Horrible things your parents did to you



  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member

    After 10 minutes of trying to teach me stick, my dad had me stop the truck...switched me spots, looked at me and said "NEVER buy a clutch. You drive the car, it's an automatic" To this day I still cannot drive a stick...well, vehicle stick anyway :devil:

    same thing with me!!! Horrible too - I really want a civic si, but they're manual :(
    Maybe you need a new teacher. My father and my best friend tried to teach me and I failed miserably, but my husband taught me and it was easy! You need someone who has a proven track record.
  • MyFeistyEvolution
    MyFeistyEvolution Posts: 1,015 Member
    My mom cut my hair. I always looked like I'd be hacked by Edward Scissorhands. :grumble:
  • LadyKT
    LadyKT Posts: 287 Member
    My parents rented the movie "It" when I was a little kid. I snuck out to the top of the stairway and watched some of it (It was a perfect view of the living room tv.). Of course I thought it was terribly scary. I thought I was smooth, and slipped back in bed. Didn't think my parents noticed I had been up there watching. I woke up in the middle of the night to see a clown head "floating" by my bedside. Then the walkie talkies in my room crackled to life in the darkness saying "Come down here where everything floats" in a creepy voice. I was TERRIFIED.

    My dad had crawled under my bed while I was asleep...I had this bank that looked like a clown, and to get the money out you had to take the head off. He had taken the head off, stuck it on the end of a pencil and was "floating" it next to the bed in the dark.

    I never, ever snuck out to my "hiding spot" to watch movies after bedtime again. I'm also still terrified of clowns.

    Pardon me for saying this....but HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! I'm sorry you're traumatized by that, but that is hilarious.
  • LadyKT
    LadyKT Posts: 287 Member

    After 10 minutes of trying to teach me stick, my dad had me stop the truck...switched me spots, looked at me and said "NEVER buy a clutch. You drive the car, it's an automatic" To this day I still cannot drive a stick...well, vehicle stick anyway :devil:

    same thing with me!!! Horrible too - I really want a civic si, but they're manual :(
    Maybe you need a new teacher. My father and my best friend tried to teach me and I failed miserably, but my husband taught me and it was easy! You need someone who has a proven track record.

    I need someone with patience. Saint like patience. I'm very difficult when frustrated!
  • Twinkletoestasha
    Twinkletoestasha Posts: 53 Member
    My boy is 4 and hiding behind corners or doors and jumping out shouting RARGH never gets old ! I love it..it will make him a stronger person...LOL:laugh:

    My dad found it hilarious to pounce after I got ready with an egg on the head..........there were alot of outfit changes and delays due to this stupid hoax. Started to keep the actual outift I wanted in my room wear something casual downstairs......:indifferent:
  • lyngoode
    lyngoode Posts: 197 Member

    -One time, when I was maybe 12, he was working on his car and I was helping him. He took out some petroleum jelly to lube up a part, and then somehow got onto the subject of how you should never let a guy have sex with you up your butt, because its disrespectful. Yes, my dad had this conversation with me when I was that young...I think I might be a little traumatized and that's why I can't forget it.

    OMG, I could not stop laughing at this--so sorry....
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    They told me I was awesome and can accomplish anything!! Those inhuman *kitten*!! Because of them I Now live life LIKE A BOSS!

  • interceptor311
    interceptor311 Posts: 980 Member
    My father took me to see Poltergeist when I was 6!! I still cant watch it
  • oceanchristy
    My dad loved to embaress me as a kid.

    For one birthday party when i was about 8 or 9 he showed up in cowboy boots and shorts. Need I say more?
    My face was a hundred shades of red.
    He also used to pick me up from school blasting the riverdance soundtrack.

