker from Africa. I promptly told her that all the African guys wanted me and asked her how it felt to be too skinny for an African man. That shut her up.)

    Just kill yourself already. No one wants you (brother)

    You're discusting, you're fat rolls are not sexy at all ( ex husband)

    Where is your belly button ( said to me by a guy I had a one night stand with during nursing school)

    Your tits are just huge and ugly. Real women's tits are between an a and a b. anything more than a handful and a mouthful is a waste. You're ugly ( another jewel from my ex husband)
    The list goes on
    OMG!!! i hope for ur sake these negative ppl r out of ur life for good!! u deserve so much better than all of that crap!!
  • leavingfat
    leavingfat Posts: 64 Member
    Reading through these makes me want to cry...or throw something at someone.

    I remembered something that I think bothered me more than the random Wal-Mart employee.

    I met my mother-in-law about two weeks before I married my now-husband. She immediately told him to get rid of me, because a fat girl isn't a suitable girlfriend. (She didn't know yet that we were planning on getting married.)

    The next day, while he was at work, she made tea and asked me to share it with her so we could get to know each other. The first thing she said was, "I don't think my son really loves you."

    I said, "Why do you think that?"

    She said, "He's not attracted to fat women."

    I explained that, while I didn't doubt he preferred fit women, he was still very much in love with me.

    I spent the next three hours with her making results about my weight, insulting my family, and making it clear that I wasn't good enough for her son.

    We've been married for more than a year now and I actually like his mom now, for the most part. (I understand her better, at least.) But she STILL cannot be around me for more than two hours without bringing up my weight.

    At Thanksgiving she suggested, after I mentioned that I can't stand reality tv, that they send me on the Biggest Loser.

    Sigh. He won't spend very much time around her because of all this. I don't want him to say anything to her about it, but he's made it clear that it's getting difficult for him to stay quiet.
  • HannahMarieMcDougald
    I get told all the time,"You have a pretty face"...WTF how about the rest of me...I said that one time and I was told I was a blob! So I just walked away.........................
  • reeniesing
    reeniesing Posts: 49 Member
    From an old southern black lady. I wear a size 7 shoe. I used to wear a 6 to 6 1/2 before I gained my college 50. A lady said to me, "baby, if you get any bigger, your little feet won't be able to hold up your body."

  • Living4Liz2012
    im down at 58 pounds now:] mine would be 1. damn you look good now but back in the day you was big...lol..funny now cause he's chasing after me cause he likes me but im taken...his lost but my gain:]
  • emsybabe
    emsybabe Posts: 5 Member
    Mine is very fresh in my mind, it kick started all this, I knew I was fat obviously but had no idea my kids realised

    My 8 year old son was drawing a picture of our family, when he was done he was showing us all who was who, he said there's mummy and my daughter, (only just turned 3!) said no, thats not mummy, my mummy is fat!

    I was absolutly gutted, I didnt even realise she had any concept of fat/thin etc

    It really was like an arrow through my heart, but I am turning this into a positive, I have lost 7lb the 1st week, 5lb the 2nd week and weigh in again tomorrow, by the time she is my sons age she wont even remember me fat!
  • chai_latte
    chai_latte Posts: 94 Member
    I think out of all these years what stands out in my memory and still hurts me to this day was a comment I heard when I was about 10-11 years old.

    My family & I had gone out to Pizza hut with another "uncle" and "aunty" who were friends with my parents. (btw we Indians call everyone uncle and aunty even if we aren't related to them haha). We were having our pizza and enjoying it when my brother who was sitting next to me started pouring some parmesan cheese on his pizza when this "uncle" decided to tell my brother "oh if you keep pouring cheese like that on your pizza you're going to end up fat like your sister" and he laughed.

    My eyes welled up with tears, I put my pizza down. My brother told the "uncle" he was being pretty rude and he should not have said that but that's all I heard. I excused myself and went to the bathroom and sobbed my eyes out. That comment didn't necessarily motivate me to change, I was only 10-11 for heaven sake! It did scar me for many years, where I was very very harsh with myself all throughout highschool and into university, despite constant reassurances by my parents and friends that I was fine. By highschool I had lost my baby fat and I was very active and I looked great but I never allowed myself to think of myself as healthy looking.

    Anyway it's been many years now and as much as I would like to say that his comments don't bother me anymore, I always get so riled up when I hear others saying such comments to children / teenage girls about how they look, I stand up for them and tell them to shut their mouth. Arghhh people these days! :)
  • StacyX582
    This is the saddest thread ever...but I guess it's somewhat relieving to know that we all go through the same things.

    The most insulting for me (and this is after years of bullying in school for being the tubby kid) was when my grandmother said "Hey, Fatty" at a family event. I know it was probably the alzheimers talking, but I was so taken aback by that.

    Smile, everyone - we'll all have the last laugh when we're sexy and successful. You don't appreciate what you have unless you earn it - those people who've said this crap to you will always be jerks (edited to remove censored word :)), and you can't cure that inside ugly.

