5"6 ladies- whats your goal?



  • srfoster73
    we are twins then. last I weighed it was 195 range and I don't look good above 150. 135 would be a dream
  • Stephie_J
    Stephie_J Posts: 260 Member
    Mine is 140 at the moment. I will decide if I want to lose more when I reach it! Currently 147lbs wanting to have a flatter belly and tone up!
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    I guess I'm shooting a bit higher. At 150 w/o being toned I was a size 8, this was comfortable for me, but my goal this time involves more muscle, less fat so I'm not sure exactly where its gonna land me :) (I am 31, mom of 2 boys)
  • PixiePickle
    PixiePickle Posts: 68 Member
    My goal will be about 120-125, but I'm currently at my lifetime biggest & was only around 105-115 until 3 yrs ago when a bit of weight has crept on. I think it's unrealistic to maintain a weight so low in a healthy way now I'm older so I expect to be about 20-25 pounds lighter than today with keeping my calories down & exercising.
  • SimplyShanRunning
    SimplyShanRunning Posts: 885 Member
    Im right under 5'6 Id like to be anywhere between 135 and 145 as my goal
  • amandaraithby
    amandaraithby Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 5'6.5 and my ultimate goal is 125-130lbs :)

  • ElleD89
    ElleD89 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm just under 5'7'' and my goal is 120. Ultimate is 115 since that's where I was before I gained weight.
  • Lillian1984
    ok im 5'7 and I LOVE my curves!!!! Anytime I have been 150 I have been super skinny and everyone thinks Im on drugs..So im not sure I would just like to be 160 thats on the thin side but...think it would make me happy!!
  • garnet1483
    garnet1483 Posts: 249 Member
    Height: 5'6
    SW: 240
    CW: 232
    GW: 160

    Once I get there, though, I'm going to re-evaluate. I want to be more fit than flab, so I'm thinking my ultimate end weight that I try to maintain may end up being closer to 140ish. My smallest was 116, and I was still a (baggy) size 8 and looked like a bug...but I haven't been under 150 since adulthood, so it's going to be trial and error and doctor input past a certain point.
  • moosenbratsmommy
    my goal WAS 150'ish, but i'm honestly thinking nothing smaller than 160- i'm big boned and have VERY large breasts (and they aren't going anywhere- mom had a size F natural cup at 125 lbs)- i won't care what my final weight is, i just want certain rolls to be gone!
  • xxslvrxwngsxx
    xxslvrxwngsxx Posts: 195 Member
    Around 150-160. Once I get there I will re-evaluate :)
  • Reasie26
    Reasie26 Posts: 102 Member
    I'm almost 5'6" and am currently at 145...I think I look pretty good right now, but would like to firm up my triceps and abs. My ultimate goal is 135; I have weighed that before, about 15 years ago, but I wasn't as toned as I am now (thank you strength training!) My avatar picture is from 2 weekends ago, so you can see what 145 at 5'6" looks like on me.

    I'll have what she's having....145 looks dang good on 5'6"!

    I'm 5'5.5" and at 163 right now. My goal weight is 130, but I'm not positive that's the perfect weight for me. I definitely wouldn't mind weighing more if I am happy with the way I look. I don't won't to battle "the last 5 pounds" for a year or so - if that last 5 or 10 pounds wants to stick around that bad, then I think maybe it should! I think when I get that close to goal, I'll be more focused on the tone of my muscles, etc. and not the number on the scale.
  • PixiePickle
    PixiePickle Posts: 68 Member
    I am 5'6' and my goal is 114.6lbs; I was about 121.3lbs last year but now I became 143.3lbs

    Hunny... 114 is not enough for 5'6''. Anything under 119 would be considered underweight :/

    114.6 is actually the lowest weight for our height for a healthy BMI. So as long as the weight is within the healthy range, & the individual eats & exercises well, I see no issue with this goal.

    ...underweight according to who? You can't say someone's weight isn't healthy for them if you don't take into consideration their age, bone structure or body fat percentage.
  • LittleMissDoll
    Age: 21
    Height: 5'6"

    SW: 172
    CW: 165
    GW: 130

    UGW: 120
  • lyndsei
    lyndsei Posts: 153 Member
    i am 5'5" 1/2 and my goal is 150 short term and 135 long term!!!! I cant wait for the lbs to come off! Wish me luck with 30day shred!!! I just started yesterday :)
  • thetiwi1890
    thetiwi1890 Posts: 256 Member
    SW: 144lbs (felt horrible)
    CW: 137ish
    GW: 128
    UGW: 124

  • JeanneTops
    JeanneTops Posts: 2,620 Member
    I have only one true goal - to not gain the weight back! I'm 5'6" and I've been at 147 for two months now. My dream goal would be to be at 135 and have a 135-139 range to bounce around in. But I won't do anything different that might trigger gaining any weight. So I'm learning to be happy at this weight. I don't think I can eat any less or exercise any more.

    And if I weigh 147 two years from now, instead of having gained the 95 pounds back, I will be one happy woman.
  • erin023
    erin023 Posts: 123 Member
    I'm 5'6" and my goal is 110-120 lbs.
  • Tulipea
    Tulipea Posts: 54 Member
  • gtfcnat
    gtfcnat Posts: 199
    My goal is 9st 7lbs so 133 lbs currently at 150lbs
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