Apple Cider Vinegar and Virgin Coconut Oil



  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Well everyone is different :)

    I'm going by what I read and researched on both ACV and Coconut Oil & Coconut Butter...and on using both for 2 years.

    The oil to me, taste like an Oil with coconut flavor...kind of like an oil slick on my tongue, makes me gag.
    The butter taste like a Mounds bar without the chocolate....easier to spoon right into my mouth without gagging.

    But that is just me :)

    Ha ha, I guess that is really why I don't like coconut butter then. I never liked mounds or almond joy candy bars.........ICKY.

    But I love coconut in general.............

    I am currently working on a coconut cream pie recipe with a nut crust using no sugar, dairy or grains...............
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    Could it be that you are just eating better and exercising more than before and that's why your stomach has gone down ? Usually when you cut out sugar the fat from your belly starts to disappear....
  • jiggly7
    jiggly7 Posts: 6 Member
    In the book, You On A Diet-Dr. Oz says first thing in the morning take a teaspoon of ACV and mix it with water and drink it. You should do this before you eat or drink anything else.
  • christyodom2
    christyodom2 Posts: 22 Member
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    In the book, You On A Diet-Dr. Oz says first thing in the morning take a teaspoon of ACV and mix it with water and drink it. You should do this before you eat or drink anything else.

    If Dr Oz recommends it then that answers my questions right there....... he knows nothing, his biggest fan and client is Oprah, last time I checked, she has not lost any weight since she has known him...

    If all the supplements her recommends worked, she would be thin and healthy.
  • lorenzoinlr
    lorenzoinlr Posts: 338 Member
    I am in the tropical oil storage business with tanks at the Port of Long Beach as a second career.

    I absolutely love this thread.

    Thank you everybody, I love all of you.
  • luvred51
    luvred51 Posts: 163 Member
  • Mummsy
    Mummsy Posts: 347 Member
    I am in the tropical oil storage business with tanks at the Port of Long Beach as a second career.

    I absolutely love this thread.

    Thank you everybody, I love all of you.

  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
  • dls0516
    dls0516 Posts: 27 Member
  • mrm25
    mrm25 Posts: 3 Member
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I use Bragg's ACV with the Mother, it's the best Organic Vinegar you can buy. Kroger has the best price for it, large bottle is like $3.69. It's like a cleanse for your insides. Stopped my acid problem, scalp problem and one big toe problem (TMI) LOL. NEVER drink ACV straight like a shot or it will burn your throat literally. Always mix with atleast 8 ounces of water.

    The Organic Coconut Oil I only use for cooking, you really shouldn't eat that by the spoon. A lot of people get the two confused. There is Virgin Coconut Oil (for cooking) and Virgin Raw Coconut Butter (for eating from the jar). BIG DIFFERENCE. I buy my Coconut Butter from Whole Foods. It's called Artisana Raw Organic Coconut Butter and cost around $13 for the jar. It's a natural anitviral, antibacterial as very heathly to consume.

    Animal fats have long chain saturated fat, while coconut oil contains healthy, healing, medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). This saturated fat is considered a rare and important building block of every cell in the human body, and can actually reduce cholesterol and heart disease.

    Coconut boosts immunity, kills bacteria and viruses, protects against cancer and other degenerative diseases, and prevents osteoporosis by promoting calcium absorption. It also slows down ageing and is good for skin radiance.

    How I learned this. Two years of trying to figure of why my hands, feet, ankles and toes were so swollen I could barely walk,
    Doctors could only find that I have a severe wheat allergy. So I can't eat wheat, but during that nightmare and test after test after test...I discovered AVC and Coconut Oil and Coconut Butter.

    :) HTH

    Thank you! I loved this read.
  • Bump for later!!
  • mrskristymiller
    mrskristymiller Posts: 12 Member
    I bought All Natural Pure Coconut Oil, I could not find VCO locally. I'm just curious if what I bought would have the same benefits as the VCO?
  • raiderrodney
    raiderrodney Posts: 617 Member
    In the book, You On A Diet-Dr. Oz says first thing in the morning take a teaspoon of ACV and mix it with water and drink it. You should do this before you eat or drink anything else.

