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THE (Trying Hard Everyday) Team ~ WEEK 20!!



  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    adopt4 - that is awsome that he was and is a fighter!!!! a friend of mine was preg and started hemeraging and they thought she was going to die well needless to say her son was born and he weighted 1 pound 1 oz and now 21 years later he is still doing great... keep up being the great mom that you are...

  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Yeah, I was up really late last night. Morgolis and I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary and went out for greasy spoon diner food then went to see Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen which didnt let out until 12:45am. We went to Hawaii for our honeymoon and had the most amazing pineapple terriyaki burgers every day for lunch while we were there. He decided he was in the mood for a big burger last night, so we went to a place here we hadnt been before and guess what they had on the menu?? The burgers! They were just like the ones in Hawaii, so that was a nice surprise! I couldnt even eat the whole thing it was so big.. and I went over on cals a little and the scale this morning is showing the salt overage, but oh well... lots of water going into me today so I can flush it out and since I have no kids today it is a day of wogging and bike riding (if my tires work).

    I have a cat story from yesterday. I was outside, talking to adopt4 on the phone when I realized it was garbage day and we had forgotten to put the cans out. So I told her "Oh crap, I gotta go... the trash guys are gonna be here any minute and I forgot to put out the trash". I ran in the house to hang up the phone and when I stepped inside I kicked the whole pile of kittens (who were sound asleep on the rug in front of the door soaking up the sun) and they went flying across the floor. I tripped, stepped on one enough to make him squak and then the whole herd went running for cover under the couch. I was like "@#*$&(*#&@" hung up the phone and looked them over to make sure I hadnt hurt anyone and they were fine so I headed out the back door to get the cans to the curb. Well...as soon as I grabbed one of the cans, i felt something sharp dig into the side of my shin. It was momma kitty and boy was she not happy with me!! I talked to her for a second and all seemed fine, so I hauled the cans to the curb and came inside. The minute I came in, she proceeded to kick my *kitten* for tripping over her kids. 3 times, she attacked my legs, biting me and hissing at me every time I turned my back to her. She wasnt gonna let me walk away in one piece for this one! She just went completely psycho on me! I had to call morgolis to come get her and calm her down before she would forgive me and let me pet her again. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Poor momma! I cant be mad at her cuz she was just doing her instinctual job but dang these scratches smart!! She dug into my right calf really good a few times so now I look like I walked through a giant thicket of blackberry bushes. All seems to be forgotten now, thank god. She seems even more apologetic today too, coming to sit on my arm while Im trying to type.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I will post a few more pics tonight. One of the bedroom and one of me. I need a haircut pretty bad and went to other day to get one but couldnt get in, so Im definitely going today. In fact, Im probably gonna head there on my bike and kill 2 birds with 1 stone :wink:

    Bee- That is a GREAT scripture and I love how you applied that to our team!!! Very nice!! I copied it down for the fridge.. :bigsmile:

    Have a great day everyone!!! I'll check in tonight again before I post the new thread for tomorrow's weigh in :)
  • Hey Everyone,

    LI4G - Happy Anniversary. That was pretty cool that the restaurant had the same burgers. Sorry about the cat scratches but enjoyed the story.

    Adopt4 - You are a good person and a good mama. I have enjoyed hearing your talk about your boys.

    Lorann - Hope you are feeling better.

    CrazybeeRX - thanks for sharing the verse thought it was cool.

    Sheila - I had my 8 glasses of water in by 7 am this morning - still drinking though.

    I have a question or need some suggestions. In the heat and humidity at work, I have a craving for salt. This is pretty bad and as you might of read I usually get my 64 ounces of water in at work. What snack like thing can I get that might take care of my salt problem. I have been buying the small bag of potato chips out of the vending machine. Is there anything else anyone can think of?

    Well back to cleaning.
  • cyndeebee
    cyndeebee Posts: 249 Member
    indianagranny...My ex husband used to work in a plant that got extremely hot. Because of that, they had water fountains every few feet...and salt tablet dispensers. When you're working in extreme heat, apparently your body needs the salt, to help you to retain enough water so you don't dehydrate. So maybe make a few allowances, go over on sodium...mostly, listen to your body. Our bodies have a way of craving what they need.

    (Thinking here...If I crave chocolate, maybe my cocoa bean level is too low...:laugh: )

    Lovely verse, Debbie. I love how you changed it to suit our goals!
    And I found "reduced fat" cream today. Only 20 calories per tablespoon. I also loaded up my Thinsations stash, rushed home and hid it on my skinny 12 year old daughter...
    With all of the food choices she has, WHY does she want my reduced fat stuff???

