Things you see at the Gym



  • There was one guy that used to lift very heavy weights - then violently throw up in to a trash can. He carried the trash can with him, seriously, it was so gross. I don't see him there anymore.

    There is an older gentleman that walks on the treadmill with the highest possible incline, so high he is gripping on the handle bars to prevent falling backwards, and hoots and hollers and shouts "Praise Jesus! Hallelujuah! WOOT!". I appreciate his enthusiasm but if he comes to a machine near me I have to move to another spot in the gym, he is SO loud!

    There is the guy that is ALWAYS at the gym. No matter what day, or what time I go, he is ALWAYS there.

    There are plenty of naked ladies in the locker room, they will even stand there and blow dry their hair, just naked! Put some underwear on!

    One day I was running on the treadmill and a boyfriend/girlfriend pair got on the machines next to me. The girl was walking for about 10mins and then said "OK, I'm starting to sweat, I'm going to go sit down." Isn't sweating the point of going to the gym?
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    It never ceases to amaze me when I am in the locker room and women walk around butt *kitten* naked. Boobs flapping around everywhere not to mention that spider about to jump at me. And why is that the time they pick to have a full on convo. LADY: the barrier on personal space increases with nakedness.

    Ha! Not in all cultures.

  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Admittedly I am a naked locker room lady (does that make me an old broad????). We all have the same stuff. But I don't start conversations while prancing around naked and there just isn't any private areas provided.

    My peeves:

    - Wearing sunglasses while you work out... not a rock star, never will be. Take the damn things off. And my gym is in the basement of the building... its not like there's any sun coming though windows, causing glare in the gym.
    - Dudes - if you need to adjust the junk, go do it discreetly in the corner, not next to me.
    - Put away the damn newspaper, nook, latest magazine and focus on what you're doing. Especially the folks on bikes, its like a spin through the country admiring the birds instead of actually trying to increase your heart rate.
    - Please, please stop dropping the weights. If you can't actually place them on the floor, they are probably too heavy for you!
    - And to the one stupid broad that stands one foot from the ARC trainer and stares at me because I'm on her preferred machine (never mind that there are three others right next to me) - I will not get off, shorten my workout, or in any other way accomodate your craziness. In fact, I do stay on longer just to irritate and annoy you - kinda like you do to me. (yea, I'm a little bitter about that one).
  • ashquin
    ashquin Posts: 248 Member
    the guys who stare as you work out.
    there is one girl who comes every morning with full out eye makeup on . like shes going clubbing.
    the woman who sits on the stationary bike pedals two miles an hour and talks on her cell phone. ( i actually never see this woman do anything but talk)
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Wow, another one of these threads! I love them but don't let the PC police or the bleeding heart let's not poke fun at anybody's find out about it or they will flock here are tell you all how mean you are.
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    My favorites are the guys who check themselves out in the mirror often, the guy who winks at himself in the mirror, and the girls who follow those guys around the gym and run into machines or equipment because they aren't paying attention to where they are going.

    There are also some new people on the treadmills with starbucks cups. I don't understand how one drinks coffee and runs a treadmill.
  • -Men who wear no underwear with shorts and get on the Hip Abductor machine. Everytime they open their legs the one eye bandits comes out and winks...


    OMG...The horror...The hoooorrrrroooorrrr!!!!

    This one made me laugh so much... :laugh:

    LOL omg this is too funny !!
  • ashquin
    ashquin Posts: 248 Member
    hahhaha i saw someone in spin class with a glass bottle of pelligrino!!!

    I'm guilty of the naked thing too, who cares, it's a gym with a locker room and people have to change and shower. If a naked body is that offensive then don't use the locker room. I was in the military so that probably has a lot to do with my comfort level around other people (even the naked ones) but I really don't think its a big deal.

