At a loss for journey is put on hold.



  • AureliaCotta
    AureliaCotta Posts: 99 Member
    OP: You can continue working out but like others have probably already suggested (I didn't read all the posts), talk to your doctor as well as your obstetrician about your fitness goals. Your diet and exercise plan will need to be modified as the pregnancy progresses. LIke it or not, you will gain some weight--the baby alone is about 8 lbs and its support system (increased blood volume, increase tissue size, amniotic fluid, placenta, etc.) can be another 15lb. But if you work with your docs you may be able to control what you gain (and possibly lose some, at least early on) while having a safe pregnancy. Plus, you will lose a chunk of that weight through the process of labor and delivery :)

    In addition, with a good diet and exercise, you'll be staying fit during your pregnancy which is good for you and the baby...and that will help you bounce back after delivery.

    Best of luck to your family.
  • Schraudt814
    Schraudt814 Posts: 496 Member
    "CHANCE" would be a cute name for the baby. Because it was by Chance that this new little one came about :flowerforyou:

  • kmhallett
    kmhallett Posts: 98 Member
    I don't see the problem with saying that a pregnancy is an accident. It happens.
    Now saying that a child was a 'mistake', that would be different.

    Thank you...Thats exactly what I thought accidents can be fantastic, now if I said mistake then throw rocks at me lol
  • sweetrice12
    sweetrice12 Posts: 101 Member
    Congratulations to you! I can only imagine the fear you are feeling! I am on a journey to lose weight and am also afraid that the same could happen to me. I have two boys, fifteen months apart. My youngest is about 18 months and I am not sure if my husband and I would be ready for a third just yet. But I just think that if it happens, it's meant to be. I work in a fertility clinic where women are trying to get pregnant all the time, so I suppose we should consider ourselves lucky.

    Good luck - and being pregnant doesn't necessarily mean you can't be healthy by eating right and exercising.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    I work in a fertility clinic where women are trying to get pregnant all the time, so I suppose we should consider ourselves lucky.

    I have to politely disagree - the inability to conceive would take a lot of pressure out of my life.

    If OP is happy, I am happy for her and offer my congratulations, but I guess it's just a stupid pet peeve of mine that I should feel "lucky" just because I can do something that someone else can't.
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    I am appalled at the number of people telling the OP to basically get over it. There is a human being living inside of her that she didn't plan for. She's entitled to be a little shocked.

    Once you move past the shock, though... talk to your OB. Mine said you can continue any exercise you were already doing, just don't add anything new or more intense.

    Thank you for understanding. I am not on here to complain or whine or say life is not fair. it just was not in my plan. yes we used protection and we have been married for 7 years. I appreciate everyone with the great advice and making me smile with their stories. If you are going to be rude, just dont post. Their is no need for it.
    sowwy :( I've never been in your shoes, so was trying to make you smile not be rude.. i feel terrible now. :sad: I hope you can get passed the shock and onto the happy quickly. good luck. sorry again!

    foot + mouth = me.
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    Well everyone. I have been working hard and lost 20 lbs, which is great, I am happy. My husband and I found out we had a little accident and we are pregnant. I was just really working hard on trying to lose the weight from our last one. Of course I would always love any baby that comes into our family, but I'm not ready right now, we have 3 healthy children and I feel so lost and confused. I could use some inspiration if anyone has some.

    I would love to be 'oops" pregnant, or any kind of pregnant one day. You are so lucky to be able to bear children!


    :drinker: Amen to that! Congratulations, OP!

    So... you people are demeaning her feelings because of your own problems? Very nice. You really think every woman in the world should be thrilled to be pregnant regardless of thier desires or circumstances because that would make you happy?

    WOW. Look up narcissism. And ignorance.

    I actually posted something encouraging to her a little way down the page, but I bow to your self-righteousness. :bigsmile:
  • BrunetteRunner87
    BrunetteRunner87 Posts: 591 Member
    A new baby is a great "excuse" for fitness! Not only is it good for the baby to stay healthy and fit during pregnancy, but now you will have one more reason to continue your lifestyle. Even if you do gain weight it will be for a good reason, and remember, you don't HAVE TO gain a lot of weight during pregnancy!
  • peacefulninja
    I had perfected my body with diet and exercise, and looked the best I ever had in my entire life, when I found out I was accidentally pregnant with my second child. I gained 75 pounds, which was 60% of my body weight. That was a couple of years ago. Through hard work and determination I lost 65 pounds but through sheer laziness another 20 has crept up. I am so happy to have my children, I would never even trade them for a Sports Illustrated body.