    Anyway, I'm heading downtown with the skinny gal. Taking her out for supper to celebrate that school's out...
    Yippee! I love having her home.
  • Hey just wanted to post now because I FINALLY read all the posts! lol its good we are so chatty. Everyone can find the encouragement they need, when they need it.

    Doing well on calories today and yesterday but Tuesday was a wash - felt horrible and couldn't exercise because hubby was working. Went shopping and to the playground instead.

    Tonight I must find an indoor track because it is stinking hot! Maybe take the kid swimming at the pool...

    Check in later.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    So I rode the bike today. Up to the school to wog around the track and then back. I found a nifty little ap for my iphone that has a GPS thingy in it and tracks how far you ride, how long and at what speed. Used that today and it said I went 3.4 miles just going to the track and back. I didnt wog the normal workout because I was afraid Id be to tired to ride home but then realized that the way back is alot of downhill, so tomorrow, will definitely do more running. Its nice to have my bike back and the breeze coming home felt really nice since I was all sweaty from my run...:laugh: :laugh: Nice way to cool off!!!

    I really feel for you guys with the heat. We had a few hot days here but mostly its just been sunny and nice, not overly hot. My mom said they had 103 temps in Arkansas one day and then had a good rain cloud pass through and it dropped the temp to 84 in like 20 minutes. Shes not used to that down there and says it is sticky and humid. Yuck!

    Took some pics today as promised....

    Here is me and my Broccoli....

    And, here is the bedroom (she comes home tomorrow..lol)

  • prayerfulmom
    prayerfulmom Posts: 409
    Those are great. Nice cut and nice garden.
    Yeah for the biking and wogging. Almost ready for a triathon=)
    I had to put my bike in the shop today :cry: it will be 5 long days without it. :sad:
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    Just got up from a nice long nap. I think my hips needed it, they feel much better. Worked out on the escalator from hell at first but it was too hard so I walked on the treadmill instead for 20 mins. But I kept changing the speed up once I loosened up and ended up at speed 4 (which is just below a run for me) and an incline of 4. Never did incline before. Felt good to loosen up. Then worked out with the trainer, he did my arms until I was shaking. But it's a good thing.

    Hips seem to be recovering although there are still sore spots all over that if I sit on one or touch one it's pretty sensitive. Not sure if they hit the nerves when they adjust you or what? I don't think I have bruises there but that's what those spots feel like.

    Will wait till tomorrow to determine if I am going to do the step class or take it easy on my hips. He had me running up and down off a step sideways and it actually felt good, so maybe the step class would be ok.

    Oh and the too tight pants, didn't realize but they are definitely a size or more too small... guess losingit gets them since I took the tags off them...
  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    Hey everyone.... today has been tough. I have a lot of things going on right now with my family and it's a bunch of drama and my two younger sisters are involved and it's horrible. I've spent most of the day trying to convince my 14 year old sister that I don't hate her and I'm not mad at her, but my mom just keeps stirring stuff up. I seriously want to to go back to the days where I didn't speak to her. I went three years of not talking to her and it was fine. Now the drama is back and I hate it.

    anyways, it's been hard. I've been going strong on my calorie intake that I had to give in to some pizza last night. Very small slices and I only had two. I did however have a can of pop because I had a splitting headache. But, today I had some coffee cake and some ice cream. All with in the serving amount though. I haven't done cardio for a few days. My legs were killing me, and I had to give them a rest. I have however been doing strength training on different parts of my body every night. Even if it's leg raises lol I'm doing something.

    Then to top things off, I just got word that my school has put me on suspension. The past year of my life has been a night mare minus having my daughter, and now I have to go into the deans office like we did back in high school and plead my case... it's not fair. I went from being in a car accident to getting shingles, to having my rental car hit plus cars broken into, a tooth infection, being told I'm losing my full time job, then I find out I'm pregnant, and then to moving into a crappy house, to not being able to find a job, my bf losing his job, losing the house, moving in with my mom and now my sisters won't speak to me, I can't stand my mom and we've moved again and now we both have jobs, and I have some one to help me out while my bf is on the road so that I can buckle down in school and now I'm at risk at losing my credit hours, and my financial aid.
  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    Oh I forgot to mention this cool site I found on Facebook ... has anyone heard of Virtual Weight Loss on facebook? On this you can upload a picture of yourself and they will edit it to show what you would look like if you lost 50lbs ... it is so coool ... and what an inspiration to see what I might look like after I lost 50lbs ... I know it's not really accurate but it's still neat to see.

