3500+ Calories Burned Challenge 1/30-2/5



  • firedudecndn
    Mon: , 855 (Cycling, jogging, ping pong)
    Tues: 3655 (cycling, squash, xc skiing, weight lifting)
    Wed: 513 (cycling)
    Thur:4365 (4 hours cross country skiing)
    Fri: 0 (how they were burned)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    I'm kind of over 3500. My numbers are real. I really like junk food, LOL
  • mrsjacksn
    Week 1

    Weekly Goal: 3500

    Mon: 708 (19 min turbo jam 440, 12 min walking 268)
    Tue: 450 (20 min turbo jam)
    Wed: 960 (18 min turbo jam 388, 25 min zumba 572)
    Thur:308 (14 min walking)
    Fri: 882 (41:20 min zumba)
    Sat: 756 (41.77 min turbo sculpt)

    Total: 4064 (reach my goal plus a lil extra)
    Left to go: 0
  • clkuchtyn
    clkuchtyn Posts: 193 Member
    Week #3 for me!

    Weekly Goal: 4000
    Mon: 293 (30 DS, challenge circuit)
    Tues: 224 ("100" workout)
    Wed: 1011 (Zumba, 30 DS, C25K)
    Thur: 399 (30 DS, challenge circuit)
    Fri: 933 (30 DS, calisthenics, elliptical)
    Sat: 927 (30 DS, Zumba, Pilates)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 3787
    Left to go: 213
  • MoLove2025
    MoLove2025 Posts: 135 Member
    Daily Update on my progress
    Week 1: Goal-3500 Actual-2580

    Weekly Goal: 3500

    WEEK 2
    Mon: 767 (Insanity Fit test, 45 min of Zumba Cardio)
    Tues: 487 (Insanity 30 min)
    Wed: 615 (Insanity 43 min)
    Thur: 656 (Insanity 32 min, 30 min Zumba live)
    Fri: 537 (Insanity 40 min)
    Sat: 705 (Insanity 45 min)
    Sun: DAY OFF

    Total: 3767
    Left to go: 267 Extra
  • Vjb2525
    Weekly Goal: 4500
    Mon: Caught up on some much needed sleep!
    Tues: 726 ( 60 minutes Elliptical)
    Wed: 705 cal ( 30 min gymnastics lesson & elliptical)
    Thur: 201 cal ( 60 min slow walking)
    Fri: 1022 cal ( 60 zumba & elliptical )
    Sat: SICK :sick:
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 2654
    Left to go: 1846 *** This week was terrible!
  • Wluser1
    I am a newbie :) This is my first time entering into this kind of challenge and I am really excited !!!

    Week #1

    Weekly Goal: 3500 raised to 4500
    Mon: 550 (45 mins on EFX 546i)
    Tue: 350 (45 mins on Elliptical Trainer)
    Wed: 750 (66 mins on EFX 546i)
    Thur: 1012 (100 mins on EFX 546i)
    Fri: 760 (66 mins on EFX 546i)
    Sat: 473 (33 mins on EFX 546i, Weight Lifting, Home cleaning)

    Total: 3895
    Left to go: 605
  • bubblesburst80
    bubblesburst80 Posts: 1,152 Member
    Weekly Goal:4000

    Mon: 820 - cardio and circuit HRM, walking
    Tues: 374 - walking
    Wed: 371 walking
    Thurs: 897 - calisthenics HRM and walking
    Fri: 565 - calisthenic, strength and cardio
    Sat: 0 - day off
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Left to go: 1173
  • millikenhomeschool
    Weekly Goal: 5000
    Mon: 1025 calories burned . running and walking on inclined treadmill.
    Tues: 1144 calories/ walk and run on inclined treadmill
    Wed: 1044 calories/ walk and run on inclined treadmill
    Thur: 1820 calories/ walk and run on inclined treadmill/ stairs
    Fri: 1050 calories/ walk and run on treadmill
    Sat " 0
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 6033
    Left to go: Anything else is bonus!!!!
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    Weekly Goal: 3500
    Mon:Scheduled rest day (and my knees and ankles need these!)
    Tues: 378calories burned (Leslie plus a hip hop dance workout)
    Wed: 610 calories burned (4 miles of leslie which I gave my all to...)
    Thur:231 (2 leslie miles - woke up before 5 am to do this and guess what- I can't give my all that early in the morning!)
    Fri: 6+ hours in snow traffic instead of a 1 hour commute- dancing in my car the whole way - that must count for something, right?
    Sat: 400 (Ellen Barrett DVD plus some extra weight training- plus a bit of walking)
    Sun: 1260 calories burned (Jillian Michaels plus 4 Leslie Miles)

    Total: 2879
    Left to go: 621

    I might get in a yoga session tonight but I think that is all for me and I really wanted to get to at least 3000 this week!
  • Clkafka
    Week 5

    Weekly Goal: 4,000

    Mon: 596 (46min elliptical, 20min Kinect Your Shape Fitness Evolved)
    Tues: 755 (21min running, 31min elliptical, 45min walking dog)
    Wed: rest day
    Thur: 820 (83min elliptical)
    Fri: 95 (20min walking dog)
    Sat: 822 (28min run, 46min elliptical, 15min walking dog)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 3,088
    Left to go: 912
  • jesusislove1526
    jesusislove1526 Posts: 442 Member
    Its Week 3 for me!

