

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Barbie, I should have started with 1 squat. :laugh:

    25 was too much for Day 1, I'm still sore, lol. Once I'm able to lift my bod again I'll try doing 10 a day and increase from there.

    Nancy, I posted the wonton recipe, hope you'll try it.

    Salad Sistas - keep at it! I've been faithful all week - delicious, big spinach salads for lunches. Scale is not cooperating. Pffffft.

    Oh Virginia. I'm so sorry. What a beautiful animal! It's the worst thing in the world when they have to leave us. Hope you're doing ok.

    Good day all!
    :^) jb
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Eileen - Welcome! I feel that I already know you. Come back often; we love to chat!

    To whoever is looking for Super Bowl recipes:
    I went to my favorite go to recipe site, put in a search for appetizers, and narrowed the search to low fat and low carb. Here is the link if you want to give it a look-see: http://www.tasteofhome.com/SiteSearch/FacetSearchResults.aspx?search=appetizers&st=2&vw=1&page=1&rs=10&fc=Low+Fat+Recipes&sort=0&fc=Low+Carb+Recipes&omni=initial
    Obviously, you would still have to eat in moderation and probably do some exercise that day (maybe jog 5 minutes whenever cheering for your team?), but perhaps it would give you something to choose from. Hope it helps! I don't take the Food Network magazine, but I hear that this month featured light Super Bowl recipes. I did a search online, but couldn't really find anything. Maybe you can pick one up at the store.

    Better get back to supervising my Algebra student taking a test. Later! Mary

    Maureen - you posted while I was writing this - welcome to you also!
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    :mad: Grrr! Scale didn't budge this week. Had planned to ride my bike for exercise today but the short trip to the mailbox convinced me indoors on the elliptical is a much better choice on this cold windy day. Check back with you ladies later :drinker:
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Furnace is working, DBF is phoning - he is being sent for a geriatric referral to see if they can solve his on-going continuing problems with insomnia and pain, so I guess all is right with my world for the time being.

    Virginia - so sorry to hear about Smokey. The only time I ever remember my brother crying (I was about 12) was when he had to take our (his) dog to the vet and have him put down.

    Jhosan - I was going to recommend starting slowly and Nancy posted the same advice. Your goal is to lose 1 lb. More than that is too enormous to think about. Find a large potato and that is what you are working at getting rid of A whole bag of potatoes is just too much to imagine. And, when that pound is gone you can start on the next one. Start your exercise slowly and build up gradually. 5 repeats of an exercise for 3 or 4 days and then make it 6.

    Eileen - welcome to the group - your plan looks like it has good goals.

    Maureen - welcome

    Welcome to anyone else I've missed.

    Didn't have the best of eating choices yesterday, and I was way over on calories so I'm being much more conscious of what is going in my mouth today. Working my version of the Wendie (sp) plan.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Hi all I am in this category have no motivation, dont exercise, have diabetes type 2 and dont like the way I look. Help.........................:sad:

    Don't wait for motivation. JUST DO IT! Nothing motivates like results. I've discovered the best exercise is the one you will DO.
    For some that it is walking, for others its a class or team sports, still others prefer a workout dvd. A good place to start is with Leslie Sansone Walking dvds or a $5 pedometer to track your steps.

    My masseuse/trainer recommends "ladies our age" do weight training 2 times a week and a minimum of 30 minutes of cardio/areobics (walking, biking, jogging, swimming) the days in between. Aerobic means with air or oxygen. You should be able to carry on a short conversation while doing aerobic exercise. If you are gasping for air while talking, you are probably working too hard. He says to build muscle you must push yourself beyond comfort in strength training. So for example if you are doing squats, you do them until you feel the muscle you are working begin to burn, then you do 5 more and stop. Work another muscle until it burns, and so on. You can begin using soup cans and eventually graduate to 3 lb hand weights, then 5 and so on. My heaviest weight is an 8 pounder per his recommendation.

    I saw this cartoon and thought it really hit the nail on the head.

