"Making Out" at the YMCA..... kinda creepy.



  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    I think someone needs to take a listen to the lyrics of a certain 70's song... this isn't a new thing.
    And which one of those band members died of AID's???

    The founder of the group....right?

    The "Village People".....:drinker: minus one....

    Just harmless fun - no big deal.....

    I'm sorry but if you think that HIV and STDs are a "punishment" for promiscuity then you really don't have a freaking clue. HIV is by far the highest in extremely poor countries in Africa, where it's often gotten because of a lack of education, access to education, or by rape victims as a consequence of being raped. Are all African people, especially the rape victims, *kitten*? HIV is a horrible, debilitating disease that destroys countries, communities, and families. Trying to make it anything else is stupid.

    And for the record, people were having casual sex long before 1978, when HIV first started occurring in humans.
    Nobody's being punished.
    Nature just has a way of being cruel - very cruel.
    Nature doesn't ask why; it just is.

    When people act against the laws of nature, bad things happen. The good have to suffer with the bad.
    Terrible; isn't it?
    Nature wants monogamy? So THAT'S how evolution works!


    Actually there is evidence that do point to humans being monogamist, and there other animals which are the same way so yes evolution does work that way for some.
  • rc630
    rc630 Posts: 310 Member
    Ew. I'm 20, and none of my friends (or I) ever did that kind of stuff. Even the ones that were... uh... less than prude... wouldn't do that in public. That's just weird. I'm creeped out.
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    *Sigh* clearly most of you have witnessed the atrocities that go on at school dances... and I went to military boarding school, the kind were girls and guys were separated and bed checks were a nightly thing.

    We don't know what exactly was going on, and they weren't having sex. According to the original statement, he said the kissing wasn't even that intense! If my child does that, yes, there would be some repercussions... but to go as far and call a child a slut, than shame on YOU! For judging and being childish yourself.

    Who calls a 16 year old a slut... really?
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Maybe they were all taking turns with one piece of bubble gum. Maybe buy them a pack so they don't have to share? :-P
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I think someone needs to take a listen to the lyrics of a certain 70's song... this isn't a new thing.
    And which one of those band members died of AID's???

    The founder of the group....right?

    The "Village People".....:drinker: minus one....

    Just harmless fun - no big deal.....

    I'm sorry but if you think that HIV and STDs are a "punishment" for promiscuity then you really don't have a freaking clue. HIV is by far the highest in extremely poor countries in Africa, where it's often gotten because of a lack of education, access to education, or by rape victims as a consequence of being raped. Are all African people, especially the rape victims, *kitten*? HIV is a horrible, debilitating disease that destroys countries, communities, and families. Trying to make it anything else is stupid.

    And for the record, people were having casual sex long before 1978, when HIV first started occurring in humans.
    Nobody's being punished.
    Nature just has a way of being cruel - very cruel.
    Nature doesn't ask why; it just is.

    When people act against the laws of nature, bad things happen. The good have to suffer with the bad.
    Terrible; isn't it?


    Let's turn that frown upside down, Mr. Grumpy Face.
    I am happy as a pig in slop now:laugh:

    I have learned to just accept what is. Nature does not compromise.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Nature wants monogamy? So THAT'S how evolution works!
    Who knows?
    Nobody is sorrier than I that people can't just do whatever they want without consequence for bad behavior.

    Don't argue your little points with me; tell it to mother nature.
    She enforces all these inconvenient rules.
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    Nature wants monogamy? So THAT'S how evolution works!
    Who knows?
    Nobody is sorrier than I that people can't just do whatever they want without consequence for bad behavior.

    Don't argue your little points with me; tell it to mother nature.
    She enforces all these inconvenient rules.

    Please explain Keith Richards then.
  • wittlelacey
    wittlelacey Posts: 412 Member
    There's nothing wrong with teenagers kissing...but rotating partners is something that we should all be worried about ahaha.
  • Fit4Evolution
    Fit4Evolution Posts: 375 Member
    must had been the kissing class.. its an art that gets lost especially when your old and married
  • sweetly_spicy
    sweetly_spicy Posts: 15 Member
    How is spin the bottle or "seven minutes in heaven" any different than that? The only difference I can see is the kids are being open and honest about their wishes to experiment with kissing different people, rather than the "hide in a closet" mentality. *shrug*

    Heck, in schools these days there are only so many "decent" people. Chances are even if you don't play games like that, you'll end up dating the same people (but in a different order) that many of your friends dated. It's roll the dice until people find the best fit.
  • sweetly_spicy
    sweetly_spicy Posts: 15 Member
    oops, doublepost
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    Ewwwww. Just ew. Like, the last thing I'm thinking of when I'm sweating and starting to smell funny is wanting to make out with someone, especially multiple someones.

    There is something wrong with kids today.

    Maybe it's the sweat doing it.. Y'know.. the pheromones and all that jazz. Nah, I'm yankin' yer chain. That's kinda creepy and no matter how you flip the script, it's hard to give them the benefit of the doubt. The only thing that even comes to mind is that maybe they were doing it to get a rouse out of people. Odd way to get your kicks though.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    If your husband used to swap girls with his buddies and you're ok with it, thats your business. I mentioned what my thoughts were on the topic. No man, no honorable man, should be doing such things.

    Actually I was the girl. And my husband is a good man--he treats me well, lives up to his obligations, served his country, and what we have done/do in the bedroom doesn't hurt anyone. He's not less of a man because someone like you doesn't like what he did with a consenting adult woman.
  • papa3x
    papa3x Posts: 286
    How is spin the bottle or "seven minutes in heaven" any different than that? The only difference I can see is the kids are being open and honest about their wishes to experiment with kissing different people, rather than the "hide in a closet" mentality. *shrug*

    And why do they think 300 people need to see that?