
  • How do you add the weight ticker to your profile? What box does it go in? The about me one? Any help would be appreciated
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    How do you add the weight ticker to your profile? What box does it go in? The about me one? Any help would be appreciated

    I just looked at your profile, and your ticker is there just like it is on your post. Are you asking about something else that I don't understand? Mary
  • Re: The weight ticker. Nevermind I figured it out. Thanks anyway! Good luck to all this month!
  • DarleneBDA
    DarleneBDA Posts: 80 Member
    Hi y'all! So glad to see this group.

    I've been on MFP for a couple of weeks and finally saw the first movement on the scale! I will admit I was getting disheartened. I'm convinced my body was waiting to see if I was serious before responding. :)

    February Goals:

    - Log in and track food and exercise each and every day. Really does make a difference!
    - MOVE more
    - Drink my water
    - Continue stepping away from fast food. We're doing so well on this, better than ever before.

    I was feeling the same when when i first started this round..... but I am down and happy with it. I have been faithfully working out and keeping track of my food intake.

    I am lucky in the fast food department... Living in Bermuda... we dont have McDonalds, Wendys and all that... We do have some fast food pizza places ...but not on every corner and not open all night either....... Thank god for that

    Have a great month................
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    davetecsgirl - I sometimes will use workout DVD's just to change things up. I like Gin Miller's step, Jari Love the weights (don't know if she has any cardio), Rodney Yee yoga, Mari Windsor pilates.

    Did an hour of deep water today. Then bowled 3 games with the seniors and tonight we bowl 3 more games with the Newcomers. Busy day but that also keeps me from munching. Tomorrow I'll do a DVD where the exercises use a resistance band (Cathy Friedrich)

    klein - when will you be going to Germany? How long will you be there?

    Cindy - safe travels while you're going to FL. How long will you be there? In Feb. the pool at our condo usually doesn't open until later in the day. How I loved it in July, the pool was open 24/7.

    Ye gads! I clicked on the link for Feb. jand there's ALREADY 3 pages!

    Nancy - congrats on meeting your Jan. goal! Awesome girl

    issyfit - welcome! What kind of athletic career did you have?

    Welcome shane, janyce, cando,. walkinmydoxie, avonchick (happy birthday), hopeitworks, fawnarrington (congrats on the upcoming wedding), jackieboo

    JipsyJudy - have fun on your vacation! Sounds wonderful

    Su - happy anniversary. I enjoyed "Mastering your Metabolism", just wish it wasn't the abridged version.

    Jackie - big congrats on reaching your goal weight

    I'm going to post this especially to mark my spot. Then have some dinner and go bowling.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    thanks barbie for starting the thread....i have had a stomach bug.....going on 24 hours of no foods....feeling very dizzy and disoriented...so i will check back tomorrow
  • Thank you for the invitation. I am looking forward to getting to know you.

    My goals for February are to get rid of 5 pounds and to walk 3 times a week.
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Ladies:

    Happy February!!! Thanks, Barbie, as always, for getting us started again :flowerforyou:

    To all of you who made your goals for January, good for you, you are amazing :drinker: :drinker:

    To the Newcomers, Welcome!!

    I met with my Dad's older sister last night for dinner and a visit; she is 92 and a nun. She is an amazing woman, still working!!!

    I am going this weekend to visit with my son that is in the military as he turns 30 on Friday. I am taking the day off on Friday and I am going to go and spend the weekend with he and my DIL and little granddaughter. They live just off the base about 5 1/2 hrs away from where I live. There is no call for bad weather, so I am good to go :laugh:

    So many of you have posted such wonderful tales, I so enjoy reading them. You all enrich my life and I thank you all :heart:

    Love, Cathy xx
  • Hi! My galis to lose as close to 10 lbs this month as I can:happy:
  • Hello, my name is Debbie and I am a Southern girl who found love in Cape Cod MA. I have now been married for 2 years. With our combination we have 5 children and 7 grands. I love the ocean! I spend many days in a boat catching and eating fish.
    I am trying to get back in shape. I started a new medicine about 6 months ago and it made me want to eat the house. I have started back to the gym and watching what I eat but it is hard to not snack.
    I have a trip to Las Vegas in March for an anniversary trip and I need to lose enough to get in my clothes so any encouragement will be appreciated. Oh and by the way " GO PATS"!!!!
  • shmogo9
    shmogo9 Posts: 31 Member
    Hello ladies....trying to catch up - can't figure out how to find my last post so I know where to start lol... I see people saying "just marking my spot " or "bump" what does it mean and how do you find your spot next time? :frown:

    Congrats to al who made their January goals - Virginia - you're such an inspiration :flowerforyou:

    Angie - take it easy as much as possible - I ended up with an incisional hernia after my hysterectomy because I dd the stairs too soon :frown: slow and steady wins the race gf....:flowerforyou:

    Darlene - lwelcome.....et us know what you think of the 30 Day Shred - I have it too - not that I've used it in a long time but it's funny - it's almost like she can see you at times with some of her comments :laugh:

    JipsyJudy - have a great vacation :flowerforyou:

    genealace - WoW not sure if I'd shoot the furnace or the repair guy - I feel for you :heart: Glad to hear DBF is keeping a sense of humour - probably driving the nurses nuts - go DBF go :laugh:

    Sarah - a co-worker has SAD and she goes tanning once a week and says that it helps....not sure if you've tried that.....She has had extra lighting added around her desk area too.