  • shmogo9
    shmogo9 Posts: 31 Member
    Good morning all - not a lot of time these past few days but did want to pop in and say hi.... :bigsmile: HI :bigsmile:

    Barbie - 100 squats in 100 days - that sounds like a challenge I could do :drinker: thanks and I too told my hubby probably 20 years ago - NO CHOCOLATES for Valentines - instead he usually leaves me a little note on my purse in the morning :heart:

    Meg - good for you for getting the teadmill out - I had to get my husband to stop hanging his uniform shirts on mine and he laughed at me saying 'why? somebody should use it" so now I too am using it 3 times a week minimum :drinker:

    Justkate2 - what got me motivated to exercise again was taking my measurements and getting a nice surprise after one month AND I have a friend that comes over 3 times a week now to exercise with me....good luck and you'll get back on track when it's right for you - don't beat yourself up....try herbal tea when you're feeling like a snack - the hotness helps curb my cravings and the liquid fills me up so I don't snack as much between meals...

    Amanda - good luck with your blood work and PLEASE if you find out the secret let us all know :love:

    genealace - Ground Hog Day - that's funny - heard two different reports of ground hogs seeing their shadow and ground hogs not seeing their shadow and they ALL SAID 6 more weeks of winter...lol...which is it supposed to be?:indifferent:

    msh0530 - I love the quote - but I'm afraid if I broke any chocolate bar in any amount of pieces it would only prolong the time it took me to eat the whole thing lol...better to stay away from chocolate bars - the guys at work bring me 1 chocolate kiss a week lol and that's my limit of chocolate or I'm afraid I won't stop! :happy:

    Virginia - sorry for your loss :heart:

    AHealthierSuz - I too am reading Jillian's book...not too far into it yet but finding it VERY INTERESTING - can't wait to put some of her things into my plan. I bought by book at Costco for more than $4 - should have looked on E-bay p.s. I love the little cartoon - have that posted on my bulletin board at work - love it!

    issyfit - good luck with your tests today :flowerforyou:

    jb_2011 - mmmmm Wonton recipe looks good - will have to try for sure....

    welcome to all the newbies :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Great looking goals for February ladies - good luck to everybody!

    Busy Busy weekend again - not sure I'll get back to chat so I hope everybody has an awesome safe and helathy weekend! :drinker:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Snowy Friday!

    We have about 10" so far and they are saying it will continue the rest of today into tomorrow morning....could have about 18" when it's done. The best part....I stayed home from work:bigsmile: I just love being home.

    Virginia - so sorry for your loss of Smokey:cry:

    I have a lot I want to do on this day off so I will just say....

    Looks like many of you have great goals for February...keep up the good fight and we will win this battle:flowerforyou:

    Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: and get up and get moving, which is what I'm going to do now...head to the basement and get on the treadmill and bike to start.

  • megathome111
    megathome111 Posts: 58 Member

    The other book club that I am in read "Hunger Games," and I also enjoyed that one. There were many nights when I would still be reading at 10:30 or 11 and I would have to force myself to put it down to go to sleep since I get up for work at 3:30. Not working tomorrow, so I'm still going strong tonight!

    Frogmama...I read that entire series as well. I learned about it from my friends 7th grade daughter who had it on their required summer reading list. I thought it was a great series, but was a bit puzzled that it was considered required for 7th graders. I guess it is just a sign of the changing times.

    @Laura...I'm with you...I love being home. I'm off today as a comp day for an unexpected requirement to work one Sunday last month. I am TOTALLY convinced that I will be GREAT at retirement when the time comes...hopefully sooner rather than later:wink:

    Schmogo...I am thrilled to have the treadmill back out & available. Yesterday I had nearly 13,000 steps, whereas I normally have about 7500-8000 I know that is not the only thing that contributed to it, but it sure is a nice feeling to see the pedometer steps creeping up...I'm looking for the days when I can keep up with BarbieCat...Actually...her step count motivated me!

    Suz...love the cartoon...absolutely the truth!

    msh530- Thanks for the SuperBowl Tips & link...we've been invited to friends...so taking some safe snacks will be my goal. Growing up in NYState all I can say is GO Giants!

