How Do You Ward Off Evil Spirits?!



  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    I think this is the longest any thread of religious persuasion had lasted in the forums.

    Clearly people need to learn how to read before posting a comment. Mocking someone for their beliefs is petty and unoriginal.
  • duharvalgt
    I have salt water cures in north ,east and west corners and a metal cure in the south facing the Fubar.
  • fatty_to_fitty
    fatty_to_fitty Posts: 544 Member
    I find that farting often helps. We can't see them, but they can smell us. And before you come back and tell me that I'm not being serious, let me just tell you that I have had ZERO problems with evil spirits ever since I started farting. So it really works.

  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Mocking someone for their beliefs is petty and unoriginal.

    Funny how it's fine the other way around though isn't it? I get mocked for my secular stance all the time. Can't tell you how often I've had someone tell me they'll pray for me (which, frankly, is equally as insulting as me saying "I'll think rationally for you".)

    The big difference is secularists get insulted by a much larger proportion of the population as opposed to just the 5-10% that we constitute.

    Not to mention political attacks - we often have to send our children to schools where the powers that be have deemed it fit to teach our children fairytales... or we have to vote for leaders that are too scared to lose to not be affiliated with one religion or another.
  • Alter_ego
    Rationality does not equate to TRUTH.

    No, but it does equate to a more reliable predictor of reality than fantasy or magical thinking.
    (See progress of 100 years of scientific method vs progress of 5000 years of religion as evidence...)
    ^^^ Ignorant! Do some research and see why science, the university, & academia in general were even emphasized during the time of reformation and renaissance. You might be surprised.

    The idea that science and true religion are in conflict has only been around for a few decades, and are not the shared opinions of some the world's greatest thinkers - now and then. The prevailing thought for most of the history of humanity is that they go hand in hand.
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    I believe that the method varies per your belief system. My family is a hodge podge of buddhist/taoist beliefs that come from the Chinese countryside. I'm Christian but I respect my family's wishes... really just to keep them happy.

    - The Fengshui response: bad spirits can be reflected from your home by putting a mirror over the doorway. If you have a neighbor that you don't like, point the mirror in that direction at their front door and all the bad spirits will go to that house. However, if they put a scissor above their door or do anything to block the mirror with the reflection, then the scissor is a stronger force and will overpower the mirror. Point that mirror somewhere else. Also be aware that other mirrors may be pointed at your hosue. (Those are probably other Chinese families that don't like you). Confront the neighbor to mend fences or put scissors above the door to redirect.

    If you are standing in the doorway of your house, is it directly in line with your back door? If so, according to feng-shui, the good luck is entering your house and leaving the back way. If there's a way to block it using a divider, then do it so that it's not a direct path.

    Anyways, I don't know if this is what you're looking for. Personally, I don't believe in this but I'm very close with my aunt who does practices her beliefs. I've helped to re-arrange her house and even helped her install a rock garden (per the instructions of an overpaid feng-shui practitioner). There's more to it (placing water objects in the house to increase wealth and fortune... landscaping... etc) but this is the cliff notes.

    I promise you that I'm not BS'ing you.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    The idea that science and true religion are in conflict has only been around for a few decades, and are not the shared opinions of some the world's greatest thinkers - now and then.

    You're mistaking the general term "science", which is probably the most misused term on the planet, with the scientific method. The scientific method and magical thinking are mutally exclusive opposites. One relies on rigorous observation and universally agreed upon standards of testing and modification; the other relies on... well, whatever you like, really.
    The prevailing thought for most of the history of humanity is that they go hand in hand.

    The prevailing thought for most of human history was also that the earth is flat.
  • mrlazy1967
    mrlazy1967 Posts: 285 Member
    I marry them
  • Alter_ego
    The idea that science and true religion are in conflict has only been around for a few decades, and are not the shared opinions of some the world's greatest thinkers - now and then.

    You're mistaking the general term "science", which is probably the most misused term on the planet, with the scientific method. The scientific method and magical thinking are mutally exclusive opposites. One relies on rigorous observation and universally agreed upon standards of testing and modification; the other relies on... well, whatever you like, really.
    No, actually I'm not. the scientific method was merely one part, one advancement that came about as part of the Scientific Revolution. That's more in line with what I'm talking about.

