40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Kim, don't think of the past week or so. You can always get back on track. I do this every so often, also. Right now I am doing well.

    Well, it is another beginning of the week. Happy Monday to everyone.
  • pepper06
    its been crazy! I am trying to work on my cholesterol numbers=they came in a little higher than needed-I hope the April checkup will be better. does anyone else have this issue?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,971 Member
    Hi all,

    sder - I agree that Madonna was good....not great, but good, and I'm glad I caught her act.

    It's back to lifting, today. I'm kind of ticked at all the threads that state: "you can't build muscle and lose fat at the same time"....(or maybe it's "lose weight" at the same time). My brain can't seem to wrap it's thoughts around the fact that all this lifting ISN'T building muscle ('cause then, what IS it doing??? just using the muscles I already have???)
  • hamncheese67
    hamncheese67 Posts: 1,715 Member
    hamncheese - your profile pic looks like you are finishing up a Tough Mudder. Are you? I am hoping to do one this summer, but am a little nervous about it.

    It was a Warrior Dash a couple of weeks ago. 1/4 the distance of a Tough Mudder. I'm thinking about a Tough Mudder in December but not sure.

    Looks pretty intense, but great fun too! WTG!

    It was a lot of fun. Running (or rather trudging) knee deep in mud was quite an experience and be sure to keep your shoes on tight. Several people lost theirs in the mud.

    I'm going to do Insanity for the next 60 days and mix in some strength training and an occasional run. Just started with the Fit Test today.
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Monday's are a No Cardio workout day. So, just did my push-up workout after lunch with my co-worker & friend. Good way to get pumped up for the rest of the work day!

    I didn't watch the Super Bowl or any of the commercials. I don't *feel* dirty...

    *hamncheese: Good luck with the Insanity! Make sure you eat enough.

    *Beeps: Thanks :D It's hard (note, I did not say impossible, just hard) to gain muscle mass *fast* without also gaining some fat along the way. The key is to try and limit the fat gain as much as possible, without slowing down the muscle mass gain too much. Most heavy duty weight lifters cycle things. They mass up, then lean down. Now, if you aren't in a big hurry, it is certainly possible to do a "Clean" bulk. If you are interested in it all, you can research it on bodybuilding.com, lots of posts and articles about the subjects.

    *LadyPersia: kick it girl! :D

    *sdereski: very cool on the skiing!

    *parys: sounds fun!

    *peggy: welcome! I agree, this board is great :)

    *inuit: grats on the 2lb loss!

    Time for dinner!
  • gibbyup
    Aha, I found my age group! Today marks one week that I've been logging my food and exercise. I have been brutally honest with myself (for a change) and I think MFP will be a great tool for me. So one week in, and even though I had to miss two days of exercise due to a nasty cold, I don't think I've done too poorly. I am looking forward to my next weigh-in on Thursday to see if all of these numbers will translate to a smaller number on that dang scale! Meantime, I am really enjoying reading previous posts and feeling inspired by your successes. Thank you!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,070 Member
    Welcome, new folks :flowerforyou:
    Well, I did Ripped in 30 today and it felt great! My daughter is in competitive swimming and as "homework" was told to do ab work (crunches, reverse crunches, twists, etc) during commercials whilst watching TV, well, we were playing cards yesterday (after tobogganing) and she decided to do ab work whenever it was my turn to deal - I figured I had better do it too, to be fair. What a great idea! Don't know how many exercises we got in, but it was a LOT!

    My push ups are definitely improving! I can do 10 "real" ones before I have to go to the girly ones.

    Inuit: Great job with the 2 lbs!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: parys1, good job on doing your push ups. I am still doing the girly ones. My shoulder will not allow the real ones.

    Welcome gibbyup !!!

    I did my strength class last night but I didn't stay for the spinning. Went shopping with my daughters instead. I do feel so good after using weights.
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    P90X2 is broken into 3 phases. Phase 1 is Foundation (4-6 weeks), Phase 2 is Strength (4 to 6 Weeks) and Phase 3 is Performance (3-4 Weeks) with Recovery weeks "When needed" I just started Week 5 and just starting to get to where I feel like I have the hang of it so I am taking it to the max and do the 6 week Phase 1.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,971 Member
    I should check out "clean-bulk" on bodybuilding.com. I'll do that when I'm back from Hawaii. Until then, I'm just going to carry on with NROL4W. Thanks, hew!