    Jeannie...so great to have a dedicated co-worker to walk with...a gal at work joined me this week, and I think it makes me kick things up a bit to walk with someone, as opposed to by myself.

    Eileen...welcome...I'm a short-time poster, but this is a great group of ladies. My history is similar to yours. Lost 25 pounds 12 years ago...put 35 back on by 2011. How did I let that happen?

    JB...your recipe looks great...I'll definitely try it. I used ground pork for the first time in a tasty healthy dish this past week, and was amazed at how flavorful it was.

    issyfit...good luck...I am doing a kidney/liver cleanse today (a first experience, but it hasn't been miserable). They say it will improve many aches and pains when you flush out the toxins. Will let y'all know the result tomorrow.

    RJAdams...Those M&M's sound to die for...my self-control would have been challenged I know.

    Nancy....I'm really looking forward to owning some "skinny jeans"...but I think it CAN happen.

    Pam...hope you get feeling back up to par...being sick is not a fun way to lose weight.

    Kate... Have a splendid Friday and a stupendous weekend!

    Val...surge on soldier! You've got the right attitude.

    Realpure...good luck at the surgeons!

    To the rest of those I missed...keep up the great work, and thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your heartfelt support!

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    genealace - Ground Hog Day - that's funny - heard two different reports of ground hogs seeing their shadow and ground hogs not seeing their shadow and they ALL SAID 6 more weeks of winter...lol...which is it supposed to be?:indifferent:

    The story is if he sees his shadow, it scares him, and he hides for 6 more weeks of winter. If he doesn't see his shadow, then it is an early spring. Mary
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Good morning all. Colonoscopy later today, just finishing up my yucky laxative solution. Can't wait to get back to normal eating,
    Yuck! I hate that stuff. Good luck on your test.

    Groundhog's day cracks me up. The Spring Equinox is just under 7 weeks after it so they always say the Groundhog saw his shadow and there will be 6 more weeks of winter and they are never wrong!

    But, even if there are 6 more weeks of winter, I predict that they will be pretty mild ones in my neck of the woods. They have been so far. This weekend it's going to be gorgeous and in the high 60s. That's my kind of winter!
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    Good morning all. Colonoscopy later today, just finishing up my yucky laxative solution. Can't wait to get back to normal eating,
    Yuck! I hate that stuff. Good luck on your test.

    Thank you, and to everyone else who wished me well. I thought about weighing today after being cleaned out, but decided not to because then I will be disappointed when I gain it back.
  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    Just joined today - 235 - my first goal is to get under 200 - after that I'll set another goal.

    For February, my goal is to track my food and exercise here everyday and work out 2 times a week for 45 minutes.

    Happy Friday!
    Hi and Welcome Maureen! Seems we have similar goals -- I'm currently at 226 and am trying to get back under 200. I've been down to 200 twice over the last couple of years, but that seems to be a sticking point for me. I'm determined this time to get into Onederland -- for good!

    Best of luck on your goals!
  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    We have our last gymnastics class with the guest teacher. I’ve really enjoyed having her because it’s fun and because I didn’t have to plan PE classes. It’s not that I mind teaching gym, it’s that I never, ever participated in any team sports as a child so I’m totally lame at coaching them. It’s OK when I have younger classes but the grade 6/7’s expect something more. I give them a killer fitness circuit once a week though! :laugh:
    I considered teaching PE for a while -- at the time I went back to school to get my certification, I had just spent the last 10 years as a fitness trainer and aerobics instructor at a local health club, and my kids were in elementary school and I was amazed and horrified by the physical condition of some (most) of their classmates. Like you, I never participated in team sports growing up, but the majority of these kids don't -- and won't -- ever participate in them either. They need to be taught lifetime fitness skills and activities that will serve them through their school years and beyond.

    I realize the curriculum probably requires teaching certain sports skills, and that some of these kids will go on to play sports in high school and college. But even those students will be better off learning how to stay active and healthy after their playing days end. Hurray for the killer fitness circuit -- you're doing them a BIG favor!!
  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    Don't wait for motivation. JUST DO IT! Nothing motivates like results. I've discovered the best exercise is the one you will DO.