    If Dr Oz recommends it then that answers my questions right there....... he knows nothing, his biggest fan and client is Oprah, last time I checked, she has not lost any weight since she has known him...

    If all the supplements her recommends worked, she would be thin and healthy.

    Lol, doesn't matter what works if you never use it :P
  • hateras
    hateras Posts: 33 Member
    Sorry i didn't scan through all of the responses but Dr. Oz just had the ACV recommendation on one of his shows within the last week - ACV in water is recommended. He has also discussed coconut oil which has multiple benefits. It is a healthy fat but is not low in calories most range between 120 to 125 per tablespoon. You want the most pure form of the oil - get it from a whole foods or GNC - cold pressed or virgin oil. It is almost pure white and has a really pleasant taste. Your local super center may sell it in the vitamin section - I am currently trying the Spring Valley brand and there is no difference between that and the 365 brand I bought from Whole Foods. The cost of the Spring Valley is $10.00 for a jar.

    I have tried the coconut oil made by Louana but this is a little on the yellow side and I dont find it as easy to eat as the "good" stuff. If you get a good quality oil you can eat it right out of the jar - grab a spoon and take a bite.

    I add 1 tbsp of coconut oil to my oatmeal or, you can find coconut oil capsules (basically the solid oil shoved into a capsule).
  • mrskristymiller
    mrskristymiller Posts: 12 Member
    Sorry i didn't scan through all of the responses but Dr. Oz just had the ACV recommendation on one of his shows within the last week - ACV in water is recommended. He has also discussed coconut oil which has multiple benefits. It is a healthy fat but is not low in calories most range between 120 to 125 per tablespoon. You want the most pure form of the oil - get it from a whole foods or GNC - cold pressed or virgin oil. It is almost pure white and has a really pleasant taste. Your local super center may sell it in the vitamin section - I am currently trying the Spring Valley brand and there is no difference between that and the 365 brand I bought from Whole Foods. The cost of the Spring Valley is $10.00 for a jar.

    I have tried the coconut oil made by Louana but this is a little on the yellow side and I dont find it as easy to eat as the "good" stuff. If you get a good quality oil you can eat it right out of the jar - grab a spoon and take a bite.

    I add 1 tbsp of coconut oil to my oatmeal or, you can find coconut oil capsules (basically the solid oil shoved into a capsule).
  • mrskristymiller
    mrskristymiller Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you! I bought the LouAna brand :/ I will check in the vitamin section for the SV brand. I mean, do you think using this jar would be okay and have some of the same benefits. I hate to waste the whole jar. Thanks for the advice...I will know where to look next time.
  • mxcatala
    mxcatala Posts: 19 Member
  • kirianna55
    kirianna55 Posts: 459 Member
    Here is the general information on apple cider vinegar:

    Apple cider vinegar is rich in minerals like magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and potassium. Mineral deficiency can worsen joint pain, so a diet rich in essential minerals is an important step to relieving the pain of arthritis. The potassium in cider vinegar may be especially beneficial because it works to prevent calcium build-up in the joints, which is linked to joint stiffness.

    Raw, unprocessed apple cider vinegar is also rich in beneficial enzymes and acids that improve digestive health. Taking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar before a meal will encourage proper digestion of food and absorption of nutrients. This is vitally important for those with arthritis, a condition which is connected to poor digestion that can lead to deficiencies in minerals and other nutrients. These nutrients are crucial for joint health, so it is imperative that the body be capable of absorbing and using them. With apple cider vinegar, this is made possible even if you have arthritis.

    Experts suggest that joint pain and arthritis may be linked to toxins accumulating in the joints, since metabolic waste is often stored in connective tissues. At the same time, people with joint pain tend to shun activities that might trigger more pain, and the lack of movement may cause toxins to build-up even more. The pectin in apple cider vinegar helps absorb toxins and move them out of the system, while the acids in cider vinegar work to purify and detoxify the entire body.

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