Fat Burners...what's hot, what's not???



  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    Slim Quick Razor only gave me weird heartburn. I didn't see any results. Maybe a little nervousness.

    I've been looking again. Doubt I end up doing anything more than green tea from here on out though. Not finding any results at that high of a price didn't exactly boost my confidence in fat burners. :(
  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member

    I'll repeat it for you one..more..time.

    If diet pills worked, would anyone be fat?

    Let us know when out find a pill that kills appetite, increases will power, increases energy, takes you to the gym while you sleep, and also overpowers emotional eating.


    Oh and OTC pills like SQ and hydroxy are worthless thanks to the FDA. Thankfully there are shops out there that sell well developed replacements. Oxy is a good example, also Forged burner is on the top of my holy crap list.
  • Shaneekwa
    Shaneekwa Posts: 130 Member
    Gosh...I really didn't have a chance to read everyone's comment because some where just things I didn't care to read. I was looking into fat burners and one of my MFP's swear by Oxi elite pro so maybe I will just try that.

    And no need to waste energy on these people. It's like placing a sign up next to the red button saying don't touch and they continue to touch any way. I too would have rather read what those who are for fat burners had to say rather than those opposed.

    AND FYI diet pills don't work for everyone because they depend soley on diet pills. People don't take the time to learn how to eat and exercise properly and that is why they triple their weight back. You can't continue to eat the same way expecting the same result...

    Just because fat burners/diet pills didn't work for YOU doesn't mean it doesn't work for the next. Although MFP is set to help lose weight, when you sign up it didn't say if you take diet pills and/or fat burners don't sign up... smh
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I'm taking Oxy Elite now and I definitely feel the increase in body temperature, energy, and appetite suppression. I've always researched ingredients via PubMed to see their effects in randomized controlled studies and learn how they work. OxyElite definitely checked out. If you really like it, you don't have to stop taking it entirely. Just cycle off for 2 weeks like it says on the bottle. :)
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    i dont personally believe in those type of weight loss enhancers. as a Greek girl from the old school, i prefer good old fashioned hard work--> running/jogging, calisthenics and gyms/ home workout equipment! you dont really kno what in those pills and that scares me lol
  • msnewbootie
    msnewbootie Posts: 240 Member
    See I think that the only "disagreement" that is necessary here would be the ones saying which ones and why they dont work. Like hydroxycut being a fiber pill, and Acg's post showing that a certain pill only showed results in rats. Those are helpful in showing that they do not work, and why baked by science or news. Just bickering really doesn't do any good.

    OP: I hope you see that the ones mentioned above are a waste of money :] Most of them are caffeine, which can really get up and get you moving! Just do your research :] Many OTC ones are very over priced. I used Oxy a loooooong time ago and it helped me feel very alert and workout harder. I also used CL REDuction not too long ago. Nice caffeine blend too. (I no longer waste money on those)

    I am currently going with an EC stack. Haters can hate if you want.

    Thanks for your valuable insight! U admitted to trial and error, which we are all subjected to...thanks!
  • msnewbootie
    msnewbootie Posts: 240 Member
    I have an awesome fat burner that I use! It is not available over the counter. PM if you are interested.
    Might this be it?

    Your 2lb weight loss explains your inappropriate sexual post!
  • msnewbootie
    msnewbootie Posts: 240 Member
    I am a devout OxyEliter too! I normally cycle off to AMP Max Igniter. It's a thermagenic and doesn't make me dish or sick like hydroxycut and others.

    Thanks, I will consider it and research it further. BTW, your hard work clearly shows in your profile pic! U look awesome!!!
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    A while ago Xenadrine worked for me..also used to use apple cider vinegar...xenadrine did work..the green tea one may work from what my friend said..I don't use anymore, but they were good :)
  • msnewbootie
    msnewbootie Posts: 240 Member
    Gosh...I really didn't have a chance to read everyone's comment because some where just things I didn't care to read. I was looking into fat burners and one of my MFP's swear by Oxi elite pro so maybe I will just try that.

    And no need to waste energy on these people. It's like placing a sign up next to the red button saying don't touch and they continue to touch any way. I too would have rather read what those who are for fat burners had to say rather than those opposed.

    AND FYI diet pills don't work for everyone because they depend soley on diet pills. People don't take the time to learn how to eat and exercise properly and that is why they triple their weight back. You can't continue to eat the same way expecting the same result...

    Just because fat burners/diet pills didn't work for YOU doesn't mean it doesn't work for the next. Although MFP is set to help lose weight, when you sign up it didn't say if you take diet pills and/or fat burners don't sign up... smh

    Well said! U win an award!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou:
    My 5th comment to this post was that the "haters" were polluting the post from what it is really about...and have filled it with non-valuable info pertaining to the original topic! And, I only keep responding, because they are directly "bumping" my post to the top! Luv it!
    I will say, that I have had a great experience with Oxy Elite Pro, just as many others mentioned! I stand behind it and highly suggests it to those in favor of complimenting their fitness goals. Inbox me if you have further questions, as I am compiling a list of previous suggested alternatives from this post!
  • msnewbootie
    msnewbootie Posts: 240 Member

    I'll repeat it for you one..more..time.

    If diet pills worked, would anyone be fat?

    Let us know when out find a pill that kills appetite, increases will power, increases energy, takes you to the gym while you sleep, and also overpowers emotional eating.