    AMEN! I was a ballet dancer for many years -- I love ballet. But once I got into college and was responsible for getting myself to lessons, it was almost more than I could do to make myself get up and go -- sometimes the only reason I made it there was because my aunt took the same class and she would have been worried if I hadn't shown up.

    But once I got there and started moving, I had so much fun -- and afterwards I felt great! I have to keep reminding myself of how much better I'll feel afterward so I'll get up and move now.
  • kckramp
    kckramp Posts: 112 Member
    The school went ice skating today to celebrate students for the end of CSW. I have never gone skating on these trips before, today I thought I would give it a try, it has been many years since I have skated. I am in better shape than I have been in many years. it was fun, the kids loved seeing me on the ice.
    My daughters talked me into Joining them in the Cooper River Bridge Run in March. We are signed up for the walk/run group. I am excited about it.
    It is good to feel so much better and more active. Never really expected that when I started last April.
  • DarleneBDA
    DarleneBDA Posts: 80 Member
    The school went ice skating today to celebrate students for the end of CSW. I have never gone skating on these trips before, today I thought I would give it a try, it has been many years since I have skated. I am in better shape than I have been in many years. it was fun, the kids loved seeing me on the ice.
    My daughters talked me into Joining them in the Cooper River Bridge Run in March. We are signed up for the walk/run group. I am excited about it.
    It is good to feel so much better and more active. Never really expected that when I started last April.

    KC That is awesome, I havent been skating in years either... use to do it all the time when the kids were little. I live in Bermuda and they have a walk called end to end... The island is 27km long... so I am hoping to get to do that walk.

    Congrats on all your success,... Keep up the good work

  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    Update--colonoscopy was clean and they told me I won't ever need another one unless I have some problems. Yeah!!! Guess eating all that fiber has paid off.:smile:
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    We have our last gymnastics class with the guest teacher. I’ve really enjoyed having her because it’s fun and because I didn’t have to plan PE classes. It’s not that I mind teaching gym, it’s that I never, ever participated in any team sports as a child so I’m totally lame at coaching them. It’s OK when I have younger classes but the grade 6/7’s expect something more. I give them a killer fitness circuit once a week though! :laugh:

    I'm glad to hear that some schools still teach PE, so many have dropped it. My Masters is in PE and I taught and coached at a private girls school grades 6-12, back in the late 1960's. The only part I didn't like was that I had to teach sex ed too--students knew more than I did. :laugh:
  • butterflywolf
    I'm very new to all this. I've been a heavy weight all my life. 17 yrs: 175, 21 yrs 190, 30 yrs, 212, 50 yrs 230. My first challenge was to set my mind straight. Prayer and positive affirmation have shifted my mind's perception. I have goals for my life again. (if this is midlife crisis, I'm all for it). My journey only began three days ago. My FEBRUARY GOAL - to still be logging my calories and adding a little more exercise to my weekly routine.
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Good evening all. Thanks for the kind words. We're coping with Smokey's passing. Tomorrow we'll bury him on some land we own and plan to build on in the future. It's beautiful land, a small lot but backing on a 23,000 acre Wildlife Management Area, so we have one heckuva backyard. We found Smokey a spot in the shade of a tree, but where he can bask in the sun a few hours each day. My daughter loves it because it overlooks the Wildlife Management Area.

    I haven't been very motivated the last few days. Today I did 30 minutes on the stepper, but that was about it since Tuesday. I've done well on my eating which is an accomplishment as I have always been an emotional eater. So I'm satisfied.

    Trying to catch up, but can't reply to all...

    Welcome new faces! It's always lovely to meet new folks - I hope you'll join us regularly.

    Exermom: Smokey was only 8, which makes this even harder. I feel you about the period. Early menopause runs in my family so I've started to a couple of months here and there, but every time I think I'm over it...well, you know. Sigh.

    Barbiecat: I looove Costco samples. All the things I don't trust myself with, in little teeny servings. The only way I truly am able to take "just a taste" of certain foods.

    Pam3: Glad you're feeling at least a little better. Continue to improve!

    Again, thank you everyone. I feel like if I can get through tomorrow maybe things will start to look up a little.