    Welcome, gibby.

    parys - I love that idea of doing abs while the other person deals....great!! And, congrats on the "real" push-ups. That's one of my goals as I work through NROL4W. I can do 2 real ones, right now. For NROL4W, though, you have to get them all in, just none on your knees. So, I'm still working from a 30 degree bench - can do them all from there!

    Today is a HIIT cardio day - and stretching. I'll be crammed for time, though, because I have to hit a seminar this afternoon.
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Medium Run (6:30pm): An easy 3 miles in 30m39s (10:13mm pace) Weather was great at 65F and 95% RH and a slight breeze. Had to go in the grass for a few steps to avoid a very large puddle in the sidewalk...very soggy grass, lol. Did an additional 1/2 mile after the run on a cool down walk. Legs felt very good after the run.
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Sorry I've been missing for a while.... We sold two houses in Nevada. One was sold while we were still in process of working on it (not even on the market yet) and they wanted it done so they could move in in a week! Really?!!!! So we spent extra time over there finishing that. Then last week I walked into my tax accountants office to collect our tax returns and walked out with a job! I started last Monday.

    I must wanted you to know I haven't fallen off the face of the earth and I am hoping that after I bet used to the extra work load I will be able to be on here more.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: tron, congratulations on landing a job. They can be hard to find at this time. I am so grateful to have mine.

    hewhoised, wet grass is harder to run in and will burn more calories.:bigsmile:

    Umpire57, you have to be at week 5 of P90X2 before you feel you have the hang of it? Wow, it really must be a great workout.
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    *Becky: hehe

    *Tron: Awesome!

    *parys: good job on the workout!

    *gibbyup: Welcome! The only way MFP will work is if you are brutally honest with yourself, so good start!
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Good morning everyone! Sorry I have been a little MIA too. Last week my son was home from school for a few days so I didn't have my normal-leisurely time checking up on the thread and writing.

    The good news is that he (my son, age 7) is starting to ski! So this is going to get me back out on skis after a lapse of about 12-13 years. I used to more often awhile back, but of course, interests change. ......Anyway, I'll be giving this a try in a few weeks.

    Other than that I am in the midst of my first week of the 3rd phase of P90x. I am so loving this program! Although I have to admit I'm at the point where it would be nice to incorporate a few other types of exercises.....only 30 more days to go! I did take photos last week at the end of phase 2. I don't see any major changes from day 1; but I'm trying to get better in my logging this month to help results towards the end. I am wondering if starting this program over the holidays wasn't such a great idea--but then again, maybe it kept me from gaining? I'm still not weighing--I think I'm at close to 4 months. But, my very fitted clothing still seem to fit so all is well. Whew!

    Just wrote this yesterday about my state of mind right now and an idea for a project I may want to start.....check it out if interested and let me know what you think!


    Tron--congrats on selling the houses and starting a new job! that's great news!

    Pepper--great to see you back again! I thought we lost you!

    Alf--- I have a great quinoa recipe someone on mfp posted a few months ago...I'll try to find it and message it to you.

    Must get caught up on everyone else s posts. One thing I like about all of these new folks--lots of interesting fitness talk...I love it!

    have a great day everyone!
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member

    Umpire57, you have to be at week 5 of P90X2 before you feel you have the hang of it? Wow, it really must be a great workout.

    It is and the thing is, in a few weeks it all changes again :-)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,971 Member
    Robin - I will check out that thread!

    Today is weight-training. And, I'm all by myself today....trainer-less for the next little while. I'm excited!! (Mostly because I can blare my ipod nano!!)
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member

    Umpire57, you have to be at week 5 of P90X2 before you feel you have the hang of it? Wow, it really must be a great workout.

    It is and the thing is, in a few weeks it all changes again :-)

    It keeps changing...that must be why it works so well.

    Beeps, weight training for me also. I love it and feel so strong afterward.
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Hi everyone. Soccer tonight

    hewho...at 44 who would have thought that I still get to play outside:)

    Welcome Gibbyup and all the 40 pluser who have joined. I personally think we are an amazing group!!!

    FYI i went to a salvation army yesterday. I have begun seeding for my garden and always find great containr there to start my seed in and usually they have great weight equipment there after Jan. I glanced over and saw the P90 on the shelf but before I could manuever soemone had picked it up. 5.00 for the complete set. I cried all the way home. So if you need weights or dvds to workout too....the cashier said this is time to find them cheap at these agencies. Have an awesomely fit day
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    No cardio today, but I did my Push-Up workout. Ended up with a total of 72 push-ups, spread out over 5 sets with 90 second breaks between each set.