
  • I have to get moving today so don't have much time to post but I have to say, "Sea Lions?" Yowza. We Do have a variety of critters to watch out for!

    I hear you about the flabby skin. I remind myself that flabby skin is a small price to pay for how much better I look and feel. I still don't like it!

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    So far so good for me. But I have a problem with some of the calorie counts. When you are making a reciped that don't have the calorie count...do you just take all the ingreidents and add them sepratetly? I think I maybe getting to ticky. But I've been under my calorie intake for the past two days. And I'm trying to over figure the calories that I do eat. Because they have diffrent amounts that show up when I check them. I drink ALOT of water...so I'm really just not hungry. And when I am hungry I eat. This has never happened to me before :happy: . And I love SALADS!! So I'll be looking for some great ideas! Have a great week everyone!

    The easiest way to add one of your own recipes:
    Click on your "Food" tab. Underneath it in the darker blue, click on "Recipes." Then on the right, click the green button that says "enter new recipe." From there, you can enter the title of your recipe and how many it serves. Then start adding ingredients. It will give you a running total of calories per serving at the bottom as you go. When you are done, click save at the bottom. I usually don't click to share my recipe, because I am unsure if they have come up with a process of how they are going to do that yet.
    Anyway, then whenever you go to add food to your diary, you can go to the recipes and add a serving easily. If you have problems or I wasn't clear enough, feel free to message me your questions and I would be happy to help you. Mary
  • Hello everyone!
  • blissfuldrake
    blissfuldrake Posts: 128 Member
    Well, guys and dolls, it has been a while between posts on here. I've been rather 'BLAH' about doing the super fast paced exercising that was giving me huge boost of frenetic energy and happy, happy endorphin highs. Need to start walking with Leslie again.

    Today, the weather is in the 60s with clear skies and a wonderful breeze. It was perfect for walking. Barb and I took a couple of dogs and started exploring the back side of the property...all the way down to the creek (or 'crik'). Cinnamon isn't used to walking. so about a half hour into the walk she was INSISTING on being carried. LOL Does that count as weight training? She's pretty fat, so I'd guess she's around 15 pounds. I had a shopping bag with scissors and loppers and two jackets (in case we got cold) I was lugging around, too. Picked some nice wild onion chivey things to dry and use later.

    Yesterday was just as beautiful. I took Connie out for some instruction/discussion and harvested charcoal left from the sacred Yule/Winter Solstice fire. We ended up walking the same route Barb and I took today.

    Doors and windows are open all over the house and the fresh breeze is invigorating the place, driving out all the old, stale air. And believe me, it can get old and stale pretty quick with two smokers, a cockatoo and 17 Shih'Tzus in the house...LOL

    Ariel is squirming around, wanting to pre-wash my plate that held my extra-spicy hummis. Hmmm... :evil: yep, I'm letting her have at it. Meanwhile, Bella is in my arms giving me puppy kisses.

    Vickim...good to meet you. Life is an ongoing challenge. I'm glad you're up to it.

    Blessings to all. I hope your days go well.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,276 Member
    Hi all,

    Such a quiet Monday so far -- I hope Nancy's isn't balancing mine out in the universe by being completely nuts! I'm off to try my new interval cardio training set for this week (shorter rests...) with the music I downloaded yesterday that is set for the exact number of seconds for each interval. It's supposed to be helpful -- I'll see about that!

    I'm envious of all you with dogs. I used to raise boxers and always had dogs except for the years I went away to study and began my working life, but since I joined forces with DH have had to give them up due to his asthma. I'll live vicariously through your doggie walks, ok?

    OK. Can't put off the workout any longer!

  • LauraJWStevenson
    LauraJWStevenson Posts: 55 Member
    Thankyou...I'll give that a try.
  • linmartermarros
    linmartermarros Posts: 8 Member

    Such a joy to read all the posts - from sea lions to saggy skin to skiing.

    I have had a wonderful day thanks to not listening to the weather forecast. Road my bike to the grocery store to weigh in (7 miles), came home and walked 11/2 miles and since the rain continued to hold off I jumped in the pool and swam a half mile and did water exercises. Forgot to eat lunch - wanted to do one more thing before I ate. Now I know every day can't be this great, especially after we head back to Pittsburgh for the summer and leave this weather paradise of Florida, but I can dream.