    Jackie - congrats on making it to goal

    realpure - I too tried the protein shakes and I gained weight - not sure why but don't want to try that again

    My goals for February - lose 5 lbs and drink more water. Going to try not to take exercise calories but we'll see...I usally have hungrier those days...

    good luck to all with your goals...

    have a good evening - off to exercise now!
  • ddmjwm29
    ddmjwm29 Posts: 5 Member
    Great posts to keep me going! Lost 6 pounds in January, Goal is to loose 5 more in February and keep going to the gym 4 times a week.
  • Hello everyone!! :flowerforyou:

    Thanks Barbie for keeping us going!! :happy:

    And welcome to all the newcomers!!:flowerforyou:

    Looking back at January I'm very happy with my 135 miles walked :tongue: but a bit disappointed with loosing only 2 pounds!:grumble:
    So I'm changing a few things: wine or any alcohol only on the weekend, nothing to eat after 8 pm, increase my walking to 6 miles/day and add 1 - 2 hours of gardening whenever possible. :wink:

    My goals for February are:
    walking 100 miles - I'm going to try 6 miles/day except for Sundays ( my splurge day )
    Yoga class weekly
    lose 5 pounds

    So, let's get going!!! :laugh:

    Wishing everyone a relaxing evening,:flowerforyou:
  • My goal for Feb is to loose 8 lbs.:wink:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    mmm.....what are my goals for February, uhm, let's see.
    - Limit wine to the weekends
    - Limit intake of starches
    - Eat fruit and veggies every day
    - Drink plenty of water
    - Log my food in MFP everyday
    - Listen to my body
    - Stay within daily calories, balanced over the week
    - Weigh-in daily, or at least every other day
    - Enjoy life and smile

    I think that's enough. Doing that should send a signal to my body to lose some weight. I am holding off setting exercise goals, as I don't know if my body is ready for it yet.

  • ehunte
    ehunte Posts: 125 Member
    Hello All,

    I'm glad I found this post - it is great!

    My goals for Feb is to lose 5 lbs. It is so hard for me to lose weight. I swear my body likes each and every fat cell, but I will prevail...

    1. I will exercise at least 4 hours every week
    2. Log my food in advance so I know what I'm eating
    3. Get at least 8 hrs sleep daily

    Good luck everyone.
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    issyfit - welcome! What kind of athletic career did you have?

    Thank you Michele. I was a ranked tennis player then taught and coached for many years until my joints gave out on me. I was also an avid skier and competitive badminton player. Went from very active to sedentary (I design websites now) without changing my eating habits and it has taken its toll. I do still play golf but have to use a cart.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :heart: :heart: :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    When I started posting on this thread in 2009 in was possible to respond to everyone personally without having to spend hours at the computer……It is so great to see over 70 posts on this thread in less than 24 hours. I love the variety of goals and have had to resist the urge to change mine to use some of yours…..I learned a long time ago that I can’t control the scale but I can control my own behavior so I don’t have goals for weight loss (although I am wondering why the three pounds I gained in the fall won’t go away). Thanks to some of you, I started reading “useful” books like “The Thin Commandments Diet”, “Younger Next Year for Women”, “It’s Always Something”, “A Complaint Free World”, and my current favorite “Strong Women Stay Young”. These books along with MFP have inspired me to greater goals.

    :bigsmile: It was a woman on this thread who gave me the idea of keeping a pad of paper and pencil in my kitchen to keep track of the water I drink. In the early days I frequently had to stand next to the paper at bedtime and drink the last three glasses so I could reach my goal for the day. I’m still keeping track the same way now and now I also use the paper to keep track of the squats I’m doing for the 100 squats a day for 100 days challenge.

    :bigsmile: I surprised myself in January by continuing to walk my dogs for two hours every morning and didn’t let rain, snow, ice, wind, or darkness interfere. I did some yoga but not three times a week. I stayed with the 100 squats a day challenge. I kept those goals for February and added the strength training goal to the list…….I’ve wanted to do strength training for years but didn’t really know what to do until I read “Strong Women Stay Young” and got a structured plan that I can follow and stick to. I carry my pedometer all day every day and continue to set goals of how many steps to walk each day.

    :heart: :heart: And one more thing
    I told hubby that I still don’t want chocolates for Valentine’s Day
    I want heavier ankle weights and heavier dumbbells.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    February goals:
    *walk the dogs for an hour or more every morning no matter how cold, wet, windy, or snowy.
    * Yoga three days a week
    *100 squats a day
    *strength training two days a week (three would be better)
  • kayms13
    kayms13 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm excited to join you. My goals for Feb. are to log my calories daily. It's amazing how much that helps! I'm also trying to eat 5 fruits/veggies every day.

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,582 Member
    :heart: :heart: And one more thing
    I told hubby that I still don’t want chocolates for Valentine’s Day
    I want heavier ankle weights and heavier dumbbells.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
    :laugh: Love it Barbie! And Jake gets a slimmer, stronger, sexier you. Truly a Win - Win Valentine idea!

    Yes I'm back. Made January mat minutes goals (just barely) but completely failed to check in. Missed you all!
    February goals
    Do the 1000 (mat) minute challenge again.
    Knee permitting, aim to average 10K steps/day
    and at least scan the posts daily even if no time to respond.

    Warm welcome to all the newbies, so happy to see the familiar faces too. Now its off the computer and down on the mat for another 10-15 minutes of knee, shoulder and gut'n'butt.

    Hugs to ALL,
    Barbara, who WILL be size 10 one day
    February: get DOWN on that mat every day. Let it be.
    2012: dance more, bark less and CHECK IN!!!