Worst negative comment about your weight?



  • A nurse practitioner told me to stop eating doughnuts because I was going to be morbidly obese and dead by the time I was her age...then she poked my arm and looked at me in disgust and said oh yeah you DEFINITELY need to tone ..... p.s. I don't eat doughnuts BTCH

    WHERE DO THESE PPL COME FROMMMMM!?!? LOOOOL how do they exist?????
  • SparkleDoomPony
    SparkleDoomPony Posts: 30 Member
    I don't know how I didn't immediately think of this:

    When I was in the 7th grade, a friend of mine in complete seriousness told me I should learn how to make myself throw up, so that I could loose a lot of weight. She told me if I just started making myself puke, I could be normal again.

    Thank god I never took her up on the offer.
  • buckystars
    buckystars Posts: 129 Member
    WOW. I did not anticipate so many people to have such negative experiences like this. It's nice to know that I'm not alone but I'm so sad so many of you had to go through so much.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend. If you need someone to go beat up the idiots making comments about your weight, I'm your girl. :)
  • I think the most embarrassing thing someone has said about my weight was the lady I go to for waxes. She asked me if I was SURE I didn’t have polycystic ovaries as it makes you put on weight around the middle. There are other things people have said and done – some hurtful, some just surprising:

    My friend came over one night and she forgot her stockings so asked to borrow mine. She wore them for about ten minutes, the entire time complaining that they were falling down, were WAY too big for her, felt MASSIVE on her etc. I'm 165cm tall, she's about 155cm, I'm a NZ size 10 on the top and 12 on the bottom, she's a NZ size 6 on the top and 8 on the bottom. She used to be a lot bigger especially on the bottom until she started pretty much starving herself and taking laxatives. I drove her home to get her own stockings.

    I was always very skinny growing up, I had no curves at all, the heaviest I got to was 58kg, got asked if I was anorexic, had anaemia etc. My sister is 13 months older than me and has always been bigger. We shared the same bedroom, homeroom at school and at one point the school tried to move me up a year but my mum wouldn't let it happen as then we would have been in the same year. My sister was nasty to me most of my life. I had a lot of high school boyfriends so nothing serious - but she called me a walking STD in front of everyone in homeroom - her friends laughed, mine were shocked into silence and I was holding back tears. A few years I was in a night club wearing a coconut bikini top and a long summer skirt - it was a beach themed party. I was standing at the bar when she came up behind me and pulled the string on my bikini top and said "You little slut" then her and her friends walked off laughing. I started putting on weight 5 years ago and was at my heaviest last year. We live at different ends of the country, I was going to her city for work for a few days and was dreading staying with her a few days because she's just straight mean. When I got there, she took one look at me and started being as nice as pie (a really nice pie). She drove me around everywhere, talked to me non-stop for three hours (we could never speak for more than 10 minutes without having an arguement) then the next day she picked me up from my work conference with a starbucks drink for me in hand! She even picked me out a gorgeous dress in a shop that fit me perfectly. It wasn't just a matter of growing up, she had ridiculed me on Facebook just a month earlier - it was a case of her being able to relate to me now as we are much closer in size!! I'm kind of insulted, but I do like having a nice sister.

    My ex was on the phone to his mother about three years ago and I heard him say, “you know how Renee used to look really sick? Well now she looks healthy”. That was a very polite way to say I’d put on the pounds but I actually don’t mind this one because I was quite enjoying my new found curves. They also got me a comment from a guy I went to school with who saw me out one night and said “you used to be just Renee, now you’re like… wow”.

    My current boyfriend loved my body when I was first with him, but I have since put on quite a bit of weight especially around my middle and about six months ago he started making comments about what I ate, smacking my thighs to make them wobble, telling me I DO have a big butt and thighs. His ex girlfriend is twice the size I am now so when I confronted him about his comments, he said he didn’t want me to turn out like her. After a while of this I got really down and he found me crying in the bedroom. It got to the point where I wouldn’t have relations with him because I knew he’d be judging my body – that caused even more problems. It took me breaking down and an hour-long shouting match for me to get through to him, saying he was making it worse as I became an emotional eater and started hiding junk food and eating it when he wasn’t around. He told me if someone said those things to him he would go to the gym at 6am every day so he could get the body his partner would be happy with. That was not the right thing to say at that point.

