Horrible things your parents did to you



  • txnena
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    Too many to recount, but here's one... we were a large family with a small income so she sewed much of our clothing. Everyone knew the Andrews kids were related - we had matching outfits. But hey, I rocked those red denim bell bottomed hip huggers!

    My sister and I had matching dresses, and my mom had ones to match too. She just bought as much of what ever fabric was on sale and sewed us all an outfit. I dread when she pulls out the picture albums!

    Oh Snap! There were seven of us kids, and one year for Xmas my mom dressed us in maroon, crushed velvet matching outfits. The boys had bellbottoms and vests, the girls had vests and HOTPANTS! The outfits were completed with matching ruffled shirts for all...we looked like the Partridge Family...hey it was the seventies, but what was she smoking??!!
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    My mom is psycho too she has ruined plenty of my birthdays by trying to make them all about her or getting mad over stupid things. The night before my 15th birthday my mom asked if I wanted to watch a movie with her on the couch and I said no thanks and the next day on my birthday she ignored me the whole day because she said I was an ungrateful brat. For my 21st she wouldn't let me go to Vegas without her so she went but then made it all about her, when we were at a club I picked something off her dress and she smacked me in the face and said I'm always criticizing her.... Really? And she did a few other things that ruined my Vegas trip. She's a total psycho.
  • alorick
    alorick Posts: 194
    I was a hellion. I was failing 8th grade because I cared more about boys and my friends. I disrupted every class I was in (class clown). So, my dad decided to come to school with me for an ENTIRE DAY. He sat in every single class with me and sat with me at lunch. I was humiliated. The teachers loved it!
  • blessmy5
    Too many to recount, but here's one... we were a large family with a small income so she sewed much of our clothing. Everyone knew the Andrews kids were related - we had matching outfits. But hey, I rocked those red denim bell bottomed hip huggers!

    This is too funny. My maiden name was Andrews and my mom made alot of our clothes, our doll clothes and even our barbie doll clothes. We were the Andrews Sisters (4 of us)! Fantastic smock with matching bell bottoms along with the poncho! Then there was the body suit and bell bottom white hip huggers... I was a "cool cat" in that outfit! LOL!!!!!!
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    My husband's name is MaTThew. However, until he was 12 years old, he thought his name was Adam; for some bizarre reason they called the poor child Adam and it was not part of his full name at all. When he went in the military, they questioned a lot of his transcripts because they all referenced Adam West, who oddly enough is Batman, lmao!

    In fact, his brother, Ray, was Buddy and my husband was Adam and any time you reference either of them by their real name, their parents look confused.
  • Veganbambina
    Veganbambina Posts: 108 Member
    The absolute worst that i can think of right now was when I was hmmm...in grade 2 so probably 7 yrs old. My Father had this mark on his leg, it was big and red and had 2 big holes in it. I still don't know to this day exactly what it was, I think it was maybe a boil? I saw it and asked him what it was and he proceeded to tell me that he was shot in the leg by a bow and arrow years ago and this was the scar. Sooooo...we start to learn about the native Americans in school and I raise my hand in class and the teacher calls on me. I proceed to tell the entire class that my Father was shot in the leg by an Indian with a bow and arrow. My teacher looked a little shocked and asked me how old my Father was. lol I told her i didn't know how old he was and she asks if he's still alive! I said "Yeah" I was confused by her questions but let it slide. My Dad led me to believe this until I was 18yrs old! we were sitting down with the family and I told this story to them. Well, they laughed and laughed and THEN told me it was not true! Jerks...
  • MattODriscoll
    MattODriscoll Posts: 30 Member
    My husband's name is MaTThew. However, until he was 12 years old, he thought his name was Adam; for some bizarre reason they called the poor child Adam and it was not part of his full name at all. When he went in the military, they questioned a lot of his transcripts because they all referenced Adam West, who oddly enough is Batman, lmao!

    In fact, his brother, Ray, was Buddy and my husband was Adam and any time you reference either of them by their real name, their parents look confused.

    Oh gosh, I thought I had problems with a missing T.