    Eat what your baby wants, and deal with it later. If you've lost weight, you can do it again!
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    "CHANCE" would be a cute name for the baby. Because it was by Chance that this new little one came about :flowerforyou:


    I have a cousin named Chantz (his mom spelled his name differently than the traditional spelling.)
  • amycdsteinberg
    amycdsteinberg Posts: 52 Member
    Yes, your journey is on hold, but congratulations on the reason why!!! Any baby is a blessing! This exact thing happened to me in 2010-I found out we were accidentally pregnant just as I had realized I weighed the most I had ever weighed in my life and was determined to get it off. I cried, and felt so overwhelmed(my TWIN girls were only 18 months old)!!! But then we were excited and I ate very carefully during the pregnancy and though this is rare, I did not gain ONE pound during the pregnancy and a week after delivery I was 44 pounds less than when I started. We had an incredibly beautiful healthy baby boy, and though we are SO DONE, I am so thankful for him! I did put alot of that back on and am now struggling once again, but it is a battle I will win! Hang in there, with God's help you WILL make it!
  • becka_anaily
    i think you should delete this entire conversation cause all these ppl seem to be doing is guilt trippin you about having the baby i think you should speak to your midwife and do what you like at the end of the day this is your baby x
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    it happens. I lost weight during my last pregnancy.
  • CZenks
    CZenks Posts: 17 Member
    Good luck to you and almost all the time it all works out okay in the end. Keep on eating healthy and keep moving (as long as doc says its okay and you feel like it). That can only help you throughout your pregnancy and post pregnancy.
  • Queenb62303
    i have been there before. the week before we were moving to north carolina (from missouri) we found out we were pregnant. had already had everything packed, rental truck booked....and no where to live after friday! i had given my notice at work already...and had already been replaced= no job! from a weight perspective, i weighed already what i did at full term with my first son, and i had JUST found out i was pregnant!! Needless to say everything worked out for the better! Dont know youre religious views, but i believe everything happens for a reason! Thats the attitude and mid set i had, and tried to be positive. 2 months after finding out i was pregnant my grampa be came very ill and ended up dieing- if we had moved, i dont think i would have been able to make it back to spend any last time with him, or even for the keep your head up! this is a great blessing you have been given! Congratulations!!
  • Queenb62303
    I don't see the problem with saying that a pregnancy is an accident. It happens.
    Now saying that a child was a 'mistake', that would be different.

    agreed - and accidents can be blessings too :)
  • slk1954
    Well, congratulations are in order first and foremost. And you don't have to let all the hard work be for nothing. You can be the most physically fit cute mommy in the world if you want to be. Just because you're pregnant doesn't mean you can't work out, doesn't mean you can't eat healthy foods and watch your calorie intake. Just because you're pregnant doesn't mean you have to feel and look like the Goodyear Blimp and then have to work extremely hard to recover after the little bundle of joy is here in the real world. Make it your goal to be healthy to be physical not to gain too much of your weight back and be happy all the way around. Find a fitness group and nutritionist in your area to help you design an exercise and diet for you while you're pregnant. Don't be discouraged, this is not the end of you of the road for you insofar as getting your body back in shape. You just need to make allowances for the little person sharing your body with you. Don't be discouraged, don't be unhappy, just make some adjustments, that's all. Let us know how you're doing, okay?

    Sheree (sLk1954)
  • ShrinkingNinja
    ShrinkingNinja Posts: 460 Member
    An accident? uhh, no.
    Uhh yes, we used protection:)
    Last time I checked, no "protection" was 100%...
    so wait...are you telling me unless she doesnt want another baby she should stop having sex with her husband??? wow...that's a lovely idea....:noway:
    No...just don't refer to a baby as an accident.

    Its her baby.... She can called it whatever she wants. Although, I waited until my kids were old enough to know I was joking before I affectionately gave them the nicknames Spawn 1 and Spawn 2. lol
  • LelliAmi
    LelliAmi Posts: 327 Member
    You can still exercise while pregnant. Just don't do anything you wouldn't normally do and take it easier in the third trimester. You'll bounce back faster that way, too!
  • Millissa8
    sweetie... I have 6 kiddos and each one is a blessing :O) not to say they are not insanely hard but KNOW that eventually they all grow up and you WILL miss these moments so try,as hard as it may be, to enjoy this cause you will NEVER get this time back, even your pregnancy... keep your chin up