    He is more understanding now, he still hassles me for eating junk occasionally (he eats far more junk but can get away with it) but he’s much better. He asks permission now to bring coke into the house because previously I couldn’t resist it. I have since tried the lemon detox diet and all sorts of crazy weight loss ideas, he’s seen me go to drastic measures to lose the weight and he was very disapproving of them all so now he’s just happy that I’m back to eating healthily with the occasional treats, and exercising regularly. I showed him a picture of myself six years ago when I was skinny and he said “yuck!” I’m happier and he’s happier that I’m being healthy and now I am going to the gym at 6am four to five times a week and he keeps suggesting that I take a break.
  • calendula5
    calendula5 Posts: 7 Member
    About a year and a half ago my mother actually asked me if I had plans to lose weight........."because your so thin and dont need to??" I hate ppl with opinions and have no idea the effect of their comments.
    So now that I am in the process of losing weight. I am proud to say that I have lost 12 lbs and she doesnt even give a 2nd thought of trying to do so to help herself!!!
    ya, im the one who will look good this summer mom!! love you xo
  • BrnIdGirl
    BrnIdGirl Posts: 129 Member
    I have heard them all. I can't count how many times I have been asked if I was pregant Or had a little kid point at me and make a comment about the size of my legs. But the following ones really stuck with me

    1) For the frist few years of my marriage my in-laws favorite topic was my weight. I finally had enough told my husband he could spend time with them but I had enough. He talked to them and it stopped. :mad:

    2) I had some random stranger comment on my weight and I told her that I was really only 150 pounds but looked much bigger because I ate the last skinny ***** that made a comment about my weight. :bigsmile:

    and my favorite one was

    3) I was at a supposed friend's house and her teenage daughter was eating everything in sight. My so called friend looked at her daughter and said "You need to stop eating like that or you will start looking like Joyce" I haven't talked to her since. :angry:

    On another note I was helping one of my friends in her first grade class and one of her kids came up to me and said that he liked my lap because it didn't poke him when he sat on it. He asked if I could tell his mommy where she could get a lap like mine. :love: I love this kid.
  • SparkleDoomPony
    SparkleDoomPony Posts: 30 Member

    2) I had some random stranger comment on my weight and I told her that I was really only 150 pounds but looked much bigger because I ate the last skinny ***** that made a coment about my weight. :bigsmile:

    LOVE this!
  • charlesb22
    charlesb22 Posts: 110 Member
    oh yeah, and my friend went to the doctor with suspected glandular fever and he said "have you always had this fat neck situation or...." awkward pause until she said "yes, my neck has always been fat"

    good bedside manner doc!
  • da_sammit
    da_sammit Posts: 238 Member
    mine was last week... on australia day no less!!

    i was going for a walk and a whole bunch of people were having a picnic bbq.. the guy behind the bbq looked at me huffing and puffing and said "hey look at that fat tattooed slag".. his whole family laughed and i came home depressed and wanting to curl up and cry.
  • B3h1ndgr33neyez
    B3h1ndgr33neyez Posts: 21 Member
    I had the same **** for a while. I actually GAINED weight back because it was getting ridiculous. It's just as insulting to sit there and tell someone they're too skinny and eat this than it is to call someone fat. People are ridiculous. This is where I realized i have to be happy with myself, because if I went by what everyone said, I'd constantly be changing.
  • A few weeks ago my husband and I were staying at his fathers.. and his father took me aside and told me that I smelled like a fat person and that it was difficult to be around me sometimes and to not take offense if him and his girlfriend and her kids back away from me when I'm talking to them or don't eat around me or won't be in the same room as me.

    That hurt me worst of all. I have been called every name in the book and I'm sure a few that aren't and I was always a really good sport about it. But, I really respected that man (because I didn't have a dad growing up) and thought of him like a dad.