    In a similar story my Dad's best friend thought his name was John Kelly all his life - until he saw his birth certificate and his drunken father had registered his surname twice. John's real name was Kelly Kelly LOL
  • hexrei
    hexrei Posts: 163
    The absolute worst that i can think of right now was when I was hmmm...in grade 2 so probably 7 yrs old. My Father had this mark on his leg, it was big and red and had 2 big holes in it. I still don't know to this day exactly what it was, I think it was maybe a boil? I saw it and asked him what it was and he proceeded to tell me that he was shot in the leg by a bow and arrow years ago and this was the scar. Sooooo...we start to learn about the native Americans in school and I raise my hand in class and the teacher calls on me. I proceed to tell the entire class that my Father was shot in the leg by an Indian with a bow and arrow. My teacher looked a little shocked and asked me how old my Father was. lol I told her i didn't know how old he was and she asks if he's still alive! I said "Yeah" I was confused by her questions but let it slide. My Dad led me to believe this until I was 18yrs old! we were sitting down with the family and I told this story to them. Well, they laughed and laughed and THEN told me it was not true! Jerks...

    Whoever said blondes weren't bright?
  • k_sharp
    k_sharp Posts: 100 Member
    My parents did lots of horrible things...

    Once we were watching a Friday the 13th marathon and she had my huge biker neighbor break in and grab the butcher knife in the kitchen.... All I could see was the reflection of someone with a knife in the mirror my brothers and sisters and I were terrified!
  • MattODriscoll
    MattODriscoll Posts: 30 Member
    She'd hear music in a store and *gasp* start dancing. In Public!!! And...she'd talk to strangers. Like have a conversation with people she didn't know.

    I'm scarred for life...and I do these same things. It's like a curse or something...

    Horrible, horrid, horrific.

    Replace your Mom with my Dad and the dancing with karaoke...i am slowly becoming him.
  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    My dad made me read the encyclopedia everyday while on summer break! !:angry:
  • Veganbambina
    Veganbambina Posts: 108 Member
    The absolute worst that i can think of right now was when I was hmmm...in grade 2 so probably 7 yrs old. My Father had this mark on his leg, it was big and red and had 2 big holes in it. I still don't know to this day exactly what it was, I think it was maybe a boil? I saw it and asked him what it was and he proceeded to tell me that he was shot in the leg by a bow and arrow years ago and this was the scar. Sooooo...we start to learn about the native Americans in school and I raise my hand in class and the teacher calls on me. I proceed to tell the entire class that my Father was shot in the leg by an Indian with a bow and arrow. My teacher looked a little shocked and asked me how old my Father was. lol I told her i didn't know how old he was and she asks if he's still alive! I said "Yeah" I was confused by her questions but let it slide. My Dad led me to believe this until I was 18yrs old! we were sitting down with the family and I told this story to them. Well, they laughed and laughed and THEN told me it was not true! Jerks...

    Whoever said blondes weren't bright?

    Ha! I'm NOT Blonde! or...wasn't then. Just extremely gullible.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Too many to recount, but here's one... we were a large family with a small income so she sewed much of our clothing. Everyone knew the Andrews kids were related - we had matching outfits. But hey, I rocked those red denim bell bottomed hip huggers!

    OMG my brother and I had matching red plaid bell bottoms...yay (NOT) for the 70s...lol...
  • kappyd
    kappyd Posts: 199 Member
    When my pops worked on his car he would make me hold the flashlight. You know what I learned.....I can't hold a flashlight. All my dad did was yell at me "You're doing it wrong put the light over here" then he'd hit the back of my head and say "Pay attention pendejo"..........................GOD I f*cking hate flashlights!!!

    Are we brothers, because that sure sounded like my Dad.
  • kathyc727
    kathyc727 Posts: 187 Member
    Too many to recount, but here's one... we were a large family with a small income so she sewed much of our clothing. Everyone knew the Andrews kids were related - we had matching outfits. But hey, I rocked those red denim bell bottomed hip huggers!

  • MattODriscoll
    MattODriscoll Posts: 30 Member
    My dad made me read the encyclopedia everyday while on summer break! !:angry:

    Was it alphabetised? If so, what letter did you get up to? Any favourite topics?
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    SATURDAY MORNING SCHOOL...did you know the dictionaries that come w/ the encyclopedias had vocabulary tests in them? WELL I DO! No wonder I love MATH lol

    oh cmon now. we all know joe jackson gave you some better stories than that.

    LOL Wrong Jackson family! I'm Baptist and from the south ;-)
  • cherriewilliams
    cherriewilliams Posts: 107 Member
    Every time my grand ma would make matching dresses and bonnets for me and my sister who is 4 yrs younger than me my mother would make us dress up and take us to Kmart to get our pictures taken.

    Imagine a 5'7" 8th grader having to go it public with her 10 yr old sister in matching strawberry shortcake dresses and bonnets.
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    My dad made me read the encyclopedia everyday while on summer break! !:angry:

    LOL I think your dad and my mom are SIBLINGS