
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Just checking in while it is still Sunday.

    Went to my lace group meeting this afternoon with my GF and then we went to see DBF in the hospital. He sounded a little slurry today, but perhaps he'd had too much meds or was just a bit bored. He'd been for a couple of walks which is good - very quiet on weekends with no physio organized so it is good to see that he is, at last taking the initiative to get on with things.

    My GF and I made supper when we came home and then she left about 9:30 to be home in time for her sister to call her with news of her mum, also in hospital. She is going back to London, Ontario tomorrow and I'll drive her to the station for the train.

    It is holiday day here tomorrow, so no aquafit or Spanish class. I'm taking DBF's brother for a visit in the afternoon.

    And now to bed.....
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Good Monday Morning!

    I have just spent 45 minutes reading and enjoying your posts and don't have time left for any personal responses. Good to hear from you all.:flowerforyou:

    The Okanagan Valley of BC, (Canada) where my parents live is very grey and black and brown this time of year. Driving through the mountains on the way home I wished for a photographer's talent. The trees were black and frosted with snow. The road was black. The sky was grey. Superimposed on this monochrome scene were the bright yellow highway signs. It was a stunning sight.

    My parents told me hours of stories about their cruise along the coast of Chile and Peru. They have decided (at 83) that cruising is not for them because there isn't enough to do! :noway: Overall, though, I think they had a good time. My mother collected some very nice silver jewellery and they both came home with alpaca sweaters.

    Clothes shopping was a blast. I found everything I wanted at one store - the most rewarding purchase was a MEX casual cotton skirt. I bought it in a size 8 - last fall I got the same skirt in a size 12! :bigsmile: Two of my purchases were dresses, they are made of stretchy material and quite fitted in the waist and hips (a big change for me from "relaxed" fit) I must not gain any weight if I want to wear them in the spring! I sated my shopping urge with a long wander through the shopping mall and hours in the bookstore. Bright lights, big city.

    Back home now, and I must leave you all to get J'boy out of bed and start the week. There are no groceries in the house (the price I pay for going away on the weekend) so our lunches will be a mastery of improvisation.

    Hasta pronto,

  • scompton54
    scompton54 Posts: 90 Member
    This article on muscle loss was in the paper today. We don't necessarily have to lose muscle as we age...it's a use it or lose it thing. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/health/fitness/exercise/fitness-research/with-muscles-use-it-or-lose-it-rings-true/article2342273/
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good Monday morning everyone. I felt amazingly good yesterday, although I had a bit of a hangover from drinking chocolate stout at a brew pub downtown on Sat night - went out with friends and had such a fun time laughing and playing cards. The chocolate stout was soooo good, boy was I giddy lol.

    I'm officially back in the saddle after a week or two of feeling totally out of control. I'm pretty sure it was eating too much SUGAR that caused me to lose my wits. It started with the Nature Valley trail mix bars (loaded with sugar) and sweetened dried tart cherries from Costco (addicting) , then came the Valentine's day chocolates. I had a couple of toxic reactions, feeling dizzy and like I was losing my mind. Didn't like it. Not going there anymore.

    I've been doing lots of reading about sugar again. It triggers the brain in the same way other addictive substances do, and I must say I've had insatiable cravings for it (and for everything else I could get my hands on) since including it on a daily basis. I can't put into words how intense the cravings were. I've been wondering what on earth has been happening!! But now I see that sugar is no-no for me, plain and simple. If I do have it, I must use it in VERY small amounts on very rare occasions.

    I was also reading about blood sugar spikes, and liked where someone said to always "eat a protein when you eat a carb". Like peanut butter with apple, cottage cheese with peaches, chicken with rice, etc. Balances the blood sugar levels. Makes good sense.

    This weekend I was listening to the show "Talk Out Loud" on OPB and sure enough the topic was Toxic Sugar. I'm going to check to see if I can find the entire show again since I was only able to hear part of it. But the speaker was describing what role sugar played in the life of our hunter/gatherer ancestors who would only eat sugar once a year (!) in the fall, when the fruit fell from the trees. They'd gorge on it, which caused them to store fat, which in turn was necessary for the coming winter months when all food would be scarce or nil. The speaker mentioned that this is the way nature intended sugar to be used. Really made me stop and think. We have access to everything these days, 24/7, 365.

    Not sure if any of you have seen this or not, but Robert Lustig gives a life-changing speech called "Sugar: The Bitter Truth", you can watch it on youtube. It's fairly long, but really worth watching. Goes into detail about HFCS, obesity, fat storage, etc.

    Good day, I'm off to the track.
    :^) jb
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Monday,

    Just spend 45 min reading the post, no time left to comment....everyone have a good day:flowerforyou: drink your water and let's keep moving.

    Virginia:love: awesome pictures, we all hope to join you some day.