    My mom on the other hand , used to take my bedroom door off its hinges whenever I slammed it.
    It was pretty akward considering my room was right next to the entrance to the house.
  • beckihadfield87
    ooh gosh, my dad sent me to my first non-uniform day at secondary school in a neon green jogging suit, with a brand new cut pudding bowl bob. never did live that one down, thanks dad!
  • Temporalia
    Temporalia Posts: 1,151 Member

    My parents were bunnies, I would always have the bedroom beside their bedroom. They are impulsive bunnies so I would be woken up at 2am, 5am, late at night by their bed banging on the wall and my mom screaming. How's that for torture? I remember having a friend over for a sleep over and I had to put a pillow on her face because she was laughing so hard. When I got older I asked them if there was a way I could sleep all night without being woken up and my dad said: "you prefer we make love or war" to which I said sometimes I would prefer war.

    Also, they made us do most of the cleaning starting age 8 until we got out of there (at 21 for myself). 3 times a week after school brother and I would vacuum, dust, clean the bathrooms, clean our rooms. We would do the dishes, make our bed and prepare my parent's night coffee every day, no breaks (except if we weren't having dinner there, once we got older).

    My parents were very military style, if we would come in 2 minutes late at night, we would have to come in 2 minutes early the next night. Until I was 18, I had to be in at 9pm on weekdays (that was between 15 and 18, before that was 8:00pm, and before 13, we couldn't go out at night during the week) and 11pm on weekends. At 18, they just let me go and said I could do whatever, I was lost...
    After a few late night (including my brother crawling drunk into bed), they decided that 11pm would be the latest we would get in.

    Fun times!
  • PeaceLoveVeggies
    PeaceLoveVeggies Posts: 682 Member
    We had a dog once that got sick, so she had to take the dog down the street and leave it in an empty lot.

    Wow. Your mom does sound horrible. Poor dog. I hope he ended up in a safe place rather than a shelter where he was either euthanized or picked up by someone who wanted to use him as a bait dog for dogfighting.
  • CajunApril
    CajunApril Posts: 60 Member
    My dad is the type, "don't do as I say, do as I am thinking"


    On fishing boat, me, mom, dad.

    Dad: April (thats me) throw the anchor, this looks like a good spot.
    April: Ok, "throws anchor"
    Dad: NOT THERE!!!!!

    April (not daring to say this outloud in fear of the coast guard never finding the body): OMG!! is there really a bad spot? Its all water???!!!!
  • Ro0kins_Wedding
    My grandmother used to make me eat my own vomit.

    That's a horrible thing right?
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    This topic is full of win!
    George Lopez has a great standup act relating to a lot of this.
  • CajunApril
    CajunApril Posts: 60 Member
    My grandmother used to make me eat my own vomit.

    That's a horrible thing right?

  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    Well I was a hard core tomboy growing up and my mother hated it..... Until I was about 12 everything she bought me was either pink frilly or sparlky...... She sure had a heart attack when I got money for my 12 birthday and went shopping. I came home with Jincos metallica shirts and star wars stuff. Needless to say it was an ongoing battle til I moved out lol:bigsmile: and to this day I still wont wear pink
  • nananie2
    nananie2 Posts: 272 Member
    My grandmother used to make me eat my own vomit.

    That's a horrible thing right?

    I hope you're kidding... that's just horrible!
  • Ro0kins_Wedding
    My grandmother used to make me eat my own vomit.

    That's a horrible thing right?

    I hope you're kidding... that's just horrible!

    Nope, not kidding. Now I have a eating disorder.

    Welcome to my world :-)
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,425 Member
    OMG, I am crying at some of these!

    My mom was a single mother so for the most part was pretty cool. I did have the awful homemade clothes (um, denim SUIT in middle school anybody? nowhere close to Levis and a jean jacket) and then when she actually bought me stuff it was just plain bad. Cranberry pants with applique flowers up the leg. Not a good look. I had a Florence Henderson haircut for awhile to go along with those pretty clothes.

    I do remember one time driving home from the store. She was married at the time so was in the passenger seat and she pulls out a big old box of pads and turns around to me in the backseat holding them up and pretending to do a commercial at a stoplight. I was MORTIFIED!

    She also loved thrill rides (which I totally get from her and have passed on to my kids) but I absolutely hated that stupid ride where at fairs that was round like a ferris wheel but had kinda cage like things you would sit in and the whole wheel would go around and the cage like things would go around too. She MADE me go on that ride and I remember being in tears! (I'd probably love it today!)