    Hmmm..let me check my pocket....oh here it is...I found one...Oxy Elite Pro! Next up....
  • msnewbootie
    msnewbootie Posts: 240 Member
    I'm taking Oxy Elite now and I definitely feel the increase in body temperature, energy, and appetite suppression. I've always researched ingredients via PubMed to see their effects in randomized controlled studies and learn how they work. OxyElite definitely checked out. If you really like it, you don't have to stop taking it entirely. Just cycle off for 2 weeks like it says on the bottle. :)

    Yes...I will actually start my two week break in 3 days! Thanks for your input! And, your hard work definitely shows in your profile pic! Nice job!!!
  • Shaneekwa
    Shaneekwa Posts: 130 Member
    Gosh...I really didn't have a chance to read everyone's comment because some where just things I didn't care to read. I was looking into fat burners and one of my MFP's swear by Oxi elite pro so maybe I will just try that.

    And no need to waste energy on these people. It's like placing a sign up next to the red button saying don't touch and they continue to touch any way. I too would have rather read what those who are for fat burners had to say rather than those opposed.

    AND FYI diet pills don't work for everyone because they depend soley on diet pills. People don't take the time to learn how to eat and exercise properly and that is why they triple their weight back. You can't continue to eat the same way expecting the same result...

    Just because fat burners/diet pills didn't work for YOU doesn't mean it doesn't work for the next. Although MFP is set to help lose weight, when you sign up it didn't say if you take diet pills and/or fat burners don't sign up... smh

    Well said! U win an award!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou:
    My 5th comment to this post was that the "haters" were polluting the post from what it is really about...and have filled it with non-valuable info pertaining to the original topic! And, I only keep responding, because they are directly "bumping" my post to the top! Luv it!
    I will say, that I have had a great experience with Oxy Elite Pro, just as many others mentioned! I stand behind it and highly suggests it to those in favor of complimenting their fitness goals. Inbox me if you have further questions, as I am compiling a list of previous suggested alternatives from this post!

    ok thanks, I will definitely inbox you with a few questions. I like to hear suggestions from those that have lost an incredible amount of weight.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    the only thing fat burners make thinner in the long run is your wallet.

    fueling your body properly, continuing to work out, and on occasion a cup of coffee or green tea to get you going should be enough. fat burners burn such a negligable amount of calories you are better off just not using that pat of butter...


    Drink coffee in the morning and save some money!
  • msnewbootie
    msnewbootie Posts: 240 Member
    To all: I simply asked for Fat Burners to COMPLIMENT my fitness journey, not supplement my fitness journey!

    Before, you make suggestions to eat healthy, know all of the facts:

    I complete 5-6 workouts per week (varying degrees of HIIT cardio, strength training, circuit training, speed weight set)
    I calorie count and stay within my suggested means
    I eat a well balanced diet
    I honor "cheat" days to shock the metabolism
    I consume min 100oz of H2O per day
    I am guided by my BFF who has won the 2011"Mr. Natural Philadelphia" Bodybuilding Championship
    ...and I have been dropping inches and pds since July of 2011.

    So, I know my stuff and am open to learning more...but, again this forum was intended to learn more about diff fat burners, not to debate with those against!
    Some of you have valid points, but this is not the right thread for them!
    Consider this: If this thread was about being a vegan and sampling out different vegan foods, would it be ok for an onmivore to comment on why I should eat meat?

    Have a nice day people and be blessed!

    :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:
  • thefuzz1290
    thefuzz1290 Posts: 777 Member
    I haven't had success since they banned ephedra...now that stuff worked! On Hydroxycut w/ephedra I lost 30lbs in a month (coupled with a drastic change in my diet and working out hardcore).
  • msnewbootie
    msnewbootie Posts: 240 Member
    I haven't had success since they banned ephedra...now that stuff worked! On Hydroxycut w/ephedra I lost 30lbs in a month (coupled with a drastic change in my diet and working out hardcore).

    Sheesh....30 lbs in a month....amazing results, but possibly too fast for msnewbootie! However, key phrase " with drastic dieting and hardcore workout"....sounds like a guaranteed plan! I have witnessed my BFF (natural bodybuilder) lose 20 in a month...so it's doable! U rock!!!
  • Like you I love Oxy Elite but got off of it to try to do this "on my own". I do enjoy the kick I get from a fat Burner. You should try Burn 60, it is part of the Total Lean line at GNC.
  • To all: I simply asked for Fat Burners to COMPLIMENT my fitness journey, not supplement my fitness journey!

    Before, you make suggestions to eat healthy, know all of the facts:

    I complete 5-6 workouts per week (varying degrees of HIIT cardio, strength training, circuit training, speed weight set)
    I calorie count and stay within my suggested means
    I eat a well balanced diet
    I honor "cheat" days to shock the metabolism
    I consume min 100oz of H2O per day
    I am guided by my BFF who has won the 2011"Mr. Natural Philadelphia" Bodybuilding Championship
    ...and I have been dropping inches and pds since July of 2011.

    So, I know my stuff and am open to learning more...but, again this forum was intended to learn more about diff fat burners, not to debate with those against!
    Some of you have valid points, but this is not the right thread for them!
    Consider this: If this thread was about being a vegan and sampling out different vegan foods, would it be ok for an onmivore to comment on why I should eat meat?

    Have a nice day people and be blessed!

    :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:

    If I could "like" this I would! LOL
  • msnewbooty ... when you're asking for help and opinions etc it would probably work out best to not be mean to people and put them down when they post something you don't want to hear. Granted you did ask for those people not to post however they did as they have the right to express their opinions. You don't need to be putting them down by saying things like they didn't pass ENG 101.

    Mommyx3... have you read the terms of this website? You cannot sell your own products to people here.

    Pssssh that chick was being a rude *kitten*. I would have smarted off, too.
    I would too. What is the matter with these people. If she wants to take the pills, it's her choice. It's no one's business. Go be nice somewhere else. Keep your advice to yourself. gosh.