    The trend of modern science is to look at everything in a vacuum and under a microscope (figuratively speaking). This leads to narrow views and short-sighted conclusions. The major players of the scientific revolution understood that science must be looked at simultaneously with history, the arts, philosophy and, yes, even religion. If scientists are going to discover truth as they so adamantly claim, they're gonna have to look beyond just their labs.

    But of course, today, nobody is going to fund a scientist to go learn history.
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    Call a Priest?

    I give up, what's the answer?
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I wear a travel talisman with the 4th and 6th pentacles on it.
    I travel 60 miles a day to and from work.
    I also have an obsidian sphere on my bedside table.
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    Bump, this one looks like a good read. oh and I keep them away myself. ether they hate the competition or there is enough good in me that it scares them away
  • LelliAmi
    LelliAmi Posts: 327 Member
    you realize there's no such thing. Then any power you *imagined* they had vanishes.

    Who are you to say anything exists or doesn't? Are you some kind of higher power? Are you an expert? Keep your *beliefs* to yourself. Please, come back and lecture everyone when you have proof that spirits do or don't exist.
  • missuspee
    My nan is kinda creepy and she is aware of spirits and she gave me the simplest piece of advice which worked for me...... leave the radio on when you go out as it breaks up the sound waves and brush yourself off (as if you have dust on your clothes) when you enter the house. I was totally creeped out by my parents old house and it really worked :smile:
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    you realize there's no such thing. Then any power you *imagined* they had vanishes.

    Thank you for being rational. Next there'll be a thread on how to deal with the monster hiding under the bed.

    The fvcker I want to get rid of is the *kitten* that always steals that ONE sock from my drier!! :mad:

    LMAO! My sister calls them 'brownies' ;) like little fairies that steal and hide your belongings because they are ornery.

    On an honest note: Native Americans used bundles of sage that were lit to cleanse a person or house.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    you realize there's no such thing. Then any power you *imagined* they had vanishes.

    Who are you to say anything exists or doesn't? Are you some kind of higher power? Are you an expert? Keep your *beliefs* to yourself. Please, come back and lecture everyone when you have proof that spirits do or don't exist.

    It does not require super human powers to deduce if something exists or not. It's a fairly basic concept.

    I don't have to prove they don't exist. I can't prove there's not an invisible elephant next to you. Believers have to prove they do exist. And they can't. If anyone out there has proof of the existence of a ghost I know a website where you can win one million dollars.
  • missuspee
    I find that farting often helps. We can't see them, but they can smell us. And before you come back and tell me that I'm not being serious, let me just tell you that I have had ZERO problems with evil spirits ever since I started farting. So it really works.


    Paaa ha ha ha ha!!! Awesome I'm gonna guff all round any haunted houses i find!!!!! Legend!!
  • rmwinters
    rmwinters Posts: 288 Member
    If you use sage, you should burn sweetgrass afterwards as this let's good spirits in. Pray for them and your family
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    I find that farting often helps. We can't see them, but they can smell us. And before you come back and tell me that I'm not being serious, let me just tell you that I have had ZERO problems with evil spirits ever since I started farting. So it really works.


    Paaa ha ha ha ha!!! Awesome I'm gonna guff all round any haunted houses i find!!!!! Legend!!

    LMAO well that explains my quiet house. My husband rips farts all day must have scared the poor souls into the next dimension! Muahaha ;op
  • missuspee
    I find that farting often helps. We can't see them, but they can smell us. And before you come back and tell me that I'm not being serious, let me just tell you that I have had ZERO problems with evil spirits ever since I started farting. So it really works.


    Paaa ha ha ha ha!!! Awesome I'm gonna guff all round any haunted houses i find!!!!! Legend!!

    LMAO well that explains my quiet house. My husband rips farts all day must have scared the poor souls into the next dimension! Muahaha ;op

    Lol my husband does too, obviously explains my lack of paranormal activity!! he he :laugh:
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