    It still hurts me and when I think about it, it gives me more inspiration to lose weight and throw his nasty comments back in face with a rocking hot body :)
    Oh You poor thing! I hope you spoke with your husband about this. He should stand up for you. I am offended just reading this. I mean first of all....what does a fat person smell like!?! Wtf? I can tell you I smelled no different at 300lbs than I do now. Now catch me on after the gym and it's a whole another story. This man was being cruel :-( I am so glad that you have adapted just a positive attitude towards it because I would have been vile!
  • -I had the typical school comments especially because I had a cousin who hand moved to my town and was stick skinny with big green eyes and everyone would say how can she be your cousin you are so fat. In 6th grade a guy who was a "friend" asked me if I had a boyfriend and I said no and he said of course not because you are too fat. Another one was my boy cousin used to call me elephant and then as we got older he got really heavy and now his wife is bigger than me. Another one from school was this girl that lived down the street from me, at school she called me fat as my friends and I were walking in the field and I stopped and turned around and said did you just call me fat? She said yeah. I said ok B**** Ill show you fat and I knocked her down. Last one from school and most traumatizing is a guy that would poke my arm and it would jiggle. He did it every class I had with him. I couldn't handle it anymore so I talked to the counsler and he got suspended. To this day I avoid wearing short sleeves.

    -My husband is the worse one. When we are laying in bed he puts himself all the way on my side and I tell him to move over and he says I'm on my side, it's not my fault you take up more room and don't have space left over. When he gets mad he tells me I'm a fat lazy B****. He says if it wouldn't have been for our son I wouldn't have married you. I respond I didn't force you to marry me, I could have raised him on my own. Go B**** at your mom for making you marry me. Since I've lost weight he calls me "neck" because he says I have a neck now. I don't know how to feel about that.

    I've never gotten the when are you due and my mom has always been supportive. Sister is more supportive ever since she had her kid and gained weight.

    You are beautiful and I hope you know that! It sounds as if your husband has forgotten so :-( Remind him because you deserve to be treated with love and respect or it will be impossible to stay fit emotionally which is soooooo necessary to be healthy and fit physically!
  • The worst? "How did you get that hot husband being so fat?"
    Grrrrrrrrr I have had a few variations of this one a few times and yea it pissed me off every time!
  • vxmittyxv
    vxmittyxv Posts: 122 Member
    Once, my mother actually asked my father (in front of me), "I am not as fat as her, am I?" It totally devastated me. Sometime people just really don't think before they speak.

    However, on the positive side. When he replied, "You two are about the same," it totally motivated both of us to get in better shape.
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    My younger sister who is 100 pounds heavier than me made the comment that the size medium pants I just bought at Lands End for Dance were 'Hamburger Pants', I'll show her Hambureger Pants!

    Day 10 of the 30 Day Shred!
  • Fitdiva83
    Fitdiva83 Posts: 51 Member
    You do not need that candy bar...I don't want you to be one of cute fat chicks.
  • My mother told me I was fat and looked like I had a baby bump in the dress I wore the day of our wedding reception (same dress as in my profile picture, actually). Sigh.
  • BrnIdGirl
    BrnIdGirl Posts: 129 Member
    I was just in the store after working out and a little 4 year old boy came up to me and said "Boy you got big legs" his mom got real embarressed and mad at him and started correcting him but I told her it was okay because it was true then he looked at me and the following took place

    him - Why?
    me - Why what?
    him - Why do you got big legs?
    me - Because that's how I was made
    him - God made you
    me - that's right
    him - God don't make junk
    me - (With tears in my eyes) Thank you.

    Really was a great reminder for me, his mom just stood there and didn't know what to say, but I suggested that she get him a nice treat.
  • TeamEdwardJenn
    TeamEdwardJenn Posts: 400 Member
    Look at her FUPA ....I was like look at your small brain , i can shrink yours cabnt grow lol
  • derra99
    derra99 Posts: 54 Member
    Someone asked me if I was going to wear a dress with sequins on it because sequins just don't look good on big girls.