*February Weight Loss Challenge*

New month, new challenge!

This challenge is open to anyone who is ready to buckle down and lose significant weight this February. For the next 29 days lets all join together to lose weight and reach our fitness goals!

For the Challenge:

~Simply post to join.
~In your initial post please include your weight loss goals for the challenge, starting weight, starting measurements(optional) and a summary of your diet/fitness plan.
~On Wednesday's each person will weigh in, update measurements (optional) and give an update on their progress.
~I will post weekly rankings on Thursday for most weight lost (as a percentage of body weight) and most inches lost.

I encourage everyone to actively participate on this thread posting questions, helpful hints and support. The weekly check ins are meant to keep us all on track and tweak our plans as needed. Let's all join in together to make this February your best yet for weight loss!


  • tiffnday
    tiffnday Posts: 27 Member
    I will love to join in!
  • lisaelainee
    lisaelainee Posts: 248 Member
    I want to join but the whole rankings will make me feel like poo because I don't weight too much and it will be hard for me to lose weight.
  • Come on February, it will be great to be accountable to people.
  • Count me in!
  • The rankings for weight loss are as a percentage to help make the playing field more even. If you would prefer to not be included in the rankings that is no problem! I want this challenge to be a positive experience for everyone!
  • ford8709
    ford8709 Posts: 140
    I would love to do this.
  • It is lovely to see all the responses! We can do it!
  • Don't forget the initial post Wednesday. :happy:

    I will post a list of participants Tuesday night to ensure everyone is included.
  • CheleLynn44
    CheleLynn44 Posts: 339 Member
    I would love to join this challenge!! I am taking my next measurements on Feb 1st (I take them every first of the month) so I will post again with my starting stats for this challenge if that's ok?? I weigh in on Thursdays normally, is that to late? I don't want to mess up the reporting with sending in infornation late.

    I'm in Az and I weigh in first thing, around 645-7am. Wasn't sure what time zone you are in?
  • krystal02
    krystal02 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in!!!!
  • Thursday's will be fine to post your weight.
  • I'll join! I only have a tiny bit left to lose but I still want to do this so it'll keep up my motivation!
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Yay for a challenge! I'm in.
  • dancer4life627
    dancer4life627 Posts: 40 Member
    I definitely am in! I think this is the extra push I need :)
  • I am in! Need all the encouragement I can get. Going to watch sugar and starches. 217 start weight. Goal 169. Adding exercise! Going to gym with buddy in the morning to do body pump.
  • SinCity2003
    SinCity2003 Posts: 163 Member
    I'm in! I usually weigh on Fridays, but I will change it to Wednesdays so that I don't mess up the reporting :)
  • I'm definately in as well... Can wait to start:happy:
  • tishonamarie
    tishonamarie Posts: 46 Member
    I would like to join! I would love to have a push and some extra support.
  • Peach327
    Peach327 Posts: 40 Member
  • kdenny1
    kdenny1 Posts: 134
    Im in. I will post weight and measuements on Tuesday