Questions For Married Folks (For A Class - Help Appreciated)



  • StrongGwen
    StrongGwen Posts: 378 Member
    well, THIS time around we got engaged when I was 41 and he was 51. We had been together as a couple for 7 years before getting engaged. We got married at age 43 and 53. We have been married just over 12 years now. In all I've known him for over 23 years. (as a footnote, the first time I laid eyes on him inside my head I said OMG!)
  • soulfire711
    I got married when I was 25 to a guy that I met when I was 18. We were friends for 5 years while we dated other people and finally got together when I was 23. We dated for a year, were engaged for a year, and we've been married for 2 years now. We're still together and some people tell us that we're nauseating. I think they want the honeymoon to be over. :-)
  • sprky182
    Dated for 7 years before getting engaged at 24, married at 25, still married and coming up on 2 years married, 10 years together.
  • basschick
    basschick Posts: 3,502 Member
    How old were you when you got engaged? How long had you been together before getting engaged? How old were you when you got married? Are you still together (if so, for how long)? Doing some informal research for a class - answers appreciated!

    When we got engaged, I was 25, he was 32. We had been together for 1 year and 9 months. When we got married, I was twelve days shy of my 26th birthday, he had just turned 33 five days before. We have been together for 19 years and married for 16 1/2 years.
  • jfrog123
    jfrog123 Posts: 432 Member
    My husband and I met when I was a senior in high school through mutual friends ( I was 18, he was 23). We dated 8 months before we got engaged. From the time we met until our wedding day was 14 months. On our wedding day I was 19 and he was 24. Looking back I think that I was way too young to be getting married. That being said, in May we will be celebrating our 15th wedding anniversary, and he is still my best friend. But if one of our kids tells me he/she wants to get married at 19 I will do everything in my power to convince them to wait, lol.
  • fionat29
    fionat29 Posts: 717 Member
    Met him via a friend when I was 17/18. Finally got our act together when I was 22, married at 24 when he was 38, yes that's a 14 year gap but we've been together now or 22 years and are so happy together it's sickening. Lol!!
  • missikay1970
    missikay1970 Posts: 588 Member
    How old were you when you got engaged?
    21 years old

    How long had you been together before getting engaged?
    1 year

    How old were you when you got married?
    21 years old

    Are you still together (if so, for how long)?
    yes, together for 21 years, married for 19
  • ccfitme
    I was 27, he was 25 when we got engaged. Had been together 6 months before getting engaged. Got married at 28 and 26. We are still together, married for 6.5 years. :)
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Met and got engaged and married in 1999 I was 20 he was 26. We met got engaged and married all within 1 week I know we were crazy but it has worked for us. Everyone told us we were stupid and it was a mistake. If I could do it all over again I would have waited longer. Been together for almost 13 years it hasn't been easy but we are still in it.
  • Gilliamzoo
    Gilliamzoo Posts: 72 Member
    We started dating the summer of 2002. I was 20, he was 21. We got engaged in November of 2006 (so 4ish years) then married in October 2007. We're still happily together even though life has certainly given us some curve balls.
  • crixmix
    How old were you when you got engaged? How long had you been together before getting engaged? How old were you when you got married? Are you still together (if so, for how long)? Doing some informal research for a class - answers appreciated!

    Engaged at 27 he was 34
    Together 3 months before getting engaged
    Got married a year later, 28
    Still together, 6 years later
  • wises5
    wises5 Posts: 53
    I was 18 and he was 22. We were together about two years a little more. I was 19 and he was 23. Yes were still together, been married about 7 months next week.
  • MistyboBisty
    Started dating when I was 18, he was 26, engaged after 6 months, married 6 months later...I was 19. Still married almost 14 years later.
  • misslolachobble
    Met January 12th ,I was 31,he was 24
    Moved in January 18th
    Still together 21 years later :smile:
  • slimyfishy
    slimyfishy Posts: 114 Member
    How old were you when you got engaged? How long had you been together before getting engaged? How old were you when you got married? Are you still together (if so, for how long)? Doing some informal research for a class - answers appreciated!

    My husband was 18, and I was 19 when we got engaged. We knew each other for 2yrs. When we got married, he was 19, and I was 20 (we couldn't have alcohol at the wedding because we weren't legal drinking age, and none of our friends were either..LOL!)

    We are coming up on our 22nd wedding anniversary. He is the love of my life. We've been through the birth of our son (now 15), buying a house, moving to a new state, 8 job lay-offs, and many deaths of loved ones over those years. Each time we've got through something emotionally draining, we lean on each other. Marriage isn't 50/50. It is 100% ALL THE TIME. You can't be selfish in a good marriage. Put your spouse first, and they need to do the same for you. When you do that, you can tackle anything. :drinker:
  • suraes
    How old when engaged?

    How long together 1st?
    1 year

    How old when Married?

    We have been married for 20 years and have been together for 22.
  • Chaquilas
    Chaquilas Posts: 49 Member
    How old were you when you got engaged? I was 24 he was 22

    How long had you been together before getting engaged? 2 years 11 months

    How old were you when you got married? I was 25 he was 23

    Are you still together (if so, for how long)? as a couple 8 years 5 months, married 4 years 5 months
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    I'm another curve ball!!!

    Met husband when we were both 25 (October 2000 when we started talking....we worked together). First date November 2000.
    Engaged January 2001 (he was 26, I was 25....2 months to the day after our first date).
    Married November 23, 2001 (we were both 26)
    Just passed 10 years of marriage and still going strong!!!!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I don't know if I was ever officially engaged. We met when I was 27 and he was 25, moved in together in 5 months, knew we wanted to get married but didn't know how to plan the "perfect wedding." He wanted to buy me a ring, I thought it was a waste of money and wanted a kitchen remodel instead, so I joke that I have an engagement dishwasher. :tongue:

    We got married at the courthouse after we'd been together about two years, with maybe two weeks of planning (a gown from JCPenney and rings from Sears), once we realized that any time we said our vows, in any circumstances, it would be the perfect wedding. And it was.

    We celebrated our 10th in November. :smile:
  • sjbreeden
    We met on a blind date when we were both 24. Engaged 6 months later, married 7 months after that (he was 26, I was 25 at the wedding, because of how our birthdays fall). So we were together 13 months before we got married; we'll celebrate 23 years this year!