    Have a great week everyone.

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    good afternoon all,
    i weigh in before packing up the scale....and i am NOT surprised i gained:mad: :angry: :explode: , i adjusted my ticker to reflect the gain....i have been eating and eating, it a combination of sadness, a bit of a funk and frustration.....we have moved into #2sons house and will be moving all of our stuff into a storage unit for a couple weeks, until we move into our house.....this month has been maddening between being sick(stomach, bronchitis) i have only workout 4 times....so starting thursday its back to what works for me, exercise, logging and eating well....thanks for listening, guys...:flowerforyou:
  • mixdouble
    mixdouble Posts: 41 Member
    Hi all,
    My weekend was sure crazy trying to get ready for my flight to Dallas on Wed. Sure hope the weather there is good. I'm looking for a little vitamin D.
    Saturday I squeezed in an hour walk with my crazy lab, the went to a meeting and worked on my computer getting ready for the trip. We had dinner with friends at Macaroni Grill. Ended the day way over calories...but had a great plan for Sunday.
    DH planned to join my sister and me to provide "color commentary" for the Oscars. Started the day with Rowing machine and Cycle workouts, went to the mall to look for missing wardrobe pieces (not much luck there) and then made it home for the Oscars and dinner. We planned ahead so that the food was healthy and easy to eat as we watched. Home made guacamole on fresh red pepper spoons, cold grilled chicken tenders, plain fat free greek yogurt with fresh raspberries and grapes. Yes, I had my wine but drank lots of water too. We had a great time and the payoff was this morning when I got on the scale and hadn't gained any weight.
    Sure would like to leave at least 1 more pound on the ground when I fly away.
    No work out today unless I can do some after dinner walking.
    Tomorrow will fit in at least 30 minutes before heading to work.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Just popping in to save my place...hoping to catch up tonight:flowerforyou:
  • Hello ladies, been sick and working, very tired after. Trying to get some work done in the house ready to sand and finish my soft pine floors and paint my walls. I like fall colours, they give me energy, so I am trying to find some of those colours I can co ordinate around the house without making a flash or loud look. I have thought of some soft beiges, rustic browns, greys and blues to add in.

    Have not had the time to read posts as yet, just got the time to check in and now I must get to the chores. Tomorrow is eleven hours at work, so I must get things done today. Have a great week everyone, stay focused and remind yourselves that you do the best for yourself and yourself will look the best.

    Take care;

  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    Just a quick check-in last night of graveyard.
    I was wondering if anyone can recommend a book or web site for routines for free weights.
    Everyone have a great week.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Monday is almost over...

    Jane Congrats to your Hubby getting a job:drinker:

    Welcome to all of those of you new people, and I see that we now have TWO Laura's...so I guess I will be Laura80111.

    I had a very busy weekend and before I knew it it was Monday and I hadn't been on the computer all weekend.:blushing: I will try and be better in the future, because that's what got me in this "gained some back" position to begin with.

    It's very windy here in Denver today, we've had some really big gusts of wind and it makes it feel colder than what it is, although I'm looking at sun with blue skies:wink:

    I will post more tomorrow, I am planning on making lasagna rolls for dinner tonight and I'm hoping Hubby likes them, I keep using him as a "test taster" and so far he hasn't rejected any of my lower fat, lower calorie, no sugar foods.

    Everyone have a good evening and don't foreget to drink your water and get up and get moving.

  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Evening folks. Checking in before choral society practice.
    It was a day FULL of grandkids. Two kids here this morning (regular morning for their mom to go to school) and then this afternoon I watched the newborn for a couple of hours so the new mom could get some needed sleep. Of course he slept for me the entire time. lol

    I got up and went to the gym this morning. Forced myself to move. Tomorrow I'm getting up and running. I have to do something because evil food entered my house over the weekend and I snacked on it WAY too much today. Stayed within calorie count but it wasn't healthy calories.