    The weekend had it's ups and downs and now am glad that I'm back to the work routine...just glad for the routine NOT the work part:wink:

  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    I've been doing lots of reading about sugar again. It triggers the brain in the same way other addictive substances do, and I must say I've had insatiable cravings for it (and for everything else I could get my hands on) since including it on a daily basis. I can't put into words how intense the cravings were. I've been wondering what on earth has been happening!! But now I see that sugar is no-no for me, plain and simple. If I do have it, I must use it in VERY small amounts on very rare occasions.

    I was also reading about blood sugar spikes, and liked where someone said to always "eat a protein when you eat a carb". Like peanut butter with apple, cottage cheese with peaches, chicken with rice, etc. Balances the blood sugar levels. Makes good sense.
    jp--if you want to lose your cravings for sugar--phase one of the South Beach living plan really works to lose cravings. And you are right about adding protein when you eat foods with natural sugar--it slows digestion and helps avoid blood sugar spikes.
  • Not sure if any of you have seen this or not, but Robert Lustig gives a life-changing speech called "Sugar: The Bitter Truth", you can watch it on youtube. It's fairly long, but really worth watching. Goes into detail about HFCS, obesity, fat storage, etc.

    Good day, I'm off to the track.
    :^) jb

    Thanks for sharing this. I will definately watch it.
  • Good morning ladies! Boy today sure would have been a perfect sleep in day with the fresh dusting of snow and chilly temps. I wasn't one of the fortunate ones to get today off so off I rushed to work! At least the traffic was light.

    I have only had time to skim through the posts - such a lively bunch here!! I love it !! :happy:

    I have to stop weighing myself everyday. I get so frustrated when it fluctuates and if it goes up at all I get totally mad with myself. My normal weigh in day is Wednesday, so I should just stick with my weigh in day. It seems I just can help but check that goofy scale, even when I know I'm doing everything I should. I think one of my biggest mistakes is not eating the full amount of calories I'm allowed. But if I haven't eaten them all by supper then I don't want to finish them off by eating the rest of them at nighttime. I need to figure this one out.

    I brought my lunch today hoping to get out and walk at lunchtime. We have a fantastic walking trail that runs the entire length of our town and it's right near to where I work. If I don't get my exercise in at lunch then I find the nighttime to be really hard to get it in.

    Hopefully I'll get some more time later today to go back and read through the posts a little closer! Here's to a movin' and groovin' Monday!! Drink that water! :wink:


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  • I was also reading about blood sugar spikes, and liked where someone said to always "eat a protein when you eat a carb". Like peanut butter with apple, cottage cheese with peaches, chicken with rice, etc. Balances the blood sugar levels. Makes good sense.

    I have heard this too. I can't say I always remeber to do it. Have you noticed any impact on your motivation??
  • PS - meant to say about the sugar -- I too have a very active sweettooth which has been my great downfall over the years. Once I get a taste of it it makes me want more - and afterwards I feel horrible - sluggish and lethargic. I even stopped using Splenda because it only makes me crave the sweet even more. I've switched to using Truvia - it's not as sweet, and it is a natural sweetener from the Stevia plant so there isn't the processing involved with any chemicals. I will allow myself a sweet thing every so often, but I do find that if I don't eat it I don't crave it nearly as much. Also, when I find myself craving something like that, I stop and really think about eating that particular thing, and how I will feel AFTER I eat it, and is it really worth the price I pay to eat it? More often than not, I usually end up saying no and just letting it be and surprisingly I find myself being happy with that decision! It gives a feeling of empowerment that proves that my health and well being are worth far more than the empty calories and the poison in that sweet thing whatever it may be!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Thanks for sharing this info. I will read the article. I have noticed how much my muscles have changed in just the last couple of months.
  • Lots of good advice to read through this morning. Thanks, everyone. I'm up and off to join a Meetup group for a 2-3 hour walk. It feels good to get going early.

    I browsed through the Amazon info on the book, The Happiness Project. Despite some not-so-nice reviews from people who are unhappy that the author has money (go figure, I'd like some!), I'm planning to buy the book. The mentions from Sarah and Kackie have me convinced I'll find some worthwhile ideas there.

    One thing I did that was mentioned in the piece of the book on Amazon was get to bed early. The author makes a good case for the importance of enough sleep. I did wake up feeling good and full of ideas. One of them resulted in a phone call to my niece. She's been looking for something to do part-time from home and I'd like to keep my hand in when it comes to writing. We're going to collaborate on a couple of cookbooks. I'm excited!

    Gotta get going...

