Worst negative comment about your weight?



  • On my HS graduation night, at a public restaurant, my dad gave me $500 and told me to join a gym cuz "nobody wants to be friends with a fat girl in college". Yea........I cried at the restaurant. Mind you he's 450+ pounds.
  • hukildkeny
    hukildkeny Posts: 2 Member
    i always get the...whens the baby due or im so sorry youve been carrying your conjoined twin in ur stomach. im a dude. sadly enough ive read recently men can carry fetus for their wife now so i can get away with being a pregnant man for a while till i loose enough weight to have supposedly given birth...sad aint it.
  • One of the worst I can remember was said by my Dad every time he saw me eating junk food as a teenager (I was thin then). He would say, "That's going to make you skinny" in a joking sort of way.
  • fightin2bFit
    fightin2bFit Posts: 23 Member
    When I was in high school I had a boy I knew tell me "If you were skinnier I could date you".
  • Kaddyshack21
    Kaddyshack21 Posts: 225 Member
    My brother was afraid if I borrowed his mid-calf high Nike socks I would stretch them out with my massive calves.
    My mom would remind me every day that my clothes were too tight, too small and unflattering on me.
    My male best friend said I needed to lose that little belly of mine, and I'd be beautiful if I was thinner and taller.
    My female best friend always rubbed it in that she was thinner. So. Many. Times.

    Is she still your best friend??? Was she ever???? I had a friend like that too. Made me feel like crap about myself. Then I realized what an ego boost she was getting out of me and I dumped her as a friend and never looked back. She obviously was the one that had/has the problem!!!!!
  • mncodergal
    mncodergal Posts: 58 Member
    One day while walking I got "mooed" by some younger kids as they quickly drove past. I couldn't help but flip them off. :)
  • izzydino
    izzydino Posts: 254 Member
    I was an over weight child... I was in 3rd grade about 9 years old... my mom puts on my skirt and complains that its huge on her.

    You would beautiful if you would be beautiful.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    On my HS graduation night, at a public restaurant, my dad gave me $500 and told me to join a gym cuz "nobody wants to be friends with a fat girl in college". Yea........I cried at the restaurant. Mind you he's 450+ pounds.

    How awful!


    It sounds like, in his strange way, he was trying to save you from future pain, although he inflicted it on you. Sometimes parents (I"m one) have the worst ways of trying to communicate. My late mother's many insults about my weight, I believe, were probably intended to wake me up. But they never, ever came across that way, and led me to feel very distant from her at times.
  • kelceyjean12011
    kelceyjean12011 Posts: 185 Member
    i remember being about 10 yrs old and my mom and i were in a department store and she was looking at this cute little white sundress and said "i wish you were small enough to wear these kinds of things" . she wasnt so thin herself either ..
  • nu2012
    nu2012 Posts: 562 Member
    My older brother taunted me all through high school in front of his friends (and my friends) non-stop for years.

    One a slightly funnier side, my little brother who is now nine smacked me on the butt one day and upon seeing the juggle after said "eww ripple".

    Hehe thats funny!
  • Biglovelovesme
    Biglovelovesme Posts: 133 Member
    I have heard so many negative things, said to me directly as well things I have overheard said to others, that is difficult to select the worst. They are all painful. My heart goes out to everyone here who has been hurt by ignorance and rudeness...especially when they were children.
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    I'm 5'-8" tall. During a physical one time the doctor told me I'd be the perfect weight if I were 7'-6" tall. I asked him if I could expect a growth spurt anytime soon. I was 41. LOL
  • JackieLM
    JackieLM Posts: 127 Member
    This past Christmas she visited and tells my oldest daughter she was heavy just like her mom.

    Okay, it is time for you to tell her that you have allowed her to bully you but you will NOT allow her to bully your daughter! Do not let your daughter grow up thinking that it is okay for ANYONE... even family to talk about her this way. It bothers me SO MUCH when people, expecially those that supposedly love you, bully you... or worse, children.... THIS IS BULLYING!!! Your daughter will thank you for it!
  • The worst? "How did you get that hot husband being so fat?"
  • laughingnome
    laughingnome Posts: 259 Member
    My son said "you are just like Aunt Sheryl, my sister, but fatter
  • My brother was afraid if I borrowed his mid-calf high Nike socks I would stretch them out with my massive calves.
    My mom would remind me every day that my clothes were too tight, too small and unflattering on me.
    My male best friend said I needed to lose that little belly of mine, and I'd be beautiful if I was thinner and taller.
    My female best friend always rubbed it in that she was thinner. So. Many. Times.

    Is she still your best friend??? Was she ever???? I had a friend like that too. Made me feel like crap about myself. Then I realized what an ego boost she was getting out of me and I dumped her as a friend and never looked back. She obviously was the one that had/has the problem!!!!!

    Same thing happened here. My "best" friend who was always chubby, lost weight when we were teens, mostly from partying and not eating. Then she comes to see me, opens the door and says "Wow. Your @ss is soo big" (Thanks)
  • ElizabethObviously
    ElizabethObviously Posts: 380 Member
    6th grade: a boy taped a sign on my back saying WIDE LOAD.

    That was actually all for school really.

    More recently, my dad told me I would live to see 30 and said we needed to measure me for a bigger coffin. I am a worry wart as it is so now every day I pretty much think about dying. Not a day goes by I do not think " is today the day I will die?"

    I have had little kids say Wow that is a big belly.

    I was out walking to get my daughter from the bus and a teenager walked by and screamed Wow, that's a fat ***** out the window.

    I was walking at the park once and a guy (another teenager) drove by and screamed where's the beef out the window.

    I was out walking with my husband and a car drove by and I heard a girl in the car give a disgusted groan, like saying eww.

    And my favorite one is always "You have such a pretty face...."

    and not necc. related to weight but here is another one I am sure we have all heard "You have such potential..." because we all know what they really mean right? You have potential because what you ARE Doing now is not good enough.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    1. "OMG are you sick??"-random relative at a reunion
    2. "Monica, please don't tell me you've started to use meth...you're awfully thin and won't stay still"
    3. "Looking like that I almost would think you're a boy".
    4. "Oooh look at your cute little belly!!! You're all baby!" -customer thought I was pregnant....cuz I was all belly...and not baby, just skinny fat and gross.
    5. " You know what? You're like a bobblehead, big ol head and little body".
  • When I first saw the link to this topic, I couldn't recall a single negative instance, and then it hit me. I remembered, at somewhere around 287 (my heaviest,) a car full of guys who mooed at me and made cowboy noises, as if I were an ENTIRE herd of cattle, as I crossed a street one afternoon. Reality check! I changed, that very day.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    My father sold his house 5 years ago and gave all of my siblings $1,000.00 cash.... all of my siblings but not me, stating "Lose 100 pounds and ill give you your share, that should motivate you." I was 17 and 180 lbs at the time...

    My mom once told me while I was putting on my makeup for the day that I "could apply all the makeup in the world but it won't help if i'm fat."

    I overheard a father (who owns a restaurant) promise his daughter that she would get a new phone "if she loses weight." Like your father, he should know better but doesn't. Sorry you went through that!