Dr Oz says people who cheat lose more weight



  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    I'm certainly no saint when it comes to my diet (I eat chocolate almost daily... hahaha) but I've lost weight just fine. I actually just upped my calories because I think it's going to help me lose the last few pounds I need to get rid of.

    Moderation really is key. Restriction leads to binging. Moderation allows you to enjoy everything in reasonable portions though, so there's never a need or desire to binge.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I'd imagiine....burn a lot of calories screwing other people....not to mention all the lies to cover, worry that you'll be found out, the anxiety of your original partner leaving you

  • jmg7781
    My cheat is Starbucks every Thursday. It makes me happy and gives me something to look forward to.
  • goingmodern
    goingmodern Posts: 25 Member
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    love this theory!.. I'll keep sticking to my brandy and cokes and brownies then! :laugh:
    It's not a theory. Many who practice eating this way (myself included) have maintained their weight for years. Hey the Europeans and Asia do it and as you can tell they don't have the weight issues the US has.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • StatutoryGrape
    Since I've gotten a bit lax and have allowed myself 1-2 "cheat" days a week, the weight has been coming off pretty steadily. When I obsessed over every single calorie and worked out almost daily, I had a hell of a time losing. Now that I've stopped caring as much, I've had more luck. It's odd, but I don't mind it!
  • jsokolow3
    jsokolow3 Posts: 16 Member
  • mailgirl147
  • todaysanewday
    Now question....do you all log your 'spike' days or would you rather not know. I feel guilty when I log it because I see how much I went over. I am wondering if I would feel better not logging because then I wouldn't know...

    I don't log it because it's a pain in the *kitten* to record 3700 calories of food. I did the first time, but never again :laugh:

    LMAO, so true!
  • Baylee0101
    it has worked for me. so i nowadays use pms days as spike days :P

    Ugh, and I was feeling so bad Friday night for having a piece of pizza that I beat myself up all day about it yesterday. I guess from what you all have said, I shouldn't be. But today was weigh in day for me and I lost nothing. :( Didn't gain though.
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    it has worked for me. so i nowadays use pms days as spike days :P

    Ugh, and I was feeling so bad Friday night for having a piece of pizza that I beat myself up all day about it yesterday. I guess from what you all have said, I shouldn't be. But today was weigh in day for me and I lost nothing. :( Didn't gain though.

    What is your weekly deficit? Let's say you're set for a 3500 calorie weekly deficit and eat to it perfectly. Now, let's guess that slice of pizza had 500 calories (and that would be a fairly heft slice of pizza!). This means that youre deficit this week was 3000 calories. Technically, it still adds up to a weight loss.

    We don't lose weight in a linear fashion. That's one reason why I don't weigh more than once or twice a month as the scale can discourage me. I might go two weeks with no drop at all and then drop 3-4# in one week.

    If you are doing everything correctly for your body, that one slice of pizza isn't going to hurt you at all. Personally, I zig-zag my calories just so I can have splurges like a few slices of pizza without hurting my weight loss. Life is so much more fun when I'm not on a deprivation diet.
  • coreenbean
    I am just afraid that I won't come back from the "spike" day
  • loopybec2002
    loopybec2002 Posts: 313 Member
    I zig zag but not because I think that is what will help me If I want something I have it but in smaller quanitites.
  • Mom0fTwo
    Mom0fTwo Posts: 326 Member
    a couple of days ago i had lots of chocolate covered almonds, and felt nasty for the rest of the day....i dont wanna do that again it was disgusting (and i love chocolate so i was bummed)
  • TiffyC828
    TiffyC828 Posts: 80 Member
  • katdav2012
    I'm so glad to hear this! I give myself a "day off" every sunday. While I don't go crazy and I still try to eat fairly healthy, I only exercise if I feel like it and I don't track what I eat. I also don't deny myself anything, but by still trying to make decent eating choices. Glad to hear that it's a good thing, I sometimes wonder if I'm sabatoging my work from the rest of the week.
  • Erica002
    Erica002 Posts: 293 Member
    I have to agree and I'm excited to see the show on it. I have cheat days, seldomly, but I have em and so far it has been working for me!! Plus, I find that most the time when you're craving something, if you don't allow yourself to have a portion of it, you're going to binge!
  • tmfpartyof4
    tmfpartyof4 Posts: 125 Member
    My cheat is Starbucks every Thursday. It makes me happy and gives me something to look forward to.

    mmmmmmm starbucks!!!!!:drinker: i drink too many of those. I just went to the skinny ones 190 cals for fat and sugar free version-Vente! I work them into my calories on occasion.

    i may have to go back to the regular one on a spike day. :bigsmile:
  • amymarie8709
    amymarie8709 Posts: 329 Member
    it has worked for me. so i nowadays use pms days as spike days :P

    love this idea!!
  • lynzy713
    lynzy713 Posts: 67 Member
    I watched this episode yesterday! And I agree with it...if I completely cut something I enjoy eating out my life, I'm going to binge on it and set myself back...so once a week or maybe even once every two weeks I let myself indulge a little - still keeping in mind my limits (i.e. don't eat the whole pizza...)...and if I can I work out extra hard that day or the days surrounding it to make up for at least some of it.