    I used to work out in a gym in Scottsdale, AZ and I saw this one guy with a bottle of San Pelligrino, haha it was funny only in Scottsdale would someone drink sparkling mineral water (and it was the glass bottle not the plastic) during their work out.
  • The fitness classes barefoot aren't so bad--we have kickboxing, plyo and body sculpt classes at my TKD dojang and it's normal to see those fit-class participants going barefoot. We do our martial arts training barefoot, so why not? Builds strength in the feetsies! :happy:
  • bkcoakley
    bkcoakley Posts: 3 Member
    I had Peter Frampton on the elliptical next to me yesterday (not really, but sure could have been his twin). Either its because I'm married or just unobservant, but I don't see a lot of pick-ups or cruising at my gym (thank heavens). I have noticed a trend where everyone tends to wear a certain color - like yesterday was hot pink day, Monday was green day...weird. I can deal with the sceneary a lot better than the smells, like being in the row behind someone working their gastrointestinal area a bit too much for control!
  • mazza33
    mazza33 Posts: 123 Member
    Picture the scene.....

    female changing room, ladies milling around doing what they need to do. Two friends in deep conversation, just out the shower, butt naked drying themselves...then they proceed to put one foot at a time up on to the bench in the middle of the room and holding either end of the towel in each hand frantically dry their nether regions (not each others I might add), back and forth, back and forth.........eek!....OMFG what is the need...SERIOUSLY - a bit of discretion please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I am still traumatised by this - can you tell? lol)
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    Wow, another one of these threads! I love them but don't let the PC police or the bleeding heart let's not poke fun at anybody's find out about it or they will flock here are tell you all how mean you are.

    Yeah, like they aren't thinking the same things....they just don't have the guts to say it. People do funny, silly stuff. I'm fact, I KNOW firsthand...I've done stuff that people laughed at behind my back. Now, posting a photo of someone or mentioning someone by name might be crossing a line, but just making comments about people in general is not mean. My guess is, the people that say we're being mean, have been guilty of doing or saying most of the things at which we're poking fun. They feel embarrassed at the realization that people have been laughing at them all this time, and it makes them mad.
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,069 Member
    Picture the scene.....

    female changing room, ladies milling around doing what they need to do. Two friends in deep conversation, just out the shower, butt naked drying themselves...then they proceed to put one foot at a time up on to the bench in the middle of the room and holding either end of the towel in each hand frantically dry their nether regions (not each others I might add), back and forth, back and forth.........eek!....OMFG what is the need...SERIOUSLY - a bit of discretion please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I am still traumatised by this - can you tell? lol)

    Would you rather see them using the gym handheld hair dryers to do it? Thankfully I don't have hair to dry because I would never touch one of those hair dryers.
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    I've also been laughed at for how I look on the eliptical. I'm the guy with the super intense look on his face blasting heavy metal into his headphones and headbanging once in a while. It looks ridiculous but I really don't care ;)

    So chalk one up for: seeing heavy metal guy on the eliptical pretending he's at a metal concert while working out.
  • michellebelle1
    michellebelle1 Posts: 34 Member
    Oops, I am sometimes guilty of dropping the weights. But that's what bumpers are for, right? Sometimes it takes everything you've got just to get the weight up there!

    I try to remember that maybe some of the people seemingly just there to read/text/talk on the phone may be recovering from an injury. Either way, I guess it's better than doing that on the couch. Or maybe they're just starting with getting to the gym, and actually breaking a sweat is next week's goal. Baby steps...

    I do love the jean-wearers. One lady always works out in khakis and heels. Every day. ??
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    If you're at the gym you shouldn't be smiling during your workout! I want to see pain and sweat not this!

  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,805 Member
    My entire gym seems to be full of people that only do circuit training/super sets. Except for the bench press, I've yet to see anyone actually go for strength progress.
  • AngelaWeber
    AngelaWeber Posts: 95 Member
    I love seeing the people in jeans and shirts and some kind of non-gym like shoe, like say sandals lol. I hate when people drip their sweat all over machines and don't wipe them ugh. Or when there are 10 empty machines and you choose the one directly next to me? Wtf! Or the people who hop on the scale every 10 minutes, run on the treadmill ok let me weigh myself, do the bike ok let me weigh myself. But being a newbie I was terrified to go to the gym out of fear of people watching me and apparently we do people watch at the gym lol. That's why when I fell off a stairmaster after trying it for the first time I did not even turn around to see who had been watching out of sheer embarrassment lol.
  • ShifuYaku
    ShifuYaku Posts: 504 Member
    If you're at the gym you shouldn't be smiling during your workout! I want to see pain and sweat not this!


    Hahha! :laugh: Wow... I never look like that unless my boyfriend is talking to me... ;D
  • SWEETS1234
    SWEETS1234 Posts: 243 Member
    I am gulity of probadly looking quite silly. I am the one on the treadmill serious for the most part till it comes to fav parts in a song. I love to lip sing and then move hands around in time. oh well ce la vie.