How Do You Ward Off Evil Spirits?!



  • mrlazy1967
    mrlazy1967 Posts: 285 Member
    I had a flat in Turkey for a while, and everyone over there has Evil Eyes:


    And you can get rid of any worries by telling them to a worry person and then leaving it under your pillow while you sleep:

  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    Rationality does not equate to TRUTH.

    No, but it does equate to a more reliable predictor of reality than fantasy or magical thinking.
    (See progress of 100 years of scientific method vs progress of 5000 years of religion as evidence...)
    ^^^ Ignorant! Do some research and see why science, the university, & academia in general were even emphasized during the time of reformation and renaissance. You might be surprised.

    The idea that science and true religion are in conflict has only been around for a few decades, and are not the shared opinions of some the world's greatest thinkers - now and then. The prevailing thought for most of the history of humanity is that they go hand in hand.

    "The world's greatest thinkers." I'm guessing you're talking about philosophers here, and not scientists.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    The idea that science and true religion are in conflict has only been around for a few decades, and are not the shared opinions of some the world's greatest thinkers - now and then.

    You're mistaking the general term "science", which is probably the most misused term on the planet, with the scientific method. The scientific method and magical thinking are mutally exclusive opposites. One relies on rigorous observation and universally agreed upon standards of testing and modification; the other relies on... well, whatever you like, really.
    No, actually I'm not. the scientific method was merely one part, one advancement that came about as part of the Scientific Revolution. That's more in line with what I'm talking about.

    The trend of modern science is to look at everything in a vacuum and under a microscope (figuratively speaking). This leads to narrow views and short-sighted conclusions. The major players of the scientific revolution understood that science must be looked at simultaneously with history, the arts, philosophy and, yes, even religion. If scientists are going to discover truth as they so adamantly claim, they're gonna have to look beyond just their labs.

    But of course, today, nobody is going to fund a scientist to go learn history.

    What you call "a vacuum" is called controlling confounding variables. You're arriving at a conclusion of what you're testing by removing as many other reasons for the dependent variable changing besides the independent variable.
  • lmalaschak
    lmalaschak Posts: 346 Member
    Read the book of Ephesians. It should tell you what you need to know!
  • committomittxoxo
    committomittxoxo Posts: 339 Member
    Oh nevermind, I thought you were talking about liquor... Carry on everyone..
  • yodapooper
  • cbrewer904
    Prayer and anoint your house with Oil. Keep your Bible open to Psalms 91 and plead the Blood of Jesus over you, your family and house. I had to do it when I moved in to my home. Was scared so bad one time I ran out of the house.
  • xMedullaOblongatax
    To the OP:

    It depends on a few things:

    1) Are you religious / spiritual?
    2) How much belief you put into a system that works for you (reading verses of the Christian Bible, doing the LBRP, outright psychic attack, etc.)
    3) How powerful is the entity?
    4) Is this spirit in its own place of power, or on YOUR place of power? (keep in mind that if it was in your house before you moved in, then you're on contested turf where it may have an advantage...)
    5) Was it sent by someone?
    6) Did it become attracted to you via trauma / extreme negativity / doing energetic work?
    7) Is it one spirit, a few, many?
    8) Is the spirit being a nuisance in an area or is it possessing someone?

    In my experience, a simple cleansing and warding of the area is enough to get rid of most spirits. I do not generally use sage, because I'm broke (lol) and I don't like the way it smells. I just use my willpower. However, it is okay to use sage... other alternatives include sandalwood, lavender, lemon verbena, chamomile, rosemary, etc. If you're going to do this, light it as incense or just waft it through the air if you have to go smokeless.

    I first ward and area, and then I perform a cleansing to push the spirits / negativity THROUGH the wards. it's one-way, where I can toss them out and they can't strut back in. I just do this room by room. Throughout, I put my willpower and belief into my work, and if it helps to read Biblical verses, calling upon the powers you believe in, pray, whatever, then do it. I pick an area and start there, using it as a starting point or base of operations I can return to if needed. Next, I look to see if there is a source of power that strengthens the spirits, and I find a way to cut off that power source. This can be anything from a natural energetic depression to an old murder site - both of which CAN be dealt with.

    The WORST I have ever had to deal with was a large, old house that was literally haunted. The basement was a den of negative energy, which fueled the spirits that dwelt in the house. I was part of a group of 12 people who went in shielded... we started in the basement and worked our way up. The basement took the longest, requiring a solid hour of teamwork, cutting the energy off, clearing, warding, banishing, the whole bit. Once their source of negativity was eradicated, the spirits were easier to deal with. After the basement was done, the rest of the house - all 3 stories - took roughly 30 minutes, and the yards took 10. This situation was harder to deal with than the demons / pissed-off ancestral spirits / psychic attackers I had run into, fortunately... simply because the negativity and spirits were so strongly rooted there for such a long time.

