Worst negative comment about your weight?



  • Bigmomma0u812
    ooh where should I start. I have a very close loving family but my maternal grandmother has always been one to dish out the insults. She's darn good at it too. She's also a preacher's wife.

    The most hurtful one was when I told her I was trying to get pregnant. She laughed and said that my belly was so big there was no room in there to hold a baby. (She thought that was hilarious).

    I too hold the majority of my fat in my belly while I'm fat all over when I was smaller than I am now I had super skinny wrists and nice legs but that pregnant looking belly. A girl I didn't even know came up to me and said you're so cute but can't you just do sit ups or something to get rid of that belly.... gee thanks. I didn't get to know her after that either.

    I work with children so I've had a few of those honest comments too... like why does my face have all that fat under my chin.
  • LeonaB17
    LeonaB17 Posts: 304
    The most painful comments were when I was a pre-teen /early teen and not even fat! I was within a healthy weight range - I was just moderately pudgy- mostly in the belly area. Girls were just mean *kitten* *****es. Sorry.

    Then later in life - twice I had someone think I was pregnant. HA. That didn't really hurt though. It was more laughable than anything- and served as motivation.
  • alicia__nicolle
    alicia__nicolle Posts: 45 Member
    "Don't worry, your mom was chubby too" -Grandma
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    My father sold his house 5 years ago and gave all of my siblings $1,000.00 cash.... all of my siblings but not me, stating "Lose 100 pounds and ill give you your share, that should motivate you." I was 17 and 180 lbs at the time...

    My mom once told me while I was putting on my makeup for the day that I "could apply all the makeup in the world but it won't help if i'm fat."

    I overheard a father (who owns a restaurant) promise his daughter that she would get a new phone "if she loses weight." Like your father, he should know better but doesn't. Sorry you went through that!

    This breaks my heart. :sad:
  • j77r68
    j77r68 Posts: 271 Member
    not necessarily what was said but when i was in jr. high in class in front of the whole class one of the bigger a@@'s took a yard stick and measured my rear end when i was sitting down and yelled out the number for everyone to hear. let's just say it was not a good day
  • Hanablu2
    Hanablu2 Posts: 134 Member
    All time worst comment for me is when a relative says, "Geez, I didn't recognize you, you use to be so skinny." Last I checked, I didn't have a face transplant!
  • meg82005122008
    my brother and uncles are bad about weight jokes. One time in a restaurant full of people my uncle yelled "Hey whens your baby due" I tried being nice and said "I'm not pregnant" I laughed and then he said " you have to be, turn around" looks at his wife who is glaring at him and say's "well her belly is big"....I was humiliated. The waitress even looked mortified. People can be so mean but I'm not losing weight to impress anyone. I'm doing it for myself.
  • frogger581
    not really a comment: my mother's sour face as i was changing into a patient gown for my yearly physical.

    yeah, i was 10.
  • siouxperwoman
    "Is there a baby in your tummy?" -little sister "no!" - me "then why is your tummy so big?" - little sister

    "Run over the short fat one!!" - college guy driving his truck as I was walking in the parking lot before a movie. (cried the whole time)

    "At least we don't have fat chicks" - college football player from Kansas to my boyfriend as I was right next to him.
  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    Lol, the "face transplant" above made me think of something a boyfriend said to me. "You'd have a nice figure I you lost weight." I thought to myself (didn't say it out loud because I don't like to be mean) "And you'd be a good-looking guy if you got a face transplant."
  • mary35699
    mary35699 Posts: 22 Member
    This came from my lovely aunt. We were at my grandmother grave for flower service one night and I mentioned to mom how cold it was. My aunt turns to me and says "you can't get cold". Thanks, I take great comfort in the fact that I am working on my issue but she will always be a b**ch who is not even pretty with two h*e daughters. And btw one of who is not much smaller then me, but you don't see her saying anything to her.
  • spookystitches
    spookystitches Posts: 37 Member
    When I was in high school I had a boy I knew tell me "If you were skinnier I could date you".