    Mimi SVQ
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    PS - meant to say about the sugar -- I too have a very active sweettooth which has been my great downfall over the years. Once I get a taste of it it makes me want more - and afterwards I feel horrible - sluggish and lethargic. I even stopped using Splenda because it only makes me crave the sweet even more. I've switched to using Truvia - it's not as sweet, and it is a natural sweetener from the Stevia plant so there isn't the processing involved with any chemicals. I will allow myself a sweet thing every so often, but I do find that if I don't eat it I don't crave it nearly as much. Also, when I find myself craving something like that, I stop and really think about eating that particular thing, and how I will feel AFTER I eat it, and is it really worth the price I pay to eat it? More often than not, I usually end up saying no and just letting it be and surprisingly I find myself being happy with that decision! It gives a feeling of empowerment that proves that my health and well being are worth far more than the empty calories and the poison in that sweet thing whatever it may be!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods

    Good advice here. I find that it never stops with just one cookie for Miss Sharon. I end up eating half the package. Sugar is like cocaine to some and that includes me. I am better to steer clear!

    Started today off eating right and exercising! Puts me in the mood to take care of me the rest of the day! Happy President's Day all! It is nice to have a day off. Enjoy!:flowerforyou:
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Checking in earlier today. Just got back from taking my GF to the train station. She is very fragile at the moment with stress of what to do about her mum.

    Will visit DBF this afternoon. I'm not taking his brother after all - he called to say something had cropped up and maybe I'd take him later in the week.

    Teaching tonight. I have a lot of lace to get done because I have a deadline for a project, so I need to get cracking with it.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,582 Member
    Happy President's day, lovelies! It's taken me hours just to skim the part 2 Feb posts. Wish I had a remote mouse so I could at least march in place while scrolling through 11 pages.

    Heart out to Jane, Amanda all who are struggling with health and grief cares.

    Really enjoyed catching up, laughing at the "Health"-ed and related stories. Stunned by Virginia's photos and Amandas waist line but most of all by Barbie:
    ... The hardest part for me is observing the required day or two or rest between sessions. I enjoy the exercises and I am eager to progress.
    .....at the end of the day I had over 33,000 steps according to my pedometer and over 1000 calories according to my HRM , I'd had a long meaningful visit with my friends and no remorse from extra money spent or extra restaurant calories
    ENJOY the exercise? :noway:
    33,000 steps?!? You continue to inspire.:love:
    Haven't been faithfully logging nor doing needed knee/gutt&butts. Had a great Line Dance workshop Saturday but other than that have come up short on dancing/walking/steps. Time to renew the Lenten lifestyle, and try those Strong Women lifts. Starting NOW (Thanks again Barbie).

    Hugs to ALL,
    Barbara, who WILL be size 10 one day
    February: get DOWN on that mat every day. Average 10K steps/day. Let it be.
    2012: dance more, bark less and CHECK IN!!!
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    Hi Ladies,
    Having to speed read today. Both kids are home and it's gorgeous outside. I find myself relating or being inspired by so much I am reading here. A bright spot in my day.

    I make a weekly trip to the library or if I have the compulsion, buy something for my Kindle. Will have to look for "The Happiness Project". Sounds like a great read.

    I'm reading "Feed Your Brain Lose Your Belly" this week by Larry McCleary MD. So far confirming what I've read about insulin and glucose and it is helping to give me ideas to keep my blood sugar in check.

    Have to get back to exercise tomorrow. I went on a long walk Sunday and my ankle has been giving out again..... Healing is so slow with this injury. It was so good to be outside with my arms pumping. Walking feels so good!

    Wishing all a great week. Happy connecting, loosing, exercising and pumping iron. -
  • Hi Ladies,
    Just began my journey & have miles to go.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • kckramp
    kckramp Posts: 112 Member
    What a waste of a 4 day weekend. I have been sick since Friday night. Finally have enough energy to stay up for a while. Just some kind of flu temperature headache cough. I will be better soon just bummed it happened over the long weekend. Oh well, at least nothing major. Hope you all had a better weekend. Now to go back and catch up on all the posts. At least I did not eat too much over the weekend which are usually my downfall.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    surgery went well.home after 3 hours/dr repaired the damage.resting and no wt bearing til i see him tomorrow.
    thanks for all the well wishes and prayers.
  • Well, I am fairly new to this program and love it. I will be 56 next month and can identify with the slow metabolism once you reach this wonderful age. I walk at least 5 times a week for at least 50 - 60 minutes, as well as recording what I eat at least during the week. I lost 5 pounds up until 2 weeks ago. My problem is that I keep going over my sugar intake. I require at least 2 cups of coffee a day, unfortunately I like my sugar 1.5 teaspoon a cup (which I have cut back from 2). During the week at work, I will drink one cup with just cream and no sugar, but there again I like my cream! I will cut back on other things, so I can enjoy my coffee. I have lost lots of inches since walking for the last 8 months. I am only 5'1" and carry my weight around my midsection and have struggled with that extra weight since 2000 when I went through menapause. I guess my problem is that I start off strong and start to dwindle after a few months. I need the encouragement and support of others to keep on track. I attend our local weight club TOPS in Dryden, Ontario and even though we only have 8 members, I continue to attend weekly meetings to support and to be supported by my TOPS pals. I have been married for 36 years and have three grown sons and 2 grandchildren. I would love to hear any ideas to help me keep on track ! Thanks Kathy Kirkby