    Yay for the husband's job! Always good to hear of jobs being gotten!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Vicki, I am so glad to see you back and it is really true that today is the first day of the rest of your life and it can be a new beginning......this thread continues to have the support and encouragement that you remember from before and we will all be here for you.......use the tools that worked for you before and stay open-minded to learning some more :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Virginia, when I lost weight I discovered, like you did, that I am colder than I used to be and the side benefit is that I wear more long pants and long sleeves and don't have any need to be showing off my flabby skin in shorts and tank tops in hot weather.

    :bigsmile: Joyce, right now I am doing a weight training program at home with dumbbells and ankle weights........the program comes from "Strong Women Stay Young" by Miriam E. Nelson........the other book that I'm using as a resource is "Strength Training for Women" by Joan Pagano :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Nancy, I have seen the spots on TV supporting BC teachers and wondered how it was affecting you......in my years of teaching I experienced several face-offs as a teacher and remember how hard they were on everyone.......where I taught in California, negotiations were by school district rather than by state which is different from BC.

    :bigsmile: Kackie, you and DH look great on the slopes.

    :flowerforyou: jb, sea lions in the river
    one more reason I don't ever let my dogs off leash except in the house :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: blissfuldrake, I think you'd have to raise Cinnamon up and down over your head or do squats with her in your arms to really qualify as weight training.:laugh:

    :bigsmile: cold (-4C, 25F) and beautiful here this morning :bigsmile: perfect for walking.....found time for chores and errand and yoga ( the part of my February goals that gets neglected).

    Best wishes to all for an active and happy and healthy week.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    :bigsmile: Kackie you and DH look great. I am so jealous. I wish I could go skiing again. It has been 20 years.

    Like Barbie said it was really cold this morning. I had to scrap the windsheild. I wish I could have stayed home and walked the dogs instead of heading off to work.

    I don't see mountain lions around my home but I do run into deer alot.

    Just random thoughts. trying to post more. off to make chicken topped salads for dinner.
  • megathome111
    megathome111 Posts: 58 Member
    Good Evening all...

    Made it through the weekend relatively unscathed...the Coq au Vin was not exactly diet-friendly and Rob's Amazing Mashed potatoes were amazing...but again not diet friendly. I concentrated on serving size, and was up a bit from yesterday morning, but all in all, I wasn't unhappy. Tomorrow is WW Weigh-In, so we will see what it brings. I know what my scales say, and I am pleased...but the only ones that count tomorrow are the WW scales.

    Walked at lunch and this evening...I have to admit that the alarm clock won out over the treadmill this morning...will rectify that tomorrow morning. I think it had to do with being up until 10:30 with the kids & grand-doggie here. I am a very early to bed, early to rise type person...normally crawl off to read for a bit at 9 am. It was well worth it...we had a really nice visit..

    Brian had planned fajitas for dinner...which I love, but even the wheat wraps are hard for me to justify. Luckily my co-worker who is a master gardener brought me a big bag of fresh lettuce from his garden today. I washed it up, chilled it up, forgot about the wrap and had a healthier Fajita salad. It was almost a crime to cover that wonderfully fresh & tender lettuce with all the fajita fixin's, but I did, and it was very good. Have another salad fixed up and in the fridge for tomorrow's lunch, and already looking forward to it.

    I think I am going to head off to bed to read (or at least try):yawn: . Hubby is watching the race, which I have no interest in, so will delve deeper into The Happiness Project.

    Great evening all,
  • Congratulations on the weight loss!! WTG!
  • yoyoung
    yoyoung Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I just turned 50 and am looking for women with hormonal, hypothyroid weight gain issues. I just joined the site yesterday and love it.
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Good evening ladies. Back to work tomorrow (my work week is Tues-Sat.) so I will make this brief.
    Had a decent weigh in today- down .4 pounds. I have 1.6 more to go to my goal. Walked in the park today. It was in the 40's but still pretty windy.
    Tomorrow is a long day-5 hrs at the airport and 5 hours at Christopher Banks. I have ingredients ready to make pulled chicken in the crock pot. That way I can get a walk in at the mall before I come home and dinner will be ready when I get there. No one else in my house knows how to cook! Actually, I think that they just don't want to.