  • tamaradarlene
    tamaradarlene Posts: 19 Member
    I had a child come up to me and ask me if there was a baby in my tummy - little kids are pretty honest though. That helped kick my butt in gear

    I got this one too, yup, kicked me into gear too!
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    Sumo wrestler
    Cow ( dad liked to use this one)

    Even if you lose weight you'll still be ugly so why bother ( ex husband, all kids in school from grades 5-12)

    No one will ever want to date you if you're fat (dad)

    How does it feel to be so fat and know that no man will ever **** you ( co worker from Africa. I promptly told her that all the African guys wanted me and asked her how it felt to be too skinny for an African man. That shut her up.)

    Just kill yourself already. No one wants you (brother)

    You're discusting, you're fat rolls are not sexy at all ( ex husband)

    Where is your belly button ( said to me by a guy I had a one night stand with during nursing school)

    Your tits are just huge and ugly. Real women's tits are between an a and a b. anything more than a handful and a mouthful is a waste. You're ugly ( another jewel from my ex husband)
    The list goes on
    OMG!!! i hope for ur sake these negative ppl r out of ur life for good!! u deserve so much better than all of that crap!!

    They are. Now I have a wonderfully supportive and loving husband.
  • tamaradarlene
    tamaradarlene Posts: 19 Member
    "When are you due?"

    My favorite! Now that my stomach is shrinking, I shouldn't have that question asked ever again!

    I got asked this at my largest, and when I told her I was not pregnant, she looked me up and down and said "come on, yes you are!"..........yeah, that's right, she argued with me, for I swear several minutes. I cried a lot that day, but it was a turning point for me....but I will never forget it.

    My husband has told me that he will never EVER ask a woman when she's due, unless he sees the head crowning right there!

    Great!! My husband agrees! :)
  • mochamofitandhealthy
    I've heard a number of negative comments. But one of the most memorable was when I traveled overseas in 2005. I believe this was my first time on another continent and I was sooooo excited. I visited South Africa. I was at a restaurant where I had met a couple of people. We were leaving the restaurant wrapping up our conversation (exchanging contact information, etc.) when a lady came up to me, looked me dead in my face and said in a very matter-of-fact, European accent, " You have a very pretty face, but you are too fat" {with and extra emphasis on the words "too fat"}. This was in the first 24 hours of my trip. I had to fight to not let it ruin the rest of the trip for me {It ended up being a wonderful trip!}, but that comment stung.
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Interesting too. I work in retail and i notice that if you say no to a customer for any reason and if they don't like it. They will insult the way you look to make themselves feel better. The other day my supervisor was doing a return and had to wait for her manager to come and approve it and during the wait the customer asked her how far along she was. She litterally just came back from having a baby and told the customer that she just had a baby. The customer said "oh so your just fat". I was just walking by and i heard that and boy did it bring back memories from my closet. Stuff like that happens alot in retail and its really sad that a majority of my customers are shallow and cruel. I use to get comments like that all the time when i was bigger but now that i am smaller they just talk about my sense of style. People are just really shallow in this world and i wish those jerks would hear themselves but again if they did. Do you think they would really care? I don't.
  • Looby47
    Looby47 Posts: 43 Member
    ignore, this, meant to reply to someone specifically
  • kasafrass
    kasafrass Posts: 50 Member
    "You know....there are some people in society that would say that you were fat."

    This came from my co-worker a week or so ago. Thanks for trying to be polite about it, I guess, but come on! Shortly after, he was looking through my old pictures on facebook and said,

    "If I would have known you BACK THEN, I would have found you extremely attractive"

    These were the first 'fat comments' I had received from outside my family, and by far the worst. My family says it more gentle, saying I need to work to be healthy and every so often pointing out that I've gained weight. Well now I can't wait to lose all the weight as a big "Screw you!" to all of them!
  • Natelywills
    Oh! I have a lot of these! Once in college, we had to do presentations about the food of Mexico. The first presentation was 'pan dulce' a sweet bread. We were all given a little piece on a napkin. I don't like 'pan dulce' but to be polite, I was going to take the bite and the guy next to me says, "Oh, you shouldn't eat that! You're super fat!"
    btw--at the time I had just given birth to my second child, I was 5'5 and weighed 170 pounds--definitely overweight, but not 'super fat'.
    People are so UGLY! Honestly, what makes people think they can say what they like and it's OK because you're overweight? I throw it back out there these days. I figure if they have an excuse to be mean, so do I.
    Them: "wow, you have really gotten huge"
    Me: "thanks. I see your nose is still so huge you can smell the future."
  • Natelywills
    Interesting too. I work in retail and i notice that if you say no to a customer for any reason and if they don't like it. They will insult the way you look to make themselves feel better. The other day my supervisor was doing a return and had to wait for her manager to come and approve it and during the wait the customer asked her how far along she was. She litterally just came back from having a baby and told the customer that she just had a baby. The customer said "oh so your just fat". I was just walking by and i heard that and boy did it bring back memories from my closet. Stuff like that happens alot in retail and its really sad that a majority of my customers are shallow and cruel. I use to get comments like that all the time when i was bigger but now that i am smaller they just talk about my sense of style. People are just really shallow in this world and i wish those jerks would hear themselves but again if they did. Do you think they would really care? I don't.
    This is a toughie because you can't be mean back because it's your job. You could try, "excuse me madam, were you the that wanted those jeans in a size 28?" "no? oh... [looks at woman's jeans disapprovingly]"