    I've gotten that. It was a whole speech about how I'm a great person, but basically not someone to date because I'm fat. :noway:
  • UltraRoyal
    I was cycling around downtown Houston one weekend by myself. It's not very crowded on weekends at all, and I stopped at a light and what looked to be a homeless man walked across the street in front of me said, "You tryin to lose weight? You need to be tryin to lose weight!." (I was like !@#$@ you *kitten*)

    LOOOOL - Im sorry but this was so funny cuz how dare this guy stop and say that!!!!!!!! like seriouslyyyyyyy
  • Aerohead21
    Aerohead21 Posts: 333 Member
    I have a few, all from schoolmates:

    "purpley purpley streeeetch" - in the lockerroom in middle school with all the pretty girls, in reference to my stretchmarks.

    "beep beep beep" - by the boys in school, a Wide Load reference

    "Just use your weight" - another gym class one, as a suggestion to help me with the lat pulls.
  • bfl2010
    bfl2010 Posts: 33 Member
    I went to a party. Room was full of people and from the other end of the room, my friend's grandma said out loud. "Wow what happened to you, you are so fat!" Everyone looked at me and I just smiled and didn't want to disrespect the grandma.

    I don't remember much that day after that. I guess truth hurts. :sad:
  • charlesb22
    charlesb22 Posts: 110 Member
    My uncle just out of the blue told me that I was starting to take after my (very overweight) grandmother about a year ago...and then last week at a family barbeque he told me I needed some meat on my bones. Not that I have even lost more than 2kg over the whole time...and he's bursting through his biggest shirts now!

    Gotta love how people don't say a word when you're depressed/anxious/unhealthy and not eating or exercising properly, but as soon as you start to look good they are jealous and threatened by it and make these cruel comments. Oh no, my fat friend is going to be my normal size healthy friend all of a sudden, how will I cope?! Because it's all about them.
  • nu2012
    nu2012 Posts: 562 Member
    I went to the beach recently (a big step for me), was having a lovely day, beach was pretty secluded, went for a swim and then decided to dry off by laying in the sun and reading my book. A guy walking past said to his friend "let's go down the other end, get away from the beached whale". He then looked straight at me and smirked. I was pretty pleased with my come back though "I'd insult you back mate, but I can see nature has already done it for me." Hehehe - I've always wanted to use that line!

    So good.I am going to use that!
  • LovesAdventure
    LovesAdventure Posts: 66 Member
    Wow! For all the struggles that women go through regarding body image, I'm shocked at the number of you who've indicated that your Mom's have had some of the most negative comments.

    I've always told my daughter (who is 21 now) to love her body. She is blessed with curves that I never had. She was overweight for a few years, but I just kept on telling her how beautiful she was and to love her curves. I encouraged healthly eating and exercise, but never pushed the issue. She eventually tackled her weight on her own and lost 30 pounds a few years ago. She has, and always has had, a very healthy body image.

    The greatest gift a mother can give her daughter is the gift of self esteem.

    So for all of you women out there young enough to be my daughter, I say you're beautiful!
  • cjpg
    cjpg Posts: 433 Member
    Several months ago one of my closest friends sent me an email with the title "What happened to you guys?" and a picture from 5 years ago with him, myself and another friend when I was at my ideal weight.

    What was hurtful was this was not instigated by me in any way. There was no conversation before this email, nor any talk on the subject of my weight. It was completely out of the blue, almost to throw in my face and my other friends face about how HE hasn't gained any weight but we did. I mean, how was that supposed to motivate someone positively?

    Anyway, instead of whining about it I just decided to turn that negative into a positive (among many other things; that wasn't the last straw). Just last night I had a nice little conversation with him about our weights and OH HOW GOOD it felt to tell him I weighed less than him by 4kg. He almost didn't believe me when I said I broke my '100kg mark', which he just stated he's been bouncing at for months.

    It may feel negative at first but it CAN be positive, it all depends on whether you use it to your advantage or not. And DAMN it feels good.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    A few years ago I went shopping for a bikini - and when I asked the shop assistant for one in my size she looked me up and down and said....
    "I'm sure you would be better off in something that covers you up a bit more" and pointed me towards the nanna tankini aisle.

    I promptly left and have told every one I know NOT to shop there!

    I know lots of people have opinions about fat women in bikinis - but really, I don't see why the sight of an uncovered flabby midriff is any worse than the sight of a flabby midriff covered in a thin layer of lycra. It doesn't make me any thinner and my thights and arms and cleavage and legs and all the other flabby bits are still in sight whichever one I wear!

    The good news is that I don't have so much flab now, and I still wear the bathers I happen to like, not the ones that someone else thinks I "should" wear!