    I hope this helps, and keep in mind that sometimes unwelcome guests don't just stay away... sometimes you have to keep kicking them out of your house!
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    If you have not seen anything else work the first place I go is the bible. It says very clearly that we have power and position in the name of God to claim who we are as Children of God. That because demons have very real power God has enabled us to counteract them with the name of Jesus. They will run at the name of Jesus. The only thing is you MUST believe what you are saying.

    "I am a child of God! I Have Power and Authority in the name of Jesus Christ to tell you to leave! You are required to flee at the name of Jesus! You Will Cease and Decist your activity and leave in THEE Name of Jesus Christ!"

    It's also good to play Godly music and read scripture. Evil cannot stand firmly in the presence of God.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    *confused how this thread is still up and running*
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    If you have not seen anything else work the first place I go is the bible. It says very clearly that we have power and position in the name of God to claim who we are as Children of God. That because demons have very real power God has enabled us to counteract them with the name of Jesus. They will run at the name of Jesus. The only thing is you MUST believe what you are saying.

    "I am a child of God! I Have Power and Authority in the name of Jesus Christ to tell you to leave! You are required to flee at the name of Jesus! You Will Cease and Decist your activity and leave in THEE Name of Jesus Christ!"

    It's also good to play Godly music and read scripture. Evil cannot stand firmly in the presence of God.

    This ^ and the meer name of Jesus is enough to make them shreek and flee! You better believe satan above all believes in Jesus!
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    If you have not seen anything else work the first place I go is the bible. It says very clearly that we have power and position in the name of God to claim who we are as Children of God. That because demons have very real power God has enabled us to counteract them with the name of Jesus. They will run at the name of Jesus. The only thing is you MUST believe what you are saying.

    "I am a child of God! I Have Power and Authority in the name of Jesus Christ to tell you to leave! You are required to flee at the name of Jesus! You Will Cease and Decist your activity and leave in THEE Name of Jesus Christ!"

    It's also good to play Godly music and read scripture. Evil cannot stand firmly in the presence of God.

    This ^ and the meer name of Jesus is enough to make them shreek and flee! You better believe satan above all believes in Jesus!

    what about the Exorcist? I didnt see any demons fleeing at the mere mention of gods name. that movie was like so true too.
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    If you have not seen anything else work the first place I go is the bible. It says very clearly that we have power and position in the name of God to claim who we are as Children of God. That because demons have very real power God has enabled us to counteract them with the name of Jesus. They will run at the name of Jesus. The only thing is you MUST believe what you are saying.

    "I am a child of God! I Have Power and Authority in the name of Jesus Christ to tell you to leave! You are required to flee at the name of Jesus! You Will Cease and Decist your activity and leave in THEE Name of Jesus Christ!"

    It's also good to play Godly music and read scripture. Evil cannot stand firmly in the presence of God.

    This ^ and the meer name of Jesus is enough to make them shreek and flee! You better believe satan above all believes in Jesus!

    what about the Exorcist? I didnt see any demons fleeing at the mere mention of gods name. that movie was like so true too.

    The exorcist was holywood, true or not. Also you have to believe what you are saying and if you are doing it with ill intention you are not empowered to use this very real power. Sometimes demons can be difficult to rid but you are also in that account also dealing with a person that had a demon on them. There are also accounts in the bible of people going around and exorcising in the name of Jesus and the demons turned and beat them becase the people doing this had wrong motive. Motive is everything.
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    Also I forgot to mention that Jesus did say that some require fasting and prayer.
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    Soooo I posted thiss and went about my day to get on here and see a lot of things have been written. Lol.

    Here is my reason for this post:

    This not something I am seeing on my own but I do feel the presence.

    Its something my 3 year old keeps talking about.
    Hes scared to go into our room alone and he says theres a ghost in our walk in closet.
    My mom has had him pray him away once and I havent heard about it for awhile but this morning my son woke up and pointed at the wall said the ghost follows him and hes scary.

    It is to my knowledge and belief that Children can see things that adults cannot because they are more still innocent, and not as close minded as most of us have grown up to be.
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    & yes I believe because I grew up around wiccans and pegans as well as christians.

    I have a cousin who has let a lot of evil spirits into her home and onto her property because she practices black magic.

    This is not something I take very lightly.
  • Captain_Mal
    Captain_Mal Posts: 945 Member
    Call in these guys.

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