    Weekly Goal: 6000
    Mon: 1010 calories burned (aerobics, walking, strength training)
    Tues: 899 calories burned (aerobics, walking)
    Wed: 905 calories burned (aerobics, walking, strength training)
    Thur: 1018 calories burned (aerobics, walking)
    Fri: 734 calories burned (aerobics, walking)
    Sat: 841 calories burned (walking, strength training)
    Sun: 803 calories burned (walking)

    Total: 6210
    Left to go: +210
  • rbear713
    rbear713 Posts: 220 Member
    Weekly Goal: 4500
    Mon: 884 (Spinning, Lifting, Elliptical)
    Tues: 433 (Spinning, Lifting)
    Wed: 825 (Spinning, Lifting , Elliptical)
    Thur: 423 (Spinning, Lifting)
    Fri: 921 (Spining, Lifting, Elliptical)
    Sat: 614 (Spinning, Lifting, Wii Fit)
    Sun: 979 (Elliptical, Lifting, Spinning)

    Total: 5079
    Left to go: +579

    And I cut my cals burned by about 20% (I use the elliptical's readout x .8, and mfp's #s for lifting and spinning - both x .8)
    Next Week I am definitely in for 5k - and people keep asking me how I've dropped 65lbs in 12 weeks...Its because of this site and challenges like this! (along with the willpower to stop putting food in my mouth without considering the effect of the food)

    I got this one easily...next week I'm goin for 5.5k - keep pushin!!

    Thanks for a great challenge!!
  • hbarney
    hbarney Posts: 434
    Can't remember what week this is for me but I really like this challenge so here I go again!
    Weekly Goal: 4500
    Mon: 748 (Elliptical)
    Tues: 139 (Weight training)
    Wed: 834 (Elliptical)
    Thur: 901 (Elliptical)
    Fri: 573 (Elliptical)
    Sat: 701 (Elliptical)
    Sun: 809 (Treadmill and Elliptical)

    Total: 4705
    Left to go: +205
  • fran1515
    fran1515 Posts: 130 Member
    Week 3
    Weekly Goal:Raising it from 3600 to 6000

    Mon: 1010 / Treadmill
    Tues:1100 / Treadmill / 168 Strengh training
    Wed: 1040 / Treadmill
    Thur: 895 / Treadmill / 168 Strengh training
    Fri: 900 / Treadmill
    Sat: 750 / Treadmill
    Sun: 201 / Strengh training

    Total: 6232
    Left to go Over by 232...................... Sunday weigh in down 2 pounds for the week.
  • sunitha004
    i want to add 1500 cal to my weekly goal

    I made my goal, i am very happyyyyy .....i am waiting for anther week challenge....

    Here is the daily update format.

    Weekly Goal:2000 + 1500(3500)
    Mon: calories burned (aerobics, cross ramp intervals,500 cal)
    Tues: calories burned (aerobics, cross ramp intervals and walking 560)
    Wed: calories burned (aerobics, cross intervals and walking 530)
    Thur:calories burned (aerobics, cross intervals and walking 545)
    Fri: calories burned (aerobics, cross intervals and walking 520)
    Sat:calories burned (cross intervals and walking 550)
    Sun:calories burned (walking 305)

    Left to go:0
  • vguynes
    vguynes Posts: 794 Member
    Count me in! I usually try to burn 3500, but I'm going to increase by 200!

    Weekly Goal: 3700 Calories

    Mon: Calories burned: 604 (Zumba, The Firm, Wii Dance Workout, 30 Day Shred @ 120 minutes)
    Tues: Calories burned: 599 (Zumba, The Firm, 30 Day Shred @ 110 minutes)
    Wed: Calories burned: 572 (Zumba, The Firm, 30 Day Shred @ 105 minutes)
    Thurs: Calories burned: 329 (Zumba, The Firm, 30 Day Shred @ 60 minutes)
    Fri: Calories burned: 541 (Wii Dance Workout, Zumba, 30 Day Shred @ 100 minutes)
    Sat: Calories burned: 670 (30 Day Shred, The Firm, Zumba, Walking @ 130 minutes)
    Sun: Calories burned: 682 (30 Day Shred, The Firm, Zumba @ 125)

    Total: 3997
    Left to go: 0 (297 over GOAL)!
  • MsClaudiaMarie
    YAY! Week #3!!! LETS GET IT!!!

    Weekly Goal: 4500 (Stepped it up a little from my previous week of 4200 calories)

    Mon: 648 (step aerobics)
    Tues: 1009 (elliptical and sprint intervals)
    Wed: 894 (elliptical, treadmill, strength)
    Thur: 934 (circuit training, treadmill, elliptical)
    Fri: RELAX DAY
    Sat: 695 (treadmill and elliptical)
    Sun: 777 (elliptical, treadmill and circuit training)

    Total: 4967
    Left to go: ZERO!!! Went over 467!!
  • Missklara
    Missklara Posts: 283 Member
    i usually do 1000 per week, but what the hell! i'm in! happy

    Weekly goal: 3500

    Mon: 393 (stationary bike-45min)
    Tue: 657 (power yoga-60min, stationary bike-20min)
    Wed: 649 (walking-20min, stationary bike-60min)
    Thur: 878 (power yoga-60min, walking-60min, stationary bike-30min)
    Fri: 300 (house work)
    Sat: 100(walking)
    Sun: 570 (stationary bike, walking)

    Total: 3547
    Left to go: 0

    woot! :smokin:
    see you guys on the next challenge! congrats to all who succeeded or at least tried! :drinker:
  • aablacknell
    aablacknell Posts: 856 Member
    Week #2 Lets do this again

    Weekly Goal: 4000
    Mon: calories burned 520 (Walk 4 miles)
    Tues: calories burned 949 (Spin, back circuit & Walk 3 miles)
    Wed: Rest Day
    Thur:calories burned 735 (Walk 6 miles)
    Fri: calories burned 669 (Spin & glute circuit)
    Sat:calories burned 1035 (Spin, arm circuit & Walk 3 miles)
    Sun:calories burned 657 (Walk 3 miles & Zumba)

    Total: 4565
    Left to go: 0 (zero) +565