    I tried this today, and it's really cool. It looks so real and it's something that could actually happen. I looked pretty good. Thanks for bringing this app to the board, I never would have known about it if you hadn't. It makes me want to work harder in a way.
  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    Oh by the way, thank you everyone for the congratulations for my new job. I start the 6th. It means alot.
  • Hello Team... Well here it is the Eve before weigh in. I hope to have dropped more but my scale was the same this morning. I know I am in a bad habit of weighing everyday. I do have good news. My favorite levi capris that are a size smaller then what I am wearing can actually pull up but will not button or zip. If I can get into those before I go to Michigan I will be extremely happy. Well I will be here tomorrow to post I hope it is good. Take care All...
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Indiana ~ you are probably craving salt because you are losing electrolytes (blood minerals) as you work and sweat. You might want to drink a good sports drink along with your water to help replenish the salt you are losing. A healthier alternative than chips could be pretzels ~ you still ease your salt craving, but don't get the fat that chips have - be careful though, cuz too much salt and your body just stores the fluids and the water doesn't get to where it is needed in you system. It is typical for our bodies to crave salt and carbs when we are a bit dehydrated, it's our bodies way of telling us what it needs, salt for electrolytes and carbs for energy. Keep it healthy ~ :flowerforyou:

    LI4G ~ great looking garden girl! Love the hair! Can NOT wait til you share how your daughter feels about her room:laugh: Hysterical!:laugh:

    Prayerful ~ sorry 'bout the bike:frown: Hope it comes back good as new!

    Pawprint ~ sorry for the drama you are dealing with. Be true to yourself, be kind to others, try hard everyday. :heart:

    Lulu's thought for today: If you don't have time to keep up with the posts, don't sweat it! There's no requirement to respond to every post - or even to read every post. We are just a bunch of folk here to give each other support and encouragment ~ the LAST thing that should happen here is for people to stress out over posting!!!!:wink:

    :heart: you gang!
  • Lorann
    Lorann Posts: 107
    Paw - sorry to hear of what your going through ... I hope it all works out for you :flowerforyou:
    That site is pretty cool and it gives us something to work towards!

    LI4G - Love what you did to your daughters room, to bad I didn't think of something like that when my girls were younger :laugh:

    lulu - I won't stress over it anymore :laugh:
  • cyndeebee
    cyndeebee Posts: 249 Member
    So sorry, Paw, about the trials you're going through. You've had a lot on your plate, so it's especially admirable that you continue on this journey towards good health. About your situation...Two things come to my mind...
    1. Rise above...
    2. This, too, shall pass.

    I don't mean to sound trite, but having been through many hills and valleys in my lifetime, this is what I've learned from my own experience.

    Love the bedroom decor, LI4G! The red streamers are a nice touch.

    adopt4...Where do you get the stamina to keep going? I always feel like I've had a workout, just by reading your posts. Even in my physically fit, younger days, I could never have kept up with you. I once watched a step aerobics class...and I swear, it wore me out.

    Going to watch the end of my baseball game. My team seems to be losing...:frown:
    And then I'm going to bed.

    Good luck with weigh-in tomorrow...
  • Pawprint - sorry to hear what you are going through. Reminds me a lot of my family which my mom always stirred the stuff up

    LI4G - thanks for info on abs - going to try to start wogging again outside when it cools down. Love the picture of the hair. And the room is funny. I shared withg my daughter to give her ideas for her girls.

    Cyndeebee - thanks for the answer to my questions.

    Lulu - thank you too. I thought that was the reason for the cravings but couldn't think of anything but chips. I had tried the baked chips also but not enough salt there.

    see u all in morning
  • Hey gang, want to report I went the gym tonight and worked on the elliptical. Haven't used it in a couple months. Burned 700 calories, most of it sweat from the heat I'm sure. Drank all of my water bottle TWICE. That has never happened. It's only June for heaven's sake! Hurray for exercise anyway!:wink:

    li4g - way to go with the biking and running. I love the wind in my hair!!!! Great haircut too.

    Everyone else, I am enjoying your posts - keep up the good work and healing for those who need it.

    Night all.:yawn:
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    Indygranny maybe almonds could be a good snack. Not salty one but something you can chew on and be good for you without too much salt. I also liked the gatorade idea too.

    LI4g I love the haircut. The pics of her room are great too. Is she gonna be mad?

    Cyndeebee glad you found the cream, I will be looking for some this weekend.

    I hope I will be able to post weight loss tomorrow. I am excited to see what my first week will bring. I don't know how to do the posting but li4g wrote me a note on how and if I can't figure it out I'll call her and get her out of bed to walk me through it.

    I started drinking Diet Rite cola. 0 calories, 0 carbs,0 caffeine and 0 sodium. So tell me....what the heck does it have in it??????? I figured this is something to wean me off soda all together.

    This has actually been a fun week. It's been fun getting to know you girls and reading the posts every day. It wasn't as hard for me this week as I thought it would be. This is exciting. It's nice to have new friends. Thanks all for being so nice. Good night
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